Roger Walsh M.D.I just love conducting interviews with Roger Walsh.  This is my third interview with Roger, and certainly will not be my last.  Every time we speak I am inspired, and encouraged to look at the world in a new way.  This is gift that Roger posses, and if you listen carefully you will hear exactly what you need hear about transforming your own life.

In our interview we discuss his book entitled “Gifts from A Course in Miracles” we explore the gifts that the Course in Miracles has given its students.  As Marianne Williamson states in the forward ” Just as there are stars and then superstars, there are books and then Great Books.  Within the Great book category, there are THE BOOKS, the great spiritual source materials which contain the words that reveal the highest truths.  They are the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud, and the I Ching, and others.  For many of us, A Course in Miracles is one of these.  It opens the heart to healing and hope, enlightenment and love.”

As Roger states in “Gifts from A Course in Miracles“.  “There has never been a time in history when the need for peace was greater. Every year new wars erupt and a trillion dollars are spent on weapons, while millions of people remain hungry, helpless, and homeless.  Yet, it is not that we are any more agressive than our predecessors.  Indeed, at this very moment millions of people are devoting their lives to calming hostilities, redressing injustices, and helping the poor and deprived.

If you are searching for a way to understand the injustices of the world, and find more peace, love and compassion in your own life then “Gifts from A Course in Miracles” just might be what you are looking for.  “Enlightenment is bout a recognition, not a change at all.”  A Course in Miracles offers a path of awakening.  Like other paths, the Course suggests that our usual perceptions, awareness and sense of identity are clouded and distorted.  It therefore offers us a means of correcting these distortions so that we may see ourselves and the world more clearly.   This transformation of perception is what the Course means by a “Miracle”.
Why not have some miracles in your life…listen to my interview with Roger Walsh and you will be on your way.  If you would like more information about the Course in Miracles please click here to be directed to Roger’s website.

Jonathan EllerbyI always enjoy my interviews with Jonathan Ellerby.  I recently had the opportunity to interview Jonathan about his new Hay House book entitled “Inspiration Deficit Disorder“.

In my interview with Jonathan we speak about awareness being the first step in understanding yourself and others in a way that will empower you to experience change.   His new book is designed as a handbook for the human journey.

It presents simple ways to understand the essential elements of life: strees, habits, health, energy, addiction, sex, communications, aspiration, expectation, manifestation, disappointment, emotion, psychology, spirituality, family service, success, happiness, purpose, vitality, God and even enlightenment.  Jonathan states that the first step to reclaiming your power and potential is to fully realize where you are right now and how you got there.  Knowing this will help you identify the limiting beliefs, emotions, and energies that are actually working against you–even when you intentions are good.  From awareness comes choice, and knowing that we have choices is the most liberating experience of all.

I love what Jonathan says about beliefs, they are like bridges.  They can be helpful for short periods and can make all the difference in a journey.  A belief can carry you across a raging river of change, but in the end, you can’t live on one.  Your greatest life won’t come from simply believing in something.  To say “I believe” is to say ” I hope it is true.” If  you want to understand the ideas and practices in “Inspiration Deficit Disorder” you need to try them for yourself. Then you will know.

Jonathan points out that each and everyone of is is extraordinary.  Millions of choices have led you to this moment…you are part of something much greater.  Now matter what you’re experiencing right now, one thing is absolutely certain: you are an essential thread in the extraordinary fabric of life.  If you want to explore the shift in thinking and consciousness that you might want to make to maintain your inspiration, then I recommend you reading Jonathan’s book “Inspiration Deficit Disorder“.
If you want to visit Jonathan’s website please click here for more information and video clips about the book.  Enjoy my interview with Jonathan Ellerby—get inspired!!!!

Phil TaylorI was first introduced to Phil Taylor through Dilip Abayskekara an author  we did a wonderful podcast with last year on his book entitled “The Path of the Genie”  Phil is a Tremendous Life Books author, and his new book entitled “Set Yourself on Fire: How to Ignite Your Passions and Live the Life You Love” is a wonderful book designed to engage and ignite the imagination.

During our interview Phil and I discuss the importance of having a wonderful imagination, and that frequently we suppress our dreams and imagination because of social conditioning as the years go by.  How true that is, when we were children our imagination would run wild with ideas, thoughts and we dream about people and places we would like to meet and or become.  Then somehow for many of us we loose our dreams, primarily because we are so involved in our everyday life to even give them a second thought.

Author Phil Taylor  would like for all of his readers to be reignited and enthustiac about about setting goals again, and living their dreams.  He mentioned to me that there are five (4) reasons people fail to set goals. (1) Fear (2) Poor Self Image (3) Not Realizing the Importance of Goals (4) Not Knowing How to Set Goals.  In his new book “Set Yourself On Fire” Phil provides the reader with the four simple steps to setting goals, and believe me it is worth your time to set down and reignite yourself and learn how to properly set goals, then don’t be afraid to achieve them.

Phil reminds us that living our life purpose is so important, and if you fuel that purpose with aligned goals to your values you will be come unstoppable.  Just remind yourself of the statement by Henry Ford “If you think you can or you think you can’t you’re probably right.  So if you are looking for an easy to read book with wonderful stories, inspiration and ideas to ignite your fire then I highly recommend “Set Yourself On Fire” by Phil Taylor.
If you would like to learn more about Phil, he is the founder of Goal Achiever International and if you click here you will be directed to their website.  You can also find Phil on Linkedin.  Enjoy this interview with a very inspiring and wise man.

Guy FinleyI always enjoy my interviews with Guy Finley, over the years we have grown our friendship and I sincerely appreciate his wisdom and insight.

In this interview we discuss his new book entitled “The Courage to Be Free“.  For my listeners who enjoy and listen to the wonderful content that Guy Finley offers then you are in for a treat with his new book “The Courage to Be Free“.  We discuss the ideas about overcoming our fears and becoming liberated.

Guy states ” that out task is to awaken to the fact that we are perfectly equipped to overcome our fears, by understanding that we are greater than our fears.  Our fears are present learning moments that are gifts that allow us to see that we are greater than any fear we might think has domain over us; fearlessness is our ability to awaken to this realization”

The only thing we already know is that worry, doubt, resentment and fear–whatever their shape or form–hold captive anyone unwary enough to fall into their web of woe.  Buy your reclaimed birthright authorizes you to be naturally free of these negative states as it is for you to be full of “grace under fire,” regardless of how dire circumstances my seem.  Yours is also the right to effortlessly recognize and release anger and frustration, to be able to see them for exactly what they are-false powers disguised as helpful guides in tome of duress.

This new book “The Courage to Be Free” is a very easy read packed with ageless wisdom, but articulated in a way that really connects with your heart.  If you are ready to release and let go of your fearful thoughts then this little book will reinforce your power to become free.  I highly recommend not only the book, but the hours of recordings that Guy Finley makes available through his Life of Learning Foundation.  Please avail yourself of this vast library of audio recordings, they are a powerhouse of transformative material.
If you would like more information please click here to be directed to the Life of Learning Foundation, or click here to be directed to a 5 minute video about the book.  Enjoy my interview with a wonderfully inspiring and knowledgable man who speaks from his heart and soul.