Steven SchusslerAuthor Steven Schussler is an amazing man.  He is an entrepreneur who has had tremendous success in the development of his Rainforest Cafe’s and other theme based restaurants.  His new book entitled ” It’s a Jungle in There-Inspiring Lessons, and Hard-Won Insights and Other Acts of Entrepreneurial Daring” is a great book for anyone who wants to learn lessons on personal mastery.

During our interview together we discuss what Steven refers to as the five (5) P’s of successful entrepreneurship.  Those P’s are: Personality, Product, Persistence, People and Philanthropy.   Steven emphasizes that if you are going to be an entrepreneur then you have to be willing to take risk, that is just part of being in business for yourself.  He has a wonderful formula, that in his estimation is an important element, it is PASSION + AMBITION=YIELDS SUCCESS.  Steven says that without passion for your product or service you are going to be hard pressed to become successful.  Your belief in what you are doing, and your passion are going to be the elements that assist in your personal success.

Steven is someone who listens to his inner voice or intuition.  He admits that all good entrepreneurs have the ability to listen and act on their intuition.  Many of his good decisions came from listening, then having the faith to act on his intuition.  I know that many of us hear the voice within, but do we act or are we afraid?  As Steven says you can’t be afraid, you have to go for it!

Steven also emphasizes that you need to dream big to become successful.  He mentions that when you do dream big and if you are passionate about what you are doing the outcomes are much more rewarding and fulfilling.  He quotes Norman Vincent Peal “Believe It and You Can Succeed”.  That is so true, if you believe in what you are creating and in yourself you can do almost anything.

If you want to learn from a man who not only believes in his projects, and himself then  you need to listen to this podcast with author Steven Schussler the author of “It’s A Jungle In There“.  For more information about Steven Schussler and his new book please click here to be directed to his website.

Robert Levine Ph.D.

It is always a pleasure interviewing Dr. Robert Levine.  I did an interview with him on his book, “The Geography of Time“, a few months ago and invited him back to discuss his book, “The Power of Persuasion“.

All of us have been persuaded at one point or another in our lives, and often without our knowing.  Let’s face it we are being bombarded daily with messaging from Madison Ave to buy this or do that, and this does not even include the massive amount of messaging we receive from the Internet through Google or Facebook ads.  Ah, so subtle… but so powerful!

Robert found three conclusions from his research.  1) That we are all more susceptible than we think. 2) The most effective persuaders are the least obvious. 3) The rules are not that much different no matter who is the source or what the product.   Robert states, “If there’s one common denominator to the most effective salespeople I’ve encountered it is that they almost never look like “real” salespeople.  The ones to watch out for hold the uncanny ability to first set you at ease about their motives. Then they sell.

So what are the three characteristics related to persuasiveness?  1) That the person has perceived authority 2) They are honest and trustworthy–(a good example would be politicians who are always selling us something) 3) They are likable.– (Likability drives persuasion from many directions).

Robert points out the fact that persuasion and psychology are essential human activities.  They define our social being never more so today than ever in history.  As our singular and collective attention become increasingly prone to the beck and call of the mass media, sophisticated marketing research, and advanced technology…… the art of persuasion is in its boom years.  It’s up to each of us to use the psychology wisely and ethically, to see that it illuminates rather than electrocutes.

If you are interested in exploring of how “The Power of Persuasion” is affecting you and your decisions, then I recommend that you read Robert’s book.  This book will provide you with valuable insight into how persuasion truly does effect your decisions.  The wonderful aspect about persuasion is that if you are aware that you are being persuaded, you have options.  You and you alone are the only one responsible for your decisions so please make them carefully.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Robert Levine and his many books please click here to be directed to his website.  Enjoy our wonderful interview together.

mick ukleja headshotI met author and thought leader Mick Ukleja at the Innovation and Humanities Summit that was held on the campus of Chapman University in Orange, CA.  I was certainly fascinated by his topic about “Managing the Millennials” also the title of his new book.

If you have not been following the generational differences, the millennials are the generation born between 1987 and 1996.  The curiosity for Mick’s work began a few  years ago when his consulting firm began to notice the frustration among manager and business leaders with integrating younger workers into their organizations. Activities that in the past had been relatively straightforward–like recruiting, retaining, and rewarding–now seemed more challenging than ever.  60 Minutes, the CBS television journal, even did a report about the millennial phenomena where stories portrayed reactions that ranged from amazement to incredulity to outrage.

Mick’s firm GeNext Consulting decided to so some research with both the managers who were having challenges, and those where were effective in their management of the millennials. They analyzed thousands of statements collected during interviews with both managers and Millennial employees and found a pattern of responses that they referred to as perceived orientations.  As many of us know perceptions are not necessarily reality, but perceptions acted on or unchecked often become reality and contributed to the tension between the managers and the millennials.

It is my perception after having personally worked with many people from this generation that they are one of the brightest generations to have graced our planet.  Their focus is work-life balance, reward, self-expression, attention, achievement, informality, simplicity, multitasking, and meaning.

The bottom line is that if managers want to learn how to ease the conflict and tension, which frequently are based on the biases and perceptions which as mentioned are often not reality, then they would best treat the millennials by including them, engaging their opinion and disarming them by treating them as equals.  Millennials will react much more favorably, and many of the differences will vanish.

As Mick points out there seem to be two camps with respect to perspectives about Millennials. One camp believes that Millennials are victims of ‘trend inflation”, meaning that the media has created how they are perceived and consultants are creating a niche industry as a result.  Millennials are bright, motivated and great to have around.  The other camp see millennials as free agents lacking loyalty or commitment to their organizations.  However you want to view millennials they are here to stay, and it would be best to learn how to work with them in harmony.

Mick’s new book certainly provides the reader with the knowledge and insight into how to best lead and work with the Millennials.  Please go to his website by clicking here to get more information on working with Millennials, and enjoy this great interview with Mick Ukleja.

Michael E. Gerber I believe most people in small business know author Michael E. Gerber.  Michael has written a new book entitled, “The Most Successful Small Business in the World: The Ten Principles“.  Michael is a fascinating and dynamic man, not to mention a prolific writer.

In his 70’s Michael still travels the world speaking his message with great passion and zest for life.  In my interview we explore one of his new ventures entitled “Origination‘”.  I would highly recommend that you click on the link and watch his compelling video.  I am not someone to watch a 20 minute video on the Internet, but this video was quite compelling and intrigued me enough to learn more about what Michael is up too.

Michael reveals in “The Most Successful Small Business in the World: The Ten Principles” is a must read for any person in business.  Gerber’s ten principles will help you to break out of the vicious cycle before it starts in your new business. He’ll help you to embrace the energy of exploration with a road map for taking your vision beyond the obvious.  Only then can you build a company that provides continuous fulfillment and personal growth, and can expand the income, services and positive contribution to your employees and community.

Gerber’s ten principles will help you to: 1) identify your company’s essential “system”–its highly differentiated way of doing business that will be the cornerstone of your success.  2) Build a business of great imagination;a self-reliant “reach” that will create economic certainty in any climate. 3) Create a center of growth and learning for your employees, that will in turn develop you business beyond any standard that formerly existed. 4) Instill a higher purpose that can move yourself, your business, and your customers to greater levels of fulfillment and growth.

If you are looking for a truly different business book with wisdom, guidance and simple formulas for success—then you have landed on the right book.  Please visit Micheal’s website by clicking here for more video, audio, radio shows and more.

The website is beautiful and loaded with great free content. Enjoy this lively interview with a true master at small business,  Michael E. Gerber.

Robin Sharma What a wonderful interview with a fascinating man and prolific author.  Robin Sharma has just released his new book entitled, “The Leader Who Had No Title”.

This is a fable in which Robin eloquently weaves into the storyline the advice of a character by the name of Tommy Flinn to our main character Blake Davis about important lessons in life and leadership.  Robin’s message of “The Leader Who Had No Title” is very timely considering the major challenges our world is facing, and many examples we can pluck out of the news about leaders who have fallen from their so called thrones due to indiscretions or lack of integrity.

Robins main message revolves around the fact that everyone is a leader, we all have roles of leadership at work, home and or community.   We need not play down our roles as leaders but embrace the good that we do as a result of our leadership roles.  Robin tells that that we have just entered what he calls, “The Decade of Leadership”.  Leadership has become democratized, we don’t have to be executives to be leaders.

Robin articulates what he refers to as nine smart moves you can make today to start changing the game and create exceptional results:

1)    Remember You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader

2)    Shift form Victimhood to Leadership

3)    Innovate or Stagnate

4)    Become a Value Creator Versus a Clock Watcher

5)    Put People First

6)    Remember that Tough Times Build Strong Leaders

7)    Go to Your Limits

8)    Leader Yourself First

9)    Give Back a Legacy.

I highly recommend this great fable with a wonderful message about how we are all leaders, and we are now living in a age where we all need to step up and become leaders in our own right.  This book is loaded with wonderful advice and practical actions we can take to become the best leaders we are capable of.

Please go to Robin’s website which has loads of video and reference material by clicking here.  Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Robin’s new book by clicking on any of the links in this blog entry.

Enjoy this wonderful interview.

Jason FriedI thoroughly enjoyed my interview with author Jason Fried and founder of 37 Signals.  I have been a raving fan of his company’s software products for several years now.

37 Signals makes such great products as Highrise, Basecamp, Campfire and Backpack.  These subscription based services help the business owners organize and run their business more smoothly and effectively, (for more information on this business application software go to

Jason has co-authored this new book, “Rework“,  with his partner, David Hansson.  “Rework” is one of the best and most practical business books I have ever read. More importantly  Rework has been categorized as a business book, but it really  is no-nonsense advice, ideas, tools and practical applications to help anyone run both their personal and business lives with more sanity.

Jason’s motto is, “It’s simple until you make it complicated“. That statement really sums up what Rework is all about.  How to simplify and conserve energy so that you can be the most productive while still having fun.

In my interview we discuss the simple concept of embracing the idea of having less mass, which refers to the concept of not acquiring additional baggage, as you build your business.  Keep your contracts, inventory, people and staff to a minimum.  Keep your business streamlined, don’t get it over complicated and overweight with the complexities that businesses seem to acquire as they grow and prosper.  Keep lean, don’t get fat!

Jason says that less is a good thing, and that constraints are advantages in disguise. Limited resources force you to make do with what you’ve got.  I always heard the statement, “do what you can with what you got now.”

Many business owners, and especially in our current economic environment, are complaining about lack and limitation.  If you follow the advice of Jason,  you will probably look back at these economic times as an opportunity to be the most resourceful and creative, and probably come up with some awesome breakthrough ideas.

I can’t say enough about this book.  It truly is a must read for anyone in business or getting ready to start a business who wants sound practical advice on ways to control your destiny.  This book encourages you to take an introspective look at how you best should run your life and your business.

If you want to learn more about Rework and Jason Fried, I have provided several links to videos with additional information about Jason’s philosophy and a smart creative video that will touch your funny bone .

Big Think video

Rework Video’s

So do yourself a favor and get a copy of Rework, you will be glad that you did.

Michael LinenbergerIf you are feeling overworked and stressed out these days, then join the crowd.  Most white collar workers are attempting to figure out how to manage the besiege of email, voice mail, text messaging, and just keep up.  For the most part we are not doing a very good job of it.

If you want to learn more about mastering your work day, then I encourage you to listen to my interview with Michael Linenberger the author of a new book entitled, “Master Your Workday Now!”.  Michael has developed proven strategies to control the chaos and create outcomes, and connect your work to who you really are.

In my interview with Michael we discuss the proven strategies such as his simple Now Task List.  This wonderful idea does more than just prioritize your to-dos, it provides a system for breaking them down into three simple sections: Critical Now, Opportunity Now and Over the Horizon.

Michael’s  system of getting your Workday mastered revolves around a simple pyramid which at the foundation is control, then moves to create and at the top of the pyramid is connect. He wants people to get control of the workday by managing their urgency zones. Once this is mastered you create your outcomes by using Now Goals and Goal Activation.  Then you move on to connecting your work with who you really are.

His program is easy to understand and he connects all of techniques to Microsoft Outlook if you are using this desktop manager.  As many of you are aware with the massive amounts of data that we are responsible for managing, it is almost impossible to do it without some type of software system.

But, just in case you are not using a computer to manage your contacts, information, etc.,  Michael’s system will work without Outlook or any other desktop manager for that matter.

I highly recommend “Master Your Workday Now!”. If you want to take back control of your day, and all of the to-do’s that are keeping you from really focusing on the most important aspects of your life then read Michael’s book and practice his mastery techniques.

You can get more information at Michael’s website by clicking here.

Tracey Jones

I was recently introduced to Tracey Jones the daughter of Charlie “Tremendous” Jones.  Charlie recently passed away, and Tracey has taken over the publishing business which is now called Tremendous Life Books.  It was a pleasure doing this podcast with Tracey and learning what it was like to be the daughter of such an icon in the speaking and motivation business.

If you have never read a Charlie “Tremendous” Jones book, I can highly recommend one of his greats, ” Life is Tremendous”.   In my interview with Tracey we speak about the simple yet valuable lessons that Charlie was always teaching as he would speak and meet with his audiences.  His passion for life was contagious, and he always had a way of helping one see life from a positive and different perspective.  As Charlie says in the front of his book ” Life is Tremendous! It really is.  You can be happy, involved, relevant, productive, healthy and secure in the midst of this high pressure, commercialized, automated, pill-prone society.  It’s not easy nor automatic, but it’s possible through the development of certain personal qualities which make up the traits of leadership.  And you can be a leader, because leaders are made, not born.

Tracy and I speak about the Seven Laws of Leadership that Charlie so passionately spoke about for so many years. The Seven Saws of Leadership are: 1) Learning to get Excited About Your Work 2) Use or Lose 3) Production or Perfection 4) Give or Get 5) Exposure or Experience 6) Flexible Planning 7) Motivated to Motivating.

Please enjoy my interview with Tracey as we explore her father’s work, and how the passion for what he started has transferred a generation to Tracey as she carries on the Jones legacy through Tremendous Life Books.

If you would like to learn more about the book titles that Tremendous Life Books has published please click here to access the Tremendous Life Book website.  I know you will enjoy this interview with Tracey Jones.