Guy FinleyIf you have been looking for a book that will stimulate your soul, then you have come to the right place.  Author Guy Finley in his new book entitled ” The Seeker, The Search, The Sacred” has truly written a book that will stur your soul and get you thinking about your spirituality.

I personally love book that are designed to get us to think from our heart, and not our head.  ” The Seeker, The Search, The Sacred will truly inspire your heart center.  The book offers the reader a collection of universal spiritual quotations that the author has collected over the last thirty-five years.  They are divided into three distinct categories, within which they are presented chronologically–from the earliest to the most recent.

Guy starts the book off with a great quote from Walt Whitman’s classic work “Leaves of Grass”. And I quote ” Would you sound below the restless ocean of the entire world? Would you know the dissatisfaction? the urge and spur to every life; the something never still’d–never entirely gone? the invisible need to every seed? It is the central urge in every atom to return to its diving source of origin, however distant.

As Guy writes ” In the first of these four lines, we’re asked a vital question: is the a part of us that longs to know–that’s willing to seek out–what lies hidden just beneath the thought–tossed surface of ourselves? If our answer is “Yes”, then Mr. Whitman goes on to suggest what awaits us there in that great, undiscovered country of our innermost Self.

In my interview with Guy we explore the wisdom of the Mystic Masters and the timeless ideas and what they help us reveal to ourselves.   These timeless ideas are designed to ignite and allows us to remember our “seeds of fire”–discrimination, intention and illumination.


Please join with me in a wonderful interview with an amazing author and man with ageless wisdom.  Guy will share with us timeless insights, thoughts that will stur our soul and settle our hearts.

This book is part of a much larger vision and quest for author Guy Finley called One Journey.  It is Guy Finley’s vision to allow his readers to share their insights, vision and wisdom at a new his new community based website One  You can be connected by clicking here.

encourage your to visit the website and watch the great video–it will truly inspire your soul.

Guy FinleyI always have a great time interviewing Guy Finley.  He is one of my favorite authors with a heart of gold, and a love for humanity.

I had the pleasure of actually being involved in the making of “Being Extraordinary-The New Model for Success“.  This new book is what is referred to as an enhanced book for the Apple iPad.  I am a partner in an organization called Wiseologie Media Group, and we develop enhanced books for authors and publish them in the various forms of digital media for tablets such as the iPad, Nook, Amazon Kindle Fire etc.

Guy’s new book ” Being Extraordinary” is  a question and answer format allowing the reader to easily extract the words of wisdom from Guy Finley without having to read every page of the book–although you should its a wonderful book.  I personally interviewed Guy for over five hours, and our interviews are the foundational material included in “Being Extraordinary”  For Guy Finley this book is a leap into addressing many issues facing business leaders from a spiritual perspective.

A very important topic that is covered is the shift that Guy would like to see business leaders make, from one of “what can I take” to “what can I give or contribute to the world“.  This concept might seem simple, but imagine a world where our business leaders make a shift in their thinking from “taking” to “giving”.  Not only would our business world be transformed, all businesses and the stakeholders–employees, vendors, stockholders would become part of a global transformation in the exchange of good and services benefiting humanity–social responsibility would be the focus.

Guy says that the ordinary is created to serve the extraordinary, and that we realize this relationship within ourselves by learning what it means to come “awake” and be “present” to ourselves at all times.  In becoming extraordinary, one of the most valuable lessons is to awaken to our own personal relationship with our “higher-self” the self that transcends aspects of our self that are not awake to what and who we are becoming in each and every moment.  At this point we experience our own personal revelation, we realize that their are not failures only learning lessons and opportunities to progress in our own awakening to who and what we are becoming.

Guy states that the “I” must be willing to die for the “We” if we are to become fearless.  In “Being Extraordinary” the reader will learn that to transcend the ego’s dominion and realize our connection to the “One”.  You learn that you are  not separate, you are One with the Source and Being Extraordinary is part of our divine right.

If you want to learn more about “Being Extraordinary” please click here to be directed to the iTunes store where you can download the first two chapters for review on your iPad.  You can also learn more by clicking here to be directed to a You Tube video with an introduction to the book.  I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Guy Finley about “Being Extraordinary“.

Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 325: Live Off Your Passion with Scott Dinsmore I was recently introduced to author Scott Dinsmore’s work

Jack CanfieldI recently interviewed Jack Canfield about his new book that he co-authored with William Gladstone entitled ” The Golden Motorcycle Gang“.  While part of this book is about Jack’s facilitating personal story, the main point of the book is asking the reader to awaken to their ” souls transformation”.  By embracing  2012 as a year of enlightenment, and to join in with Jack and the rest of a very impressive “gang” of people on this enlightening journey.

The ‘gangs” intention is to have fun, but to also make a significant contribution to the well-being of humanity.  The mystery and adventure inherent in this book reveals that there is now an opportunity for choosing the actual course of our evolution.  Along the way we are ment to experience the joy that comes from recognizing who we really are.

As the authors state ” the world is facing multiple crises.  We are calling upon you our readers, to become Agents for Conscious Evolution.  What that means in terms of expression will be different for each and every one of you.  What you need to know is that each of you is essential to ensure that life on this planet evolves in a positive direction.  We invite you to focus on what is going well in your immediate world and to overcome the fear and inertia that grips all of us from time to time.

If you want to learn more about how to become part of the “Golden Motorcycle Gang” movement and to explore the concept of Conscious Evolution I encourage you to click here to be directed to the Golden Motorcycle Gang website.  I have also listed several other websites that will enlighten you about becoming part of this movement.–Barbara Marx HubbardShift MovementBirth 2012.


I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with Jack Canfield the author of the “Golden Motorcycle Gang“.  You can click here to be directed to an overview video at YouTube.

James OlsonAuthor James Olson truly has thoughtfully written a book that  asks the reader to ponder and reflet deeply about the whole-brain path to peace.  His new book entitled “The Whole Brain Path to Peace-The Role of Left-and Right Brain Dominance in the Polarization and Reunification of America” is enlightening to say the least.

In my interview with James we discuss the the tow hemispheres of the brain, and the differences between the left brain and right brain dominance.  As James states the right brain is holistic, unifying and see wholeness.  It is interested in collectives, including collective security and is interested in the welfare of others.

In contrast, the left-brain is dualistic and it separates wholes through the process and analysis, focusing in on their parts.  The left brain is aggressive and needs to be in order to protect us, while the right brain is peaceful, engaging people through a process of attraction rather than action.

James associates the left brain with war, and the right brain with peace.  He states that the left-brain, being analytical, is deconstructive.  Analysis takes things apart.  It is also aggressive and forceful and needs boe be in order to overcome the unity of wholeness.  Wholes don’t fall apart; they have to be forced apart.   The path to peace requires that we fully integrate the tow different side of our brain and end the struggle between them, resulting in a whole brain, a peaceful brain, rather than a polarized brean of two parts.  From a whole-brain perspective—when all you have is wholeness—there are no reason to fight or have war: There is nothing to war against. War comes about only when we have separation.

Author James Olson’s new book ” The Whole-Brain Path to Peace” is a wonderful read filled with thought provoking ideas to thrust the reader into understanding how the two hemispheres of our brain are truly the reason for separation, and not seeing the differences.  Once we can unify our left and right sides of the brain and see the world from a whole-brain perspective we will have personal peace, and as our author would like—world peace.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with a great author.  You can learn more about James Olson by clicking here to be directed to his website.  Or you can watch a Youtube video by clicking here.

Tom HintonI first met author Tom Hinton about a year ago.  He was introduced to me by a good friend who I rode bikes with while doing mentoring for  Team In Training.  I had a great lunch with Tom and was impressed with what Tom had created in his business, but more importantly I was inspired by him as a person.

Tom’s new book entitled ” 10,000 Days: the Rest of Your Life, the Best of Your Life.” is based on the principles that their are three (3)  stages of our life.  The first 10,000 days are the “Discovery Years” and span from infancy to early adulthood.   The second 10,000 days are called the ” Fulfillment Years“.  Most people spend the Fulfillment Years building their resume, acquiring wealth, searching for true love, starting a family and laying down roots.  The third 10,000 days are the ” Legacy Years“.  This as Tom explains it is the moment we grasp that something significant in our life is missing.

We frequently are asking the questions: Who am I?, How do I live a life worth remembering?, and What is my higher purpose in life?.

In my interview with Tom we discuss what is referred to in “10,000 Days” as “The Course”.   The course consists of four parts: Acceptance of Self, Acceptance of Others, Acceptance of the Divine and Embracing the Gift of Love.  The book has been written for those entering the ” Legacy Years” and are yearning for meaningful answers to life’s most powerful questions as Tom states.

Answering the above questions are a turning point in a person’s life–this turning point is not defined by age but by opening our hearts to new possibilities.  Tom mentions that whenever our Inner Spirit senses we are receptive to its overtures, it surfaces and invites us to respond to its call.  This book has been written for those who are awakening from a period of spiritual deprivation and want to re-connect with their Inner Spirit.   This course is based on a simple life-balance philosophy that encourage your ego and Inner Spirit to work together in harmony so you can live your dreams and attain your higher purpose.

Tom new book “ 10,000 Days” is truly an inspirational work and worth the read no matter what your age.  If you want to explore your higher calling and get in touch with that part of your that longs to be expressed and make a difference then I encourage you to read and practice what Tom Hinton is advocating.  Enjoy this wonderful interview with Tom.

You can learn more about Tom’s course and his work by clicking here to be directed to his website, or you can watch this great YouTube video by clicking here.

Jennifer LeeIf you are anything like me, you are going to love ” The Right-Brain Business Plan” with Jennifer Lee.  Jennifer Lee’s new book is exactly what I needed and is the first book of it’s type that I have ever seen that is designed to help people like me ( and maybe you) who are predominately right brained put together a creative business plan.

I can’t tell you how many years I have struggled with the linear approach to business planning, forecasts and all of the traditional approaches to building a business plan.  Well, you don’t have to follow that linear approach anymore.  Jennifer has made is easy to utilize your creative juices and still get everything you need in your business plan.

I used to think that creativity and business were words apart, especially after a decade of diligently climbing the corporate ladder while I stuffed my under appreciated creative spirit into the corner.  When I finally listened to my heart and took the bold leap of quitting my day job to follow muy dreams full-time, I discovered a much better way to live and work states Jennifer.

The left-brain thinking has dominated the business world for centuries;fortunately, though, dramatic shifts in our social and economic environment are leveling the playing field.  As we move from a knowledge economy based on information and analysis to a creative economy built on innovation and ideas, right-brain thinking will prevail.

As you might already guess the right-brain business is visual, creative and fun.  It looks more like a mind map for your business success.  Typically a business plan has yawn-inducing subheads such as ” Executive” Summary”, and “Company Overview”.  Jennifer has taken the liberty to come up with catchy creative titles for these sections like “Hearty Highlights” and ” Business Vision and Values”, and “Managing the Moola” I love her creative approach.

Jennifer shows the right brain individual how to have fun building their business plan, while thinking out of the box and giving them permission to ignite their creative side while developing their business plan  .  I know you are going to love my wonderful interview with Jennifer Lee about her new book entitled ” The Right-Brain Business Plan“.

If you would like to learn more about Jennifer you can click here to be directed to her website.  She also has a home study e-course that you can learn more about by clicking here.
Go for it, step out of your comfort zone and lean how Jennifer Lee can teach you to be extremely creative in the business planning process.

Right Brain

If you are anything like me, you are going to love ” The Right-Brain Business Plan” with Jennifer Lee.  Jennifer Lee’s new book is exactly what I needed and is the first book of it’s type that I have ever seen that is designed to help people like me ( and maybe you) who are predominately right brained put together a creative business plan.

I can’t tell you how many years I have struggled with the linear approach to business planning, forecasts and all of the traditional approaches to building a business plan.  Well, you don’t have to follow that linear approach anymore.  Jennifer has made is easy to utilize your creative juices and still get everything you need in your business plan.

I used to think that creativity and business were words apart, especially after a decade of diligently climbing the corporate ladder while I stuffed my under appreciated creative spirit into the corner.  When I finally listened to my heart and took the bold leap of quitting my day job to follow muy dreams full-time, I discovered a much better way to live and work states Jennifer.

The left-brain thinking has dominated the business world for centuries;fortunately, though, dramatic shifts in our social and economic environment are leveling the playing field.  As we move from a knowledge economy based on information and analysis to a creative economy built on innovation and ideas, right-brain thinking will prevail.

As you might already guess the right-brain business is visual, creative and fun.  It looks more like a mind map for your business success.  Typically a business plan has yawn-inducing subheads such as ” Executive” Summary”, and “Company Overview”.  Jennifer has taken the liberty to come up with catchy creative titles for these sections like “Hearty Highlights” and ” Business Vision and Values”, and “Managing the Moola” I love her creative approach.

Jennifer shows the right brain individual how to have fun building their business plan, while thinking out of the box and giving them permission to ignite their creative side while developing their business plan  .  I know you are going to love my wonderful interview with Jennifer Lee about her new book entitled ” The Right-Brain Business Plan“.

If you would like to learn more about Jennifer you can click here to be directed to her website.  She also has a home study e-course that you can learn more about by clicking here.

Go for it, step out of your comfort zone and lean how Jennifer Lee can teach you to be extremely creative in the business planning process.

Brian AlmanI was introduced to Brian Alman through a very good friend just about a month ago.  She recommended that I do an interview with Brian about his new book entitled ” The Voice: Overcome Negative Self-Talk and Discover Your Inner Wisdom.”   I was very impressed with Brian, and the message that he delivers through his book.

What you will find out about Brian during our interview is that the techniques he teaches to reach deep within and find your true authentic voice are truly amazing.  Brian was trained by one of the leading experts in the business Dr. Milton Erickson, and what Brain learned while under the tutelage  of Dr. Erickson truly transformed his life both emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Brian is now teaching what he learned from Dr. Erickson to thousands of patients, and obtaining amazing relief from pain and suffering in all areas of their lives.  What Brian knows is that it is not the difficulties themselves but our repression of our feelings that elevates our stress to dangerous levels.  As Brian states stress is the leading cause of 60-80% of all doctors office visits.  Also “chronic stress” caused by ” adverse childhood experiences” in the family is far more prevalent than most medical doctores believe, and is highly correlated with a whole host of physical and emotional problems later in life

Brian teaches the ” Find Your Voice” process that is based on a three step .   First, he says stop trying to get rid of your challenge.  That never works and is even counter-productive–the harder you try to fix yourself, the stronger your challenge becomes.

Second, you need to learn how to constructively deal with your Inner Judge, that self-critical voice in your head that’s quick to blame you and punish you for your mistakes and imperfections.  Third, as you experience and engage positively with all your pain and negativity–as you embrace all of the thoughts, feelings, and self-criticisms that are driving your challenge–you find yourself spontaneously developing a new and more loving relationship with yourself.

Brian’s book “The Voice” is simple yet provides the reader with a process that will allow you to get rid of the “negative self-talk” while getting you in touch with your authentic inner voice.  I know that reaching that place where we can hear, listen and actually utilize the guidance of this voice is where we make decisions in our life that change us forever.  I know you are going to enjoy my interview with Brian Alman about his new book ” The Voice“.


If you would like more information you can go to Brian’s website by clicking here, or watch a YouTube video on ” The Voice” by clicking here.  Enjoy listening to author Brian Alman.