Calling all leaders–your current leadership impact is a result of many factors.  Author Simon Tyler in his new book entitled ” Impact Code 50 Way to Enhance Your Presence and Impact at Work“, states that there are five (5) fundamental aspects of leadership.

1) Your Visual Impact, no this is not about the great clothes you wear it is about your visual messaging, and how people around you perceive your message.  2) Presence, this is that special something that you possess that draws people to you.  They want to hear what you have to say, and they are willing to follow you.  3) Connection, this is the factor relating to how well you connect with others, how they respond and if they are motivated by you written and spoken word.  4) Verbal Impact, how you make people feel when you give them a task to do.  Do they feel valued and empowered.  5) Your Leadership Footprint, do you leave others with a call-to-action or a high degree of interest and motivation.

Author Simon Tyler provides the reader with 50 short and well articulated lessons on how to make a greater impact in the workplace.  I highly recommend anyone in management read Simon’s book “Impact Code” to better understand what will make you a better leader in your organization.

If you want more information about Simon please visit his website by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this interview with author Simon Tyler.

Change is everywhere, change is the only constant and it certainly is not going away.  What do we do, how do we manage change?  You and your fellow workers learn how to live with it, cope and make it your ally.

As the author Moe Glenner states in his new book “Plus Change-Genesis of Innovation” “Since life will frequently take us to the intersection of creativity, change and innovation, how do we successfully navigate the junction?  Now, that is the question of the millennial?

In Moe’s book “Plus Change” he navigates us through the elements of change and unlocks the secrets to turning that change into growth, potential and profits.  Moe has what he refers to as the “Nifty-Nine Principles to the creative process.  These principles are wonderful ways to move change into creativity, and they are 1) Release the endorphins 2) Separate idea generation from idea evaluation 3) Always test assumptions 4) Avoid patterned thinking 5) Create new perspectives 6) Minimize negative thinking 7) Take (prudent) risks 8) Get lost! 9) Turn Out the lights.

If you want to get more context regarding these principles click on this Youtube interview that Moe did about the book.  It provides the viewer with an overview of the book and its contents as well as more insight into the principles.  I hope you enjoy this interview with author Moe Glenner, please visit his website by clicking here.


There is not a person working in business or starting a business that is not looking to find ways and techniques to become more productive.  Most of us have heard David Allen and his process called Getting Things Done, and believe me this system if implemented and followed works wonderfully.

I recently was introduced to Ben Elijah the author of “The Productivity Habits“.  Ben has been studying how we as human beings interact with information.  In other words how we manage information as it comes across our transit.

In his new book  “The Productivity Habits” you will learn ways to capture, process and use the right tools to organize and archive the information so is can be retrieved when you want it, where you want it and how you want it.   As Ben writes ” Productivity is not about how much stuff you’re able to produce, how smart you’re able to work or your ability to juggle lots of spinning plates.  Nor is it your ability to succeed at a job that you hate.  Rather, it’s a matter of mastery and perspective.  Mastery over yourself and your resources, and the perspective to decide what’s truly important to what deserves your attention.”   

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your work and processing project after project, then you will want to read Ben’s new book “The Productivity Habits“.  It is a simple read, as a matter of fact you can probably read it in one setting.  The book is part of Lid Publishing series called Concise Advice for business people that are time bound.

Please check out Ben’s website and blog by clicking here, or visit his Twitter posts by clicking here.  I hope you enjoy our interview together, and here is to you being more productive yet with more happiness in your life!!!!!

In this interview, I had the chance to speak with author and speaker Philip McKernan.  We spoke about his newest book, “Rich on Paper Poor on Life.”  Philip’s book explains how you should stop living the way people expect and live the successful life you want.

Philip has spoken around the world about the importance of overcoming personal obstacles and creating the confidence to believe in yourself.  His soul focus is to help people create a meaningful life while also making money.

Visit Philip’s website here to learn more.  You can also follow Philip on Facebook and Twitter.


I had the pleasure of interviewing Bryan Kramer about his newest book, “Shareology-How Sharing is Powering the Human Economy.”  In his book, Bryan talks about how to figure out what kind of sharer you are and how you can connect with others like you.  He also tells us that you need to speak “human” to become a better sharer.

Bryan Kramer is a renowned global speaker, consultant and trainer.  He is also one of the world’s foremost leaders in the art and science of sharing, with over 300,ooo social fans and followers.

Find out more about Bryan Kramer and his book “Shareology-How Sharing is Powering the Human Economy” here.  You can also follow Bryan on Twitter and Facebook.


I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Bill Jensen the author of a new book entitled ” Future Strong, How to Work Unleashed, Lead Boldly, and Live Life Your Way.”

According to Bill the future of work is undergoing radical transformation and it starts with you.  Bill states that before personal commitments and habits come the choices we will make.  Those choices include 1) Inner Truth-Will You hear the heartbeat of your past choices?  2) Soul on Fire-Who will you choose to become?  3) Humble Self-How will you choose to be vulnerable?  4) Sacrifice-What are the best hardships for my best future? 5) Reliance-Who will you choose to have your back.

The premise for “Future Strong” is that most businesses are locked into 20th century approaches that are holding back the next fundamental shift in human capacity.  These outmoded systems and structures are on a collision course with the wave of millennials who will constitute half of all workers by 2020.  Future Strong is the road map for leaders and individuals to create strong futures for themselves and their teams.

If you want to learn more about Bill Jensen and his new book you can go to Bill’s website by clicking here.  You can also click here to be directed to Bill’s Facebook page.


Are you interested in learning how to be your most authentic-self?  Author Polly Campbell in her new book “How to Live an Awesome Life” provides the reader with an opportunity to see the world through a lens of awareness and engagement.  Polly will admit that life is messy, but if we learn how to focus on the beauty and the energy of awe our lives would be filled with more joy, happiness and fulfillment.

Polly is encouraging the reader to look at the world with wonder and amazement for this forces us to adjust our mental models.  To live with mystery and uncertainty, but when living life this way we will grow our spiritual perspective and open to the possibilities.

Psychologist Paul Pearsall calls awe or eleventh emotion and and described it as “overwhelming and bewildering sense of connection with a startling universe that is usually far beyond the narrow band of our consciousness.”

If you are looking to live your life in awe and wonder, then I recommend reading Polly Campbell’s new book “How to Life an Awesome Life“.

If you want to learn more about Polly you can visit her on Facebook by clicking here, or go to her Twitter page by clicking here.  I hope you enjoy this great interview with author Polly Campbell.


This interview is with the remarkable Diana Rivenburgh on here most recent book “The New Corporate Facts of Life.”  In this book, Diana can show business leaders how to seize and profit from the opportunities born every day in this new era of catalytic change.  This book will arm readers with practical models and tools in order to rid your business of outdated and useless practices and to bring it up to speed with modern influences.

Diana Rivenburgh has 25+ years  experience with organizational and leadership development, change, consulting and strategy creation.  She has her M.S. in Positive Organizational Development and Change from Case Western Reserve University and her B.S. in Business Administration from New York Institute of Technology.

Learn more about Diana Rivenburgh at  You can also purchase “The New Corporate Facts of Life” here.


Recently I was able to talk with Larry Weidel, author of “Serial Winner.”  In this very fascinating book, Larry talks about how he has learned from those who always seem to be winning at life.  He takes us through the five basic actions of the Cycle of Winning:  Move forward when you feel stuck, crush early doubts and give yourself the best shot of success, overcome obstacles to win anyway, maintain your mental toughness until you cross the finish line, and avoid the winner’s trap and use the momentum of each win to achieve the next.

Larry Weidel  has worked in the financial services industry for many years.  I think you will find his humor and good sense very appealing in “Serial Winner.”  Purchase a copy here and you can learn more about Larry at