I have a very good friend by the name of Michael Mc Cafferty that recently developed a new IOS application that automatically pushes out inspirational quotes to your mobile devices.  Now I must say that quote apps are nothing new–but To Be Wise is a very unique application.

Mike and his team of developers have added features that make To Be Wise a very special quote system.  You can read the quotes at  your own pace with a scroll that has been built into the application, you can link to inspirational Ted-X talks on many of the quotes, you can add your own quotes, and you can share quotes for friend, associates and family.

In my interview with Mike we discuss not only the unique features, but we speak about the origins of To Be Wise which was an offshoot of the days when Mike was owned Telemagic software, and he added in a pop-up daily inspirational quote and the users of Telemagic fell in love with the daily inspirational quotes.  The world of technology has evolved tremendously since the days of Telemagic, but our human needs to be inspired, and to learn will never wain.

I encourage you to listen to this inspiring interview with the founder of To Be Wise, Michael Mc Cafferty.  And if you want to download the free version of To Be Wise just click here and you will be directed to the Apple Store.

You can currently utilize the application on your iPhone or iPad.  I hope you enjoy my interview, here’s is to gaining more wisdom, and learning from the masters of all times.


I had a very serendipitous event occur to me about a month ago.  I was setting in a local coffee house and saw a man reading “Through God’s Eyes”.  I was so taken by the title I asked him where he got the book and if he knew anything about the author.  He mentioned that the author was a fellow devotee of Self Realization Fellowship, and would I like to meet him.  The rest is history, I called Phil Bolsta and we instantly connected and I asked him to be a guest on Inside Personal Growth.

Phil’s new book “Through God’s Eyes-Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World” is a work of art as far as I am concerned.  It took Phil over 14 years to compile the quotes that he has so carefully organized into sections in the book.  Included with the quotes are Phil’s own comments and food for though as you read, contemplate and meditate on the amazing compilation of quotes.  You can pick up “Through God’s Eyes” anywhere and be inspired. This is not a book you have to read page by page to get the meaning from its content.

I know you are going to enjoy my interview with Phil as we discuss many of the sections of “Through God’s Eyes”.  If you are seeking deeper spiritual understanding and connection then this is the book for you.  You don’t have to be a theologian to read and reap the rewards of “Through God’s Eyes”, just relax and enjoy the quotes and the inspiring food for thought that Phil has incorporated into every quote.

If you want to learn more about Phil Bolsta and this wonderful book, just click here.

If you want to watch a great trailer about the book then just click on the video below.