Cindy SilbertA few years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Cindy Silbert at a “Women in Business” Expo in Del Mar, CA. She impressed me with her gentle spirit and intuitive nature and we have stayed in touch. Cindy has written and released her first book entitled, “Create, Cultivate, Thrive A Guide to Self Expression and Fulfillment”,so it was perfect timing for us to do this podcast together. Her latest book was written as a guide for women to discover their true feminine power and ultimately reach their full potential in life. Cindy’s life work is to guide women to that place of peace and power within and to teach them how to create and cultivate a life that is a thriving expression of each individual in every aspect of work, home, body, love and soul. The approach she uses is organic in that it is natural, intuitive and fluid. Her approach changes and adapts based on the individual so it is totally customized. Each person’s experience with Cindy will be different than the experience of any one else. It’s all up to you and what you want to create in your life. For those of you unfamiliar with Cindy, she is the premiere transformational Life Coach for women who want to express themselves and change the world. She is the creator of, “Life Cultivation™”, a fusion of eastern practices and life coaching.

As the founder of Bring You To Life , she has created the only global resource guiding women to deep lasting fulfillment through Self-Expressed Living ™ and the preeminent community of women expressing themselves and changing the world. Cindy’s natural gift is intuitive listening. She is able to listen beyond words and intuitively guide a person to discover their essence, truth and ultimately what they want from life. Cindy’s gift is backed by 25 years of experience and education including a B.S. in Business with an emphasis in Marketing from San Diego State University.

During a difficult period of her life, Cindy called upon her lifelong passion for journaling as a last resort to get her life back on track and where she desired it to be. While journaling she discovered a process that she found far more powerful than any other motivation or goal setting program she had ever encountered. This powerful personal experience led to the development of Life Cultivation™ which is now the foundation for her coaching, books, workshops and life tools. Cindy believes that the path to “Absolute Fulfillment” comes from both internal and external fulfillment. She says that in this life, happiness and fulfillment comes from having it all. Not just meaningless possessions but simply having a life that reflects your desires – a life that inspires you, makes you happy and gets you to jump out of the bed in the morning. And possibly, a life that is beyond what you can currently imagine.

I invite you to sit back, relax and enjoy this inspiring interview with Cindy.

Jamie Nast I do not know how many of you have been exposed to the concept of, “Idea Mapping“, but it is a wonderful way to collect and organize your thoughts. I personally started Idea Mapping about 10 years ago and have been using the process ever since. I happen to run across Jamie Nast’s Idea Mapping while doing a search on Amazon. I called up Jamie and asked her if she would be interested in doing this podcast and she gracefully accepted.

Jamie is one of the foremost consultants on Idea Mapping and has a wonderful knowledge of the process and how it can assist you both professionally and personally. Idea Mapping, as she refers to it, is a process using either software or colored pens and paper to capture your ideas and thoughts without binding you to a linear process as we learned in college while note taking. We don’t think linearly so why would we want to capture our thoughts and ideas that way?

Idea Mapping frees the mind and opens up the unlimited possibilities of creativity and innovation. It is a wonderful process and something that I highly recommend to my listeners to learn more about. Jamie’s new book entitled, ” Idea Mapping: How to Access Your Hidden Brain Power, Learn Faster, Remember More, and Achieve Success in Business“, is simple to read and packed full of examples and methods to get you started. She has even included a CD from MindJet which is a 21-day free trial software for both Mac and PC.

If you wish to achieve greater success, learn faster and capture your ideas to be organized for monumental personal and professional growth, then I highly recommend Idea Mapping by Jamie Nast. You can find out more about Jamie, her courses, books and trainings by clicking here.

Brandt MorganI have to say that Brandt Morgan and his, “Vision Walk” process is incredibly powerful. I recently went to a spiritual retreat in Virgina and read the book on the plane. I followed the advice that Brandt outlines in the book by asking a question prior to my meditation, then went into meditation and let spirit do the rest. During the meditation I found myself very peaceful and without any distraction. Upon rising from the meditation Brandt suggests that you go on a walk and listen to Spirit. I just happen to be in one of the most beautiful parts of the country and took an hour walk in the woods. I had never had an experience like the one I experienced on the walk. I was being guided by Spirit throughout the walk, about a very important project that had been on my mind. I am now consumed by “Heartfelt Connections” which is a project that has been divinely manifested.

Not only did Spirit speak with me, she gave me advice in detail as to what I was suppose to be doing with this project. The advice was so descriptive in detail that after the walk, I went back to my cabin at the retreat center and started recording what I had been told. When I was completed with the process I had over nine pages of detailed information to proceed forward manifesting my “Heartfelt Connections” project. If you would like to learn more about this project please click here for a link to our web site or read my blog entry by clicking here.

In all my years of personal growth and study I have never had a process that has so strongly connected me to Spirit as did the Vision Walk that Brandt Morgan outlines in his book. I highly recommend his book, retreats and learning more about this wonderful spiritual process. Please check out Brandt’s web site by clicking here and definitely purchase his book.

Bill HarrisBill Harris is the director of Centerpointe Research Institute in Portland OR. He is the originator of a method of meditation called, “Holosync”, which is being practiced and used by thousands of people today.  Centerpointe Research Institute had its modest beginnings in the fall of 1989. Bill Harris and Wes Wait, both with a long-term interest in meditation and personal growth, had spent the previous four years with a small circle of friends researching and personally experiencing the effects of what later evolved into Centerpointe Research Institute’s Holosync® audio technology.

The idea of using precise sounds to alter a listener’s state of mind came from a 1973 article in Scientific American by researcher Dr. Gerald Oster of Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York. In this article, “Auditory Beats in the Brain,” Oster describes a characteristic of the brain wherein electrical brain wave patterns resonate to certain precise frequencies when presented with audio tones of certain frequencies.

As long-time practitioners of Transcendental Meditation, Harris and Wait were familiar with research done in the 1970s establishing a relationship between specific brain wave patterns and a variety of states including those of meditation, superlearning, increased focus and concentration, and enhanced creativity.

After four years of personal experimentation, during which those in the research group experienced what could only be described as profound mental, emotional and spiritual changes, Harris and Wait decided to create a structured method for using Holosync, and in 1989 they began marketing this program to the general public. With electronic tone generators and frequency counters borrowed from a local university, the master soundtracks were recorded for a series of 13 program levels, each more powerful than the last.

The initial idea was to re-create, with modern high-tech methods, the meditation experience usually reserved to those dedicated few willing to meditate many hours each day for many years. To recreate the second ingredient of the meditation process—the “rescripting” that takes place as meditators reach an altered, meditative state and then reprogram their unconscious mind through mantras, affirmations, or prayers—they added, beginning with the second level of the program, silent affirmations chosen by the participant and recorded in his or her own voice, and delivered using Centerpointe’s proprietary Autofonix® silent messaging technology.

The results were spectacular and participant feedback extremely positive. Participants reported a dramatic acceleration of positive results in their meditation practice, often reporting more change in a single year of the Centerpointe program than in ten or fifteen years of traditional meditation.

Today, Centerpointe has grown to be one of the largest personal growth companies in the world, with program participants in 172 countries.

I hope that you enjoy this interesting and informative podcast with a man who has revolutionized the art of meditation. If you would like to learn more about Bill Harris and the Centerpointe Research Institute please click here.

Ruth FolitIn this interview with Ruth Folit we explore the wonderfully powerful and rewarding aspects of journaling. I know that I have journaled from time to time and when I was inspired to journal, I found the process to be very cathartic.

In my interview with Ruth we explore the benefits of regular journaling and the various types of journaling. Ruth is the founder of a company called, “Chronicles Software“, and she developed one of the only software applications that assists journal writers in organizing their thoughts for easy retrieval. The software also allows the journal writer to:

  • Write securely and privately, journaling within feature-rich entries.
  • Be inspired with prompts and quotes to see new perspectives: your journaling becomes more consistent.
  • Track your health or energy levels; hours slept or miles walked (create up to 10 scales)–a unique journaling tool.
  • Search and review your diary entries effortlessly by topic, date, journal type and more.
  • Remember your past and create your memoir, as memories surface.
  • Understand your life better by making connections and gaining insight.
  • Customize your diary to make it YOUR OWN journal program.

If you are interested in learning more about the art of journaling and would like to know more about Ruth’s software please visit her web site by clicking here. I know you will enjoy our podcast if you are interested in becoming more focused on the regular benefits of journaling. I was inspired by our interview and am going to start journaling again.

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Jen BlackertJen Blackert is a wonderfully energetic person. I have never personally met her, but I feel as if I have known her forever. I decided to do this podcast about her new book because I believe she is very intuitive when it comes to the focus, direction and use of one’s energy. Her book is a guide to finding, identifying and changing our mental limits. It offers probing questions to ponder in an effort to get the reader to eradicate unhelpful habits and behaviors so you can live a life without limits.

So just what are the Seven Dragons that Jen has identified?

1. Mental Incongruence: Shift your subconscious feelings into alignment with logical thought.

2. Overwhelm: Clarify your needs and map your way to success.

3. Decision Procrastination: Change your procrastination habits for good.

4. Attention Deficit: Gain focus and concentration.

5. Resistance: Reset your mindset and go with the flow.

6. Finances: Learn to give, receive and feel confident with the flow of money.

7. Unworthiness: Be, do and feel fabulous.
Jen’s book is a guide to helping you overcome the Seven Dragons and achieve a limitless mind. I hope you enjoy this podcast and learning how to achieve personal mastery by working on your Seven Dragons. If you would like to learn more about Jen’s workshops, audio CD’s, and books please visit her site by clicking here