Caroline M. Sutherland I was recently invited to attend the “I Can Do It” Conference hosted by the Hay House.  It was a wonderful event attended by some of the best authors that Hay House has published.  I had the good fortune of being able to meet Caroline Sutherland.  Caroline is a medical intuitive who has completed hundreds of reading over the years and she did an intuitive health reading on me which I found to be very accurate.

In my interview with Caroline we discuss her new book entitled, “The Body Knows-How to Stay Young”.  In our interview together we explore the many reasons that our bodies breakdown and what we can do and how we can arrest the breakdown process.

One of the areas that we explore is our hormonal system.  As Sutherland says, “hormones are chemical messengers that course through the blood stream interfacing between cells delivering messages and information. These messengers are secreted by the endocrine system. The function of each gland, from the thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus, pineal gland, as well as the function of female or male reproductive organs, are mediated by hormone delivery and information. Most people think that their hormones are located in their pelvis but these master endocrine glands are actually located in the head.”

Your entire body is dependent on proper hormone function and we would die within minutes without hormones. Hormones work together in a concert. When one is “off” this will affect all the rest. Balancing is key and with hormones, less is more.  Balancing the hormonal system is only one very important key to greater vitality and health.

Caroline says that from her medical intuitive perspective, she has found that when a particular decision is made in life, that it must be fully embodied and accepted by the person on all levels or physical symptoms will likely manifest. This is due to the misalignment of the rational mind and the knowing heart.

For example, if the decision is made to stay in an unhappy relationship, a dissatisfying job, or to adopt certain lifestyle choice, sexual preference, etc., no matter what the head is saying, the heart and every cell in the body “knows” that it must be in agreement or it is living a lie.

Emotions and decisions that are operating at cross-purposes within can play a huge role in illness and chronic symptoms.  Do all that you can to examine the depth of emotion that you carry and use this as a tool to strengthen yourself on all levels.

In Caroline’s new book “The Body Knows How to Stay Young” she explores the many facets of staying young and healthy.  Her website is loaded with video’s, articles and a products store.  If you would like more information on Caroline’s upcoming appearances and how you can benefit from one of her readings, please click here for more information.

Michael "Mike D" DolpiesMike Dolpies the author of “Motion Before Motivation“, says that there are thee kinds of people in the world–those who make things happen, those who watch what happens, and those who stand around and wonder ” What happened?”.  He says that you are in control of what happens to you.  Even if you trust in a higher power to guide you, you know that the higher power will help those who decide to help themselves.

Mike’s book, “Motion Before Motivation“,  references newtons first “Law of Inertia”.  The important point that Mike is making by citing this law is that it is more important for us to take action, and that this is so important to manifesting what you want in life.

We can think all we want about attaining particular goals, but the most important step is the action.  You need to be sure that the actions you are taking are in the direction of clearly defined goals.  If not, “Natural Tendency” will work against you.   In human terms, “Natural Tendency” is the force of habit.  If someone is in the habit of constantly remaining in motion toward their goals, they will continue in that direction and get closer to them every day.   If someone is in the habit of putting things off or waiting for the inspiration or motivation to compel them to get moving then nothing will happen and they will remain “at rest”.

Mike refers to what he calls “pro-active motion”.  Pro-active motion is the motion you take based on solid principles, information and passion.  Pro-active motion will enable you to think two, three or even four moves ahead. Pro-active motion will help you remain calm, control your stress levels and easily deal with the curve balls and setbacks of daily life.

There is a three (3) step success formula outlined in Motion Before Motivation.  1) Motion creates belief in Yourself 2) Belief in Yourself Creates Positive Emotions 3) Positive Emotions Give You the Desire to Fuel the Motivation You Need to Keep Going.

I believe that these steps to success are great advice, and if you want to learn more about Mike and his book Motion Before Motivation you can visit his website by clicking here.

Michael NeillI recently had the pleasure of interviewing Michael Neill the author of a new book entitled, ” SUPERCOACH: 10 Secrets to Transform Anyone’s Life.”

Michael says change the way you think and you will change the way you experience life.  For more than 20 years Michael has been helping clients fulfill their dreams–whether they want to make more money, build their businesses, improve their relationships or find greater contentment in their day-to-day lives.

Each secret, which is illustrated with case studies and anecdotes, is designed to be a catalyst–something that will spark the reader’s insights about how he or she thinks, lives, and works.  Supercoach also includes specific actions that people can take to actually experience change and incorporate it into their lives.

Michael and I speak about transformation from the inside out.  He states, “when you learn to live your life from the inside out, stress disappears and worry becomes almost non-existent.  You realize that you were born happy and the worst thing that can ever happen to you is a thought–a thought about whatever you think is the worst thing that could ever happen to you”.

Many of Michael’s coaching secrets are counter-intuitive.  Take goal setting for instance.  He explains, “Obsessing about goals is like playing a game of fetch with yourself, using your happiness and self-worth as the bone.  Even when you do reach your goals, you only allow yourself a fleeting moment of satisfaction before throwing your happiness even further away into the future than before.”

If you want to learn more about the 10 Secrets that can transform your life, I recommend that you visit Michael’s website.  He has lots of useful information and videos providing you with these transformative secrets.  To access Michael’s website please click here.

Al Weatherhead We have all been effected by adversity during the course of our lives, but  Al Weatherhead, the author of “The Power of Adversity“, has certainly had more than his fair share of adversity.  Al has struggled through the death of an infant son, two failed marriages and a life long battle with alcoholism not to mention the heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

The key point to Al’s message is that we gain strength from adversity when we change how we view the challenges we are faced with. He says instead of asking “Why me? he advises asking “Why not me.”  Embrace positive thinking and recognize that adversity is the impetus to look for creative solutions.  Al has four techniques for mastering adversity:

  • Attitude and the Mind-The Power of Positive Imagery–Developing a positive attitude about adversity is essential to tapping its power to enhance and improve your life. If you think positively, with the right imagery, your battle is all but won.
  • Meditation: The Art of Letting Go–How doing Nothing Can Be Everything–Practicing meditation creates and sustains your positive mindset. Without this mindset, you place an unhealthy emphasis on your goals and adversity that prevents you from reaching them. Daily meditation helps you rejuvenate and rebuild yourself, and to come to realize firsthand that adversity is just another name for a series of choices called life.
  • Communication-Articulating the Speech of the Heart–A great gift of adversity is coming to understand that you can resolve your problems when you share your life with others. You simply must reach out to others, or you will never overcome adversity.
  • Sharing, Not Managing–Don’t Confuse the Need to Control with Love–As you truly connect with other–revealing, extending, and expressing your innermost self–the layers of adversity will peel away like an onion, revealing choices an solutions that would never be apparent to your on your own.

I invite you to set down, relax and enjoy this wonderful interview with an author who not only knows how powerful adversity can be he is the living embodiment of a wise soul who has lived with adversity and survived and created a very meaningful and fulfilling life. If you would like to know more about Al Weatherhead I encourage to you visit his website by clicking here.

James BarazI believe that everyone would like to have a little more joy and happiness in their lives.  In my interview with James Baraz we explore the 10 steps that James believes will help us in claiming our joy.

In James new book entitled, “Awakening Joy–10 Steps That Will Put You on the Road to Real Happiness“, we explore the elements that are important to having more joy and happiness in life.  James states that you can decide to be happy.  For years, James’ online Awakening Joy course has offered participants from around the world the benefits of this simple but profoundly radical proposition.  Grounded in simple Buddhist principles but accessible to people of all faiths—or no faith at all–this concept provides the jumping-off point for a transformational journey toward a richer, more meaningful, more positive outlook on life.

Now readers everywhere can follow the same ten steps James teaches to his program participants.  In this down to earth guide, you will learn how to

  • make  happiness a habit by inclining your mind toward states that lead to well-being.
  • find joy even during difficult times and avoid the pitfalls that prevent you from achieving the contentment you seek.
  • cultivate effective practices for sustaining joyfulness, such as reclaiming your natural sense of wonder and finding joy in the midst of everyday life.

If you are seeking more joy and happiness in your life, and would like to understand some very valuable steps that can assist you in claiming the joy that is your right, then I highly recommend that you read James’ new book, “Awakening Joy–10 Steps That Will Put You on the Road to Real Happiness“.  You will thoroughly enjoy our interview, while learning more about the steps toward joy.  Please go to James’ website by clicking here for more information on his workshop, book and videos.

By the way here is a link to a video that James’ mother did that is just downright hilarious. She speak about how her son the author James ruined her life because he Awakened her to Joy in her life.  A great video for those who love Jewish mother humor.  Click here to watch the video.

Patrick Ryan My recent interview with Patrick Ryan the author of, “Awakened Wisdom,” was very enlightening.  I am certain if you read his book you to will walk away with a new perspective on who you can become in this world.

Patrick’s message is about awakening the wisdom within, and he provides the reader with insights and glimpses on what is to like to live a life fully awakened.  He says to image a life through which you managed to rise above the fears and concerns that always linger faithfully in the background, haunting us with their song of intended safety, always with the purpose of keeping the status quo.  Imagine a life without those messages you tell your Self about what you can’t do, or those messages that diminish the brilliance of who you are in any way.

The author takes you on a journey and shows you how to release the grips of fear and to embrace the freedom to respond to the yearning of your heart that knows that more is possible.   He says that there is a wisdom that can be found through every beat of our heart, through every thought of inspiration and through your body that responds to the world around you as a drum responds to the vibration of the room.

Awakened Wisdom is about letting go and trusting in your own divine magnificence to show up.   The reality is that your magnificence is always present, we all just need to learn how to awaken to is guidance, insight and wisdom.

Please listen to your inner drummer, take that risk and live your life in ways that will amaze you and the loved ones around you.  Patrick Ryan’s new book is a must read for anyone who has a knowing about what is available, but for some reason has not been able to overcome the inner doubt and fear of trusting in that place of knowing.  Believe me it is easier to write about this than it is to live it in every moment. Awakened Wisdom shows you how to be present and live with this trust in every moment.

Enjoy my interview with Patrick and purchase a copy of the book, and read the words of wisdom from someone who really knows.

Patrick has a website loaded with additional insights and wisdom, please visit it by clicking here and enjoy this interview with a special man who is filled with so much insight, wisdom and love.


DavidPaul DoyleI first learned about DavidPaul Doyle from an announcement Joan Borysenko sent out announcing DavidPaul’s new book entitled,” When God Spoke to Me“.  I have to admit that I was intrigued not only by the title, but from what DavidPaul had posted at his website.

Here was an author that in my estimation had certainly had his own experience of God speaking with him, but as a result of his experience was so compelled that he had decided to assist others in their efforts to learn how to tune in God’s voice.

Many of you who read my blog entries and know my work, certainly don’t find my personal intrigue with DavidPaul’s work unusual.  I will admit that I, like many of my devoted listeners, have heard God’s voice and when you learn to listen and follow the guidance, the experience is a beautiful thing.

DavidPaul states, “Your beliefs about who and what God is impact your experience of hearing God’s Voice more than you probably know.  For thousands of years it was believed that only the holiest and chosen could speak with God.  Anyone else claiming to do so was dismissed as crazy, or worse, persecuted”.

Today the veils of hierarchy, fear and worthiness are lifting as people from all walks of life and religious backgrounds are experiencing spiritual, life-changing interaction with God. DavidPaul’s book is a compilation of countless stories of people just like you and me who have heard God’s voice and the amazing impact it has made in their lives.

If you have a belief in a higher power, then you are not alone.  The recent study detailed Americans’ deep and broad religiosity, finding that 92 percent believe in God or a universal spirit — including one in five of those who call themselves atheists.

So if you have a belief in God and want to learn how to tune into that voice that can truly provide the wise guidance that we so often need, then read DavidPaul’s new book, “When God Spoke to Me“.

DavidPaul also has an extensive website with video, audio and learning resources. He teaches month long courses, and in my estimation is one of the most authentic and sincere authors on this topic that I have had the pleasure of interviewing.

For more information please click here for the link to DavidPaul’s website.

Enjoy our interview together.

Lucia RenéI found my interview with Lucia Rene, the author of her new book entitled, “Unplugging the Patriarchy“, to be one of the more interesting interviews that I have ever done.  Lucia has a viewpoint about what is transpiring with relation to the breakdown of our Patriarchal Age that is very believable, and quite worth reading about.

Her book helps one to understand the evolution of the New World Order and its various components, associated banking systems, finance, and our government and allows the reader to draw their own conclusions based upon her well documented research.  Lucia weaves into her book her personal journey associated with mysticism, psychic perceptions and spirituality which makes for an even more intriguing read.

The author was heavenly influenced by her personal spiritual teacher who believed that everyone is born with psychic perception.  That in an age of reason, people are conditioned from childhood to disregard psychic input. “Being psychic” she explained, “has to do with having the ability to perceive beyond the physical”.

It is quite evident to me that Lucia is a woman with special spiritual and psychic wisdom, and she has brought forth a book which is about  balancing the masculine and feminine in a effort to help us understand what is needed to help heal an ailing society and planet.

She writes, “We’re approaching the end of a cycle of time. The Patriarchy’s profit-before-people system is breaking down. Humanity’s 5,000-year schooling in power, abuse of power, and masculine/feminine imbalance is nearing an end. Something new is rising: a wave of Divine Feminine energy—so subtle yet so powerful—is moving across the planet, bringing balance in its wake.”

I encourage you to read “Unplugging the Patriarchy” for it will provide you with an “out of the box” viewpoint about our evolving and changing world which provides, a logical explanation from both a historical and spiritual
perspective, just what might be transpiring.

Please click here to be directed to her website.