Janice TaylorWhat a wonderful interview with a very inspiring, creative and lively author!  Janice Taylor is one of the country’s leading health and wellness coaches, and she writes from personal experience.  In her new book, “All is Forgiven, Move On“,  Janice writes about her personal bout with weight loss and how she finally came to the point of acceptance and forgiving herself. This shift in her mindset has provided her the inner strength and ability to not only lose the weight, but to keep it off for years.

She explains that to change our bodies we need to radically shift our attitude–get out of our ruts, forgive ourselves for past sins, and move on with a positive outlook.  In her book she offers 101 forgiving, fun and fat-burning steps along the road to weight loss to help readers recharge and stay inspired when the journey get rocky.  Each of the steps in the book ends with a “point of view” –a fresh perspective on weight loss–and includes advice and activities.

All Is Forgiven, Move On” is loaded with wonderful art, recipes and exercises that will engage the reader and get you moving in the right direction with your weight release program.  I have personally reviewed many books on weight loss, and this is undoubtedly the most creative, fun and engaging book that I have ever reviewed.   When you pick up ” All is Forgiven, Move On” you realize that Janice has put her heart and soul into the message and really wants to help people learn how to love themselves, and lose weight.

Janice has created a wonderful website, and you can also join her “Our Lady of Weight Loss Kick in the Tush Club”.  If you would like more information on either her newsletter, book or wonderful coaching programs please click here to access her website.


Enjoy this wonderful interview with the very lively and interesting weight loss Queen–Janice Taylor.

Jeffrey GittermanIs money really the root of all evil?  In my interview with Jeffrey Gitterman we explore the fascinating relationship and role that money plays in  our lives.  Gitterman, a successful financial advisor and rags to riches story, has done an amazing job with his new book entitled, “Beyond Success”, in helping the reader to understand the true meaning of money.  Gitterman shares his liberating and dynamic approach to lasting spiritual, creative and financial fulfillment.  He draws on his own experiences and stories of many people he has worked with and learned from. The key to success, he says, is an ongoing commitment to doing, giving and accomplishing.  Gitterman states, “When we really understand that there is nothing we can get that will make us happy, we can stop striving to accumulate more and more”.   He says that we need to redirect our ‘seeking system,’ enlist it in the service of what we want to express to the world, rather than how we want to feel

Challenging the value of both conventional and material standards and fleeting emotional states, “Beyond Success” presents a new currency for measuring success: attention.  As Jeff makes clear, the intangible force of attention is the key to economic, commercial, political and social and personal power.  Why is attention so powerful? “Because,” as Jeff sums it up, “what you choose to put your attention on is where you direct your energy — in all its many forms, including your time, your creativity, and of course your money”.

Jeffrey Gitterman is one of the most interesting authors I have interviewed regarding our relationship to money, and how with some minor shifts in our conscious thought and spiritual understanding of how to utilize money for good we can grow our abundance in all areas of our lives.

I hope you enjoy this interview Jeff, and if you would like to learn more about his Beyond Success workshops and other coaching services please visit his website.

Victoria MoranIf you want an author that walks her talk then Victoria Moran’s new book entitled, “The Love-Powered Diet” is a must read for anyone who is looking to release weight.  You see as a young adult Victoria was the daughter of a mother and father that were in the weight loss business, and Victoria was about 60 lbs over weight.

Her new book is all about how if you look inside yourself, and learn how to appreciate who you really are that this is the beginning of a successful weight release program.  Now, this is not to say that you can just love yourself and the pounds will just melt away. The psychological aspects of weight release are just as complicated if not more so than calorie reduction and exercise.

The “Love-Powered Diet” addresses a duel dilemma: the addictive nature of overeating and the nutritional shortfalls of the standard American diet.  It offers solutions for both.

The Love-Powered Diet is really simple, and it distills down to two parts.  (1) Inner awareness of unconditional love can make profound changes in a person’s life. (2) Inner change includes the ability to make positive, loving food choices.

I highly recommend this book, and I know you are going to love my interview with Victoria.  If you would like to learn more about Victoria’s other books and her appearances please click here to access her website.

Have fun reading this book, it is all about how much you can love yourself to health and wellness.

Patricia Varley While Patricia is not an author yet, she is certainly a highly qualified speaker, trainer and coach.  Her concepts and ideas about leading your life from the inside out will assist anyone seeking to grow and learn more about themselves.

She works with business people in assisting them to become transformational leaders and thinkers.  In my interview with Patricia we explore the patterns that we need to shift to obtain a more balanced life and to become more centered.

Reinventing Success from the Inside Out with Patricia Varley is a powerful facilitation guide and supports participants in transitioning between the mainstream and what is evolving on the planet at this transformative time in history. She leads people through the processes, tools, techniques and strategies to awaken their integral authenticity and discover and communicate their uniqueness and live their vision. She assists a wide range of clients in multiple industries, developing and implementing creative strategies and insights to help them achieve integrated and satisfying professional and personal lives. By connecting them more to who they are, they are better prepared to shift and take an evolutionary leaps in all areas of their lives and work and live from their highest potential.

I am certain that you will see a book in the near future by Patricia. But in the meantime you can visit her website to learn more about her coaching, and workshops by clicking here.

Paul Lemberg I have known Paul Lemberg for many years.  He is definitely an out-of-the-box thinker.  His concepts about how to market yourself and your business have always been cutting edge.  In my interview with Paul he will explain what he refers to as “Being Unreasonable.”

In Paul’s book Be Unreasonable – The Unconventional Way to Extraordinary Business Results, he states that it is about a liberation that comes from shaking off the shackles of normality and being Unreasonable in your demands on yourself and your work.   He says that extraordinary accomplishments begin with extraordinary actions.  Extraordinary in itself mean “extra” ordinary as in above the ordinary.  Being unreasonable means achieving the extraordinary by doing things beyond what people consider normal.

We have the opportunity in our interview together to discuss some of the 20 key points he makes about people who practice extraordinary action,
and the benefits they gain both personally and professionally.  In these unusual times Paul’s approach just might make sense for many of you seeking to improve your bottom line while at the same time grow your business.  He is a true master of marketing and sales and has some wonderful ideas.  I hope you enjoy our interview together, and I encourage you to visit his website by clicking here for more information about his teleclasses, books and coaching programs.