I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Bill Jensen the author of a new book entitled ” Future Strong, How to Work Unleashed, Lead Boldly, and Live Life Your Way.”

According to Bill the future of work is undergoing radical transformation and it starts with you.  Bill states that before personal commitments and habits come the choices we will make.  Those choices include 1) Inner Truth-Will You hear the heartbeat of your past choices?  2) Soul on Fire-Who will you choose to become?  3) Humble Self-How will you choose to be vulnerable?  4) Sacrifice-What are the best hardships for my best future? 5) Reliance-Who will you choose to have your back.

The premise for “Future Strong” is that most businesses are locked into 20th century approaches that are holding back the next fundamental shift in human capacity.  These outmoded systems and structures are on a collision course with the wave of millennials who will constitute half of all workers by 2020.  Future Strong is the road map for leaders and individuals to create strong futures for themselves and their teams.

If you want to learn more about Bill Jensen and his new book you can go to Bill’s website by clicking here.  You can also click here to be directed to Bill’s Facebook page.