Eric SinowayMany of us are privileged enough during our lifetime to have a wonderful mentor.  Howard’s Gift is a book about Eric Sinoway and his amazingly wise mentor and professor at Harvard University Howard Stevenson.  This book is filled with compelling stories and lessons that Eric learned from Howard throughout his years at Harvard and beyond.   Howard was a towering figure at Harvard Business School, and the man who literally defined entrepreneurship and taught thousands of world’s most successful professionals.

Many of the lessons you will take from this book will be quite valuable, and the way that Eric tells the stories are quite inviting and compelling.  One lesson that Howard speaks with Eric about are “inflection points“.  So just what is an inflection point and why is it important?  An inflection point as defined by Andy Grove the founder and former CEO of Intel is an event that fundamentally changes the way we think and act.  Usually, an inflection point isn’t a little change. It is a moment when–by choice or not–we pivot from the path down which we are traveling and head in an entirely new direction.   I would venture to say that almost everyone has inflection points in their lives, and it is the experiences and moments like this that we remember forever and change us– almost always for the better.

Howard advocates business planning for your life’s work.  In other words  develop and image of where you want to be and this place is not defined by our title, pay or stature.  As human beings we are complicated souls seeing meaning and purpose in our lives, but when you look at the individuals that have made a difference on our planet they have done so by having a vision of creating something much greater than just making money.  They have a mission to change our culture and society with their inventions; Apple, Facebook, GE, Toyota, Tesla, Google and the list goes on.

If you are driven to make our world a better place to live by whatever means, then you owe it to yourself to read “Howard’s Gift“.  This book is filled with great stories and lesson learned by Eric Sinoway the author by his mentor and wise confidant Howard Stevenson.

Enjoy this wonderful interview with Eric and for more information about the book please click here or watch short video on juggling priorities on YouTube by clicking here.


Cal NewportI recently interviewed Cal Newport a Georgetown University professor of computer science about his new book entitled “So Good They Can’t Ignore You“.   Cal’s book title is taken from advice that comedian Steve Martin once gave to aspiring entertainers and that was to “be so good they can’t ignore you.”.

Cal bunks the advice that we should follow our passion, or do what we love and the money will follow.  He cites that in Steve Jobs’ famed address to the graduating class of Stanford that he advocated to “follow your passion”.  Cal states that the evidence shows that this advice will do your career more harm than good.  Cal reveals that loving what you do is a wise goal, but following your passions isn’t the way to get there.   ” Stop trying to figure out what you are passionate about, instead the secret to building a career you love is to develop rare and valuable skills that you can then leverage to take control of your livelihood. Get good, and the passion will follow.  Not the other way around.

In “So Good They Can’t Ignore You”  Cal presents studies and compelling examples that expose the truth about how people end up loving what they do.  He cites experience, autonomy, competence and relatedness each play a much bigger role in motivation and job satisfaction and his roadmap for getting you there consist of four easy rules: 1) Don’t Follow Your Passion 2) Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You (The Importance of Skill) 3) Turn Down a Promotion (Importance of Control) 4) Think Small, Act Big( The Importance of Mission).

If you take Cal’s advice he states that you will create career capital, and science tells us that the key to loving what you do is to have important traits such as autonomy, competence, creativity and a sense of impact in your working life. These traits are rare and valuable. Basic economics tells us that if you want these traits in your career, you mist build up rare and valuable skills to offer in return. In other words, until you are very good at something, you shouldn’t expect a very good job.

If you are new to the job market or a seasoned veteran the advice that Cal presents in “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” is compelling and sound.  I highly recommend reading Cal’s new book, and applying the principles and advice he has for the reader.   I

f you would like more information about Cal Newport you can visit his blog by clicking here. I hope you enjoy my interview with author Cal Newport about his new book “So Good They Can’t Ignore You.”


Terri SjodinI don’t believe their is a person alive that has not been put in the awkward position of being asked “what do you do?”; and for one reason or another we can’t seem to get the answer out to our mouth in a short simple statement.  In Terri Sjodin’s new book entitled ” Small Message, Big Impact-The Elevator Speech Effect” Terri guides and directs not only the sales and marketing person, but anyone how to crate a effective elevator speech.

As Terri states ” In this day and age of information overload and busier schedules, we’re limited to fewer opportunities to get people attention, and often only 140 characters to get our message across.  Attention must be earned, and faster than ever, or your opportunity will be gone before you know it.  Whether you’re faced with a chance encounter, a one-on-one meeting or presentation for thousands, only a well-crafted elevator speech can take your message and bridge the gap between the goals you set and the results you want.”

In my interview with Terri she provides some of the steps required to build an effective elevator speech.  She speaks about case, creativity, and delivery the three fundamentals of developing a great elevator speech.  Terri states you have to have s solid and persuasive case, along with a thoughtful, creative and intriguing message combined with a delivery which is genuine and enthusiastic. Once you complete Terri book “Small Message, Big Impact” you will have crafted a compelling message.  She takes you through the process and provides examples of wonderfully crafted elevator speeches.  If you are someone who is consistently dealing with the public either in sales, marketing or customer service Terri new book is a must read.

Terri also has a wonderful book trailer that you can watch by clicking here, or you can access forms and tools on how to develop your own elevator speech by clicking here.  I hope you enjoy this wonderful podcast with author Terri Sjodin.


Jeff Frick I recently had the pleasure to interviewing my good friend and author Jeff Frick about his new enhanced book entitled ” Poetic Ripples for the Knowing Heart“.  Jeff’s new book is a publication of Wiseologie Media Group a company that I am a partner in and have been publishing enhanced books for over two years.  If you have never experienced watching and listening to a poet through a downloaded book, then this is your opportunity.

Jeff explores the deep elements of our human nature and experience with his poetry.  He also has used poetry through his life as a businessman to help develop greater levels of communications with his employees, and well as reflective way to express his thoughts, ideas  ways to transform challenging issues.  Poetic Ripples from the Knowing Heart will move and transform you through the beautifully express poetry.


If you would like more information about Jeff’s consulting services you can click here to be directed to the Poetic Ripples website.  You can also watch Jeff on Youtube  where he recites many of his poems by clicking here.  Enjoy this great interview with a very gifted poet and businessman.


Carole Brody FleetWe all face the ultimate situation of grieving at one point or another in our lives, it is just part of life.  My interview with author and founder of a non-profit for women who are dealing with widowhood and grief Carole Brody Fleet really sheds new light on a topic that frequently is swept under the rug or not discussed.

Her new book  entitled “Happily Even After” which is a compilation of questions and answers asked by the women in her community  and all of the issues they are faced puts widowhood into perspective.  Obviously the sudden death or protracted illness of a spouse or significant other has lots of emotional challenges associated with it.  One of the important aspects that Carole bring out in the book is that widowhood does not need to define you as a person.  You will in your own time move on from the grieving process to one day build a new life for yourself.  It does not however mean that you must place all of the memories into the far reaches of your mind.  Cherish time and embrace the wonderful life you once had with that special person, but don’t let it define who you are.

Carole’s book is full of engaging and interesting stories and questions from women from all over the world who have written in to Carole asking for advice.  This guidebook as she calls it is designed to provide gentle guidance, support and help for the reader trying to come to grips with their loss.  Anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one or the potential loss will want to read this book and understand how to better cope and live “Happily Even After.”.

If you want to learn more about Carole’s foundation that supports widows you can click here to be directed to her website.  You can also watch a very compelling YouTube video presentation entitled “Turning Hurt Into Hope” by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Carole Brody Fleet.


Michael HyattIn my recent interview with Michael Hyatt the  CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing, and the author of a wonderful new book entitled “Platform-Get Noticed in a Noisy World” we discuss what is required for someone to get noticed in this very noisy and crowded world we live in today.

Michael is one of the top business bloggers and holds the #1 spot as a Leadership blogger. No doubt he is extremely well qualified to speak about getting noticed and building a platform.

He states that “competition has never been greater and people are more distracted than ever.  That being said, never before have there been so many ways you can connect with people if you do it right.  Michael states that there are two critical parts of the success equation: a compelling product (the what) and a significant platform (the who). 1) Create products that people would love to use 2) Create products that solve problems in unexpected ways 3) Create product that exceed your customers’ expectations.

We also speak about what Michael refers to as the WOW Experience, of which he states has some combination of the following ten (10) elements:

Surprise , Anticipation, Resonance, Transcendence, Clarity, Presence, Universality,  Evangelism, Longevity, Privilege.    He says that being successful means becoming the expert in recognizing WOW when it shows up.  More importantly, it means being able to recognize it when it is absent–and insisting that you ask yourself to deliver it.

Michaels’ new book is loaded with tips and ideas to help anyone who is attempting to develop a platform.  What I really enjoy about Platform, Get Noticed in a Noisy World is that the chapters are short 3-4 pages, easy to digest and filled with very useful tips and information that you can put to use immediately.  If you are someone wanting to get noticed in this noisy world, then reading Michael’s new book is a must.

If you would like to download a free chapter and watch an informational video about the book, then click here to learn more.  You can also click here to be directed to the Facebook page.


Enjoy this wonderful interview with author Michael Hyatt.


Bill ClokeI don’t believe that their is a person either male or female who has been in a relationship that at one point or another has not had challenges in communicating effectively, and finding harmony and bliss in their relationship.

In my interview with Dr. Bill Cloke who has been a couples’ therapist for over 30 years he reveals some very important tips and strategies for staying “Happy Together” the title of his new book. Bill states that the basic building blocks for a loving connection need to consider the following:

1) Boundaries-Understanding what is acceptable and what is not is vital for love to grow. We need to take time to outline what our boundaries are so we can live within them. 2) Consideration: To be considerate about the things that are important to your mates essential for harmony. 3) Fairness: Being fair helps keep a relationship balanced.  Share chores, vacations, spending, friends, and responsibilities toward relatives creates more harmony and positive feelings 4) Tolerance: Our ability to tolerate our partner’s foibles and flaws is important for lasting peace. Tolerance for differences in feelings, way of doing things, parenting styles, and the other opposing view that all couples have is a key component of creating love. 5) Responsibility: Being able to own our part of a problem is essential for conflict resolution. 6) Support: Support takes many forms, from helping your partner fulfill reams and aspirations to providing care when he or she is sick or defeated.

Bill points out that we also have many roadblocks to love, and some of them include: blame-shifting, victimhood, entitlement, denial, displacement, guilt, shame/blame, stonewalling, projection, devaluation. He states that to truly understand what healthy communication is all about, we need to consider the complexity of what may be causing conflicts with our mate.  An argument about putting the cap back on the toothpaste may actually contain clues to buried feelings.  The core of conflict may be a sense of feeling invisible or needing to control, but the cap is the way our feelings are ignited, so the toothpaste is where the argument is focused.

If you are in a good relationship and all is going well, then wonderful.  But don’t think that you cant’ learn from Bill book “Happy Together“.  This book is for anyone in a relationship whether things are going great, or if you believe it needs work.

This is one of the best books on relationship counseling I have read.  You just might be able to save and or improve your relationship by reading, understanding and applying some of the great wisdom that Bill teaches in “Happy Together


I hope you enjoy this interview, and if you would like more information about author Dr. Bill Cloke please click here to be directed to his website.

Annie BurnsideI recently interview author Annie Burnside about her new book entitled “Soul to Soul Parenting“.  My wife is a fifth grade school teacher, daily tells me about the crazy stories and  challenges she faces as a teacher,  teaching children who are disrespectful, disobedient and  have no attention span.

I know about the children that are ADD or ADHD, but these children have not been diagnosed with either. In my estimation what is missing are the  proper role models (their parents) to guide them and reinforce proper behavior.

I am so pleased that Annie Burnside wrote this wonderful book “Soul to Soul Parenting“, which is primarily about raising a spiritually conscious family which is so extremely important in our world today.  In addressing the aspect of raising a spiritually conscious family she espouses what she refers to as Parenting Vehicles, which are practical, tangible things families can do to get in touch with their spiritual nature.

Through a combination of stories about her personal journey, ideas borrowed from the teaching of other spiritual leaders, and old-fashioned common sense, Annie brings to the reader the rituals and spiritual signs along with Soul to Soul Parenting Spiritual Themes that she has used personally with her family to bring the values and spiritual nature that plays such an important role in raising her family and reinforcing the spirituality.

Soul to Soul Parenting encourages and inspires all parent to become the spiritual experts to their own families and lead their children to expand their conscious awareness to include a universal interconnectedness with all of life.

Annie Burnside’s  book is a must read if you have children and are interested in bringing a greater awareness of the important elements of instilling spiritual values and beliefs.  If you would like more information about Annie Burnside please click here to be directed to her website or you can click here to access her Facebook page.


Enjoy my wonderful interview with author Annie Burnside.