Author Victor Saad is one of the most dynamic and interesting young men I have ever had the pleasure of interviewing.  His new book entitled “The Leap Year Project” is the story of his personal journey as a socially responsible entrepreneurs and the journeys of many other young students who took up Victors challenge to join him on this year long journey.

These students choose to take a year out of their lives to ‘experience’ working in different businesses and learn from the experience instead of a textbook.  At the culmination of Victor’s journey, he was given the opportunity to speak before  a TedX conference in Chicago.  His twenty-minute talk absolutely points out the need for more experiential education which gives the learner “real life” experiences not just an MBA but a real life experiences designed to immerse the student in the business challenges.

Through this experience, Victor has gone on to found Experience Institute which is how he is continuing the amazing work that he started.  I hope you will pick up a copy of his book, I know that you will not only learn about the wonderful journey that Victor took on his year long experience, but you will learn what is was like from many others who took the challenge with Victor.

Please watch the TedX talk that Victor gave below, I think you will walk away rethinking how we educate young impressionable minds.