Woman’s advocate and specialists Leslie Peter’s RN has a very interesting perspective on the topic of “Adverse Childhood Experiences”.  Here experience is a direct result of being the victim from childhood abuse from her father as a child,  as well as counseling thousands of women who have been the victims of childhood abuse.

Leslie has worked with women in impoverished communities as an registered nurse in a hospital, and as she would question these women upon admission to the hospital she heard and saw first hand how much of a problem “Adverse Childhood Experiences” were affecting these women from being able to extract themselves from poverty.  The condition also has adverse effects on their mental and physical health as well as  a very challenging problem to deal with.  It is difficult at best for these women to shift their psychological mindset so that they can extract themselves from being stuck in this insidious cycle.

I took this opportunity to have a very open and frank dialogue about “Adverse Childhood Experiences” If you have been a victim of Adverse Childhood Experiences then I would recommend that you listen to my interview with one of the foremost experts in the field.  If you would like to learn more you might want to click here to be directed to as study commissioned by Kaiser and the CDC.

You can also connect with Leslie Peter’s RN by clicking here to be directed to her website, or you can click here to be directed to her Linkedin page.

I hope you enjoy this very interesting podcast with Leslie.

I know that many of us know the importance of defining and living our purpose, but how many of us really do the work required to define and live our purposes?  I believe that it can be challenging to prevent the inertia from setting in because we are creatures of habit.  We get comfortable with our current situation and year in and year out we just keep doing the same things and wonder why things have not changed.

I know from personal experience that embracing our fears and getting out of our comfort zone requires grit, determination and a willingness to change.  We need to embrace change and do it with zest.

If you are willing to take some risk and step out of your comfort zone as you set your goals for 2018, then this podcast recording with Craig Filek the founder of Purpose Mapping is especially for you.

In my interview with Craig Filek, we discuss his unique process for helping his clients define their life purpose and values.   Craig teaches a course and coaches his clients to not only defining their purpose but living it.  If you want to clarify your strength, embrace your fears, ignite your potential and align your actions with your purpose then you want to listen to this great podcast on Purpose Mapping.

If you would like to test drive Craig’s Purpose Mapping course then I encourage you to click this link to be directed to his website. There you will be taken through a 20-minute video which will inspire and encourage you to define your life purpose.  Craig is engaging and has a compelling message.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful podcast on Purpose Mapping with founder Craig Filek.


Taking the spiritual journey is about finding the place you feel most at home.  I frequently believe that people on the journey have to experience many different spiritual paths before they ever find their true home.  Once you find it, you will know it–for you will feel comfortable and alive with all sentient beings around you and with the Universe.

In my interview with author Dani Antman about her new book “Wired for God-Adventures of a Jewish Yogi“, you will get to learn from someone who has found her home and has used the deep spiritual understandings to help heal others. When the Judaism from her childhood did not satisfy her spiritual awakenings she went on a path that included yoga, energy healing, and the Kabbalah to help her make a personal spiritual transformation.

A healing crisis, misplaced trust, and a failed marriage intensify her desire for a teacher who can lead her to self-realization. Dani’s prayers are answered in the form of a realized adept, a Swami from the fairway shores of Rishikesh, India, who initiates her in his lineage of Kundalini Science, the study of the Divine force within every human being that is the initiator of spiritual growth.

Dani has taken her own spiritual path from mystical Judaism through Kundalini Science and back again. Dani story is inspirational and provides the reader with true insights for all spiritual seekers.  If you want to learn more about Dani’s new book “Wired for God” please click here to go to her website or you can connect with her on Facebook by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with Dani Antman author of “Wired for God“.