Barbara Moses Ph.DDo you know what motivates you, or what your ideal work environment would be? In my interview with Dr. Barbara Moses author of, “What Next?-Finding the Work That is Right for You,” we explore the issues that could be holding you back from finding the work you love. Dr. Moses is a highly acclaimed career counselor and her books and career profiles have been used by millions of people to match them to their perfect career. In Dr. Moses’ comprehensive guide she provides self assessment tools and career advice for anyone wishing to explore a new path.

It does not matter if you are a Baby Boomer or a Generation X’er. My interview with Dr. Moses focuses on the issues of how anyone can find more meaningful work. We talk about skills and competencies necessary in the workplace of today, but we also explore the importance that all generations are placing on having more meaningful and fulfilling work. Dr. Moses helps people through a series of profiles, questions and self assessment tools to find the right work suited to match their unique personality and skills.

I was reading a recent statistic that said that our younger generation of workers will most likely have 13-15 different jobs in their lifetime. This is quite the contrast to the traditionalists and “Baby Boomers” who were conditioned to keep their jobs and not make many job changes. We live in a changing world and a fascinating work environment. Dr. Moses will provide you with the tools and assessments that make this new and ever changing work world not so daunting. I know you will thoroughly enjoy my interview with one of the most highly sought out experts in the field. Fast Company magazine is quoted as saying, “Dr. Barbara Moses is the career guru.”

So sit back, relax and learn how matching your skills, personality and aptitudes to the proper job can be fun and enjoyable. I recommend Dr. Barbara Moses’ book, “What Next?”, as a practical user-friendly guide for anyone looking for a career change. If you want more information on Dr. Barbara Moses’ assessments, profiles and workshops, please click here.

Richard MossThis is a thoroughly delightful interview with a very insightful and wise man, Dr. Richard Moss. I stumbled upon Richard’s work while I was doing a search in Google. I was fascinated by the information at his site, so I contacted his assistant and we were granted an interview. The focus of this podcast is Richard’s most recent book entitled, “The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness“. This book focuses on the four places our mind goes to when we leave the “now”, specifically; the past, the future, judgment of ourselves and judgment of others. Richard also shows us the way home by teaching ways to stay fully present which in turn leads to a life of authenticity.

Drawing from his own profound self-realization and more that three decades of working with people of diverse backgrounds, Richard encourages and accompanies the reader on a journey toward freedom from fear and any other limiting or threatening feelings. Deep self-understanding, inner ease, spontaneous healing, more fulfilling relationships, and enhanced creativity, are all wonderful blessings that can arise from reading and reflecting on the, “The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness“.

I know you will enjoy this podcast with a wonderfully warm man who has the ability to show you how to attain what he refers to as “radical aliveness”. Where the mind is silent and the body is filled with presence and a new enthusiasm for living is born. He discusses simple practices that meet the challenges of maintaining the aliveness in daily life without requiring the presence of a teacher or special sacred environment to gain this aliveness.

I highly recommend this book and the workshops that Richard facilitates. If you would like to learn more about his on-line courses, books, audio programs and workshops please click here

George Leonard I had the wonderful opportunity to be introduced to George Leonard through my good friends Joel and Michelle Levey. A couple of years ago I happen to be in the San Francisco bay area for a Bioneers conference when I called George to see if he would grant my son Sean and myself an interview. He gracefully accepted, and what a honor it was to meet the father of the human potential movement . George at the age of 83, is vivacious, outgoing, authentic and incredibly wise. He is still practicing Akido and is dedicated to helping individuals transform their lives through a program called the “Integrative Transformative Practice.

George Leonard along with Michael Murphy are the original founders of Esalen in Big Sur, CA, a beautiful retreat center of which over 300,000 people have visited to learn how to integrate mind, body and spirit. Esalen offers over 400 courses per year in a wide range of topics relating to greater human capacity.

In my interview with George we dialogue about his book, “Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment.” We explore the five master keys of: 1) Instruction 2) Practice 3) Surrender 4) Intentionality 5) The Edge. In our dialogue you will learn how to apply these keys to assist one on their path toward personal mastery. We also discuss the five tools of Mastery: 1) Be aware of the way homeostasis works 2) Be willing to negotiate with your resistance to change. 3) Develop a support system 4) Follow a regular practice 5) Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.

I throughly enjoyed my interview with George, the father of the human potential movement. It is packed full of wisdom and advice which is invaluable to anyone on a path of personal mastery. I encourage every listener to visit George’s web site to learn more about Integrative Transformative Practice, and his many books.

David DibbleI first attended one of David Dibble workshops a few years ago. He had just written a book called “New Agreements in the Workplace.” Some of you might recognize the similar sounding name to don Miguel Ruiz’s book entitled ” The Four Agreements.” This is by no means an accident for David studied the Toltec under don Miguel from 1990 to 1998. don Miguel ultimately kicked David out of his program and told him it was time for him to teach.

David has recently written a new book entitled, ” New Agreements In Health-care”, which focused on how to reform the systems and the thinking of the individuals in the health-care industry. David decided to apply his business knowledge and spiritual wisdom to helping reform health-care in the US. David articulates that the health-care system in this country is in dire need of resuscitation, yet when the questions of what needs to be fixed is thoroughly examined, we find that it’s largely a matter of simply acknowledging and addressing basic system problems. He states that we have become a nation of “sick-care” not health-care.

In David’s new book he stresses that we need to focus on the whole mind-body-spirit connection. That health-care in America as we know it, appears to be careening toward a terminal condition. The source of this disease is a slow and invisible killer that only exhibits its full potential for dysfunction toward the end of the life cycle. The pathogens that are making health-care so sick are the legacy health-care systems in which we are forced to deliver care. Like all systems that resist change in a changing environment, they become more complex and dysfunctional by the day.

In my interview with David, we explore his viewpoint as to what steps needs to be taken to reform the system. His simple but powerful new agreements are already having an effect on several hospitals and health-care providers. David has four simple yet profound agreements: 1) Find Your Purpose 2) Love, Grow and Serve Others, 3) Be a Systems Thinker 4) Practice a Little Every Day. David’s model for transformation of health-care is a combination of best practices, systems optimization, and universal spiritual principles.

I encourage you to visit David’s web site by clicking here to learn more about his consulting services, books and workshops. I hope you enjoy this engaging interview with a bright, articulate man who’s mission is to reform our health-care system.

Lisa Williams Ph.DDr. Lisa Williams is a wonderful, bright, articulate and loving soul. She has blessed our planet with her great energy and zest for life. I was invited to attend one of Lisa’s talks, but was not able to make it. My intuition told me that I needed to meet her, so I telephoned her to discuss her book and consulting practice, Williams Research. I was so impressed with Lisa just from our telephone conversation that I asked her to lunch so we could engage in a more deep and meaningful dialogue. I soon realized that her knowledge was vast and she had a deep passion for helping people transform their lives. During our first meeting I asked her to sit on an advisory board for my company, eLuminate, Inc ., which created, Digital Seed software, an interactive learning platform. She gracefully accepted, and the rest is history, for we have been friends ever since.

Lisa’s book, “Leading Beyond Excellence: Learn 7 Practical and Spiritual Steps to Spiral Yourself to the Top“, is a wonderful easy-to-read book packed full of wisdom about becoming a better leader. It focuses on helping leaders look within to become better leaders and human beings. Lisa states that, “Leading beyond excellence is the process of moving from fear-based self-denial to love-based self-appreciation.”

She uses a wonderful tool called the “Spiral of Influence” to describe the various levels that leaders find themselves. Those levels are survival, security, social, self-esteem, search, surrender, significance. She explains the characteristics that leaders possess at each of these levels and provides concrete actions and steps that can be taken to continue our movement up the spiral to become better leaders. Lisa has short 10 minute exercises throughout her book that ask the reader to reflect on insights to particular questions, what action steps we can take, and personal observations to identify areas we would like to improve. Lisa quotes Oprah Winfrey as saying ” As you become more clear about who you really are, you’ll be better able to decide what is best for you–the first time around.” I love this quote for Lisa is helping leaders everywhere in deciding what is best for them, the first time around.

I know you will appreciate applying Lisa’s wisdom and knowledge without any heavy lifting. Leading Beyond Excellence: Learn 7 Practical and Spiritual Steps to Spiral Yourself to the Top is a quick read and packed full of ideas and practical knowledge on personal and professional transformation and mastery. You can learn more about Dr. Lisa Williams and her workshops, books, CD’s by clicking here.

Byron KatieIt was a pure pleasure interviewing Byron Katie for this podcast. She is engaging, authentic and wise beyond her years. Her book, “Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life“, is the focus of this podcast, and I think you will find our interview together to flow in complete harmony.

Katie’s personal story on how she came about doing what she refers to as, “The Work,” is quite fascinating. I ask her during our interview to give a little history on how she came upon “The Work” and her personal revolutions. The dialogue that I engaged in with Katie was open, loving and downright beautiful. When I finished our interview, I knew that I had been touched by a very special soul.

We discuss the four questions that can change your life. And those questions are, Is it true? Can you absolutely know that it is true? How do you react when you think that thought? Who would you be without the thought? If there are any issues in your life that are unresolved and are challenging you, Katie asks you to ask yourself the preceding questions. Her book is filled with wonderful stories of individuals who were stuck and as a result of going through “The Work” were able to transform and re-frame their current stories and see their issues and circumstances from a new light.

To do “The Work” is quite a spiritual process. If you visit Katie’s web site you can watch video’s of her interacting with various individuals that volunteer to have her work with them. As Katie starts asking them these very important questions you can actually watch them transform right before your eyes. “The Work” is powerful and transforming, and does not have to be done with Katie. As a matter of fact she points out that anyone anywhere can ask these questions and it will shift their perspective about the issues or problems they might be faced with.

Once you are willing to re-frame your issues and see them from a different perspective your whole world becomes free and filled with light. You feel like a 50 lb weight has been lifted from your chest and you can breathe again. Everything in your world looks new, exciting and life is fun again.

I encourage everyone to read “Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life” for it will have a profound impact on how you view your current life challenges. The stories of the individuals and reading how Katie guides them through “The Work” are wonderfully revealing, and will provide you with a prospective on just how powerful this work is. If you would like to learn more about “The Work” then go to Katie’s web site by clicking here. You will find information on upcoming workshops, her books, and talks.