James BarazI believe that everyone would like to have a little more joy and happiness in their lives.  In my interview with James Baraz we explore the 10 steps that James believes will help us in claiming our joy.

In James new book entitled, “Awakening Joy–10 Steps That Will Put You on the Road to Real Happiness“, we explore the elements that are important to having more joy and happiness in life.  James states that you can decide to be happy.  For years, James’ online Awakening Joy course has offered participants from around the world the benefits of this simple but profoundly radical proposition.  Grounded in simple Buddhist principles but accessible to people of all faiths—or no faith at all–this concept provides the jumping-off point for a transformational journey toward a richer, more meaningful, more positive outlook on life.

Now readers everywhere can follow the same ten steps James teaches to his program participants.  In this down to earth guide, you will learn how to

  • make  happiness a habit by inclining your mind toward states that lead to well-being.
  • find joy even during difficult times and avoid the pitfalls that prevent you from achieving the contentment you seek.
  • cultivate effective practices for sustaining joyfulness, such as reclaiming your natural sense of wonder and finding joy in the midst of everyday life.

If you are seeking more joy and happiness in your life, and would like to understand some very valuable steps that can assist you in claiming the joy that is your right, then I highly recommend that you read James’ new book, “Awakening Joy–10 Steps That Will Put You on the Road to Real Happiness“.  You will thoroughly enjoy our interview, while learning more about the steps toward joy.  Please go to James’ website by clicking here for more information on his workshop, book and videos.

By the way here is a link to a video that James’ mother did that is just downright hilarious. She speak about how her son the author James ruined her life because he Awakened her to Joy in her life.  A great video for those who love Jewish mother humor.  Click here to watch the video.

Chris Hewett I fell in love with Mindbloom the moment I started playing around with Internet based software.   I became so hooked on this immersive, and engaging software that I took the time to go up to Seattle, WA and visit Chris Hewett the founder of Mindbloom and his incredible team of developers and business associates.

In my interview with Chris Hewett, the founder, we explore what drove Chris to develop Mindbloom and the passion he has for helping people transmit patterns in their life that don’t serve them, and utilize a very cool and engaging product to help them stay focused while sharing and being supported by people they trust to help them along their own personal pathway of personal growth and mastery.

This new Internet based software is has been built like a game, designed to keep the user engaged in the process of setting and achieving their goals.

The objective of Mindbloom’s Life Game is to grow the life you want by creating and maintaining a Life Tree where the branches represent areas of life that matter to you (e.g. health, spirituality, relationships, leisure, lifestyle, finances, creativity, and career) and the leaves represent specific goals, passions, or dreams.

By taking small steps towards those goals, passions, or dreams on a regular basis (e.g. drink 8 glasses of water) you will not only grow and maintain a healthy tree (and life!), but you will earn seeds (i.e. points) that you can spend on additional branches, leaves, and actions.

Also, as you earn more seeds your tree will be automatically “upgraded” to new environments.  With each “upgrade” (i.e. “level up”) you are learning one of the most important life lessons – we all have the ability to grow the life we want if we take at least one small step every day.

The higher the level you achieve, the more “experienced” you are becoming in Mindbloom.  This “experience” will come in handy if and when you decide to encourage family and friends to play their own Life Game in Mindbloom.

It’s important to remember that like life itself, the game is not about the end result, but it’s about the journey.  Know that your goals, passions, and dreams will continually change and as long as you are taking small steps everyday and having fun, then you’ve already won!

I highly encourage any of my listeners to check out the Mindbloom experience.  This is truly transformative software if only you will use it.

Please take a listen to a true visionary, and someone that I believe will change the whole process of goal setting through the Mindbloom experience.

Nikki StoneWhat a great interview with a fascinating Olympian!  Nikki Stone shows us all that you can accomplish anything if you stick your neck out! Nikki’s latest book entitled,  “When Turtles Fly”,  is a compilation of others who, like Nikki, accomplished remarkable goals against all odds.  Named for a story Nikki’s mother told her as a child, you will be inspired by Nikki’s incredible journey and how she became the first American to win the Olympic gold in the sport of inverted aerial skiing at the 1998 Winter games in Nagano, Japan.  What made this performance so unbelievable was the fact that less than two years earlier, a chronic injury prevented her from standing much less skiing down a slope at almost 40 miles per hour.

The title of her book, “When Turles Fly”, was based on a philosophy taught to Nikki by her mother called, The Turtle Effect. She taught Nikki that to be successful you need to act like a turtle.  Be soft on the inside  – which is your passion for what you love; Have a hard shell –  to help you over come adversity and Be willing to stick your neck out to accomplish your goals and find success in your life…..plus inspire others.

Nikki has used this outlook to overcome a spinal injury, win an Olympic gold medal and to graduate magna cum laude with her Bachelors degree and summa cum laude with her Masters degree in Sports Psychology.

Nikki’s earliest role model was Nadia Comaneci, the 14 year old Romanian gymnast who scored a perfect 10 at the 1976 Olympic games in Montreal.  At age 5, Nikki was inspired by Nadia to be the best and at that early age, she set her sights on Olympic gold.  We discuss the inspirational stories in her book from many well known and some not so well known heroes such as:   Lindsey Vonn, Dr. Stephan Covey, Shaun White and Corporal Jason Dunham.  Her book is broken down into chapters entitled: Passion, Focus, Commitment, Overcoming Adversities, Confidence, Risk and Teamwork/Support…all key ingredients and strengths needed to succeed.

Nikki’s bright outlook and motivation to overcome all obstacles shines through in her interview as well as her book, “When Turtles Fly” .  These stories will move you and show you the tests that the strength of the human spirit will endure to become the best.  She has not only put together this book filled with powerful life changing stories, she is also generously donating 25% of the net proceeds to the American Cancer Society.  Nikki comes from a long line of strong women.  Not only her mother who passed along the turtle effect philosophy, but also her grandmother who shared this wise quote with Nikki: “ Brave don’t live forever but cautious don’t live at all.”

Be sure to pick up this book and be ready to be inspired by not only Nikki’s personal story, but all of the 40 great people she carefully interview and included in her book. It will make you think about who you are and will ignite your drive to chase your dreams and fulfill your goals. All the profiles showcased outline the core principles of success and that anybody can make it no matter the background, conditions, or timing.

Enjoy this interview and to find out more about Nikki and her availability for motivational speaking engagements, go to her site at: www.nikkistone.com or to find out more about her book, go to: www.whenturtlesfly.com

Michael E. Gerber I believe most people in small business know author Michael E. Gerber.  Michael has written a new book entitled, “The Most Successful Small Business in the World: The Ten Principles“.  Michael is a fascinating and dynamic man, not to mention a prolific writer.

In his 70’s Michael still travels the world speaking his message with great passion and zest for life.  In my interview we explore one of his new ventures entitled “Origination‘”.  I would highly recommend that you click on the link and watch his compelling video.  I am not someone to watch a 20 minute video on the Internet, but this video was quite compelling and intrigued me enough to learn more about what Michael is up too.

Michael reveals in “The Most Successful Small Business in the World: The Ten Principles” is a must read for any person in business.  Gerber’s ten principles will help you to break out of the vicious cycle before it starts in your new business. He’ll help you to embrace the energy of exploration with a road map for taking your vision beyond the obvious.  Only then can you build a company that provides continuous fulfillment and personal growth, and can expand the income, services and positive contribution to your employees and community.

Gerber’s ten principles will help you to: 1) identify your company’s essential “system”–its highly differentiated way of doing business that will be the cornerstone of your success.  2) Build a business of great imagination;a self-reliant “reach” that will create economic certainty in any climate. 3) Create a center of growth and learning for your employees, that will in turn develop you business beyond any standard that formerly existed. 4) Instill a higher purpose that can move yourself, your business, and your customers to greater levels of fulfillment and growth.

If you are looking for a truly different business book with wisdom, guidance and simple formulas for success—then you have landed on the right book.  Please visit Micheal’s website by clicking here for more video, audio, radio shows and more.

The website is beautiful and loaded with great free content. Enjoy this lively interview with a true master at small business,  Michael E. Gerber.

Robin Sharma What a wonderful interview with a fascinating man and prolific author.  Robin Sharma has just released his new book entitled, “The Leader Who Had No Title”.

This is a fable in which Robin eloquently weaves into the storyline the advice of a character by the name of Tommy Flinn to our main character Blake Davis about important lessons in life and leadership.  Robin’s message of “The Leader Who Had No Title” is very timely considering the major challenges our world is facing, and many examples we can pluck out of the news about leaders who have fallen from their so called thrones due to indiscretions or lack of integrity.

Robins main message revolves around the fact that everyone is a leader, we all have roles of leadership at work, home and or community.   We need not play down our roles as leaders but embrace the good that we do as a result of our leadership roles.  Robin tells that that we have just entered what he calls, “The Decade of Leadership”.  Leadership has become democratized, we don’t have to be executives to be leaders.

Robin articulates what he refers to as nine smart moves you can make today to start changing the game and create exceptional results:

1)    Remember You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader

2)    Shift form Victimhood to Leadership

3)    Innovate or Stagnate

4)    Become a Value Creator Versus a Clock Watcher

5)    Put People First

6)    Remember that Tough Times Build Strong Leaders

7)    Go to Your Limits

8)    Leader Yourself First

9)    Give Back a Legacy.

I highly recommend this great fable with a wonderful message about how we are all leaders, and we are now living in a age where we all need to step up and become leaders in our own right.  This book is loaded with wonderful advice and practical actions we can take to become the best leaders we are capable of.

Please go to Robin’s website which has loads of video and reference material by clicking here.  Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Robin’s new book by clicking on any of the links in this blog entry.

Enjoy this wonderful interview.

Patrick Ryan My recent interview with Patrick Ryan the author of, “Awakened Wisdom,” was very enlightening.  I am certain if you read his book you to will walk away with a new perspective on who you can become in this world.

Patrick’s message is about awakening the wisdom within, and he provides the reader with insights and glimpses on what is to like to live a life fully awakened.  He says to image a life through which you managed to rise above the fears and concerns that always linger faithfully in the background, haunting us with their song of intended safety, always with the purpose of keeping the status quo.  Imagine a life without those messages you tell your Self about what you can’t do, or those messages that diminish the brilliance of who you are in any way.

The author takes you on a journey and shows you how to release the grips of fear and to embrace the freedom to respond to the yearning of your heart that knows that more is possible.   He says that there is a wisdom that can be found through every beat of our heart, through every thought of inspiration and through your body that responds to the world around you as a drum responds to the vibration of the room.

Awakened Wisdom is about letting go and trusting in your own divine magnificence to show up.   The reality is that your magnificence is always present, we all just need to learn how to awaken to is guidance, insight and wisdom.

Please listen to your inner drummer, take that risk and live your life in ways that will amaze you and the loved ones around you.  Patrick Ryan’s new book is a must read for anyone who has a knowing about what is available, but for some reason has not been able to overcome the inner doubt and fear of trusting in that place of knowing.  Believe me it is easier to write about this than it is to live it in every moment. Awakened Wisdom shows you how to be present and live with this trust in every moment.

Enjoy my interview with Patrick and purchase a copy of the book, and read the words of wisdom from someone who really knows.

Patrick has a website loaded with additional insights and wisdom, please visit it by clicking here and enjoy this interview with a special man who is filled with so much insight, wisdom and love.


Cameron C. TaylorI thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Cameron Taylor the author of, “8 Attributes of Great Achievers”.  Cameron has studied the lives of hundreds of great achievers, and he found that each have possessed or currently possess certain attributes that are foundational to their great achievement.


In this podcast with Cameron we discuss the eight attributes of these great men such as Franklin, Churchill, Gandhi and many others.



Cameron has identified the attributes to be:

  1. Responsibility
  2. Creator
  3. Independent
  4. Humble
  5. Honest
  6. Optimistic
  7. Vision
  8. Persistence

This book has been written to help you develop the character attributes that lead to great achievement.  The author notes that in Jim Collins book,”Good to Great”, that they discovered that the good-to-great companies placed greater weight on character attributes than on specific educational background, practical skills, specialized knowledge or work experience.

This being the case, it is more important to work on your character development and less on your skills.  There is a saying that echos the importance of character, and it is,
” Hire for attitude and train for skills”. You can always train someone, but you can not always find someone with the character and attitude you would like to have for the position.

The great thing about this book is that it is a quick read, and it is a real reminder of what is important in life.  He also has written several other books, and I recommend that you visit his website to learn more about Cameron and his other publications.  You can click here to be directed to his website.  Enjoy our interview!

DavidPaul DoyleI first learned about DavidPaul Doyle from an announcement Joan Borysenko sent out announcing DavidPaul’s new book entitled,” When God Spoke to Me“.  I have to admit that I was intrigued not only by the title, but from what DavidPaul had posted at his website.

Here was an author that in my estimation had certainly had his own experience of God speaking with him, but as a result of his experience was so compelled that he had decided to assist others in their efforts to learn how to tune in God’s voice.

Many of you who read my blog entries and know my work, certainly don’t find my personal intrigue with DavidPaul’s work unusual.  I will admit that I, like many of my devoted listeners, have heard God’s voice and when you learn to listen and follow the guidance, the experience is a beautiful thing.

DavidPaul states, “Your beliefs about who and what God is impact your experience of hearing God’s Voice more than you probably know.  For thousands of years it was believed that only the holiest and chosen could speak with God.  Anyone else claiming to do so was dismissed as crazy, or worse, persecuted”.

Today the veils of hierarchy, fear and worthiness are lifting as people from all walks of life and religious backgrounds are experiencing spiritual, life-changing interaction with God. DavidPaul’s book is a compilation of countless stories of people just like you and me who have heard God’s voice and the amazing impact it has made in their lives.

If you have a belief in a higher power, then you are not alone.  The recent study detailed Americans’ deep and broad religiosity, finding that 92 percent believe in God or a universal spirit — including one in five of those who call themselves atheists.

So if you have a belief in God and want to learn how to tune into that voice that can truly provide the wise guidance that we so often need, then read DavidPaul’s new book, “When God Spoke to Me“.

DavidPaul also has an extensive website with video, audio and learning resources. He teaches month long courses, and in my estimation is one of the most authentic and sincere authors on this topic that I have had the pleasure of interviewing.

For more information please click here for the link to DavidPaul’s website.

Enjoy our interview together.

Jason FriedI thoroughly enjoyed my interview with author Jason Fried and founder of 37 Signals.  I have been a raving fan of his company’s software products for several years now.

37 Signals makes such great products as Highrise, Basecamp, Campfire and Backpack.  These subscription based services help the business owners organize and run their business more smoothly and effectively, (for more information on this business application software go to www.37Siginals.com).

Jason has co-authored this new book, “Rework“,  with his partner, David Hansson.  “Rework” is one of the best and most practical business books I have ever read. More importantly  Rework has been categorized as a business book, but it really  is no-nonsense advice, ideas, tools and practical applications to help anyone run both their personal and business lives with more sanity.

Jason’s motto is, “It’s simple until you make it complicated“. That statement really sums up what Rework is all about.  How to simplify and conserve energy so that you can be the most productive while still having fun.

In my interview we discuss the simple concept of embracing the idea of having less mass, which refers to the concept of not acquiring additional baggage, as you build your business.  Keep your contracts, inventory, people and staff to a minimum.  Keep your business streamlined, don’t get it over complicated and overweight with the complexities that businesses seem to acquire as they grow and prosper.  Keep lean, don’t get fat!

Jason says that less is a good thing, and that constraints are advantages in disguise. Limited resources force you to make do with what you’ve got.  I always heard the statement, “do what you can with what you got now.”

Many business owners, and especially in our current economic environment, are complaining about lack and limitation.  If you follow the advice of Jason,  you will probably look back at these economic times as an opportunity to be the most resourceful and creative, and probably come up with some awesome breakthrough ideas.

I can’t say enough about this book.  It truly is a must read for anyone in business or getting ready to start a business who wants sound practical advice on ways to control your destiny.  This book encourages you to take an introspective look at how you best should run your life and your business.

If you want to learn more about Rework and Jason Fried, I have provided several links to videos with additional information about Jason’s philosophy and a smart creative video that will touch your funny bone .

Big Think video

Rework Video’s

So do yourself a favor and get a copy of Rework, you will be glad that you did.