Dilip Abayasekara Ph.DI thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Dilip Abayasekara.  His new book entitled, “The Path of the Genie“, is a wonderful  book about the lessons learned by Aladdin.  In my interview with Dilip we explore these lessons and how they can apply to our lives to bring us more happiness, meaning and purpose. Based on the truths derived from the story of Aladdin, “The Path of the Genie“, extracts powerful examples for living from pivotal points in Aladdin’s story.  Highlights such as rubbing the lamp, getting the Genie’s help, winning the love of the princess, and the sacrificing his own desires in order to grant freedom to the Genie are almost magically changed into lessons for life: getting rid of negative forces and discovering the transforming powers of humanity, self discovery, and self-offering.

As Dilip articulates so well through this book, you are not an accident of nature.  There is a purpose and meaning behind your life.   The hard part is finding that purpose and meaning.  The path to finding your purpose and living out your destiny is what “The Path of the Genie” is all about.  So, just what is your heart’s desire?  How can you achieve this desire, and why is it so important to you?

If you are asking yourself these kind of questions and would like to explore the answers that dwell within you, then I highly recommend reading this entertaining and enjoyable book that provides you with the lesson and guidance to find your purpose in life.  My interview with Dilip is wonderful and will be a real stepping stone for those seeking to answer these life long questions about their purpose in life.

If you would like to learn more about Dilip Abayasekara, his workshops and book, please click here to be directed to his website.

Byron BelitsosI like to be open minded and provide a place for authors to make a contribution to the expansion of our consciousness.  In my interview with Byron Belitsos on his book entitled, “The Center Within“, we explore the mysteries and facts behind the Urantia book.  I have to admit that this was the first time I had been exposed to this philosophy but found the ideas presented by Byron to be quite interesting and worth exploring further on my own.

The Urantia Book, first published by Urantia Foundation in 1955, claims to have been presented by celestial beings as a revelation to our planet, Urantia. Many who have read it accept this assertion.

The writings in the Urantia Book instruct us on the genesis, history and destiny of humanity and on our relationship with God the Father. They present a unique and compelling portrayal of the life and teachings of Jesus. They open new vistas of time and eternity to the human spirit and offer new details of our ascending adventure in a friendly and carefully administered universe.

The Urantia Book offers a clear and concise integration of science, philosophy and religion. Those who read and study it believe that The Urantia Book has the capacity to make a significant contribution to the religious and philosophical thinking of people worldwide.

The Urantia Book is not a “religion” per se. It builds upon the religious heritages of the past and present, encouraging a personal, living religious faith.

In my interview with Byron about his book, “The Center Within“, we learn about his book which is designed to simplify and amplify the teaching of the Urantia Book through a series of practical lessons. It is the first of a series of books based on the Teaching Mission, and the first ever trade book presenting the spiritual essence of the Urantia Book.

So open up your minds and come explore with me something that could very well be a new spiritual teaching.  I know you will enjoy my interview with Byron Belitsos the author of “The Center Within”.

Jackie LapinJackie Lapin has a special energy and essence.  She is a very accomplished author as well as the founder of  a non-profit called United World Healing.

In my interview with Jackie about her book entitled, “The Art of Conscious Creation“, we discuss the some of the Universal Guiding Principles to leading a happier and more fulfilling life.  In our interview together she articulates some of her own personal stories about how she personally has learned to manifest what she needs to have a fulfilling and meaningful life.

What you learn from Jackie is that the focus is not on yourself that brings happiness and peace, but a focus on helping and serving others.  You will learn the power of building communities of support and how important that is for helping you manifest in your life.  As Jackie states her book is a manual for empowerment.  It is a wake-up call for those who have spent their lives feeling powerless, victimized or buffeted by life’s challenges.  With the awareness of your infinite powers to create your own reality to change the future, to change the world, you can set an exciting new course as so many others around the globe are doing.   I hope by the time you complete listening to this interview you are inspired to ask the question, “What can I do?”

This interview is for those who want to get up and not only change their own personal life, but help in changing the lives of countless thousand of others who are in need of assistance.  Enjoy listening to my interview with Jackie Lapin, and please visit her website by clicking here for more information on her her workshops and books.

Pilar GerasimoI normally reserve my interviews to authors of books on personal growth, mastery and wellness.  I know that this particular podcast guest has not written a book , but as the editor of Experience Life Magazine her contributions monthly to the development and distribution of this magazine are amazing.

In the nine years she has been with the magazine her responsibilities have been to oversee and make sure that hundreds if not thousands of quality articles are written and published in the areas of health, wellness, nutrition and personal/spiritual growth.

I first met Pilar Gerasimo at the Bioneers Conference in San Rafael, CA about five years ago.  Since our first meeting we have developed a friendship that is glued together by our common passion for wellness and health.

Pilar takes personal pride in every issue and each article written for Experience Life Magazine.  It is probably one of the best magazines I have ever seen on fitness, health and wellness. Pilar and her team do an amazing job each month putting together engaging and informative stories to assist the reader in understanding ways to improve their health and interconnect the body, mind and soul for a balanced lifestyle.

In this interview with Pilar we explore some of her personal philosophies about health, wellness and the busy life of an editor of a successful magazine as well as exploring some of the most fascinating articles recently published.

Inside Personal Growth has recently become one of Experience Life’s Healthy Partners, and we are excited about our relationship with the magazine.  I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with Pilar Gerasimo.

Should you wish to learn more about Experience Life Magazine and want to read some of the great articles on line please click here to access their website.

Jamie RenoI have had the pleasure of being able to sit down in person with Jamie Reno.  He is a cancer survivor, patient advocate, singer-songwriter, journalist and a wonderfully authentic man.  Jamie recently wrote “Hope Begins in The Dark-50 Lymphoma Survivors Tell Their Exclusive Life Stories”. Jamie decided to compile the stories as a result of his own battle with cancer.

One of the common themes that Jamie related to me was that each of the cancer patients interviewed for his book became their own best advocate and took affirmative action relative to their treatments. It was this action that provided them the strength to survive and make them stronger patients which increased their probability of survival.

One thing I know for certain is that those who get up and do something, and don’t wait for the doctor or others to provide them with solutions are the ones that feel more confident in dealing with their disease.  My son Sean who is a seven (7) year survivor of CML, a form of Leukemia, was also one of the people who decided to take action on his own.  He did research, changed his diet, got involved in meditation and did a 180 degree shift in his lifestyle.  It is these types of actions that assist cancer patients physically, mentally, emotionally and spirituality to not only survive but thrive during treatments.

I know you are going to love Jamie’s  story  about a brave cancer survivor turned advocate and voice for many who have not been able to get their stories told.  Each one of these cancer stories is unique and touching.

I encourage anyone on the path of personal mastery to tap into the stories told by Jamie as an inspiration and encouragement to overcome any of the challenges that you might be faced with.  Nothing is more challenging than facing your own mortality, and I know you can learn from these wonderfully compelling stories of cancer survivors.

If you would like more information about Jamie Reno, his book and music please visit his website by clicking here.

Enjoy this wonderful interview with a survivor, turned heart centered advocate for those without a voice.

Jeffrey GittermanIs money really the root of all evil?  In my interview with Jeffrey Gitterman we explore the fascinating relationship and role that money plays in  our lives.  Gitterman, a successful financial advisor and rags to riches story, has done an amazing job with his new book entitled, “Beyond Success”, in helping the reader to understand the true meaning of money.  Gitterman shares his liberating and dynamic approach to lasting spiritual, creative and financial fulfillment.  He draws on his own experiences and stories of many people he has worked with and learned from. The key to success, he says, is an ongoing commitment to doing, giving and accomplishing.  Gitterman states, “When we really understand that there is nothing we can get that will make us happy, we can stop striving to accumulate more and more”.   He says that we need to redirect our ‘seeking system,’ enlist it in the service of what we want to express to the world, rather than how we want to feel

Challenging the value of both conventional and material standards and fleeting emotional states, “Beyond Success” presents a new currency for measuring success: attention.  As Jeff makes clear, the intangible force of attention is the key to economic, commercial, political and social and personal power.  Why is attention so powerful? “Because,” as Jeff sums it up, “what you choose to put your attention on is where you direct your energy — in all its many forms, including your time, your creativity, and of course your money”.

Jeffrey Gitterman is one of the most interesting authors I have interviewed regarding our relationship to money, and how with some minor shifts in our conscious thought and spiritual understanding of how to utilize money for good we can grow our abundance in all areas of our lives.

I hope you enjoy this interview Jeff, and if you would like to learn more about his Beyond Success workshops and other coaching services please visit his website.

Guy FinleyI always have a great time interviewing Guy Finely.  This is my fourth interview with him, and each time we are able to explore his material more deeply to get to the essence of his message.

I happen to be going up to Oregon the coming weekend to visit with Guy and his team, and I am so much looking forward to my journey.

In this interview we are discussing his new audio CD series entitled “Being Fearless and Free.”  Most of us will admit to living with some kind of fear that holds us back, that keeps us running, or that crushes our hopes and dreams. And if we could peek into the secret longing that lives in the hearts of everyone we know, we would see there the one great wish that we all share in common: we want to be fearless and free.

This life-liberating album is the doorway to the secret source of fearlessness within you. In it, Guy reveals all new Principles of Power that will help you realize a peace and contentment that nothing can wreck. You, your life, and every experience you go through, will be transformed before your very eyes.

  • See the world through the inspired eyes of your True Self
  • Build a bridge to happier human relationships
  • Help create the light that makes the world a brighter place
  • And above all, perfect your life

Secrets to the Fearless Life Revealed

The sixteen special talks in this album were presented to small groups of students over a period of six months. Each talk builds upon the ones that came before so that step by step the mask is pulled off the lie of fear and listeners begin to see themselves and the events of their lives in a bold new way.

Now you too can learn how to see the world through the inspired eyes of your True Self… build a bridge to happier human relationships… help create the light that makes the world a brighter place… and above all, perfect your life.

I encourage you to listen to this podcast closely, for each time Guy articulates a new idea I am inspired to want to go deeper personally.  To explore areas that I potentially have not explored within my self, and my connection to a greater Spirit.  Guy Finley get you to think and questions your thoughts and hopefully shift your paradigm about your thinking.

Please visit Guy’s website to learn more or to purchase a copy of this wonderful CD series.  To access his website please click here.


Patricia Varley While Patricia is not an author yet, she is certainly a highly qualified speaker, trainer and coach.  Her concepts and ideas about leading your life from the inside out will assist anyone seeking to grow and learn more about themselves.

She works with business people in assisting them to become transformational leaders and thinkers.  In my interview with Patricia we explore the patterns that we need to shift to obtain a more balanced life and to become more centered.

Reinventing Success from the Inside Out with Patricia Varley is a powerful facilitation guide and supports participants in transitioning between the mainstream and what is evolving on the planet at this transformative time in history. She leads people through the processes, tools, techniques and strategies to awaken their integral authenticity and discover and communicate their uniqueness and live their vision. She assists a wide range of clients in multiple industries, developing and implementing creative strategies and insights to help them achieve integrated and satisfying professional and personal lives. By connecting them more to who they are, they are better prepared to shift and take an evolutionary leaps in all areas of their lives and work and live from their highest potential.

I am certain that you will see a book in the near future by Patricia. But in the meantime you can visit her website to learn more about her coaching, and workshops by clicking here.