mick ukleja headshotI met author and thought leader Mick Ukleja at the Innovation and Humanities Summit that was held on the campus of Chapman University in Orange, CA.  I was certainly fascinated by his topic about “Managing the Millennials” also the title of his new book.

If you have not been following the generational differences, the millennials are the generation born between 1987 and 1996.  The curiosity for Mick’s work began a few  years ago when his consulting firm began to notice the frustration among manager and business leaders with integrating younger workers into their organizations. Activities that in the past had been relatively straightforward–like recruiting, retaining, and rewarding–now seemed more challenging than ever.  60 Minutes, the CBS television journal, even did a report about the millennial phenomena where stories portrayed reactions that ranged from amazement to incredulity to outrage.

Mick’s firm GeNext Consulting decided to so some research with both the managers who were having challenges, and those where were effective in their management of the millennials. They analyzed thousands of statements collected during interviews with both managers and Millennial employees and found a pattern of responses that they referred to as perceived orientations.  As many of us know perceptions are not necessarily reality, but perceptions acted on or unchecked often become reality and contributed to the tension between the managers and the millennials.

It is my perception after having personally worked with many people from this generation that they are one of the brightest generations to have graced our planet.  Their focus is work-life balance, reward, self-expression, attention, achievement, informality, simplicity, multitasking, and meaning.

The bottom line is that if managers want to learn how to ease the conflict and tension, which frequently are based on the biases and perceptions which as mentioned are often not reality, then they would best treat the millennials by including them, engaging their opinion and disarming them by treating them as equals.  Millennials will react much more favorably, and many of the differences will vanish.

As Mick points out there seem to be two camps with respect to perspectives about Millennials. One camp believes that Millennials are victims of ‘trend inflation”, meaning that the media has created how they are perceived and consultants are creating a niche industry as a result.  Millennials are bright, motivated and great to have around.  The other camp see millennials as free agents lacking loyalty or commitment to their organizations.  However you want to view millennials they are here to stay, and it would be best to learn how to work with them in harmony.

Mick’s new book certainly provides the reader with the knowledge and insight into how to best lead and work with the Millennials.  Please go to his website by clicking here to get more information on working with Millennials, and enjoy this great interview with Mick Ukleja.

Jeanne Meister I had the wonderful pleasure of interviewing Jeanne Meister the co-author of a new book entitled, “The 2020 Workplace“.  The purpose for me reaching out to Jeanne and conducting this interview is that Jeanne and her colleagues spent an extensive amount of time researched  the workplace of the future and their findings are quite revealing for both the employee and the employer.

If you are anything like me, you are probably wondering how our workplace is going to change and what are the predictions for the future.   The First major change is that you will be hired and promoted based upon your reputation capital.  As a matter of fact, reputation capital is going to be the top currency in the 2020 workplace.  Reputation capital is the sum total of your personal brand, your expertise and the breadth, depth and quality of your social network.

The Second prediction is that your mobile device will become your office, your classroom and your concierge.  Mobile phones and tablets will be the primary connections tool to the Internet for most people in the world in 2020.

Third, the global talent shortage will be acute.  The global competition for highly qualified workers will take shape int 2020.  Beside there being five generations in the workplace, there will be a shortage of certain skills, not just workers. Fourth, recruiting will start on social networking sites. Recruiting for the vast majority of professionals jobs will start in one of the highly trafficked social networking sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and Second Life. Fifth, Web commuters will force corporate offices to reinvent themselves.  Knowledge workers are increasingly choosing to work at “third places” which means informal public places such as cafes, coffee shops, hotels, book stores, etc.

There are 20 predictions that Jeanne and her colleges have developed as a result of their research, and believe me “The 2020 Workplace-How Innovative Companies, Attract, Develop, Develop and Keep Tomorrow’s Employees Today” is a must read for anyone wanting to learn more about how our workplaces are going to evolve.

This book is also recommended reading for upper management of organizations wanting to compete with the global workforce.  One thing for certain, we are going to see lots of changes, and your ability to embrace the changes will determine both your personal and organizational success.

If you would like more information please visit “The 2020 Workplace” website by clicking here.  Enjoy this very engaging interview with Jeanne Meister a true thought leader and futurist in the field of trends in the workplace.

Gary ZukavI recently had the distinct honor of interviewing Gary Zukav about his new book entitled, “Spiritual Partnership-The Journey to Authentic Power“.   I know that many of my listeners remember Gary Zukav for his previous works entitled, “The Dancing Wu Li Masters” and “The Seat of the Soul”.   This new book dives even deeper into helping us all understand what is like to live beyond our five senses and become what Gary refers to as a multi-sensory being.

In our forty-five minute interview we cover a lot of ground, so I encourage you to listen carefully.  “Spiritual Partnerships” will assist in bringing awareness to what it is like to live in a world of equality, commitment, courage, compassion and conscious communications as is outlined in the Spiritual Partnership Guidelines.  Human Consciousness has and is shifting, we can experience more than our five senses.  We will be able to sense ourselves as personalities and souls at the same time, and know things we couldn’t before–meaning, information, reasons for past events and more.

We all have a choice, we can either choose to ignore the evolutionary process taking place and live as we have in the past. Or we can embrace the incredible opportunity to live our lives in alignment with our souls, and discover what Gary states is our Authentic Power.

When we embrace our authentic power we will create spiritual partnerships,  based upon equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.  These new partnerships will be different from all previous forms of relationship and serve a different purpose. Spiritual Partnerships are vehicles that multisensory individuals use to create authentic power and support one another.  In these new types of relationships we commit to aligning our personalities with our souls with the benefit being a life that our heart longs to live,  more fulfilled, grateful, patient, fully present, meaningful, creative and living.

This wonderful new book is certainly going to bring awareness to the shifts in consciousness in our world.  The greater our awareness and willingness to embrace our own shift, and become a more conscious loving, caring, compassionate human being, the closer we will be to transforming our world into a place of cooperation vs competition.

We can live in harmony, peace and abundance with living beings—what a wonderful place this world will be when we awaken to our own authentic power and use this energy to create lasting and meaningful spiritual partnerships.  I encourage all of my listeners to read and fully understand what is happening in the evolution of our species.  It is truly a beautiful thing, and you are part of it!

If you would like more information about Gary’s new book, ” Spiritual Partnerships-The Journey to Authentic Power” please click here to be directed to his website.  There you will find videos, and down loadable information about the Spiritual Partnership Guidelines.   Pleaseclick here to be directed to information on his upcoming workshop at Mt. Hood, Ore.

Robert Levine Ph.D.It was a kick interviewing Robert Levine.  He really has a grasp on how cultures around the world keep time differently.

In his book entitled, “A Geography of Time“, Robert Levine articulates the differences between clock time, nature time and event time.  Nature time is the time used by all forms of life and is determined by the sun and seasons. Event time is basically the time needed to perform the tasks of the day, and clock time is a more recent invention and is primarily a product of industrialization and commerce.

In my estimation it is somewhat unfortunate that most of our western culture works on clock time.  We hurry to go here, there and everywhere, and frequently miss the special moments that help to make our minutes, hours and days more enjoyable.

Robert did extensive studies throughout the world, and found varying paces and tempo of life.  He found that the quicker we speak, walk, eat and drive that the economic well being of these communities were usually better.  So I guess if you want to have a more financially rewarding life you should live in New York or Los Angeles.

The top five countries using the index of pace of  life or time consciousness are in order, (from fastest to slowest) Switzerland, Ireland, Germany, Japan and Italy.  The five slowest or least time conscious countries are,  Syria, El Salvador, Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico. By the way the US is 16th place in world standings.

You are going to love this interview with Robert Levine as we weave our way through”A Geography of Time” and discuss some very deep philosophical questions.  I pose the question about our pace of life, and our ultimate impermanence here on this physical plane.  We speak about the Buddhist perspective about time, and how this shifts whole cultures.

We certainly are a very productive, time bound culture but changing our pace would probably relieve much of the stress in our society that causes many of the physical aliments that are epidemic states.  We should as a culture learn how to pace our life which would lead to more enjoyment of life and would enhance our relations with others.   As Robert states he envisions an attitude of “multi-temporality” where by the person who has mastered time can move easily between nature time, event time and clock time as the situation and need requires.

This is a wonderful interview with a tremendous man, with lots of personality, insight and wisdom to provide to you.  Please click here to be referred to his website for additional information.

John RobbinsI have been an admirer of John Robbins for many years.  I first heard him speak in San Francisco in 2003 just after my oldest son Sean was diagnosed with Leukemia.  We took a trip to San Fransisco to attend a Green Conference where John was speaking about his book “The Food Revolution“.  It was this speech that made such an impact on both my son and myself that we altered our diets significantly in an effort to improve our health and be more environmentally sensitive.  I am proud to report that John’s message indelibly impacted our family contributing to our families improved health today.

John’s new book entitled ” The New Good Life” is probably one of the best books that I have ever read on living a life on less without the sacrifice.  The New Good Life is the path from conspicuous consumption to conscious consumption.  He advocates taking an active role in becoming  more aware of your purchases, and differentiate between your needs and wants.  Those of us who live in the United States for the most part have had plenty, and the previous consumptive patterns have helped to lead the current ecological and economic challenges we are faced with today.

As a result of our consumptive patterns I believe that we  need to look more closely at the choices we make when we purchase something,  and shift toward conscious consumption.  As John articulates in “The New Good Life” his life shifted significantly when he woke up one day last December to realize that 95% of his entire fortune disappeared as a result of his assets being mismanaged on Wall Street.

This book is as much about John’s personal journey, and how to learn to live on less while appreciating life.  It is a passionate manifesto on finding meaning beyond money, while delivering a sound blueprint for living well on less.  John teaches you how to create your own definition of success based on your deepest beliefs and life experiences, alleviate depression and stay fit with inexpensive alternative for high cost medicine, develop a diet that promotes better health and saves money, and how to protect yourself from future economic catastrophes.

The New Good Life” is a must read for anyone suffering through this economic downturn.  It is wonderfully written and extremely enlightening.

I highly recommend that you visit John’s website by clicking here and check out all of the cool resources as well as his videos.  Enjoy this great interview with a man on a mission to help people, help themselves while helping save planet earth!!!!

Dzogchen Ponlop RinpocheIt truly was an honor to be able to interview Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche.  His book entitled “Mind Beyond Death” is wonderfully written about the Buddhist culture and the levels of transition we make in preparation to death.  The Rinpoche speaks in this interview about the concept of the “bardo” which is the intermediary state and has become the catchphrase in Buddhist circles.  As the Rinpoche says this book is as much about life as it is about death.

There is a level of existence that is experienced between death and birth, and according to the Buddhist there are three levels: the existence of death, the existence of birth, and the existence  of what lies in between the two.  The Rinpoche encourages the readers to reverse their attachment to the appearances of this life and extract the most meaningful essence from their precious human existence.

I love the examples that the Rinpoche uses in the book, he explains that the moment we step outside our house and close the door, we begin to leave our life behind. We say goodbye to family and friends and to the familiar rooms and routines that we inhabit. We might feel regret mixed with excitement as we climb into the taxi and that will take us to the airport. As our vision of home recedes, we are both sadly parted and joyfully released from all that defines us. The further we go from home the more focused we become on our next destination.  We think less of home and more about where we are going. We begin to look at a new map; we start to think about where we will land, about the new people, new customs and new environment–the new set of experiences to come.
Until we reach our destination, we are in transit–in between two points.  One world has dissolved, like last nights dream, and the next has not yet arisen.  In this space, there is a sense of total freedom: we are free from the business of being our ordinary selves; we are not tied to the day-to-day world and its demands in quite the same way. There is a sense of freshness and appreciation of the present moment.

This interview with Rinpoche is an enlightening dialogue about life, death and the in between.  We discuss our fears, and how to learn to live in the moment without fear of our transition through death.

I know you are going to enjoy my interview with Rinpoche about his book entitled “Mind Beyond Death”  If you would like to learn more about his teaching you can visit the his website by clicking here or you can visit the website of the Nalanda West Center for American Buddhism where he teaches.