Sarita MaybinWe have all been told, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” In Sarita Maybin’s easy to read book, ” If You Can’t Say Something Nice, What Do You Say?: Practical Solutions for Working Together Better,” she provides practical advice and approaches, including actual phrases, for those times when you need to tactfully clue someone in, deflect the negative comment of a well-meaning friend, or let a co-worker know that what he or she is doing drives you crazy—without destroying the relationship.

In my interview with Sarita we explore those awkward situations.  Her approach is no nonsense and realistic.  She assists you in learning how to navigate through uncomfortable office relationships and Sarita provides you with practical advice on how to handle many different situations both personal and business related.

Sarita Maybin is an energetic and engaging speaker whose audiences have fun learning how to stay positive, while they constructively confront tough communication situations and learn to work together better. A communication and empowerment expert, Sarita delivers interactive keynote speeches and workshops that provide real-life solutions and inspire positive action!

I know you will enjoy this interview with Sarita.  Her website is loaded with information and videos of her speeches and trainings.  I would recommend that if you are in need of learning how to navigate these uncomfortable waters that you visit her website by clicking here to learn more.

Patricia RaskinIt was a pleasure interviewing Patricia for this podcast. She is probably best known for her weekly radio talk shows entitled, “Positive Living”, which can be heard on the Internet at, 630WPRO as well as Radio.

In my interview with Patricia, we talk about the obstacles and challenges she had to overcome as a pioneer and trailblazer in online and cable programming, and as a role model for women who seek to use their talents and spirit to help others fulfill their dreams. We also discuss the seven (7) principles for positive living from her book entitled, “Pathfinding: Seven Principles for Positive Living and Success, Your Dream and You”.

Patricia is a wealth of knowledge and information when it comes to personal growth and mastery. Her 25 plus years interviewing guest authors like; Jack Canfield, co-creator of “Chicken Soup for the Soul®” series, Gail Sheehy, award winning journalist and author of “Passages,” Dr. Mehmet Oz, now famous for his appearances on Oprah, Dr. Dean Ornish, Marci Shimoff, James Van Praagh and many, many more, have provided her with up front and personal connections with people who have spent their lives studying and applying the skills of personal mastery.

I know you will thoroughly enjoy my podcast with one of the pioneers in talk show radio, and the talented author of, “Pathfinding: Seven Principles for Positive Living and Success, Your Dream and You”.   I recommend that you tune into Patricia’s radio shows so that you can experience her very inspiring interviews with top authors in their fields.

If you want more information on Patricia and her radio shows, please click here. Enjoy this wonderful podcast with Patricia.

Jana MullinsI first learned about Jana Mullins from a mutual friend at the University of Santa Monica, both Jana and I are graduates of the program with degrees in Spiritual Psychology.

I was fascinated to learn about her graduate project, which was the writing of Open Hands: Lessons on Giving and Receiving.  There is a wonderful story behind how Jana was able to attend University of Santa Monica and pursue her masters degree.  Jana was the single mother of three children, and really did not have the funds to attend.

Her good friend, by the name of Fred, said if she applied for the scholarship for the tuition that he would pay for her trips back and fourth from Houston, TX to Los Angeles so that she could attend classes once per month. Months after applying Jana received a telephone call from the University saying that she had been accepted into the program.  As Jana states it, Fred provided her with much more than the airfare to be able to attend graduate school, he provided her with the encouragement needed, for she was not in a very good place in her life at the time she applied.

Part of our graduate program is that we have to complete a second year project.  Jana took on the project of writing this book, and collecting the moving stories of giving and receiving that fill the pages of Open Hands.

You will be inspired, encourage and moved by the amazing stories of everyday people going out of their way to help another person in need.  These stories and a true inspiration, and will encourage any reader to  take the first steps of reaching out and touching someone in a special way.

In a recent interview with Dr. Stephen Post who wrote the book “Why Good Things Happen to Good People” he emphasized the emotional and physical benefits of giving and receiving.    His research proved that we live longer, we are healthier and our happiness quotient is amazingly high. In other words, it pays huge dividends to be kind and generous.

Jana’s book is a wonderful collection of these stories of love, support, encouragement. I know you will be encouraged to take action in your own life.

In a quote from her book Flora Edwards states ” In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.”  This quote exemplifies what Jana’s book is all about.  If you are looking for inspiration and would like to have your heart touched in a special way, then I encourage you to get Jana’s book, “Open Hands: Lessons on Giving and Receiving“.

Inspired by the generous gift from Fred, Jana’s proceeds from book sales go to charities in the U.S. and abroad.  Individual purchasers are invited to select their charitable area of interest at  Non profit organizations, churches, schools and youth groups are also invited to use Open Hands as a fundraising vehicle for their own charitiable endeavors.  You can email for additional information or  please click here to learn more.

Arielle FordI had the pleasure of meeting Arielle Ford last December at a Leadership Conference that was being held in Malibu, CA by Mark Victor Hansen and my good friend Larry Wilson.  We hit it off right away, and she was nice enough to give me a proof copy of her new book entitled, “The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction“.

In this podcast with Arielle we explore how using the laws of attraction helped her personally find her soulmate, and how it can help you as well.  Arielle starts her book off with a brief but eye opening Soulmate IQ test.  This test focuses you on the laws of attraction, and how you are either positively or negatively framing in your own mind the possibilities of finding your soulmate.

I love the quote from Rumi that Arielle has in the chapter on beliefs. “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”  I really believe that this quote says it all, and articulates why many of us are so challenged in finding our soulmate.

Arielle’s book is loaded with true stories that she uses to amplify and explain why people have difficulty finding a soulmate.   As soon as you believe that there is a soulmate out there for you, and you ready yourself to find him or her, the laws of attraction will work in your favor to assist you in locating the soulmate of your dreams.

As Arielle explains finding a soulmate does require that you become ready.  Not ready so much physically, but ready mentally.  Really put some work into defining who is your right soulmate, then apply the laws of attraction to assisting you in your exploration.

Arielle has another quote in her book that will really exemplify the readiness process.  “The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides and gravitation we shall harness for God the energies of love.  And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, we shall have discovered fire.” Pierre Telhard de Chardin.

Arielle has created an easy to read book that can assist anyone who is looking to find their true soulmate.  I highly recommend this book if you want to understand the laws of attraction as they relate to helping you on your search for the love of your life.  These laws are truly very powerful, and if used properly will certainly help you in your search for the perfect him or her.

I also encourage you to visit Arielle’s website for more information on her books and workshops.  You can visit her website by clicking here.

I have always been interested in tools that can assist in helping me be more efficient and productive in my vocation. I used to go around the country speaking to groups of financial services representatives about productivity tools, (both hardware and software), that would make them more effective at their work. The title of the talk that I delivered over 10 years ago was “Taming Time and Technology.

Needless to say, that technology has continued to outpace lots of peoples abilities to adapt and adopt it. But once a technology junkie always a junkie, and I continue to evangelize about products that I believe can help.

I have found a tool that is not only highly productive, but relatively easy to take out of the box and start using. My inspiration to write about this product is very much a part of my business of creating these blogs and podcasts, and how the Smart Pen plays an important role in making this easier for me.

Imagine a pen that has a recorder build aboard, with 2 GB of memory.  Now imagine that when you write with this pen that the built in infrared camera takes pictures of the notes you are taking. All you have to do is click where you were writing, and the pen plays back the recorded notes. So, you have both a picture and an audio recording of your notes.  If you are an author, journalist, student, coach, attorney or any other professional where meetings, seminars or lectures are part of your life, and want to remember what was said, then the Smart Pen is your answer.

In my interview with Eric Petitt, the Director of Marketing, we get to explore the many ways that the Smart Pen by Livescribe is helping people like you and me improve our efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. The Smart Pen by Livescribe is a wonderful tool and I know it will revolutionize the process of taking notes.

In this informative interview with Eric, we explore the fascinating history and evolution of this pen, as well as discuss the applications.  We discuss the evolving community of users, and how they are sharing data both written and audio recording via cyberspace through the Livescribe community.

I highly encourage anyone who wants to share, keep, store and remember those important lectures, seminars or conference calls, to explore the wonders of this amazing pen.  The website is loaded with instructional and informative videos.  If you would like to see a demonstration of the applications of the Smart Pen then click here to go to their website.

Enjoy this interview, and please do yourself a favor and go purchase one of these amazing pens.

Guy FinleyThis is my second interview with author and philosopher Guy Finley. I am truly fascinated by how Guy articulates his beliefs and thoughts on spirituality and personal mastery.

I recently was notified by his organization about a series he created entitled “The Education of the Soul” I immediately went to order the CD’s to find out that they had sold out within a week. The series can only be obtained as a MP3 download now, but they are wonderful listening and very affordable.

In this interview with Guy Finley we speak of our connection with the cosmos and the perfect order of everything and our role in the order of the cosmos. We dialogue about our unique purpose here on this planet, and we are provided with glimpses into the “why” we are here.

As Guy states, a special kind of wisdom has been passed down through the centuries, generation to generation, for one exalted end — the education of the soul. Thus willing seekers have always been given the means to fulfill the true and higher purpose of their lives.

Education of the Soul is a comprehensive program that distills the fundamental concepts that form the core of the invisible spiritual curriculum. This unparalleled collection of wisdom can be understood at many levels, making it suitable for beginners and long-time students. With each listening, the student encounters a deeper layer of meaning.

In these specially selected talks, Guy integrates key principles from eastern and western traditions, bringing them to life by shining new Light on their hidden meaning. He explores topics such as Love, Will, Relationships, the Present Moment, Rebirth, and much more.

My interview with Guy is full of insight and inquiry into our spiritual purpose for being. Every time I am given the opportunity to dialogue with Guy, my mind is opened up and I become more aware of the expansiveness of the wonderful Universe. I highly recommend “The Education of the Soul” audio collection. This valuable audio program is bound to help transform your life.
If you are interested in learning more about Guy Finely and his books, CD and personal appearances I recommend visiting his website by clicking here.


Steven EI was introduced to Steven E through a good friend David Corbin who was involved in the production of the popular series, “Pass it On“.  I was quite impressed with the approach to personal growth and development that Steven E has taken through publishing books on a team basis.

Steven E is the creator of one of the fastest-growing book series in the world, with over 20 books in print. It is called, Wake Up…Live the Life You Love. His last 14 books have been best sellers. Steven E is dedicated to teaching people to find their purpose in life. At a young age, he had a dream in the middle of the night that screamed, “Write a book!” and he did.

Years later, his series is changing millions of lives. Steven E is one of the leading experts in the movie Pass It On. Do you have a favorite inspirational author or speaker? It is likely that Steven E has worked with them.

He often says, “Get your life on purpose and the money will follow.” He speaks to thousands of people throughout the world on how to become a best selling author, how to find your purpose in life and how to develop a passion for what you want to do. He has spent his adult life as an entrepreneur building financially successful businesses. He is an inspirational speaker helping people awaken to their potential on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

His book quest began when he had a ‘Wake Up Moment’ in the middle of the night at age 22 and was instructed to write a book. He followed that intuition and wrote his first book. Quickly, he learned that writing, publishing and distributing a book is a massive task so he published his second book with 55 good friends. Through this experience he learned the power and the fun of teamwork.

During the publishing of his third book, he was joined by his business partner, Lee Beard. With the expertise of Lee’s international multimedia production, marketing and advertising company, they formed a world wide support program for authors, writers, speakers, and industry experts. Every book that they have published since starting their best seller promotion program in 2004 has been on the best seller list.

The Wake Up Live team would like to let you in on some of the secrets of how you can achieve fame and fortune as a published author. For a free audio, please go to:

Now, with the support of a talented and dedicated staff, Steven E and Lee have attracted a best-selling co-author team from around the world to bring inspiration and motivation to millions of readers. In the process, the Wake Up team has developed an amazing Team Publishers program to bring an effective alternative to individuals that want to publish a book. They have developed the # 1 Team Publishers program in the world which is a new method that teaches publishing, publicity and marketing to authors, speakers, consultants, writers, and industry experts.

You can learn more about how you join the Wake Up Live team and spread your message of hope and inspiration to countries around the world. Please go to my other site!

If you are interested in becoming a published author, or have interest in the team approach of authoring I would encourage you to call or visit Steven E. website at