Tracey JonesWhat a great little book about lessons of leadership taught from the perspective of the authors dog “Mr Blue”.  Tracey Jones the author of this wonderful book is the daughter of Charlie Tremendous Jones and current CEO of “Tremendous Life Books“.  Tracey took over the business after his fathers death, and has been doing a wonderful job running the publishing business. Her new book ” True Blue Leadership” is as much about her love for her dog “Mr. Blue” as it is about the lessons she is conveying that she has learned from her beloved dog “Mr. Blue”.

You see ” Mr. Blue” is an Australia Shepard and if you know anything about this bread they love to work.  Mr. Blue states to be a True Blue Leader you must embrace each task with freshness and enthusiasm. You must work with all your soul and be loyal to the task as you are to your pack.  What a wonderful lesson, hopefully we can all live our lives with this work ethic and enjoy the tasks before us–it certainly makes life more fun.

Mr. Blue also states that we should greet everyone with ‘enthusiasm” just like her grandfather “Charlie Tremendous Jones” did.  If  you remember Charlie he was filled with enthusiasm and he always would say “life is tremendous”.  I don’ t think you will every find a time when Mr. Blue is not greeting you with enthusiasm.  If we would all endeavor to greet and meet people with enthusiasm imagine the wonderful feelings we would transfer to other as well as receive.  As you probably know the word “enthos” means seeing the God within.

Tracey likes to point out the most important decisions in life from her fathers best selling motivational classic ” Life is Tremendous”.  Who are you going to life your life with? What are you going to life your life in? What are you going to life your life for? She believes if we would spend sometime contemplating these very important questions that our lives would be more fulfilled and we would approach any challenges we face with faith and belief that we can overcome the challenges.
If you want a fun quick read on lesson in leadership told from the perspective of “Mr. Blue” then I highly recommend this inspirational read by author Tracey Jones.  If you would like more information about Tracey Jones and the “Tremendous Life Books” publishing organization please click here to be directed to their website.

Enjoy this wonderful interview with a lovely lady and heart centered leader herself Tracey Jones.

BJ GallagherThe title of the book says it all: ” It’s Never Too Late to be What You Might Have Been”  Author BJ Gallagher has written a simple, straightforward, and effective guide to getting the life you’ve always wanted.  The author asks: “What are your passions and talents?” Do you have gifts to share with the world?’ Have you deferred your dreams because it seemed impractical?” Do you long to pick up that dream again?” If your answers to any of these questions is yes, then this is the book for you!

In my interview with BJ Gallagher we discuss the tips for making your dreams come true.  BJ has some wonderful ideas that she shares to get you inspired such as creating a mental picture of what you want you life to look like. Reading books, watching DVD’s and listening to CD’s that keep your enthusiasm, energy and commitment high. Keeping your eyes and ears open for opportunity. Practicing active gratitude, and asking for what you want.  All of this may sound simple, but they are frequently the things we need to do but forget to do because we let the everyday life routines get in the way.  Imagine what you life could be like in the next five years if you were to practice some of what BJ is advocating in her book ” It’s Never Too Late to be What You Might Have Been“.

With as many people out of work as their are today, BJ advice about starting a new career is wonderful.  She advocates if you only had one year to live, what is the career you would want to be in?  She say listen to your heart as well as your head.  Conduct informational interviews with people who are doing the kind of work you think you’d like to do.  Find a way to try out the prospective new career before you actually commit to it.  Do some research and find out what academic credentials are required.   The best jobs are the those that are a little to big for you.  They force you to stretch and grow.
This is a wonderful little book filled with great advice and loaded with true stories of people that have taken the journey to live the life they wanted to live, with passion and a zest for life.  I hope you enjoy this great interview with author BJ Gallagher, she is inspirational and uplifting in her message.   If you would like more information about BJ Gallagher and her other titles please click here to be directed to her website.

Just go do it as the Nike ad says!!!!


Jeffrey-Brantley-M.D.-color-headshot-175x261I sincerely appreciate Dr. Jeff Brantley and the work that he is doing at Duke University as the director of mindfulness-based stress reduction in the Integrative Medicine department.  His new book co-authored with Wendy Millstine entitled ” True Belongings” is a simple read and a wonderful reminder of the practices we can implement into our daily lives to overcome loneliness and connect with others.

Have you ever wondered what keeps you from connecting more authentically and deeply in each moment–with yourself, with another or with the flow of your life?  Are you ever curious about the obstacles blocking you from from experiences of deep joy and unwavering contentment and belonging?

Who among us has not been affected by one or more of these challenges in our lives?  The experiences of loss and vulnerability that we all share is yet another way in which we humans are more alike than we are different.  As human beings we are part of the whole, called by us “Universe”, a part limited in time and space.  We experience, thoughts and feeling as something separate from the rest–a kind of optical delusion of consciousness.

What Jeff and Windy bring forth in “True Belongings” is how mindfulness can help us in becoming more connected not only to one another, but at a soul level to who and what we are longing to express to the world.  Mindfulness is a core human capacity, and it refers to noticing or knowing what is happening in each moment. Mindfulness is the awareness of your thoughts–mindfulness does not identify with any thoughts or feelings but is aware of them.

In this book the authors assist you in shifting your perspective and frame of reference that you are holding in any given moment.  Learning to release the personality’s grip on any narrow perspectivel on any subject-setting down and relaxing the view dictated by the rigidly held opinion of the ego-mind–immediately open each of us to a much vaster and more mysterious universe of possibilities and meanings, alive in each moment.


This book is filled with wonderful practices that when cultivated will bring you into a closer relationship with yourself and other.  I recommend reading and learning what truly will help one transform the loneliness and isolation feeling into happiness and belonging.  I hope you enjoy this great interview with Dr. Jeffrey Brantley.  If you would like more information about Dr. Brantley please click here to be directed to his website.

Dr. Edward Hallowell MDToday’s workplace is a pressure cooker according to Dr. Edward Hallowell author of the new book ” Shine-Using Brain Science to Get the Best from Your People“.  In my interview with Dr. Hallowell we discuss the challenges that workers are faced with in the work environment today, and solutions to improving performance.

Dr. Hallowell says that even the most talented people struggle to sort through an influx of information, relentless demands, and unprecedented stress.  In his new book “Shine” Hallowell combines brain science with performance research to offer a proven process to help you deal with the struggles of our daily busyness.  He provide the leadership of organizations with what he refers to as the Cycles of Excellence to assist  in managing the human capital of the organization.

There are five steps that are very important: 1) Select-Simply put put the right people in the correct jobs 2) Connect: Peak performance is accelerated if people are allowed to connect face-to face not through email. 3) Play: Imaginative engagement is ignited when people are allowed to play and have fun on the job. 4) Grapple and Grow: People really want to excel and perform on the job–provide challenging work.  5) Shine: It feels good to do good, and it feels good to get the deserved recognition for a job well done.

Dr. Hallowell has created several modern paradoxes that I believe are certainly worth mentioning.  The first modern paradox: while we have grown electronically super connected, we have simultaneously grown emotionally disconnected form each other.  The paradox can lead a person to modern loneliness which is an extroverted loneliness, in which the person is surrounded by many people and partakes of much communication but feels unrecognized and more alone that they would like.   The phenomenon of overloaded circuits leads to the second modern paradox: people’s best efforts often fail not because they aren’t working hard enough, but because they are working too hard.   The brain has is limits.  The tsunami of data comprising modern life can easily flood the brain and rot it.  Working hard now becomes like bailing out a sinking boat with a can, instead of plugging the leak.

If you are interested in learning more about how to cope with the stress and struggles of you everyday life, and  how to better lead in this hetic working environment then you need to read this book.  Also if you would like advice from a physician who has studied positive psychology, neuroscience, and the psychology of happiness and brought the disciplines into one book  read “Shine
I hope you enjoy this interview with Dr. Edward Hallowell as he reveals the findings of his research and life’s work.  You can also visit Dr. Hallowell’s website by clicking here.

Beth ZiesenisEveryone loves free!!!  In my interview with author Beth Ziesenis we explore the the free applications and software for your computer and mobile devices.   Now some of you just might we wondering what in the world does this have to do with personal growth?  Considering many of my listeners are information workers and most of us spend our lives in front of the computer we are always looking to find ways of making our lives easier and improve our  levels of productivity.

In Beth’s new book ” Upgrade to Free” she has compiled the information that is highly useful by providing a description of the application as well as a QR Bar Code so that you can easily scan the page and automatically be directed to the applications website .   “Upgrade to Free” organizes your  search by categories, for instance  “Tools for Efficiency at Home and on the Road” features “Nutshell Mail” a very useful program that condenses all of the chatter and send you one snapshot e-mail of your online activity.  Since completing this interview with Beth, I have signed up for the application and love it.  It condenses all of my Twitter and Facebook post and I get it twice per day, vs getting updates throughout the day from Facebook and Twitter.

Beth has also included a section on Personal Organizational Tools.  So for my personal growth and mastery aficionados  you will enjoy exploring the many applications listed in this section of the book.  Some of the cool applications include Evernote, MyStickies, Google Reader, Know Your Stuff, and many others.  Needless to say Beth’s new book “Upgrade to Free” is a wonderful resource complete with a guide and reference to some of the most useful applications you will ever use.
I hope you enjoy this podcast with Beth Ziesenis a true guru when it comes to helping you find the application you need for any reason.  If you would like to learn more about Beth’s services please visit her website by clicking here.

Ben NewmanIf you have a sympathetic bone in your body, then you will appreciate my interview with author Ben Newman about his new book entitled “Fight The Good Fight-A Mothers Legacy Lives On“.  His book is a tribute to his mother who died eleven days prior to Ben’s eighth birthday.   It is also about the lessons and wisdom that a mother imparts upon her sons during some very challenging years that lead up to her death as she fought a rare disease called primary amyloidosis.

Ben’s mother Janet Fisher Newman kept a journal of her personal journey  and suffering knowing she only had a short time left with her sons.  Though the journal was a personal record kept during his mother’s medical ordeal and not a memoir written to be read by Ben or his brother, it was surprisingly full of wisdom . In my interview with Ben we discuss his mothers journal and the passages that had such a significant impact on his life, and now on the lives of so many who have read “Fight the Good Fight“.

Ben starts each chapter of “Fight the Good Fight” with a paragraph out of his mothers journal then proceeds to discuss his personal life journey, insights and wisdom learned from this experience.  As Ben states ” I believe that everything we take on in life, both personally and professionally, is influenced by an unconscious internal timing.  Though we many not be aware of doing so, we instinctively scan issues that come into our realm according to our readiness to take them on. We unconsciously sense whether we have the discipline to deal with a proposed challenge, or the emotional depth to face the intense feelings it may arouse.  We might intuitively know there is a huge opportunity before us, but we may not yet have the wisdom to understand it and take it on. ”

Fight the Good Fight is a book that will not only take you on a journey, but it will encourage you to observe what  personally needs more in-depth consideration, contemplation and potentially change for the better.  Ben has very thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter designed to garner the attention of the reader.  If one would take the time to review, ponder and answer these questions I believe their life would be altered positively.
If you would like to learn more about “The Ben Newman Companies” and the workshops and seminars that Ben facilitates around the country please visit Ben’s website by clicking here.  I hope you enjoy my interview with author Ben Newman.