Risa KaparoOur body speak to us, the question is are you listening?  In my recent interview with author Risa Kaparo we speak about her new book entitled “Awakening Somatic Intelligence“.  Risa states “This book offers a practice that brings immediacy to presencing the unbound source of all existence.

In Somatic Learning I use the term presencing as a verb to imply the embodying of spaciousness with awakened Somatic Intelligence. “Extended presence” refers to the process of living into the unknown, relaxed and curious, without efforting to grasp anything–aware of what happens in the bodymind as you ease the struggle to “wrap your mind around something”.  When we can be present or mindful as we live into the unknown, the infinite reveals itself to us so that we can come to know it intimately.

If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort in your body then “Somatic Intelligence” is a great opportunity to explore what is causing this pain and to transform it.  As Risa states the word “somatic”comes from the Greek root some, for body.  The conventional use of the word “body” in English implies an “object” observed from the outside. That is way I use the term “soma” to refer to how we sense the unfolding of life from within. And I use the term “somatic” to imply a first-person, here-now, all-at once, embodied intelligence-how we sense, feel and know ourselves on a precess level–from the inside out.

Risa says that listening to our body is the “ultimate practice”, embracing whatever is arising through our fill embodiment. As a result we “drink in” the infinite, we presence or “take up” vast spaciousness, infusing our whole being with consciousness that pervades all of existence.  And as we “kiss back”, our heartfelt savoring overflows, embuing this spaciousness with the luminosity of love. The ecstatic “practice” refers to the deepening of our capacity to bear the infinite as beloved, as intimately as our breath, bones, blood.

Awakening Somatic Intelligence” is a book that is alive with stories, exercises and provides the reader with a whole new way to approach any dis-ease or discomfort of our body.  Is is the embodiment of years of study and blending of a innovative bodymind approach to transformative healing and self-renewal.   It teaches embodied mindfulness through breathing, sensing, movement and touch to revitalize the body’s self-organizing intelligence.

If you would like more information about “Awakening Somatic Intelligence” I recommend that you visit Risa’s website by clicking here or watch a YouTube video on Somatic Intelligence by clicking here.  Enjoy this great interview with author Risa Kapro.

Neil KramerIf you are looking for the uncommon and philosophical approach to  life, then Neil Kramer’s  new book entitled ” The Unfoldment-The Organic Path to Clarity, Power and Transformation” is a must read.

I was throughly impressed with Neil’s approach to life, living and finding its true meaning.  As Neil states in the book ” the purer the mind, the deeper the consciousness that passes through it.  The purity of naturally arises from the practice of the unfoldment: the clarity of the inner work, the power of conscious will, the transformation of authentic heart.

Neil says that we need to get our hands dirty, and in so doing we can develop the discernment necessary for true unfoldment. He speak about something called gnosis, which means to have living knowledge that presents itself through direct contact, as opposed to abstract learning from books or computers.  It is closely aligned to discovery.

One thing that “The Unfoldment” stresses is the one universal truth from which all sacred knowledge flows.  Every authentic philosophical, religious, scientific and mystical system is attempting to rediscover the essence of that original emanation.  Such is its brilliance and luminosity–that its reflection can be found in all forms, both physical and non-physical.  The purer the reflection, the closer it feels.  It points the way to growth and integration, and it reassures us in the adventure of separation as we live as human beings.

Truth is a perennial discovery– states Neil, each reflection of truth can be regarded as having three main elements to it: wisdom, part thing, and part observer. The wisdom represents one strand of the original emanation of truth.  It is an encoded route map back to source/the divine, lending insight and discernment to any given subject. The thing is the energy configuration that casts the reflection.  It can be a poem, as piece of wood, a glass of water, or a memory. Anything.  The more authentic and uncorrupted it is–the more organic–the clearer the reflection it will give. The observer is the consciousness of the person.  You. Me. Your mother.

So no matter your beliefs, and you will certainly start to question them while reading “The Unfoldment” and most likely you will disgard most of them along the way.  Neils’ book allows the reader to explore, awaken and unfold by providing though provoking questions and ideas for consideration.  I recommend his book wholeheartedly, it is one of the deeper and more provocative book on personal and spiritual growth.

Enjoy my interview with author Neil Kramer, and for more information you can visit his website by clicking here or click here to be directed to his Facebook page.

Robert V. TaylorIt was a pleasure interviewing Robert V. Taylor about his new book entitled ” A New Way to Be Human: 7 Spiritual Pathways to Becoming Fully Alive.”   This book is not just about another way to find your spiritual path. Through Robert’s story you get to learn about his own personal spiritual path, which by the way is truly fascinating.

Robert was born and raised in South Africa and had the distinct pleasure of working along side Desmond Tutu’s during the apartheid movement.  He also graduated from seminary school at Union Theological School and become the highest ranking openly gay clergy person in the Episcopal Church.   As you can already imagine his own personal spiritual journey makes him uniquely qualified to write and speak on this topic.

One of the important things that Robert advocates within “A New Way To Be Human” is to share your own story.  As he states sharing your story reveals the Holy present in you, speaking through your story to yourself and others.  If , on the other hand, you choose not to share your story, you choose to dishonor, devalue, and disbelieve the truths that your life reveals.  How right he is about stepping into your own and being proud of your story–it is the foundation of who and what you are, it is your authentic-self being expressed.

Robert makes reference within the book about stepping stones, and you will hear us speak about these stepping stones throughout the interview.  He discribes Stepping Stone Two as: Accepting the Invitation.  He states when you are secure in your own story, you discover that the stories of others offer you an invitation. As you accept these invitations, the vibrancy of the Holy at work infuses your life as you love, live, and celebrate your connection with others.  Transformation happens.

Throughout the book Robert has provided the reader with wisdom and invitations to explore their own spiritual life at a very deep level.  He also provides “Spirited Practices” designed to inspire you to awaken to your own spiritual expression and path.   These are just friendly reminders at the end of each chapter that jolt you into awareness about your spiritual journey and practices.

If you are on a spiritual path, and want to explore “A New Way To Be Human” I encourage you to read, practice and open up your heart to the ideas and stories that Robert has carefully crafted into his book.  If you would like more information about Robert V. Taylor you can click here to be directed to his website, or you can click here to be directed to his Facebook page.

Enjoy my wonderful interview with a great author and spiritual leader-Robert V. Taylor.

Ken DruckThis wonderful new book by author and good friend Ken Druck, is filled will the “Real Rules of Life“.  Most of us have read books about the rules of life, but Ken rules takes the reader to new depths of understanding about how life “really” works.  In my interview with Ken we discuss the 23 rules that he outlines in the book, but we also discuss their meaning and the story behind the rules.

I love Ken’s first rule (1st): “Life is Not Fair, It More Than Fair.”.  Some of you might be thinking that is a misprint, just how could he say that.  Let dissect what Ken is referring to here. Life is a mystery, and when we experience unbearable pain, heartbreak or loss we can all be asking ourselves “Why”?  Yet, we can also be asking “Why” for the blessings and gifts in our lives.  The truth is that it’s all mystery.  We have no way of knowing why sometime our hearts are torn asunder, and other times, they are filled to overflow.  Sometimes genuine hopefulness comes from the hardest moments in our lives–a phoenix rising from the ashes of our loss.  As thirteenth century poet Rumi wrote, “Grief can be the garden of compassion.”

Ken asks questions at the end of each chapter as well as provides the reader with simple actions that they can implement into their lives.  For instance he mention to sharpen our self awareness about rule number one (1), ask the questions ” Do I expect life to be fair?” Am I holding a grudge against life–for hurting me or letting me down?.”    What great questions for reflection–this will surly create more awareness about how we are thinking about how fair life is treating us.

Ken’s new book “The Real Rules of Life” has 23 “Real Rules”.  They are all designed to open up your heart and get you engaged in life.  He provides the reader with great stories as well as examples of how if applied these rules can change your life.  I recommend this book for anyone wanting to create real love, hope, joy , health, and forward movement in your life.


If you would like to learn more about the “Real Rules of Life” you can visit the book website by clicking here. Or you can learn more about the Jenna Druck Foundation by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with one of the most heartfelt men I know–Ken Druck.

Bill ClokeI don’t believe that their is a person either male or female who has been in a relationship that at one point or another has not had challenges in communicating effectively, and finding harmony and bliss in their relationship.

In my interview with Dr. Bill Cloke who has been a couples’ therapist for over 30 years he reveals some very important tips and strategies for staying “Happy Together” the title of his new book. Bill states that the basic building blocks for a loving connection need to consider the following:

1) Boundaries-Understanding what is acceptable and what is not is vital for love to grow. We need to take time to outline what our boundaries are so we can live within them. 2) Consideration: To be considerate about the things that are important to your mates essential for harmony. 3) Fairness: Being fair helps keep a relationship balanced.  Share chores, vacations, spending, friends, and responsibilities toward relatives creates more harmony and positive feelings 4) Tolerance: Our ability to tolerate our partner’s foibles and flaws is important for lasting peace. Tolerance for differences in feelings, way of doing things, parenting styles, and the other opposing view that all couples have is a key component of creating love. 5) Responsibility: Being able to own our part of a problem is essential for conflict resolution. 6) Support: Support takes many forms, from helping your partner fulfill reams and aspirations to providing care when he or she is sick or defeated.

Bill points out that we also have many roadblocks to love, and some of them include: blame-shifting, victimhood, entitlement, denial, displacement, guilt, shame/blame, stonewalling, projection, devaluation. He states that to truly understand what healthy communication is all about, we need to consider the complexity of what may be causing conflicts with our mate.  An argument about putting the cap back on the toothpaste may actually contain clues to buried feelings.  The core of conflict may be a sense of feeling invisible or needing to control, but the cap is the way our feelings are ignited, so the toothpaste is where the argument is focused.

If you are in a good relationship and all is going well, then wonderful.  But don’t think that you cant’ learn from Bill book “Happy Together“.  This book is for anyone in a relationship whether things are going great, or if you believe it needs work.

This is one of the best books on relationship counseling I have read.  You just might be able to save and or improve your relationship by reading, understanding and applying some of the great wisdom that Bill teaches in “Happy Together


I hope you enjoy this interview, and if you would like more information about author Dr. Bill Cloke please click here to be directed to his website.

Jamie WhealI recently conducted this wonderful podcast with Jamie Wheal about an amazing project that he and Steven Kotler the co-author of Abundance are working on.  I was first introduced to Jamie by Steven Kotler. Subsequent to my interview with Steven we started a wonderful dialogue and it lead to him informing me about “The Flow Genome Project“.  I was so enthralled with what they were working on that I invited Jamie his partner to do this podcast to inform my listeners about their mission.

I am certain that many of you are aware of the term “Flow” made aware to the world by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi the author of the book “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience“.  He developed the term “flow states” to describe the state of peak experience which some will seek to recreate at any cost because it’s so enjoyable.   Flow is defined as the state of being where time slows, self vanishes, action and awareness merge into one–often referred to as peak experience, runner’s high, being in the zone or dropping in the pocket.

Jamie and Steven are on a mission to study flow states in what they refer to as “The Flow Dojo“.  They want to hack the flow state, and determine what physically, mentally and emotionally is occurring to the body when someone has these peak experiences.  In other words they want to map the genome of Flow, which if they can do this would be an amazing feat.

The information and data received as a result of studying people who attain this states of consciousness would be extremely valuable because flow states are known to optimize performance, enhance creativity, drive innovation, accelerate learning, amplify memory and underpin happiness itself.   If they could recreate these “flow states” and know what is required to do so, imagine what could happen in our business world.  This data and process would become an extreme advantage to any employer that was involved helping their employees achieve and sustain the “state of flow.”

Jamie and Steven have created a website dedicated to this project, and you can access it by clicking here to learn more about “The Flow Genome Project“.  At the website you will find articles, videos and you can read more about the “Flow Dojo”.

In my estimation this project takes human performance and mastery to a whole new level.  If Steven and Jamie can quantify their research and hack the state of flow, this would be an amazing breakthrough.


If you are interested in getting involved, please sign up at their website and you will be contacted with more information.  I hope you enjoy this great interview with Jamie Wheal about the “Flow Genome Project”.

Barbara Marx HubbardI recently had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Barbara Marx Hubbard about her new book entitled ” Birth 2012“.  I have interviewed Barbara before, and it is always an honor to speak with her about her passions.  Her new book “Birth 2012“is truly remarkable and a book that anyone interested in learning more about the dawning of the new era should read and actively  becoming involved in this amazing movement.

Barbara spoke with me in our interview together about how humanity’s evolution has accelerated to a point that the changes have become visible to all, and she has a passion to bring to millions of people a far greater awareness of the potential of our Planetary Birth and our emergence as a universal species.

As she writes in the Letter of Invitation at the beginning of the book–” Our current condition of over-growth in our finite Earth system is simply  not sustainable. We will either evolve toward a more sustainable , compassionate, and creative global system, or we face the real possibility of devolution’s and distraction of our life support system and of much of life on Earth–within our our own or or children’s lifetime.  This dangerous reality is motivating us to enter into what I call the first age of conscious evolution–that is, evolution by choice and not by chance.  It means that we need to be causal in the actions and directions we take in this lifetime. What is being required of us to learn to co-evolve with nature and cocreate with Spirit.

These are very important questions that we all face and are important for us all to participate in the outcome.  As Barbara stated we have a choice, and as this planet and our species evolves we need to consciously participate in transforming our world into a place where sustainability of all of our systems can be achieved.  We are all experiencing a breakdown of our existing systems, but we will shortly see a breakthrough where new and better system will evolve that will support our species in what Barbara refers to as a “Universal Humanity”.

The urgency of our problems is causing people to wake up all over the planet.  It’s dawning on us that something creative—something new–is pressing within us to emerge. What is now being born is transforming the old situation with the prospect of new solutions; and, at the same time, it is helping to create a new world–a world that we have in some respect always held in our hearts.

I encourage you to listen to the words of wisdom from a wonderfully intelligent and compassionate woman who can help to unite and transform the consciousness of our society into a place where survival and sustainability are the mantra of all.


If you would like more information about Barbara Marx Hubbard please click here, if you are interested in learning more about the “Birth 2012″ book please click here.

Annie BurnsideI recently interview author Annie Burnside about her new book entitled “Soul to Soul Parenting“.  My wife is a fifth grade school teacher, daily tells me about the crazy stories and  challenges she faces as a teacher,  teaching children who are disrespectful, disobedient and  have no attention span.

I know about the children that are ADD or ADHD, but these children have not been diagnosed with either. In my estimation what is missing are the  proper role models (their parents) to guide them and reinforce proper behavior.

I am so pleased that Annie Burnside wrote this wonderful book “Soul to Soul Parenting“, which is primarily about raising a spiritually conscious family which is so extremely important in our world today.  In addressing the aspect of raising a spiritually conscious family she espouses what she refers to as Parenting Vehicles, which are practical, tangible things families can do to get in touch with their spiritual nature.

Through a combination of stories about her personal journey, ideas borrowed from the teaching of other spiritual leaders, and old-fashioned common sense, Annie brings to the reader the rituals and spiritual signs along with Soul to Soul Parenting Spiritual Themes that she has used personally with her family to bring the values and spiritual nature that plays such an important role in raising her family and reinforcing the spirituality.

Soul to Soul Parenting encourages and inspires all parent to become the spiritual experts to their own families and lead their children to expand their conscious awareness to include a universal interconnectedness with all of life.

Annie Burnside’s  book is a must read if you have children and are interested in bringing a greater awareness of the important elements of instilling spiritual values and beliefs.  If you would like more information about Annie Burnside please click here to be directed to her website or you can click here to access her Facebook page.


Enjoy my wonderful interview with author Annie Burnside.

Chip ConleyI recently attended a conference in San Diego where author Chip Conley was one of the keynote speakers.  I was throughly taken by Chip’s personal story, and his new book entitled ” Emotional Equations-Simple Truths for Creating Happiness and Success .

I have been interviewing authors for over 5 years and have been immersed in the personal growth field for over 30 years.  Chip Conley’s new book  “Emotional Equations” is the real deal.  It is easy to understand, and I love how Chip has taken what sometimes can be difficult ideas to convey, and created equations out of them.  His formulas help the reader  take universal truths and turn it into a visual lexicon for mastering your life challenges.

I dont’ know how many of my listeners have read the classic book by Victor Frankl entitled ” Man’s Search for Meaning“.  If you are not familiar with the story it is about Frankl’s agony in the Nazi concentration camp.  The essence of this book is that the Nazi’s were attempting to break down the prisoners mentally, and  in Frankl’s words“everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”  Chip has distilled the essence of “Man’s Search for Meaning” book into this wonderful equation: Dispair=Suffering-Meaning.  How simple!!

Some of Chips’ other equations are: Disappointment = Expectations-Reality or Joy=Love-Fear.  No matter what emotion, Chip has a formula.

Chip states that their are parallels between math and life.  He states that when he was at is lowest point in his life that the “Meaning Equation” (above)  gave him the knowledge and conviction that if he placed his attention more on the meaning of his disparate collection of painful events, as apposed to the suffering, that he would likely have less dispair in his life.  He states that during his more troubled weeks, the equation felt as if it was his instructions manual for deactivating his emotional explosives.

If you are currently dealing with pain or suffering in your life, then I would highly recommend that you read Chips’ new book “Emotional Equations“.  I personally love how he has distilled our emotions into equations,almost as  if the equations diffuse our personal connection to the painful emotions, and  allow us to see the situation so much more clearly.

In all my years of working in the personal growth, mastery and human potential movement I have never come across a book like “Emotional Equations”.  It is a must read for anyone seeing to better understand their emotions!


If you would like more information about Chip Conley then just click here to be directed to his website.  You can also click here to be directed to his Facebook page.  Enjoy this wonderful interview with a great inspirational author Chip Conley.