Paul ScheeleWhat a pleasure this interview was with Paul Scheele.  His new audio CD series, “Meditate with the Himalayan Masters“,  is wonderful, and he is bringing to the world the practices of meditation at a time when we are all in need of more peace and tranquility in our lives.

Frequently we are running so fast that we forget to breathe.  That may sound weird, but it is the truth.  Deep slow breathing is how we get in touch with our body and ultimately moves us to an altered state of consciousness.  In his new CD series Meditate with the Himalayan Masters with Swami Veda Bharati as your guide, you get to listen to the melodic voice of a master guide you through some incredible meditations.  The four half-hour meditations and their accompanying short meditations are structured so that you can easily integrate meditation into the flow of your busy day.  As you practice these meditations, your days become richer, more serene, and more joyful.

I love this quote from Swami Veda Bharati, “Enjoy the calmness of the mind. Resolve to calm the mind in this way many times during the day.  Whatever you do repeatedly with your mind will become the mind’s habit, and the mind will rediscover it original nature.”

I hope that you will attempt to rediscover your original nature and enjoy more peace and joy in your life by listening to this wonderful interview with Paul Scheele and make sure that you get a copy of the CD series by visiting Paul’s website by clicking here.

Alan BriskinThis is a wonderful interview with my good friend and author Alan Briskin.  We discuss the subject of his new book entitled “The Power of Collective Wisdom, and The Trap of Collective Folly“; the formation of community and the insights gained from groups.

From the perspective of the authors, collective wisdom refers to knowledge and insight gained through group and community interaction.  At a deeper level, however it is about our living connection to each other and the interdependence we share in our neighborhoods, organizations and world community.

Ultimately, this book emerges from a deep conviction that we all have a stake in each other and that what binds us together can be greater than what drives us apart.  Stories and historical examples illustrate how collective wisdom has emerged in a range of cultures, settings, and traditions, and the authors offer a set of practices to help the reader realize the key lessons of the book.

The phrase wise leadership seems like an oxymoron.  This book is so important, because it corrects a basic misconception that wisdom is not develop able.  It shows how wisdom can be cultivated through continual reflection, through silence and through connecting with the highest in yourself and others.  Second is that wisdom is not about just a few wise people but about the capacity of human communities to make wise choices and to orient themselves around a living sense of the future that truly matters to them.  Wisdom is about connection, connection to one another and to a larger whole.

I encourage you to take a journey with author Alan Briskin as we explore, “The Power of Collective Wisdom“, and how it can make a difference in your community and your life.

If you would like to learn more about his new book, please visit the Collective Wisdom website by clicking here.

John AssarafI know that many of us are looking for “The Answer“, and I am not certain if it exists or not but the message that John Assaraf has for you could just be what you are looking for.

His new book, “The Answer“, with co-author Murray Smith, is an intriguing look into the personal power of attraction as well as how to reprogram your unconscious brain.

The Answer combines decades of research from neuroscience and quantum physics with practical, hands-on business know-how to give you the confidence you need and the specific step-by-step actions to follow to build the business, and the life, of your dreams.

In my interview with John we explore the basic building blocks of what is required to rethink, relearn, and reprogram our brains so that we can manifest both the life we want, and the business that we desire.

John states that, everything you need to build your dream business, all the tools, resources, capital, people, ideas, expertise…… it all surrounds you today.  You just need to learn how to tap into that personal power.

Through new findings in neuroscience, scientists have discovered that we can override our own genetic codes.  If we learn how to gain access to the power of our brain, where our attitudes, beliefs, and established thought patterns are stored, we can create new neural pathways that can actually rewrite our genetic code.

Creating a clear business vision is the critical first step to your success.  If you are truly passionate and want to create enormous amounts of success for yourself, then you must have five key elements in place.

  1. You must find something that stirs your soul
  2. You must become excellent at it
  3. You must recondition your mind to believe you can have it and achieve it
  4. You must understand how to make money at it
  5. you must take daily action

Come explore with John Assaraf and myself  “The Answer”   to many of the challenges most entrepreneurs face upon starting, building and maintaining a successful business and personal life.

If you would like more information on John Assaraf and One Coach please click here to access his website.

Albert Bernstein Ph.DHave you ever thought that you work in an insane asylum?  I know that sometimes it can seem this way.

Albert Bernstein is the  author of the new book entitled, ” Am I The Only Sane One Working Here?”

His book has great advice for surviving the crazy work-a-day world.  His new book is one of the most comprehensive guides for solving all of the problems that you may encounter at work.

Am I The Only Sane One Working Here?”  provides you with 101 solutions for surviving office insanity.  Albert points out that people who say what they mean and mean what they say are almost as rare as a spotted owl.  Business is supposed to be rational and professional.  The unfortunate truth is, most companies are totally dysfunctional.  On top of that, crazy people are getting in the way –in your way, in their way, in the way of getting the job done.  You’ll be able to cut through the craziness, protect yourself, develop secret techniques, and maybe get yourself promoted in the process.

If  you feel that you are swimming against a strong current of crazy co-workers,  you can still manage it by changing your reactions, not their actions.

Albert Bernstein’s guidance will help you go from puzzled to powerful just by changing your attitude and your understanding of office madness. You will learn:

  • Why doing a good job and succeeding are not necessarily the same thing
  • How to figure out the critical unwritten rules that no one will ever tell you
  • How to get people who never listen to listen to you
  • How to protect yourself from the lies by learning how to think like a liar
  • How to get immature and recalcitrant coworkers off their lazy butts

You will learn this and so much more in my interview with Albert Bernstein Ph.D,  an expert in conflict resolution.

I encourage you to listen to my interview and visit Albert Bernstein’s website by clicking here for more information about his book.  Enjoy this great interview with a very knowledgeable professional.

Harvey McKinnonThis was a wonderful interview with Harvey McKinnon the author of the new book entitled, “The Power of Giving“.

Harvey has a big heart, and loads of passion behind his charitable work. He and the co-author of this book, Azim Jamal,  point out that giving does more than just improve the lives of others; it affects your own life profoundly.  With benefits ranging from the practical–improved health and professional connection–to the intangible–creating feelings of hope and a sense of connection with others–giving is an essential but often overlooked human need.

One of the studies revealed that people who exhibit higher levels of altruism get a “helpers high”, a release of endorphins.  This high can give the immune system a boost, speed recovery from surgery and cut down on those restless nights.   Also thanks to new brain-scan technology, scientists have also discovered evidence that humans are “hard wired” to take care of and help each other.  A British poll of volunteers found that half of those surveyed claimed that their health had improved while they were volunteering.  Twenty percent of them claimed they lost weight, too which is a higher success rate than any diet we know.

If you would like to know more about what you can do to personally to become a giver, then I highly recommend reading “The Power of Giving“.  This book could certainly be transformational in your life if you implement some of the practices that Harvey and Azim outline in their book.

These are simple practices that are proven to awaken you, transform and improve your life in almost every possible way imaginable.   It is not hard to give, and it does not have to be just money.  Your gifts can be of time and your talent, for those are needed just as much as your money.

So relax, and enjoy this wonderful interview.  You can learn more about Harvey and Azim by visiting their website by clicking here.

Robyn OBrienThis is an interview with author Robyn O’Brien who decided to take some real action when it came to uncovering what ingredients in our foods are making us sick.

Her youngest daughter had a severe reaction to the eggs that she had eaten at breakfast one morning, which required a visit to the pediatrician and a mega dose of antihistamine.  This incident lead Robyn on her long journey of attempting to find the truth about what really is in our foods, and what are we not being told.

In our interview together we discuss the connections to genetically modified foods, and how these foods are allowed in our country but have been banned from European countries.   Just what is the connection between Big Food and Big Money in our country?  And why are harmful food additives still allowed in our food supplies?

Many of the toxins in our foods can be blamed for the alarming recent increases in allergies, ADHD, cancer and asthma in our children. Robyn and I explore these facts and provide you with some startling information about our food supply, and what steps you can take to protect yourself.

Robyn learned that one out of every three US kids currently suffers from allergies, asthma, ADHD, or autism and the number of children with peanut allergies actually doubled between 1997 and 2002.  So just what is happening to our food supply, and what steps can you take to prevent these statistics from effecting you or your family? “The “Unhealthy Truth” discloses what you need to know.  She provides recipes and actions plans for weaning your family off dangerous chemicals one step at at time.

I encourage you to listen to a very informative interview with the Erin Brockovich of food as she has been referred to by the media.

Robyn is also the founder of a non-profit entitled “Allergy Kids”  where you can obtain more information about her and the work she is doing to expose this important information about our foods and how to keep your family healthy in spite of the startling statistics.

Jonathan EllerbyI had a wonderful interview with a very deep and spiritual leader, Jonathan Ellerby, Ph.D.  His new book entitled, “Return to the Sacred-Ancient Pathways to Spiritual Awakenings“,  is a great book.  We explored the 12 Master Paths and Practices that have transformed the lives of countless saints, mystics, masters and the sages since the beginning history.

In Jonathan’s new book, you’ll find what you need to discover your spiritual personality and choose the path that will lead you toward realization of boundless joy and a lifelong journey of meaning.   I had the opportunity in our time together to ask Jonathan about the Mystic Mind-Set attitudes that can assist you in transforming your practice.  I loved the advice that I received from Jonathan.  He said that when your spiritual practice ceases to help you to become more self-aware and spiritually connected, revisit the following list before changing paths:

  1. Compassion: No Harm.  Be kind, empowering, patient and forgive yourself and others as you carry out your practice.
  2. Optimism: No Fear. Always ask yourself, What can I learn from this moment? What am I grateful for? Never let go of hope and the infinite field of possibility.  Don’t let fear change your mind, as it’s only a sign that there’s something to learn, pay attention to, or to heal.
  3. Observation: No Judgment. Self-awareness is key. Observe yourself during your practice, and don’t criticize or judge your experience.
  4. Contemplation: No Striving.  With each new experience in your practice take time to reflect deeply on what it means, what it reveals and what it teaches.   Learn to listen to your innermost thoughts and feelings.
  5. Dedication: No Procrastination. Stay committed and willing.  On some days, enduring discomfort will be all that you can manage.  Focus and dedication are necessary.
  6. Humor: No Ego. Have Fun! Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself or even your deepest beliefs.
  7. Surrender: No Attachment. Let go of constant questioning and controlling.  Let your unique process unfold with your full participation.
  8. Intention: No Doubt.  Your intention isn’t a goal to be fixated on but a deep clarity and longing for what it is you seek.

Jonathan is a wonderful teacher that has written a practical book for the spiritual aspirant who wants to awaken to a deeper level of consciousness and spirituality.  I encourage all of my listeners to check out Return to the Sacred-Ancient Pathways to Spiritual Awakenings.   Jonathan is very authentic and the content is rich, deep and very moving.

If you would like to learn more about Jonathan his workshops, retreats, books, etc, please visit his website by clicking here.  Enjoy this very special interview with a great spiritual teacher.

Rick Hanson Ph.D.What a wonderful interview with a great author who will enlighten you about the neuroscience associated with the brain.  Rick Hanson’s new book entitled, “Buddha’s Brain-The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom“,  is a fascinating in-depth look at how science is now revealing how the flow of thoughts actually sculpts the brain.  By combining breakthroughs in neuroscience with insights from thousands of years of contemplative practice, you too, can use your mind to shape your brain for greater happiness, love and wisdom.

In my interview with Rick, we explore the brain physiology and how the brain evolved to keep humans safe from external threats; the resulting “built-in negative bias” that creates suffering in modern individuals.  As quoted by psychologist Donald Hebb–“when neurons fire together, they wire together”.  Rick argues that the brain’s functioning can be affected by simple practices and meditations to foster well-being.  Rick states that classic Buddhist concepts such as the “three trainings” of mindfulness, virtuous action and wisdom can help one in attaining greater levels of happiness.

Buddha’s Brain-The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom” shows you how to:

  • Stress Proof your brain.
  • Practical and proven methods for feeling less irritable, sad and defensive.
  • Simple daily exercises to reprogram the brain to handle stress better.
  • How cultivating love and compassion for self and others combats anxiety.
  • Brain savvy ways to build resilience and inner strength
  • The Five “C’s” (Consciousness, Calm, Contentment, Caring and Creativity)

If you are looking for ways to de-stress your life and to have more peace and harmony, then I highly recommend that you read  Rick Hanson’s new book.  It is written in a  simple and easy to read format that informs and educates you on exactly what to do and how to apply these life changing practices.

If you would like more information, Dr. Hanson has developed a wonderful website with lots of informative articles and tools. You can access the Wise website by clicking here.

Enjoy this wonderful interview, and most of all, try some of these practices.  You will be happy that you did.