Colin TippingColin Tipping is the author of a book entitled “Radical Forgiveness” but his new book entitled ” Radical-Self Forgiveness-The Direct Path to True Self-Acceptance” is a very important addition to his writings and teachings.

Colin mentions the purpose of the book is to heal the self hatred within the consciousness of the collective human species, and to help individuals feel a peace within themselves.  That is a very big order, but Colin has done an excellent job in providing the reader with insight into “Radical-Self Forgiveness” and how to let go of resentment and give up the desire to punish. If we can all get just this one little insight from the book this world would be a much better place to live.

As Colin states ” Whether we are talking about self-forgiveness or the forgiveness of others, the idea that forgiveness is extremely difficult and that only special people can do it applies in both cases.  In one case, we perceive ourselves as the perpetrator of some crime or misdemeanor, which leads to a feeling of guilt, while in the other, we perceive ourselves as having been victimized by someone or something, which leads us to feel angry and resentful.  Radical Self-Forgiveness is such a healing process, allowing deep emotional wounds to heal.

As Colin states ” The I Am Self is the spiritual self that exists above all other, and yet is the one of which we are less aware.  It is often referred to as the ” Observer” because it’s the one who observes the “I” who is “me”.   Our I Am Self is the part of us that remains connected to the Divine, or the all That Is.  The resident judge and critical parent have not part to play in Radical Self-Forgiveness, they will try to muscle in if they can.  But as long as you use the tools that Radical Self-Forgiveness provides, they will have no power, nor any say in the matter.

There are Five Stages of Radical Self-Forgiveness, and they are: Stage 1: Telling the Story; Stage 2: Feeling The Feelings; Stage 3: Collapsing the Story; Stage 4: Reframing the Story; Stage 5: Integrating the Shift.  If you follow the techniques outlined in “Radical Self-Forgiveness” you will certainly heal those aspects of your personality and live a life of freedom and self expression.
I hope you enjoy my interview with Colin Tipping your guide through  Radical Self-Forgiveness.

If you want more information about Radical Self-Forgiveness please visit Colin’s website by clicking here.

Ann Marie ChiassonIt was a pleasure interviewing Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson recently about her new Sounds True program entitled “Energy Healing for Beginners“.   I thoroughly enjoyed about my interview with Ann Marie and was especially touched by the sincere way that she approaches “energy healing”. You can intuit from the beginning of our interview that she is authentic and really passionate about her work.

Her course which consists of 5 CD’s, DVD, 25 reference cards and a 107 page workbook is designed to teach you how to use movement, awareness, breath, and your hands to sense and shift energy in your body for specific results.  Ann Marie presents practices based on energy techniques that she learned from healers and teachers of energy medicine over the last eighteen years, and from a deeply personal exploration of her body as a patient, healer, and physician.

Energy medicine as Ann Marie describes in the workbook is based on the concept that ” in addition to a system of physical and chemical processes, the human being is made up of a complex system of energy.”  This underlying energy field, also called the subtle body, is housed within the physical body and extends beyond it.  She uses the analogy of a garden, where the health of the soil effect how a plant grows and flowers.  If the soil is nutrient depleted, the plant grows poorly.  Likewise, if the energy body is not balanced and the energy does not flow or move in it natural state the physical body is affected and can begin to function improperly.
Ann Marie provides the reader, listener and viewer of her program with wonderful instructions on how to learn and practice energy work on their own.  Her series of CD’s, DVD, and instructional workbook are a wonderful way to start down a path and explore techniques to heal and support harmony and balance in your body.  During our interview together she explored and tested with me a couple of techniques that I was not aware of–they were amazing in moving my blocked energy.

I highly recommend that you listen too, read and practice with Ann Marie and her new series ” Energy Healing for Beginners.  Enjoy my interview with a wonderful healer and beautiful soul, Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson.

If you would like more information on Dr. Chiasson just click here to be directed to her website.

Donald AltmanIn my interview with author Donald Altman about his new book entitled “One Minute Mindfulness” we speak about the benefits of being more mindful in our everyday life.  As we discuss mindfulness does not have to be one more “to-do” item.  It can become effortless and part of your everyday practices, the key is to become aware of our actions.

In Donald’s new book he provides the reader with 50 simple ways to find peace, clarity and new possibilities in a stressed-out world.  He offers a empowering perspective and how you think and act in the upcoming minute, and the next, determines nothing less than your experience of life.

His book is part guidebook and part workbook for making the present moment count.  Each chapter contains an exercise for building awareness and centering attention.  The awareness exercises are meant to help you touch this moment–which can be harder than it seems, but well worth the effort.  In this podcast Donald speak about the costs of not being present as well as the tremendous benefits to our personal and professional lives for practicing mindfulness.   I really enjoyed the one minute exercise that the author lead me through in shifting my perspective.  During our interview he asked me to just look out the window and focus on the trees and nature.  I have to admit that when I did this exercise I felt more calm and at ease and more connected to nature—pure peace.

We all have so many opportunities during our daily lives to be more mindful.  From our eating practices, to how we greet and say goodbye to someone-all of these are opportunities to be more present in the moment.   What I love about “One Minute Mindfulness” is that the chapters are short, followed by some very thoughtful exercises and reflection.  Let’s face it, mindfulness at it core is about slowing down enough to enjoy this very moment.  Not living in the past or the future, but appreciating what we have in this very moment.  The revelation to all of us will be an amazing connection to our oneness, and a much deeper spiritual experience.
I hope you enjoy this great interview with author Donald Altman on the “One Minute Mindfulness“.  If you would like more information about the author just click here to be directed to his website.  Enjoy my interview, and practice mindfulness while listening.


Jeffrey-Brantley-M.D.-color-headshot-175x261I sincerely appreciate Dr. Jeff Brantley and the work that he is doing at Duke University as the director of mindfulness-based stress reduction in the Integrative Medicine department.  His new book co-authored with Wendy Millstine entitled ” True Belongings” is a simple read and a wonderful reminder of the practices we can implement into our daily lives to overcome loneliness and connect with others.

Have you ever wondered what keeps you from connecting more authentically and deeply in each moment–with yourself, with another or with the flow of your life?  Are you ever curious about the obstacles blocking you from from experiences of deep joy and unwavering contentment and belonging?

Who among us has not been affected by one or more of these challenges in our lives?  The experiences of loss and vulnerability that we all share is yet another way in which we humans are more alike than we are different.  As human beings we are part of the whole, called by us “Universe”, a part limited in time and space.  We experience, thoughts and feeling as something separate from the rest–a kind of optical delusion of consciousness.

What Jeff and Windy bring forth in “True Belongings” is how mindfulness can help us in becoming more connected not only to one another, but at a soul level to who and what we are longing to express to the world.  Mindfulness is a core human capacity, and it refers to noticing or knowing what is happening in each moment. Mindfulness is the awareness of your thoughts–mindfulness does not identify with any thoughts or feelings but is aware of them.

In this book the authors assist you in shifting your perspective and frame of reference that you are holding in any given moment.  Learning to release the personality’s grip on any narrow perspectivel on any subject-setting down and relaxing the view dictated by the rigidly held opinion of the ego-mind–immediately open each of us to a much vaster and more mysterious universe of possibilities and meanings, alive in each moment.


This book is filled with wonderful practices that when cultivated will bring you into a closer relationship with yourself and other.  I recommend reading and learning what truly will help one transform the loneliness and isolation feeling into happiness and belonging.  I hope you enjoy this great interview with Dr. Jeffrey Brantley.  If you would like more information about Dr. Brantley please click here to be directed to his website.

Dr. Edward Hallowell MDToday’s workplace is a pressure cooker according to Dr. Edward Hallowell author of the new book ” Shine-Using Brain Science to Get the Best from Your People“.  In my interview with Dr. Hallowell we discuss the challenges that workers are faced with in the work environment today, and solutions to improving performance.

Dr. Hallowell says that even the most talented people struggle to sort through an influx of information, relentless demands, and unprecedented stress.  In his new book “Shine” Hallowell combines brain science with performance research to offer a proven process to help you deal with the struggles of our daily busyness.  He provide the leadership of organizations with what he refers to as the Cycles of Excellence to assist  in managing the human capital of the organization.

There are five steps that are very important: 1) Select-Simply put put the right people in the correct jobs 2) Connect: Peak performance is accelerated if people are allowed to connect face-to face not through email. 3) Play: Imaginative engagement is ignited when people are allowed to play and have fun on the job. 4) Grapple and Grow: People really want to excel and perform on the job–provide challenging work.  5) Shine: It feels good to do good, and it feels good to get the deserved recognition for a job well done.

Dr. Hallowell has created several modern paradoxes that I believe are certainly worth mentioning.  The first modern paradox: while we have grown electronically super connected, we have simultaneously grown emotionally disconnected form each other.  The paradox can lead a person to modern loneliness which is an extroverted loneliness, in which the person is surrounded by many people and partakes of much communication but feels unrecognized and more alone that they would like.   The phenomenon of overloaded circuits leads to the second modern paradox: people’s best efforts often fail not because they aren’t working hard enough, but because they are working too hard.   The brain has is limits.  The tsunami of data comprising modern life can easily flood the brain and rot it.  Working hard now becomes like bailing out a sinking boat with a can, instead of plugging the leak.

If you are interested in learning more about how to cope with the stress and struggles of you everyday life, and  how to better lead in this hetic working environment then you need to read this book.  Also if you would like advice from a physician who has studied positive psychology, neuroscience, and the psychology of happiness and brought the disciplines into one book  read “Shine
I hope you enjoy this interview with Dr. Edward Hallowell as he reveals the findings of his research and life’s work.  You can also visit Dr. Hallowell’s website by clicking here.


Heidi HannaI personally have been working with author and coach Heidi Hanna PhD over the last three months.  Her new book entitled “SHARP: Simple Strategies to Boost Your Brainpower” is a must read for all my listeners.  If you have ever wondered what are some of the things that you could be doing to assist you in having more energy, improve your focus and mental clarity then Heidi new book is the place to start.

We are all leading very busy lives, with more stimulation coming at us from every direction..cell phones, emails, instant “ON” almost all the time.  Do you ever wonder what all of this is doing to our brains?  Are you beginning to forget or you memory doesn’t seem as  SHARP.  Heidi speaks about these problems and provides practical advice on dealing with these issues.

In her book “SHARP: Simple Strategies to Boost Your Brainpower” readers will: 1) Understand how the demands on your time and energy impact your mental capacity, and learn critical components of brain health that provide a foundation for improved cognitive functioning. 2) How to utilize the power of brain training to stimulate mental energy with exercises that improve learning in areas that have the most impact on performance. 3) How to create an actionable plan for implementing a sustainable brain health training program that can be applied to your everyday life.

Our constant state of busyness has created a chronic level of stress on our brain–so toxic, in fact that experts believe more than 75% of medical visits are stress related. Heidi states that honestly most of us are too busy to notice, and will not realize the devastating impact of stress on our lives until it takes a serious toll on our health, happiness and performance.   Stress is literally making us sicker.

In Heidi’s new book “SHARP: Simple Strategies to Boost Your Brainpower” you will be guided and coached on the proper steps to take to reduce stress, eat healthier and techniques to improve your brains function.  I don’t know about you but my brain is of utmost importance to the proper functioning of my job, and I believe that this is the case with almost all workers in society today.  But just how often do you think about the fitness of your brain—you take it for granted don’t you?  If you listen to, and read what Heidi has been teaching and coaching top executives for years you will really alter many of your current habits that are effecting the functioning of your brain.
If you would like more information about author Heidi Hanna and her new book please click here to be directed to her website.  If you would like to watch a short introduction video, just click here to be directed to her book’s promotional video.  Enjoy this wonderful interview with Heidi Hanna PhD author of “SHARP: Simple Strategies to Boost Your Brainpower“.

Steven C. HayesI was recently introduced to the concept of “Third Wave Psychology” by my good friend and author Will Marre.  As a result of my inquisitiveness I was directed to author/professor Steven C. Hayes who wrote the book ” Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life“.   His book highlights the process entitled “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy” and was  profiled in an article published in Time Magazine in 2006.

If you are like me and had never heard of the “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy” them I encourage you to listen to this very interesting interview with Steven C. Hayes.  What you will learn is that this new process has been very successful in treating depression, transforming emotional pain, freeing yourself from negative thinking and self-judgement and a myriad of other psychological challenges.

The practice of “ACT” Therapy is about moving from suffering to full engagement with life.   People suffer.  It’s not just that they have pain–suffering is much more that that.  Human beings struggle with the forms of psychological pain the have: their difficult emotions and thoughts, their unpleasant memories, and their unwanted urges and sensations. They think about them, worry about them, resent them, anticipate and dread them.

At the same time, human beings demonstrate enormous courage, deep compassion, and remarkable ability to move ahead even with the most difficult personal histories.  Knowing they can be hurt, humans sill love other. Knowing they will die, humans still care about the future.  Facing the draw of meaninglessness, humans still embrace ideals.  At times, humans are fully alive, present and committed.

I really appreciate the analogy that Steven uses in our interview and in the book about quicksand.  Our own lives can be like quicksand, struggling to get out emotional worries, fears, traumatic and painful stories. The more we attempt to remove ourselves through the struggle the deeper we become engaged.  Exactly when will the quicksand of traumatic memory completely vanish? At what moment will the painful quicksand of the past criticism from parents or peers disappear?

you want to learn more about this wonderful therapy and how you can release yourself from your emotional bonds, then listen to my interview with Steven C. Hayes and click here to be directed to the website to learn more about the “Acceptance and Commitment” therapy.