Dee Edington, Ph.D.If you are interested at all about the future of wellness and healthcare, then you need go no further than our guest for this podcast Dee Edington Ph.D.  Dee is the author of over 500 articles on the subject, and his new book entitled “Zero Trends: Health as a Serious Economic Strategy” certainly is a must read for anyone involved in the delivery of wellness and healthcare solution.

In my interview with Dee we discuss the two major problems that need to be solved: the rising cost of healthcare in America, which is eroding profits at an accelerating rate and leading toward disaster for businesses.  As well as the do-nothing approach which is not a solution at all.

Dee suggest that we need to move from a sickness orientated culture to a culture of health, a culture in which we not only care for the sick but also enable the healthy to stay healthy.   This is an approach that lowers healthcare costs and as the same time increases productivity and human satisfaction.

Edington quotes  Albert Einstein “the world we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems we cannot solve at the same level of thinking at which we created them.”    It is clear that after all of these years of the same medical approaches to managing health, more doctors, nurses, hospitals, procedures and devices will not solve the problems.  Edington disagrees with those in the medical profession and some of the health economists and politicians who argue that prevention and healthy lifestyles will not lower the total costs of sickness or lead to a better way of life for individuals and businesses.  The information and data presented in “Zero Trends”  will support the argument that improved health status will not only reduce healthcare costs for companies but also increase performance and productivity in the workplace.

The bottom line is that we need to focus on bringing back vitality to our businesses and the people that work in them. The new model for healthcare in America redefines healthcare as a combination of illness and wellness strategies.  It is designed to help employers enable employees to become self-leaders in maintaining their energy, vitality and overall performance.
If you are interested in learning more about “Zero Trends” then I highly recommend that you visit the Health Management Research Center at the University of Michigan by clicking here.  You can also purchase Dee’s book at this website by clicking this link to take you directly to the book’s landing page.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with a man who has dedicated his career to helping us better understand the challenges we are facing in healthcare.

Barbara Marx HubbardIf you have never heard Barbara Marx Hubbard speak, then treat yourself and take a listen to this wonderful podcast we just recorded about her new DVD entitled ” Visions of a Universal Humanity“.

Barbara and I have a very engaging dialogue about the new story for humanity. In the documentary DVD Barbara brings together some of the finest minds of our time including world renowned physicist Freeman Dyson, biologist Bruce Lipton and scolar Jean Houston and others who present cutting edge perspectives on humankind’s potential to create a positive future for Earth.

In a time when so many people are asking the question. “why on earth are we treating one another this way“, the insights from VISION’S brilliant luminaries give us a glimpse into a world where competition is replaced with cooperation and violence by compassion.  A world where artificial trees can create more oxygen than naturally occurring trees and where GOD is described as existing inside the universe rather than outside of it.

There is not doubt that our world is shifting, and that all of our institutions including our monetary, education, government are being tested. We are most likely going to see a reinvention of most of these system over the coming years, and as is articulated through the scientists and spiritual leaders interviewed in the movie the alternative viewpoint to doom and gloom Armageddon scenarios currently circulating is one an evolution of the consciousness of  individuals on the planet where co-creation and harmony pervade.  Biologists Bruce Lipton, states”we need a change in our beliefs” our old beliefs are not serving us any longer and it is time to awaken to new possibilities.

If there were every a documentary that will assist the viewer to awaken to their own personal possibilities, and have renewed hope for our humanity then you need to watch this documentary “VISIONS of a Universal Humanity“.
Barbara Marx Hubbard is sponsoring a no cost a program entitled “Three (3) Keys to Evolutionary Metamorphosis” staring October 14th and continuing for 14 weeks.  I would highly recommend that you click on this link and join in on this teleseminar to understand more how you realize your human potential and contribute to the evolution of our world in a very positive way.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with an amazing futurist, author and activist who is having an impact on the positive evolution of our planet–Barbara Marx Hubbard.

John RobbinsI have been an admirer of John Robbins for many years.  I first heard him speak in San Francisco in 2003 just after my oldest son Sean was diagnosed with Leukemia.  We took a trip to San Fransisco to attend a Green Conference where John was speaking about his book “The Food Revolution“.  It was this speech that made such an impact on both my son and myself that we altered our diets significantly in an effort to improve our health and be more environmentally sensitive.  I am proud to report that John’s message indelibly impacted our family contributing to our families improved health today.

John’s new book entitled ” The New Good Life” is probably one of the best books that I have ever read on living a life on less without the sacrifice.  The New Good Life is the path from conspicuous consumption to conscious consumption.  He advocates taking an active role in becoming  more aware of your purchases, and differentiate between your needs and wants.  Those of us who live in the United States for the most part have had plenty, and the previous consumptive patterns have helped to lead the current ecological and economic challenges we are faced with today.

As a result of our consumptive patterns I believe that we  need to look more closely at the choices we make when we purchase something,  and shift toward conscious consumption.  As John articulates in “The New Good Life” his life shifted significantly when he woke up one day last December to realize that 95% of his entire fortune disappeared as a result of his assets being mismanaged on Wall Street.

This book is as much about John’s personal journey, and how to learn to live on less while appreciating life.  It is a passionate manifesto on finding meaning beyond money, while delivering a sound blueprint for living well on less.  John teaches you how to create your own definition of success based on your deepest beliefs and life experiences, alleviate depression and stay fit with inexpensive alternative for high cost medicine, develop a diet that promotes better health and saves money, and how to protect yourself from future economic catastrophes.

The New Good Life” is a must read for anyone suffering through this economic downturn.  It is wonderfully written and extremely enlightening.

I highly recommend that you visit John’s website by clicking here and check out all of the cool resources as well as his videos.  Enjoy this great interview with a man on a mission to help people, help themselves while helping save planet earth!!!!

Glenn Llopis I had the personal pleasure of attending the Innovation and Humanities Summit in Orange, CA hosted by Glenn Llopis the author of Earning Serendipity.   I can personally vouch for the fact that this author is a man on a mission.  The program assembled some of the most incredible thought leaders of our time, and author Glenn Llopis is to be included in this esteemed crowd.

In my interview with Glenn we discuss his new book entitled, “Earning Serendipity“, which is about how you can claim your control over your prosperity.  As Glenn states, progression along the path is the result of a rare combination of skills that you can develop and apply in your career, business and life.

The four skills that we discuss are:

  • Seeing with circular vision: Which is the ability to broaden your observation beyond what you seek and beyond the obvious details before you, and enlarge your field of opportunities.
  • Sowing Entrepreneurial Seeds: When good vision is met with consistent, hand-dirtying execution every day, the result is a stable, growing fortune;focus on proper timing and proper depth.
  • Growing Seeds of Greatest Potential: This is when we learn how to recognize the most promising opportunities and give them the right amount of attention; don’t let the best opportunities wilt and don’t waste energy on opportunities with limited potential.
  • Sharing the Harvest: When you focus on meeting others’ needs to improve personal good fortune; make generosity part of your purpose, an integral part of the DNA of your career or company.

If you would like to learn more about Glenn and this great personal growth and mastery book, “Earning Serendipity“, than I recommend that you visit his website by clicking here.

Glenn’s website is rich with resources and videos to help the reader learn more.  You can also take his Workplace Serendipity Quiz the results of which will determine your propensity for creating and sustaining good fortune in your life.

Lucia RenéI found my interview with Lucia Rene, the author of her new book entitled, “Unplugging the Patriarchy“, to be one of the more interesting interviews that I have ever done.  Lucia has a viewpoint about what is transpiring with relation to the breakdown of our Patriarchal Age that is very believable, and quite worth reading about.

Her book helps one to understand the evolution of the New World Order and its various components, associated banking systems, finance, and our government and allows the reader to draw their own conclusions based upon her well documented research.  Lucia weaves into her book her personal journey associated with mysticism, psychic perceptions and spirituality which makes for an even more intriguing read.

The author was heavenly influenced by her personal spiritual teacher who believed that everyone is born with psychic perception.  That in an age of reason, people are conditioned from childhood to disregard psychic input. “Being psychic” she explained, “has to do with having the ability to perceive beyond the physical”.

It is quite evident to me that Lucia is a woman with special spiritual and psychic wisdom, and she has brought forth a book which is about  balancing the masculine and feminine in a effort to help us understand what is needed to help heal an ailing society and planet.

She writes, “We’re approaching the end of a cycle of time. The Patriarchy’s profit-before-people system is breaking down. Humanity’s 5,000-year schooling in power, abuse of power, and masculine/feminine imbalance is nearing an end. Something new is rising: a wave of Divine Feminine energy—so subtle yet so powerful—is moving across the planet, bringing balance in its wake.”

I encourage you to read “Unplugging the Patriarchy” for it will provide you with an “out of the box” viewpoint about our evolving and changing world which provides, a logical explanation from both a historical and spiritual
perspective, just what might be transpiring.

Please click here to be directed to her website.

John E. Wade II ” I will try to love and help create a heaven on earth”– the most important sentence that I have written or may ever write, says author John E. Wade II about his recently published his new book, “How to Achieve a Heaven On Earth.”

This is a fascinating book because it is a compilation of short essays from various people including: Barack Obama, Ted Turner, Marianne Williamson, Al Gore, Thomas L. Friedman and many others. In a very short period of time, the reader can pick up this book and read a short essay written by over 101 insightful world leaders and thinkers.

During our interview together we discuss many of the essays and John’s personal views about how important it is at this juncture in history that we come together to help resolve many of our world problems.  Solving these problems is going to take leaders who not only have the skills and wisdom, but who also have a spiritual focus.

As John states, “We must move beyond religious tolerance to real respect among all of the world’s loving spiritual beliefs and practices.  Even differing beliefs can lead to similar values, which in turn may lead to behavior that is acceptable to God.”

The ten (10) elements that John believes are important to achieving a heaven on earth are:

1) Peace

2) Security

3) Freedom

4) Democracies

5) Prosperity

6) Spiritual Harmony

7)  Racial Harmony

8)  Ecological Harmony

9) Health

10) Moral Purpose and Meaning

John is a spiritual man on a mission to help achieve heaven on earth.  He is helping to expose readers to wonderful thought leaders with varying viewpoints so one can draw their own conclusion on how to achieve a heaven on earth.

I highly recommend John’s new book, “How to Achieve A Heaven On Earth”, and to learn more about John and his charitable endeavors please visit his website by clicking here.

Enjoy this wonderful podcast with John E. Wade II.

Will Marre I have been a fan of Will Marrè’s for a long time.  His workshops and writings are fantastic!!! He is a joy to listen to and  dialogue with.

His new book entitled, “Save the World and Still Be Home for Dinner“,  is designed to enlighten and move his readers to action.  All of us can admit that we live in a world that is constantly changing.  Our lives have been moving at a faster pace, and we are looking for more meaning and purpose in our personal and professional lives.

Will’s new book ” Save the World and Still Be Home for Dinner” is written to get you thinking about your personal promise.  What is is that you would do to make a difference in the world?  What is your personal promise to yourself and your family?

Will asks you to “change how you think about change.”  To create a world of sustainable abundance which means to find the pulse of life we can maintain that doesn’t burn us out or exhaust us but enables us to be fully present in each moment filled with both gratitude and new solutions.

If we are to live lives filled with sustainable abundance, then as leaders we need to be Real Leaders.  We need to be responsible, ethical, create abundance and a legacy.  When we look at our world from a real leadership perspective our challenges become opportunities, and our decisions are made with the whole world in mind.

Will encourages individuals to know themselves, to dig deep within themselves and do some soul searching.  Why are you here?  What is your promise, and how can you fulfill it?

As the author articulates,  soul as I mean the word is not some poetic spiritual abstraction or article of religious dogma, but the core essence of who we are as living breathing, feeling, thinking human beings.  Our soul is the deepest dimension of our awareness, as silent intelligence that underlies all of our mental and emotional functions.  Our soul is not the object of our thinking.  It is the thinker.  The “me” before the thoughts.  is is the sacred essence of our individual identity.

So if you are looking to search your soul, and find a place within yourself that resonates with the essence of your being and from this place be moved to take action and make a difference in this world, then I not only highly recommend “Save the World and Still Be Home for Dinner” I also recommend that you watch some of Will’s great video’s on Save the World and Still Be Home for Dinner by clicking here.

You are going to love this interview with Will Marrè, and I know you will want to read this book more than once to really dig into the essence of the message.