In my recent interview with author Susan David, we had the opportunity to speak about her new book entitled ” Emotional Agility-Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life.”   The premise behind Susan work is that if people can learn the techniques of emotional agility, they can master the challenges in life that frequently derail them and create depression and despair.

It is all about navigating our inner world which consists of the negative self-talk, our thoughts, feelings and the habitual patterns that we create in our life that do not serve us from releasing our emotional baggage.  Emotional Agility is an innovative approach to navigating life’s twist and turns with insight and accordingly to our values, rather than our knee-jerk “hooks” in which our thoughts, emotions, and stories drive our behavior.

If you want to learn more about Susan’s work you can visit the book website by clicking here. You can also take her free Emotional Agility Quiz and get your free 10 page personalized report. You can connect with Susan on Facebook by clicking this link.  I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Susan David who provides insightful advice on how to release the emotional triggers that are holding us back.


“Your past can not be changed, but you can change tomorrow by your actions today.”  This great quote is part of a new book by author and co-founder of the Hudson Institute called “Life Forward-Charting the Journey Ahead.”

At the true heart of “Life Forward“, it is masterful as assisting the reader in understanding how to deal with change.  We all know that change is the biggest constant in our lives, but considering the rapid pace of change in our high tech, alway on society, it would be great to learn how to navigate change more effectively.

Most developing cultures in the first half of the twentieth century looked at the world through lenses prepared to see evolving stability, progress, and in the U.S., the good old American dream.  The lenses that we now see through are change, change, change, change.

The forces of change seem to have no containment, limits or predictable sources of control.  Those of us still wearing the old lenses have increasing difficulty seeing the astounding advantages of the new paradigm–the global marketplace, worldwide civilization, multicultural peoples, new careers, technological advances, transnational political structures and more.

In my interview with Pam we discuss the old rules and the new rules, these new rules are a foundation to assisting the reader in learning how to cope and assess how to deal with change. I know you are going to really enjoy my interview with author Pam McLean.   If you want to learn more about the book, and the wonderful courses and programs that the Hudson Institute offers please click here.


In my recent interview with author Joanna Garzilli we speak about her new book “Big Miracles-The 11 Spiritual Rules for Ultimate Success“.  During our interview together we get to discuss the 11 Spiritual Rules starting with ” Aligning with Spirit”.

In my dialogue with Joanna she tells some of her personal story in finding these laws and the personal pain she experienced, but the first law is about being a spiritual being, and knowing that you don’t have to imitate someone else, all you need to do is learn how to be yourself.  While this might sound easy, so many people don’t have the confidence and the self-esteem and they are constantly trying to be someone they believe is better than them—well no one is better than you finding your authentic self and letting the world know.

Joanna’s second law is “Being a Spiritual Vehicle”.  She state that in choosing a spiritual path you are choosing a path of continuous personal growth and actively seeking your spiritual transformation.   Your main purpose is to expand your capacity to both give and receive love.  I hope you will read her new book “Big Miracles” to learn about the other 9 laws to assist you in transforming your life to that of a spiritual being.

Throughout “Big Miracles” author Joanna Garzilli is providing practical advice and techniques to awaken your spiritual being, and in so doing achieving the ultimate success in life you desire.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with Joanna, for more information about the book please click here to be directed to her website, or click here to join her on Facebook.


Bill Jensen is a returning guest to Inside Personal Growth.  This time he joins me to discuss a book he published sometime ago called The Simplicity Survival Handbook.  Simplicity is something that we all need a bit more of in our lives. We have become more inundated with complexity in our world as a result of the speed of transmission of information, and the devices that keep us tethered every minute.   We are spending more time on email, distracted by social media not to mention that the devices are “always on” which leads to us being so distracted that we are not paying attention to our most important relationship–our family.

Simplicity is the power to do less (of what does not matter), simplicity is the power to do more (of what does matter), states Jensen. Bill guides the reader on how to reduce email clutter, write shorter emails, go to fewer meetings, how to quickly communicate with anyone more effectively, how to leave shorter voicemails and much more.

If you are like most technology workers your day is filled with emails, voicemails, texts, meetings and attempting to put out fires and solve problems.  Now this is what you are probably paid to do, but what if you could shift some of those activities to more productive and creative endeavors?  Imagine the value you would bring to your organization, and how much better you would feel everyday.

I encourage you to listen to and implement some of the thirty-two techniques that Bill Jensen writes about in his book “The Simplicity Survival Handbook“.  You can learn more about Bill Jensen by clicking here to be directed to his website.  You can also watch a presentation on the Future of Work Bill did in 2015 by clicking here.


Most of us are aware that branding ourselves  or our companies can be a challenging task.  It is as if there is a magic formula that when you have the correct ingredients your company can blast off into the stratosphere where customers are clamoring to subscribe to your service or purchase your products.

David Tyreman has authored a book entitled “World Famous-How to Create a Kick-Ass Brand.  David has worked with some of the biggest companies like Banana Republic, Nordstrom, Macy’s, Nike and many others.  In my interview with David we explore the components that are required to create a kick-ass brand.  David explains there are five of them and they are:  1) Dare 2) Learn Why People Buy 3) A Defined Differentiation 4) Adding Value 5) Ready, Set Engage.  These steps make up the roadmap for someone wanting to develop their brand.

We also discuss the power of a super niche, defining what you do best and not spreading yourself too thin that your customers are confused by your offering or service.   You also need to be concerned and do you research on the demographics and psychographics of your target customer.  Remember not everyone is your customer, so develop a plan and research your customer profile so you know what makes them tick.

David is a master at helping people brand themselves or their company.  His book “World Famous-How to Create a Kick-Ass Brand” is loaded with stories, examples and advice that can assist both the newbie or the experienced marketer.

I would recommend that you check out David Tyremen at his website by clicking here.  World Famous also has a great branding course that you might want to consider taking.  If you are interested finding out more about the course please email David at


Do you own a business?  Are you thinking about venturing out and becoming an entrupauner?  Then you need to listen to this podcast with author John Warrillow and our discuss about his new book entitled “Built to Sell-Creating a Business that Can Thrive Without You.”  I know many of your reading this might be thinking, wouldn’t that be great.  According to John having a business that will thrive without you, is entirely possible.

John’s book revolves around a parable about an advertising agency where the owner is doing many of the wrong things to attain the ultimate of having a business that will thrive without him.  He meet a business guru who provides him with some sound advice, and his business starts to turn around.  Are you wondering what some of that advice was?

Well, here you go:

Tip#1, Don’t generalize;specialize. If you focus on doing one thing well and hire specialists in that area, the quality of your work will improve and you will stand out among the competitors.

Tip#2, Relying too heavily on one client is risky and will turn off potential buyers of your business.  Make sure that no one client makes up more than 15% of your revenue.  

Tip #3, Owning a process make it easier to pitch and puts you in control.  Be clear about what you are selling, and potential customers will be more likely to buy your product.

Tip#4, Don’t become synonymous with your company.  If buyers aren’t confident that your business can run without you in charge, they won’t make their best offer.

Tip#5, Avoid the cash suck. Once you’ve standardized your service, charge up front or use progress billing to create a positive cash flow cycle.

If you are looking to create greater value for your customers, and develop a business that is salable at the highest price then I highly recommend that you listen to my interview with author and businessman John Warrillow “Built to Sell“.  His advice and wisdom when it comes to developing a business that is salable and can thrive without you being present are extremely important to you not becoming a slave to your business.  I see to many people that this happens to, and it does not have to be the case if you develop your personal blueprint and follow John’s advice.

If you want more information about the book and John’s company click here for Value Builders System, or please click here to be directed to the book website.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with someone who can lift most business people out of the doldrums of being chained to their businesses.