Doug DickersonI believe that Doug Dickerson has written a book that not only leaders need to read, but everyone.  Doug’s new book entitled ” “Leaders Without Borders-9 Essentials for Everyday Leadership” really spells out the necessary attributes and skills that one needs to be a great leader.  He discusses the “why” of leadership not just the “how-to”of leadership.

We are all leaders, no matter what our occupation, and one of the keys to being a good leader is to remove “the borders” as Doug mentions.  Frequently, we are influenced by other’s good opinions of ourselves or we listen to the little voice within us that is limiting our human potential as a leader.  We need to identify these factors, and remove the borders allowing us to flourish us much better people and leaders.

One of the most important aspects of becoming a good leader is our ability to be optimistic.  Optimism is not only a positive attitude but the ability to move forward in the throws of adversity.  Doug speaks with me about the three (3) factors associated with someone who is optimistic.  1) The factor of positive response.  This factor is associated with how you react to a problem or circumstance that is out of your control.  If you can keep a cheerful temperament then your customers, family, or co-workers are going to react so much more favorably.  2) The factor of positive attitude.  Doug quotes Herm Albright’s observation: ” A positive attitude may not solve all of your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort”. What a great quote and axiom to follow. 3) The factor of positive perseverance. When you choose a positive response to negative circumstances, you begin to experience exponential growth as a leader.

Doug’s new book “Leaders Without Borders” is a great book to read, and is packed full of wonderful stories and examples of leaders that we should all model.  If you are looking for a short, easy to read book with new information on the attributes of leadership, as well as, revisiting some of the ones we always need reminding of, then you have come to the right place.

Please visit Doug’s website for more information, videos, and writings on the subject of leadership.  Also if you would like to purchase the book please click here and you will be directed to the Tremendous Life book store.

Enjoy my interview with a wonderful man and a great leader himself.

Robert Levine Ph.D.

It is always a pleasure interviewing Dr. Robert Levine.  I did an interview with him on his book, “The Geography of Time“, a few months ago and invited him back to discuss his book, “The Power of Persuasion“.

All of us have been persuaded at one point or another in our lives, and often without our knowing.  Let’s face it we are being bombarded daily with messaging from Madison Ave to buy this or do that, and this does not even include the massive amount of messaging we receive from the Internet through Google or Facebook ads.  Ah, so subtle… but so powerful!

Robert found three conclusions from his research.  1) That we are all more susceptible than we think. 2) The most effective persuaders are the least obvious. 3) The rules are not that much different no matter who is the source or what the product.   Robert states, “If there’s one common denominator to the most effective salespeople I’ve encountered it is that they almost never look like “real” salespeople.  The ones to watch out for hold the uncanny ability to first set you at ease about their motives. Then they sell.

So what are the three characteristics related to persuasiveness?  1) That the person has perceived authority 2) They are honest and trustworthy–(a good example would be politicians who are always selling us something) 3) They are likable.– (Likability drives persuasion from many directions).

Robert points out the fact that persuasion and psychology are essential human activities.  They define our social being never more so today than ever in history.  As our singular and collective attention become increasingly prone to the beck and call of the mass media, sophisticated marketing research, and advanced technology…… the art of persuasion is in its boom years.  It’s up to each of us to use the psychology wisely and ethically, to see that it illuminates rather than electrocutes.

If you are interested in exploring of how “The Power of Persuasion” is affecting you and your decisions, then I recommend that you read Robert’s book.  This book will provide you with valuable insight into how persuasion truly does effect your decisions.  The wonderful aspect about persuasion is that if you are aware that you are being persuaded, you have options.  You and you alone are the only one responsible for your decisions so please make them carefully.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Robert Levine and his many books please click here to be directed to his website.  Enjoy our wonderful interview together.

mick ukleja headshotI met author and thought leader Mick Ukleja at the Innovation and Humanities Summit that was held on the campus of Chapman University in Orange, CA.  I was certainly fascinated by his topic about “Managing the Millennials” also the title of his new book.

If you have not been following the generational differences, the millennials are the generation born between 1987 and 1996.  The curiosity for Mick’s work began a few  years ago when his consulting firm began to notice the frustration among manager and business leaders with integrating younger workers into their organizations. Activities that in the past had been relatively straightforward–like recruiting, retaining, and rewarding–now seemed more challenging than ever.  60 Minutes, the CBS television journal, even did a report about the millennial phenomena where stories portrayed reactions that ranged from amazement to incredulity to outrage.

Mick’s firm GeNext Consulting decided to so some research with both the managers who were having challenges, and those where were effective in their management of the millennials. They analyzed thousands of statements collected during interviews with both managers and Millennial employees and found a pattern of responses that they referred to as perceived orientations.  As many of us know perceptions are not necessarily reality, but perceptions acted on or unchecked often become reality and contributed to the tension between the managers and the millennials.

It is my perception after having personally worked with many people from this generation that they are one of the brightest generations to have graced our planet.  Their focus is work-life balance, reward, self-expression, attention, achievement, informality, simplicity, multitasking, and meaning.

The bottom line is that if managers want to learn how to ease the conflict and tension, which frequently are based on the biases and perceptions which as mentioned are often not reality, then they would best treat the millennials by including them, engaging their opinion and disarming them by treating them as equals.  Millennials will react much more favorably, and many of the differences will vanish.

As Mick points out there seem to be two camps with respect to perspectives about Millennials. One camp believes that Millennials are victims of ‘trend inflation”, meaning that the media has created how they are perceived and consultants are creating a niche industry as a result.  Millennials are bright, motivated and great to have around.  The other camp see millennials as free agents lacking loyalty or commitment to their organizations.  However you want to view millennials they are here to stay, and it would be best to learn how to work with them in harmony.

Mick’s new book certainly provides the reader with the knowledge and insight into how to best lead and work with the Millennials.  Please go to his website by clicking here to get more information on working with Millennials, and enjoy this great interview with Mick Ukleja.

Glenn Llopis I had the personal pleasure of attending the Innovation and Humanities Summit in Orange, CA hosted by Glenn Llopis the author of Earning Serendipity.   I can personally vouch for the fact that this author is a man on a mission.  The program assembled some of the most incredible thought leaders of our time, and author Glenn Llopis is to be included in this esteemed crowd.

In my interview with Glenn we discuss his new book entitled, “Earning Serendipity“, which is about how you can claim your control over your prosperity.  As Glenn states, progression along the path is the result of a rare combination of skills that you can develop and apply in your career, business and life.

The four skills that we discuss are:

  • Seeing with circular vision: Which is the ability to broaden your observation beyond what you seek and beyond the obvious details before you, and enlarge your field of opportunities.
  • Sowing Entrepreneurial Seeds: When good vision is met with consistent, hand-dirtying execution every day, the result is a stable, growing fortune;focus on proper timing and proper depth.
  • Growing Seeds of Greatest Potential: This is when we learn how to recognize the most promising opportunities and give them the right amount of attention; don’t let the best opportunities wilt and don’t waste energy on opportunities with limited potential.
  • Sharing the Harvest: When you focus on meeting others’ needs to improve personal good fortune; make generosity part of your purpose, an integral part of the DNA of your career or company.

If you would like to learn more about Glenn and this great personal growth and mastery book, “Earning Serendipity“, than I recommend that you visit his website by clicking here.

Glenn’s website is rich with resources and videos to help the reader learn more.  You can also take his Workplace Serendipity Quiz the results of which will determine your propensity for creating and sustaining good fortune in your life.

Tracey Jones

I was recently introduced to Tracey Jones the daughter of Charlie “Tremendous” Jones.  Charlie recently passed away, and Tracey has taken over the publishing business which is now called Tremendous Life Books.  It was a pleasure doing this podcast with Tracey and learning what it was like to be the daughter of such an icon in the speaking and motivation business.

If you have never read a Charlie “Tremendous” Jones book, I can highly recommend one of his greats, ” Life is Tremendous”.   In my interview with Tracey we speak about the simple yet valuable lessons that Charlie was always teaching as he would speak and meet with his audiences.  His passion for life was contagious, and he always had a way of helping one see life from a positive and different perspective.  As Charlie says in the front of his book ” Life is Tremendous! It really is.  You can be happy, involved, relevant, productive, healthy and secure in the midst of this high pressure, commercialized, automated, pill-prone society.  It’s not easy nor automatic, but it’s possible through the development of certain personal qualities which make up the traits of leadership.  And you can be a leader, because leaders are made, not born.

Tracy and I speak about the Seven Laws of Leadership that Charlie so passionately spoke about for so many years. The Seven Saws of Leadership are: 1) Learning to get Excited About Your Work 2) Use or Lose 3) Production or Perfection 4) Give or Get 5) Exposure or Experience 6) Flexible Planning 7) Motivated to Motivating.

Please enjoy my interview with Tracey as we explore her father’s work, and how the passion for what he started has transferred a generation to Tracey as she carries on the Jones legacy through Tremendous Life Books.

If you would like to learn more about the book titles that Tremendous Life Books has published please click here to access the Tremendous Life Book website.  I know you will enjoy this interview with Tracey Jones.

Erik MichielsenI was in my office one day, and got a surprise call from Erik Michielsen.   He was referred to me by author Simon Sinek who has appeared on his video blog entitled “Capture Your Flag” and was also a guest on Inside Personal Growth.

The further I dialogued with Erik about his website, I began to realize what an amazing resource he has created for people searching for more fulfillment in their careers.  Erik engages in wonderfully authentic dialogues with the men and women on the street about their feeling, emotions and motivations around their careers.

His online interview show and career planning resource, Capture Your Flag, showcases common character building themes empowering rising leaders’ personal and professional development.  Its purpose is to disarm fears you have and open future planning possibilities.

Interviewees represent an approachable peer group who continue to work through these same challenges in their respective journeys.  Interview segments are categorized by “Fulfillment Flag” to highlight common elements informing interviewee decisions and career progression.

I encourage anyone who is currently questioning their career path, or who is new to the job market to check out Erik’s website.  It is a great resource and will most likely provide the viewer with useful knowledge about his or her next steps in career planning.  You can visit Erik’s website “Capture Your Flag” by clicking here.

Alan BriskinThis is a wonderful interview with my good friend and author Alan Briskin.  We discuss the subject of his new book entitled “The Power of Collective Wisdom, and The Trap of Collective Folly“; the formation of community and the insights gained from groups.

From the perspective of the authors, collective wisdom refers to knowledge and insight gained through group and community interaction.  At a deeper level, however it is about our living connection to each other and the interdependence we share in our neighborhoods, organizations and world community.

Ultimately, this book emerges from a deep conviction that we all have a stake in each other and that what binds us together can be greater than what drives us apart.  Stories and historical examples illustrate how collective wisdom has emerged in a range of cultures, settings, and traditions, and the authors offer a set of practices to help the reader realize the key lessons of the book.

The phrase wise leadership seems like an oxymoron.  This book is so important, because it corrects a basic misconception that wisdom is not develop able.  It shows how wisdom can be cultivated through continual reflection, through silence and through connecting with the highest in yourself and others.  Second is that wisdom is not about just a few wise people but about the capacity of human communities to make wise choices and to orient themselves around a living sense of the future that truly matters to them.  Wisdom is about connection, connection to one another and to a larger whole.

I encourage you to take a journey with author Alan Briskin as we explore, “The Power of Collective Wisdom“, and how it can make a difference in your community and your life.

If you would like to learn more about his new book, please visit the Collective Wisdom website by clicking here.

John AssarafI know that many of us are looking for “The Answer“, and I am not certain if it exists or not but the message that John Assaraf has for you could just be what you are looking for.

His new book, “The Answer“, with co-author Murray Smith, is an intriguing look into the personal power of attraction as well as how to reprogram your unconscious brain.

The Answer combines decades of research from neuroscience and quantum physics with practical, hands-on business know-how to give you the confidence you need and the specific step-by-step actions to follow to build the business, and the life, of your dreams.

In my interview with John we explore the basic building blocks of what is required to rethink, relearn, and reprogram our brains so that we can manifest both the life we want, and the business that we desire.

John states that, everything you need to build your dream business, all the tools, resources, capital, people, ideas, expertise…… it all surrounds you today.  You just need to learn how to tap into that personal power.

Through new findings in neuroscience, scientists have discovered that we can override our own genetic codes.  If we learn how to gain access to the power of our brain, where our attitudes, beliefs, and established thought patterns are stored, we can create new neural pathways that can actually rewrite our genetic code.

Creating a clear business vision is the critical first step to your success.  If you are truly passionate and want to create enormous amounts of success for yourself, then you must have five key elements in place.

  1. You must find something that stirs your soul
  2. You must become excellent at it
  3. You must recondition your mind to believe you can have it and achieve it
  4. You must understand how to make money at it
  5. you must take daily action

Come explore with John Assaraf and myself  “The Answer”   to many of the challenges most entrepreneurs face upon starting, building and maintaining a successful business and personal life.

If you would like more information on John Assaraf and One Coach please click here to access his website.