Patrick Ryan It is always a pleasure having author Patrick Ryan on our show.  This is Patrick’s second visit to Inside Personal Growth, and in this podcast we take a deeper dive into his book entitled “Awakened Wisdom“.

In my interview with Patrick we discuss the eight (8) states of an Awakened Life.  Patrick covers in depth two of the eight (8) states of being: A Good State of Being, and A Good State of Effort.  As Patrick states in his book, a good state of being is to be in relationship with all that there is.  To be without any sense of separation from each other, the plants, animals, and even the rocks and all the other things and beings that exist.  Any sense of me versus you or we versus them or I versus it is separation.  We must relearn and find out way back to our knowing of this fundamental truth.   So in essence, he is speaking about the oneness of us–all of us.  If can can learn to live in this state of consciousness our lives will be more fulfilled and blissful.

The other state of an Awakened Life is ” A State of Effort” as Patrick refers to it.  Moving through the world in a Good State of Effort will have the most profound impact on your life if practiced well.  You have no doubt heard the expression that life is about the journey, not the destination.  That’s at the center of a Good State of Effort.  It is important to be present as you move through each moment and each task of your day.  When you move with presence you are aware of the quality of the moment that you are in while moving forward with the objective in mind. Both of these ideas must be present at the same time in order to be and remain in a Good State of Effort.  Be in the present moment and be aware of the effort that you are putting forth.

I believe that the states of being that Patrick articulates in his book ” Awakened Wisdom” are something that everyone should learn to apply in life.  They should become as natural as breathing!.  If you are interested in learning more about the “Awakened Life Programs” please click here to be directed to Patrick’s website.  He has lots of resources that you can avail yourself of at no charge.

Please take advantage of this website, it is a wonderful resource for anyone on the path of enlightenment!!!

Doug DickersonI believe that Doug Dickerson has written a book that not only leaders need to read, but everyone.  Doug’s new book entitled ” “Leaders Without Borders-9 Essentials for Everyday Leadership” really spells out the necessary attributes and skills that one needs to be a great leader.  He discusses the “why” of leadership not just the “how-to”of leadership.

We are all leaders, no matter what our occupation, and one of the keys to being a good leader is to remove “the borders” as Doug mentions.  Frequently, we are influenced by other’s good opinions of ourselves or we listen to the little voice within us that is limiting our human potential as a leader.  We need to identify these factors, and remove the borders allowing us to flourish us much better people and leaders.

One of the most important aspects of becoming a good leader is our ability to be optimistic.  Optimism is not only a positive attitude but the ability to move forward in the throws of adversity.  Doug speaks with me about the three (3) factors associated with someone who is optimistic.  1) The factor of positive response.  This factor is associated with how you react to a problem or circumstance that is out of your control.  If you can keep a cheerful temperament then your customers, family, or co-workers are going to react so much more favorably.  2) The factor of positive attitude.  Doug quotes Herm Albright’s observation: ” A positive attitude may not solve all of your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort”. What a great quote and axiom to follow. 3) The factor of positive perseverance. When you choose a positive response to negative circumstances, you begin to experience exponential growth as a leader.

Doug’s new book “Leaders Without Borders” is a great book to read, and is packed full of wonderful stories and examples of leaders that we should all model.  If you are looking for a short, easy to read book with new information on the attributes of leadership, as well as, revisiting some of the ones we always need reminding of, then you have come to the right place.

Please visit Doug’s website for more information, videos, and writings on the subject of leadership.  Also if you would like to purchase the book please click here and you will be directed to the Tremendous Life book store.

Enjoy my interview with a wonderful man and a great leader himself.

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Sallie Felton, who is not only an author but a life coach, Sallie Feltonhypnotherapist and inspirational speaker.  Sallie has a new book coming out entitled “GPS for Success” and this book features Stephen Covey, Dr. John Grey, Les Brown and other leading experts in the personal growth industry.

In my interview with Sallie we discuss the issues associated with leading and living a balanced life.   I love Sallie’s metaphor about a tree,”If you were to think of a tree it’s being nourished, it’s always growing, it’s always blossoming, and it’s being pruned by nature.  If on one side of that tree, it becomes too laden with branches, what happens? It loses it balance and it leans to one side or another.  Just as in life, if we become too overworked we become laden with stress, so we become out of balance.”

If you look at your life like the branches on the tree, each one of those branches is an aspect of your life.  Sallie and I discuss the 12 categories of : Profession/Job, Physical, Spiritual, Intimacy, Office, Learning, Play, Finance, Health, Social, Family, Home/Environment and Fun.  All of these are important and what Sallie recommends is that we rank our level of satisfaction in each of these areas of our life from 1-10, with 10 being the most pleasurable.  If after ranking your life wheel, of which it is often referred too, and you find yourself out of balance then take small tiny steps to identify what you can do to improve that area of your life.


What I like about Sallie’s approach to finding balance is that it is simple, practical, and doable.  In her new book “GPS for Success” you are going to be able to read stories and lessons from the masters in the field of personal growth and mastery.

If you would like more information about the book or Sallie and her radio show entitled “A Fresh Start with Sallie Felton, then just click here to be directed to her website.  I hope you enjoy this interview with a wonderful lady with lots of practical and wise advice.

Steven SchusslerAuthor Steven Schussler is an amazing man.  He is an entrepreneur who has had tremendous success in the development of his Rainforest Cafe’s and other theme based restaurants.  His new book entitled ” It’s a Jungle in There-Inspiring Lessons, and Hard-Won Insights and Other Acts of Entrepreneurial Daring” is a great book for anyone who wants to learn lessons on personal mastery.

During our interview together we discuss what Steven refers to as the five (5) P’s of successful entrepreneurship.  Those P’s are: Personality, Product, Persistence, People and Philanthropy.   Steven emphasizes that if you are going to be an entrepreneur then you have to be willing to take risk, that is just part of being in business for yourself.  He has a wonderful formula, that in his estimation is an important element, it is PASSION + AMBITION=YIELDS SUCCESS.  Steven says that without passion for your product or service you are going to be hard pressed to become successful.  Your belief in what you are doing, and your passion are going to be the elements that assist in your personal success.

Steven is someone who listens to his inner voice or intuition.  He admits that all good entrepreneurs have the ability to listen and act on their intuition.  Many of his good decisions came from listening, then having the faith to act on his intuition.  I know that many of us hear the voice within, but do we act or are we afraid?  As Steven says you can’t be afraid, you have to go for it!

Steven also emphasizes that you need to dream big to become successful.  He mentions that when you do dream big and if you are passionate about what you are doing the outcomes are much more rewarding and fulfilling.  He quotes Norman Vincent Peal “Believe It and You Can Succeed”.  That is so true, if you believe in what you are creating and in yourself you can do almost anything.

If you want to learn from a man who not only believes in his projects, and himself then  you need to listen to this podcast with author Steven Schussler the author of “It’s A Jungle In There“.  For more information about Steven Schussler and his new book please click here to be directed to his website.

Ned KraftI recently interviewed Ned Kraft, coach, author, musician and all around renaissance man.  His material has such simplicity, but profound wisdom.

In my interview with Ned about his new CD entitled, ” You’re Missing Out…and It’s OK“, we discuss the benefits of missing out, such as less clutter and simplicity.  Getting rid of the regret and resentments and learning how to enjoy the beauty of the moment.  So many of us are spending so much of our time thinking about what might happen in the future or living in the past wishing we would have made a different decision.  As Ned says, our decisions do shape our lives, but we should not lament over our decisions after we make them.  They are over and done with, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Ned reminds us during his instructional CD that “You’re Missing Out…and It’s OK“.  As a matter of fact we are missing out on just about everything in life.  There is no way we are going to experience the events of the world.  Everyday events are happening all around us that we have no control over.   Ned refers to this syndrome as, “our battle with what is”.  I have often heard that we are “spiritual beings” having a “human experience”.  That might be true, but I know for many of us we feel like we are “human beings” having a “spiritual experience”.  Either way if you listen to Ned’s wisdom and advice about our battle with what is, it is wonderful advice.

Don’t sweat over the small stuff, it is all small stuff.  Try to stay in the moment, stay out of judgment of yourself and others, and enjoy the journey.  Ned mentions that we are all receiving clues in the moment, and we need to be aware of the clues.  Just listen and observe and you will notice the thousands of clues that are available to you daily.

We have an opportunity in this interview to explore our states of victim hood.  Let’s face it, during the course of our life we have all been victims.  It is not the fact that we have been victims, it is what we have learned from our transgressions that will help us to over come these states of victim hood.  If we can elevate our awareness of how and why we are reacting to these situations we can become masters of our emotions.

If you would like to learn more about Ned Kraft and his wonderful CDs, please click here to be directed to his website. Ned Kraft is refreshing and has a new perspective on personal mastery.

Robert Levine Ph.D.

It is always a pleasure interviewing Dr. Robert Levine.  I did an interview with him on his book, “The Geography of Time“, a few months ago and invited him back to discuss his book, “The Power of Persuasion“.

All of us have been persuaded at one point or another in our lives, and often without our knowing.  Let’s face it we are being bombarded daily with messaging from Madison Ave to buy this or do that, and this does not even include the massive amount of messaging we receive from the Internet through Google or Facebook ads.  Ah, so subtle… but so powerful!

Robert found three conclusions from his research.  1) That we are all more susceptible than we think. 2) The most effective persuaders are the least obvious. 3) The rules are not that much different no matter who is the source or what the product.   Robert states, “If there’s one common denominator to the most effective salespeople I’ve encountered it is that they almost never look like “real” salespeople.  The ones to watch out for hold the uncanny ability to first set you at ease about their motives. Then they sell.

So what are the three characteristics related to persuasiveness?  1) That the person has perceived authority 2) They are honest and trustworthy–(a good example would be politicians who are always selling us something) 3) They are likable.– (Likability drives persuasion from many directions).

Robert points out the fact that persuasion and psychology are essential human activities.  They define our social being never more so today than ever in history.  As our singular and collective attention become increasingly prone to the beck and call of the mass media, sophisticated marketing research, and advanced technology…… the art of persuasion is in its boom years.  It’s up to each of us to use the psychology wisely and ethically, to see that it illuminates rather than electrocutes.

If you are interested in exploring of how “The Power of Persuasion” is affecting you and your decisions, then I recommend that you read Robert’s book.  This book will provide you with valuable insight into how persuasion truly does effect your decisions.  The wonderful aspect about persuasion is that if you are aware that you are being persuaded, you have options.  You and you alone are the only one responsible for your decisions so please make them carefully.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Robert Levine and his many books please click here to be directed to his website.  Enjoy our wonderful interview together.

Roger Walsh M.D.

I am always impressed by Dr. Roger Walsh and his vast knowledge and wisdom.  This is my second interview with Roger and I know you are going to thoroughly enjoy this podcast about his book entitled, “Paths Beyond Ego-The Transpersonal Vision

Roger compiled fifty essays from some of the top thinkers in the areas of transpersonal psychology,  spirituality, and cosmology.  Some of the authors that have contributed to “Paths Beyond Ego” are:  Ken Wilber, Daniel Goldman, Jack Kornfield, Ram Dass, Huston Smith, The Dalai Lama and many others.  Roger and I discuss the tools and practices that can be practiced in assisting us in reaching more of our human potential. Many of the practices are associated with developing our own deep personal spiritual journey.

As is stated in the introduction of “Paths Beyond Ego” we are astoundingly ingenious creatures.  We have gone to the moon, split the atom, unraveled the genetic code, and probed the birth of the universe.  Indeed, modern civilization stands as a monument to boundless creativity of the human intellect.  Yet, while evidence of our intellectual and technological genius is all around us, there is growing concern that in other ways we have seriously underestimated ourselves. In part because of the blinding brilliance of our technological triumphs, we have distracted and dissociated ourselves from our inner world, sought outside for answers that can only be found within, denied the subjective and the sacred, overlooked latent capacities of mind, imperiled our planet and lived in a collective trance–a contracted, distorted state of mind that goes unrecognized because we share it and take it to be “normality”

I highly encourage you to listen to my podcast with Dr. Roger Walsh as we explore how to elevate our own consciousness through the spiritual practices that are available to anyone on a path of spiritual inquiry.

I love the quote from the book by Patanjali, who compiled the classic text of yoga: “The mind does not shine by its own light. It too is an object, illumined by the Self–But the Self is boundless. It is the pure Consciousness that illumines the contents of the mind…Egoism, the limiting sense of “I ” results from the individual intellect’s attributing the power of consciousness to self.”
If you would like more information about Dr. Roger Walsh and his many books, I welcome you to visit his website by clicking here.

Paul ScheeleI always enjoy interviewing Paul Scheele because his wisdom and knowledge is so deep, and the message is something that we all need to be reminded of.  In Paul’s new e-book, “Drop into Genius,” he speaks about our natural internal resources of unbridled enthusiasm, curiosity, inspired creativity, intuition, healing, rapid learning, emotional freedom, inner peace that all fall victim of subtle, ongoing discouragement by society.

I know that at one point or another in our lives we have all had a great idea, but because we asked someone or wanted confirmation that it was a good idea from our friends, family or  co-workers they have a tendency to discourage us from pursuing it.   Then we find out several years later that someone else capitalized on our idea–how many of you have had this happen?

If this just might be the case for you, and you want to “Drop Into Genius” and follow through on your intuition then Paul’s book is for you.  As Paul states there is a powerful nonconscious mind within that determines the results you create in life. It is more capable, fast, efficient, and infinitely more intelligent that your limited conscious mind, it is your nonconscious through which your “genius potential is expressed.

When we do make mistakes or fail to learn, the emotional and psychological wounds can go deep.  If we fail to learn, we often learn to fail most successfully. We learn to repeat our failure to learn in spite of anyone’s attempt to help.  For many people it becomes “safer” to be a failure at something than to engage in the messy business of learning.  Paul teaches that we need to pass through stages of confusion and not knowing how to do something.  It is at this point where we make the breakthroughs and new patterns of learning are developed.

If you are ready for a tremendous breakthrough in your learning and personal development then “Drop into Genius” is a must read.  Paul is a genius himself, and the book is an easy read filled with exercises that will help you become aware of your limitations and go beyond them and reach your true potential.  If you would like more information and want to download “Drop into Genius” please click here to be linked to Paul’s website.

Please enjoy my  interview with a very centered, spiritual and knowledgeable author who can teach you a lot about your human potential.