Linda Savage Ph.DOne of my friends, Natalie Maisel, who is a wonderful yoga teacher I also interviewed, suggested that I interview Dr. Linda Savage. This normally would not have been a subject area that I would have had much interest or focus on, but after doing my podcast with Dr. Savage, I am very pleased that I listened to my friend. Dr. Savage is a fascinating author and licensed psychologist, marriage and family counselor and sex therapist with a totally unique approach to helping couples rekindle their sexual desires.

Dr. Savage is an expert in areas of the pleasure paradigm and how our society has focused more on the goal of creating pleasure between the sexes and less on creating heart centered sex where the experience is more spiritual. Dr. Savage speaks about energy psychology and the various chakra centers within our body and how shifting the focus on these chakra centers changes the ultimate sexual experience. Her book “Reclaiming Goddess Sexuality: The Power of the Feminine Way, ” presents a new view of female sexuality blending ancient wisdom with current clinical knowledge. It offers powerful new ways of understanding a woman’s sexuality, historically, biologically and spiritually. For any woman seeking to expand her sexual life and for any man wanting to bring greater pleasure to the woman he loves, this book offers invaluable insights.

I hope that after listening to this podcast that my listeners will come to appreciate their sexuality more fully and be willing to reframe how they look at sex and the role that it plays in their life, not just for the pleasure attained in the act of sex, but potentially how they might be more pleased by making the act more heart centered.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Savage and her workshops, books, lectures, retreats and CD’s please click here.

Warren Farrell Ph.DIn my interview with Dr. Warren Farrell, we explore the “The Myth of Male Power“. This podcast with Dr. Farrell was quite fascinating and provided me insight into an area that I had little knowledge or understanding of. His perspective really opened my eyes about the socialization of both the sexes. Dr. Farrell dialogs with me about the expectations of males in society and the roles we play in order to be successful with the opposite sex. He also provides a fascinating perspective on why he believes that neither sex has power over the other and that our power is only in our ability to control our own life.

Dr. Farrell tells a very interesting story about a woman who was attending one of his lectures and got up to tell her story about her brother who was the focus of her fathers attention and admiration. Her father who was a prominent physician so wanted her brother to become a physician just like him. The father paid more attention to her brother who had originally stated that he wanted to become a physician. Then one day he announced that he no longer had a desire to become a physician and the father was devastated. Jokingly, and to win her fathers approval and admiration she told her father that she would become a physician, but deep down inside she was really only doing it so that she could win her father’s approval. Interestingly enough, she followed through with her degree and become a physician. She now states that she is in her 40’s and is not happy with this chosen profession, and would like to change vocations.

Dr. Farrell was attempting to emphasize through this story that statistically men are usually the ones who take on the jobs out of a sense of obligation or family pressures. Without sounding sexist the statistics prove this fact and this story illustrates “The Myth of Male Power” and provides interesting insights into how our viewpoint and perspective about male power in society is probably distorted.

I hope that you will enjoy this podcast with Dr. Farrell and if you are interested in learning more about his research, workshops, lectures and CD’s, please click here for more information.

Joel and Michelle LeveyIf you have not already figured it out, I usually have a meaningful connection with the people I interview for the blog podcasts from previous encounters I have had through my various journeys in life. There’s no exception to this rule with this latest podcast, for these guests are wonderful people and true mentors of mine.

I first encountered Dr’s Joel and Michelle Levey through a connection I made as a result of research I was conducting in the area of mindfulness and meditation in the workplace. I happen to stumble upon their web site at Wisdom at Work. I was totally fascinated by the work they were carrying out in the workplace and the results they had achieved with various organizations, groups and thousands of employees. I remember my first encounter with Joel was a phone call to their office to inquire about their book and the research they had conducted. My call was received with such a kind reception and open heart, that immediately I knew that not only did Joel and Michelle practice what they preached, but that they were the real deal.

I remember discussing a consulting case I was involved in with Qualcomm, and that the Levey’s work in the area of mindfulness and meditation just might be a perfect match. Qualcomm was experiencing internal challenges with their employees as a result of performance pressures and expectations from management. I worked with my contact at Qualcomm and he agreed that we should have the Levey’s come to San Diego and put on a presentation. The title of the workshop was “Resilience: a Tool Kit for Living and Working with Balance in Turbulent Times”, and it was a roaring success. The coordinator at Qualcomm called me almost everyday stating that so many people had signed up and that this workshop had topped any of his previous workshops. Within two days he had over 144 people registered and he was uncertain how he was going to facilitate the program because the room scheduled for the venue was not going to be able to house that many attendees. We ultimately had to re-schedule into two separate days along with a closed circuit live TV that was broadcast to all Qualcomm facilities.

The Levey’s book “Living in Balance: A Dynamic Approach for Creating Harmony & Wholeness in a Chaotic World” is the cornerstone for much of their work in the fields of meditation and mindfulness. They also have released a new book entitled” Luminous Mind: Meditation And Mind Fitness, which I can highly recommend as well.

I have learned a tremendous amount about mediation and mindfulness from Joel and Michelle and I am forever grateful for all of the wonderful times that I have spent with them in mediation retreats on the Orcas Islands in Washington’s Puget Sound. Each summer for the last six years my family and I have been attending the Levey’s mediation retreats at Camp Indralaya in the Orcas Islands and the experience has truly been blissful. I would strongly encourage the readers of my blog and listeners to my podcast to attend. If you are interested in going deeper into mediation or learning more about mindfulness, contact Joel and Michelle and sign up for one of their lovely retreats.

I have been so amazed at my own personal progress and transformation as a result of my years of mediation practice and my periodic work during the meditation retreats with Joel and Michelle, that we decided to create a course for the Digital Seed learning platform called “Mind Fitness.” If you would like to learn more about this Internet based learning module please visit the Digital Seed web site for a preview of the upcoming Mind Fitness Module. You will find the preview of the Digital Seed software and Mind Fitness module by pressing here.
I hope you enjoy this podcast with Dr’s Joel and Michelle Levey. It was a pleasure having the opportunity to interview them, for I learn something new each time we speak.

David M. CorbinWhat a kick it was to interview my good friend David Corbin. David is an amazing man who has been a mentor of mine for many years. I first met David in the offices of Brian Tracy in Solana Beach, CA. David was the marketing manager for Brian Tracy, and he exuded charisma, vivaciousness and a wonderful energy that you just wanted to be around. I immediately resonated with David and from that day some 10 years ago we have been good friends. Like many good friends, you don’t have to speak often, and it seems that when you pick up your conversations with one another that it was as if you had never missed a beat.

I choose to to do this podcast with David because he was the Executive Producer of a recently released, great inspirational film called,” Pass it On“. This wonderfully researched film features over 60 legends in the personal growth industry such as, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Charlie Tremendous Jones, Mark Victor Hansen, Dennis Waitley and many others. These modern day masters share their inspirational stories which are designed to get you thinking about how you can transform your life in a positive way. As is stated at the Pass it On web site, it is the action behind the attraction that helps you make your dreams come true. I could not have said it any better than that! It is the action that you put behind your intentions that will create the manifestation of your dreams.

The master minds behind “Pass it On” state that it is more than a movie, it is a movement. The viewers that are inspired by the legends in this movie can join communities of support, along with others who are working on personal mastery and share their dreams and passions. I think that David and all the others who had a hand in the creation and production of this movie deserve a round of applause! We need more inspiring and educational movies like this one.

In the podcast with David, I get to ask him many questions about why they made this movie and what the intentions were behind it. I think you will enjoy our dialogue for it will provide you with amazing insights into the movie, movement and the people behind, Pass It On.

I encourage you to visit the Pass it On web site and check out the trailer as well as David Corbin’s web site, I think you will be pleased that you did.

Just click on the links above to access their respective sites and to download the free eight (8) minute trailer of “Pass It On.”

Jim CathcartA month ago I was at the National Speakers Association meeting in San Diego and one of the first people that I bumped into was Jim Cathcart. I have know Jim for quite a while, as a matter of fact I first meet Jim at a Million Dollar Round Table meeting over 10 years ago. His work in the area of human potential has been a passion of his for many years. His book “The Acorn Principle: Know Yourself, Grow Yourself ” is a wonderful book focusing on developing self awareness. Each chapter is packed full of thought provoking questions to get you to think about personal mastery. In this podcast Jim discusses “thought breaks” and how they assist one in creating greater self awareness. Jim stresses that the more we know about ourselves the better our coping strategies are and the more likely we are to succeed.

Albert Einstein said that the hardest part of discovering the theory of relativity was determining how to think about it. Do you often think about thinking? Probably not. Thinking is something that has become automatic and we really don’t give it much thought…pardon the pun. Jim and I explore in this podcast how to become a better observer of self. Think for a minute if we were to have a video camera follow us all day long and record our actions. What would you observe about your patterns, behavior and actions that were either serving you or not?

I know you will enjoy this lively interview with Jim Cathcart and if after listening you are interested in learning more about Jim’s workshops, books, CD’s, DVD’s, etc. just click here for a link to his web site.