Dan ZadraThis interview with Dan Zadra is the last in a series of interviews with the author about his inspirational books that are numbered in a series.  This last interview is about his book entitled “7-How Many Days Of The Week Can You Be Extraordinary”.

One of the things we discuss in our interview together is that fact that the average person has just 30,000 mornings they will awaken too.  Think about that number for a minute, 30,000 mornings-how are you going to spend yours today?

The key here is that this is your life, and don’t miss a day of it– every morning is precious.   This message is accented by a great story about a 95 year old woman recounting her time here on earth, and her thoughts on  how time flies, and that one morning she looked up and was 70 year old and as soon as she made the realization that she did not have much more time on this earth, she started to savor everyday and every moment and wanted to make a difference in the world.

It does not have to be your 70th birthday before you make this realization about how each day is important.  Learn to live  for each moment —that is really all we have.

We have all heard about learning to become a beginner again, but how many of us really practice it?  We lose something wonderful when it becomes more important to us to be the one who knows than to be the one who’s open to the everyday wonders around us.  “Those wo think they know it all have no way of finding out they don’t”, wrote Leo Buscaglia.  Fortunately, our sense of curiosity and wonder can rekindled and refreshed.

During my interview with Dan he tells personal inspring stories, and recounts stories that will inspire and move you.  If you are wondering how your days, weeks, months, years and lifetime are going


to be extraordinary then read Dan’s book “7-How Many Days Of The Week Can Be Extraordinary” he really provides sound advice and inspiration on how to live an extraordinary life.

If you want more information about Dan Zadra, please click here to be directed to his company website.  Or you can click here to be directed an interview with Dan on  YouTube.



Dan ZadraIn my ongoing series of interviews with Dan Zadra we speak about his book entitled “2 How Will You Create Something Beautiful Together.

As I have previously mentioned Dan’s books are easy to read, and extremely inspirational.   This book is about finding love, then creating something together that is beautiful.   Dan states ” Go where you’ve never been. Dream together, plan together, laugh together and grow together.”   Wonderful words, but how in our busy world do we find the time to dream, plan and grow together.

In my interview with Dan we explore the simple things that couples can do together to build a lasting and loving bound.   Dan states that their are only four questions of value in life…. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? —The answer to each is the same.  Love.

Dan mentions that creating a couples mission statement is very powerful.  I know that I have never done it, but I  can imagine how this process would really unite people.  He also talks about doing a couples journal, now that is a new one on me.  I have never heard of a couples journal.  Sharing thoughts, ideas and stories together sounds like it would be a kick and a way to grow closer with your significant other.

No matter what your dream, if you share it with someone you really love–and someone who cares about you then your dream mean so much more.  Likewise, if your spouse or significant other shares their inner most secrets it makes life all worth living.

We are hear to bond, love, live and unite our common interests in helping to make this world a better place to live.   Dan’s book “2 How Will You Create Something Beautiful Together.” is a great book to inspire, move and get you thinking about what is truly possible when you have your life to share with someone.


Enjoy this great read and interview with author Dan Zadra.


Carole Brody FleetWe all face the ultimate situation of grieving at one point or another in our lives, it is just part of life.  My interview with author and founder of a non-profit for women who are dealing with widowhood and grief Carole Brody Fleet really sheds new light on a topic that frequently is swept under the rug or not discussed.

Her new book  entitled “Happily Even After” which is a compilation of questions and answers asked by the women in her community  and all of the issues they are faced puts widowhood into perspective.  Obviously the sudden death or protracted illness of a spouse or significant other has lots of emotional challenges associated with it.  One of the important aspects that Carole bring out in the book is that widowhood does not need to define you as a person.  You will in your own time move on from the grieving process to one day build a new life for yourself.  It does not however mean that you must place all of the memories into the far reaches of your mind.  Cherish time and embrace the wonderful life you once had with that special person, but don’t let it define who you are.

Carole’s book is full of engaging and interesting stories and questions from women from all over the world who have written in to Carole asking for advice.  This guidebook as she calls it is designed to provide gentle guidance, support and help for the reader trying to come to grips with their loss.  Anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one or the potential loss will want to read this book and understand how to better cope and live “Happily Even After.”.

If you want to learn more about Carole’s foundation that supports widows you can click here to be directed to her website.  You can also watch a very compelling YouTube video presentation entitled “Turning Hurt Into Hope” by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Carole Brody Fleet.


Bill ClokeI don’t believe that their is a person either male or female who has been in a relationship that at one point or another has not had challenges in communicating effectively, and finding harmony and bliss in their relationship.

In my interview with Dr. Bill Cloke who has been a couples’ therapist for over 30 years he reveals some very important tips and strategies for staying “Happy Together” the title of his new book. Bill states that the basic building blocks for a loving connection need to consider the following:

1) Boundaries-Understanding what is acceptable and what is not is vital for love to grow. We need to take time to outline what our boundaries are so we can live within them. 2) Consideration: To be considerate about the things that are important to your mates essential for harmony. 3) Fairness: Being fair helps keep a relationship balanced.  Share chores, vacations, spending, friends, and responsibilities toward relatives creates more harmony and positive feelings 4) Tolerance: Our ability to tolerate our partner’s foibles and flaws is important for lasting peace. Tolerance for differences in feelings, way of doing things, parenting styles, and the other opposing view that all couples have is a key component of creating love. 5) Responsibility: Being able to own our part of a problem is essential for conflict resolution. 6) Support: Support takes many forms, from helping your partner fulfill reams and aspirations to providing care when he or she is sick or defeated.

Bill points out that we also have many roadblocks to love, and some of them include: blame-shifting, victimhood, entitlement, denial, displacement, guilt, shame/blame, stonewalling, projection, devaluation. He states that to truly understand what healthy communication is all about, we need to consider the complexity of what may be causing conflicts with our mate.  An argument about putting the cap back on the toothpaste may actually contain clues to buried feelings.  The core of conflict may be a sense of feeling invisible or needing to control, but the cap is the way our feelings are ignited, so the toothpaste is where the argument is focused.

If you are in a good relationship and all is going well, then wonderful.  But don’t think that you cant’ learn from Bill book “Happy Together“.  This book is for anyone in a relationship whether things are going great, or if you believe it needs work.

This is one of the best books on relationship counseling I have read.  You just might be able to save and or improve your relationship by reading, understanding and applying some of the great wisdom that Bill teaches in “Happy Together


I hope you enjoy this interview, and if you would like more information about author Dr. Bill Cloke please click here to be directed to his website.

Arlene BlixI recently attended a Healthy People Conference at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, CA and was introduced to Arlene Blix by a very good friend of mine Dr. Steven Bizal.  I soon realized that Arlene had published a book about her journey through grief, loss and survival as a result of her husbands struggle and ultimate death from liver cancer.

The book is aptly titled “Blindsided” which is what many people who go through an experience like Arlene’s feel like, at least that was the case for Arlene.  Her husband was the image of perfect health, and suddenly started having leg pain then intestinal issues before being diagnosed with liver cancer.

This book is as much about Arlene’s journey with her husband Glen, but it also brings to light the feelings emotions and the roller coster ride that the loved ones take when cancer strikes so close to home.

I know that many of you know my personal family experience, my eldest son at the age of 21 was diagnosed with Leukemia.  I took Arlene’s journey, and am well aware of the grief, and emotional pain that one experiences when a loved one is battling cancer.

Frequently,  I think that the people who are diagnosed are more prepared than the families and spouses.  At least this was the case with Glen.  As a matter of fact he stated to Arlene that he was prepared to die, and that he had a good life.  He was spiritual and had a wonderful relationship with God–death was an opportunity to reunite with God.  A relationship likes Glen  is so important in facing our impermanence, it makes the journey through death so much easier.

What I loved about Glen’s message in the book “Blindsided” is that he challenged all that knew him to serve humanity, and to maintain connections and model love.  What a wonderful way to leave your legacy.  Eight three people came to Glen’s and Arlene’s home for what was referred to as a “living funeral”.  An opportunity to say good by, acknowledge and honor someone you love before their death.  What a beautiful way to help someone move into the hereafter.

On March 19, 2002 at 9:50PM Glen took his last breath and moved into the heavens. Arlene’s book is a tribute to a man who really knew the meaning of life.  I encourage you to love, live and connect with others this is such an important part of being able to move through the grieving process.


If you want more information about Arlene and her work as a grief counselor, please click here to be directed to her website. I hope you enjoy this interview with Arlene Blix the author of “Blindsided“.

Walter GreenHow many of you have really thought about the importance that being grateful plays in your life?  I recently interviewed Walter Green the author of a new book entitled ” This Is The Moment-How One Man’s Yearlong Journey Captured the Power of Extraordinary Gratitude“, and was throughly impressed at the lengths Walter took to express his gratitude to 44 of the most influential people in his life.

In my interview with Walter we discussed the impact this experience had on his life.  He wanted to tell these men and women how much they mattered to him before anyone’s health or life was compromised and the opportunity was missed.  Walter mentions that you might think of his life as as rags to riches story, but that it is anything but that.  He realized that significant contributions to his learning and success these  44 individuals played .

As Joseph Campbell articulates in his book “The Hero’s Journey” we go on the departure, then have the initiation and ultimately the return.  I think in the case  Walter departed  on his own spiritual journey and through the beauty of gratitude  was able to experience the freedom  upon his return as a result of his profound gratitude.

Walter experienced mastery which leads to the freedom from the fear of death.  You see, Walters father died he was a very young age, and his death made a significant impact on the journey that he embarked upon to recognize and express his gratitude to the people that had a deep heartfelt role in the molding of his life.

As Walter states in ” This Is The Moment“, ” Their pieces of input allowed me a unique opportunity to answer the question; ” Who am I?”  What an empowering gift! . I never set out with an agenda of learning about myself; doing so was parenthetical and incidental, but not inconsequential.  Not only that it started me thinking about my personal legacy.  We all have a perception of ourselves, and everything we do is consistant with that vision—our integrity, our energy, or performance, our giving to others.  This leads us to keep an internal scorecard and wonder how we’re doing. Am I doing the right things? Am I doing enough?

But the scorecard get buried with us.  When we’re gone, only the perceptions other have of us live on.”   If you have at ever thought about expressing your gratitude to someone one you love or who has made an impact on your life, what is stopping you?  Go do it!

Walter’s experience and the stories he tells in “This Is The Moment” will certainly move you to want to express your gratitude.  I encourage you to read this book and  also share your stories of gratitude with Walter by visiting his website by clicking here.  You will also want to watch a video by clicking here about the book.

Walter will be speaking at an upcoming event in San Diego for Renaissance Executive Forums you can register for the March 20th event by clicking here.


Enjoy this great interview with author Walter Green.