Jeff Frick I recently had the pleasure to interviewing my good friend and author Jeff Frick about his new enhanced book entitled ” Poetic Ripples for the Knowing Heart“.  Jeff’s new book is a publication of Wiseologie Media Group a company that I am a partner in and have been publishing enhanced books for over two years.  If you have never experienced watching and listening to a poet through a downloaded book, then this is your opportunity.

Jeff explores the deep elements of our human nature and experience with his poetry.  He also has used poetry through his life as a businessman to help develop greater levels of communications with his employees, and well as reflective way to express his thoughts, ideas  ways to transform challenging issues.  Poetic Ripples from the Knowing Heart will move and transform you through the beautifully express poetry.


If you would like more information about Jeff’s consulting services you can click here to be directed to the Poetic Ripples website.  You can also watch Jeff on Youtube  where he recites many of his poems by clicking here.  Enjoy this great interview with a very gifted poet and businessman.

Dan PallottaIn my interview with Dan Pallotta we discuss a his newly designed program called “Change Course“.  I have interviewed Dan previously about his book entitled “Uncharitable-How Restraints on Non-Profits Undermine Their Potential.”   Dan Pallotta has been involved in  lifting up the profile of non-profits for years.  At age 21 he organized a bike ride across America to raise awareness about world hunger,  he also launched a for profit enterprise that was responsible for developing AID’s rides as well as the 3-Day Brest Cancer walks.  Needless to say Dan Pallotta is not stranger to the world of non-profit.

Dan realized that many people are torn mentally and emotionally about where to spend their time.  So many of us want to help in the non-profit sector, yet we feel that we are not doing enough or don’t have the time.   We want to know how to make the transition and feel comfortable with our decisions. This boot camp for idealists, activists and social entrepreneurs and anyone exploring how to make a good living and a big difference will help anyone seeking to have fulfilling work while making a living.  In Change Course, Dan and his team are going to guide the attendees and inform them about: 1) the pros and cons of a non-profit career 2) making a difference in every moment 3) duty and responsibility vs. joy and opportunity 4) social enterprise vs. social entrepreneurship 5) maximizing the impact of personal philanthropy and much more.

If you are like most people you may want to get involved with charitable work, but  could or would you every make a career of it?   Dan will help guide attendees in determining what their options are, as well as help resolve the dilemmas that many face in making non-profit work a career.   If you want to learn more about the Change Course, please listen to this informative podcast.  You can also click here to be directed to the Change Course website which will provide you with the information you will need to make your decision about attending the course.


Michael HollaufI have recently been doing podcasts with organization and authors that have productivity tools that I believe are excellent personal growth and mastery applications.  I was introduced to Michael Hollauf the founder of MindMeister through Gerald Aquila the founder of FireTask, and we speak in this podcast  about an amazing cloud based application for mind mapping that he developed with his team called MindMeister.  This application is  so popular that within less than 6 years his user base has grown to over 1.6 million users.

If you are not familiar with mind mapping, it was made popular by British psychologist Tony Buzan.  What is important to remember about mind mapping is that it allows our non-linear brains that normally  think randomly to be able to capture the wonderful ideas, thoughts and inspirations on paper or the computer in a visual map.

Mind Mapping and the use of computer technology over the last 10 years had really excelled, and the cloud based application that Michael and his team has developed is a wonderful example of a collaborative cloud based application that makes the job of capturing ideas and thoughts with a team of people a snap.

A mind map starts usually with one central word or idea, then branches out from this initial concept. The branches then turn into sub-branches and you continue to develop the mind map as your thoughts flow and are recorded onto the mind map. It is like a cognitive map of sorts.  I have links to some of the samples that MindMeister clients have shared just to give you an idea of what is possible using the MindMeister cloud based application. Just click here for a few examples.

The practical tools that would not be available using paper vs a cloud based system are that you can link notes, hypertext links to website, video, graphics, pictures almost anything that will help you in developing your brainstorming session and making it more comprehensive in nature.   The best part about MindMeister is the ability to share your ideas with others on a team and publish your map for their feedback.

If you are in business or a student, then utilizing a cloud based mind mapping software is a wonderfully practical tool.  I highly recommend the MindMeister cloud based system.  If you want more information or would like to watch a few training videos about how to use the system please click here.  You can also download a 30 day free trial by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with the founder of MindMeister Michael Hollauf.


Dan ZadraThis interview with Dan Zadra is the last in a series of interviews with the author about his inspirational books that are numbered in a series.  This last interview is about his book entitled “7-How Many Days Of The Week Can You Be Extraordinary”.

One of the things we discuss in our interview together is that fact that the average person has just 30,000 mornings they will awaken too.  Think about that number for a minute, 30,000 mornings-how are you going to spend yours today?

The key here is that this is your life, and don’t miss a day of it– every morning is precious.   This message is accented by a great story about a 95 year old woman recounting her time here on earth, and her thoughts on  how time flies, and that one morning she looked up and was 70 year old and as soon as she made the realization that she did not have much more time on this earth, she started to savor everyday and every moment and wanted to make a difference in the world.

It does not have to be your 70th birthday before you make this realization about how each day is important.  Learn to live  for each moment —that is really all we have.

We have all heard about learning to become a beginner again, but how many of us really practice it?  We lose something wonderful when it becomes more important to us to be the one who knows than to be the one who’s open to the everyday wonders around us.  “Those wo think they know it all have no way of finding out they don’t”, wrote Leo Buscaglia.  Fortunately, our sense of curiosity and wonder can rekindled and refreshed.

During my interview with Dan he tells personal inspring stories, and recounts stories that will inspire and move you.  If you are wondering how your days, weeks, months, years and lifetime are going


to be extraordinary then read Dan’s book “7-How Many Days Of The Week Can Be Extraordinary” he really provides sound advice and inspiration on how to live an extraordinary life.

If you want more information about Dan Zadra, please click here to be directed to his company website.  Or you can click here to be directed an interview with Dan on  YouTube.



Dan ZadraIn my ongoing series of interviews with Dan Zadra we speak about his book entitled “2 How Will You Create Something Beautiful Together.

As I have previously mentioned Dan’s books are easy to read, and extremely inspirational.   This book is about finding love, then creating something together that is beautiful.   Dan states ” Go where you’ve never been. Dream together, plan together, laugh together and grow together.”   Wonderful words, but how in our busy world do we find the time to dream, plan and grow together.

In my interview with Dan we explore the simple things that couples can do together to build a lasting and loving bound.   Dan states that their are only four questions of value in life…. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? —The answer to each is the same.  Love.

Dan mentions that creating a couples mission statement is very powerful.  I know that I have never done it, but I  can imagine how this process would really unite people.  He also talks about doing a couples journal, now that is a new one on me.  I have never heard of a couples journal.  Sharing thoughts, ideas and stories together sounds like it would be a kick and a way to grow closer with your significant other.

No matter what your dream, if you share it with someone you really love–and someone who cares about you then your dream mean so much more.  Likewise, if your spouse or significant other shares their inner most secrets it makes life all worth living.

We are hear to bond, love, live and unite our common interests in helping to make this world a better place to live.   Dan’s book “2 How Will You Create Something Beautiful Together.” is a great book to inspire, move and get you thinking about what is truly possible when you have your life to share with someone.


Enjoy this great read and interview with author Dan Zadra.


Carter PhippsI recently interviewed Carter Phipps about his new book entitled ” Evolutionaries-Unlocking the Spiritual and Cultural Potential of Science’s Greatest Ideas“.   Carter does as wonderful job of bridging the gap between faith and science throughout his book.   He has incorporated stories and interviews with some of the greatest evolutionary thinkers from current time and the past.  This allows the reader to gain a perspective about how evolution and our ability to adapt and adopt provides a new worldview and hopefully a shift in our consciousness.

Carter states that evolution embraces everything from economics to psychology, from politics to religion, from ecology to technology.  I could not agree more, and as one takes a deep introspective look at their lives they can see that where  a blur between faith and science once may have existed , it is now becoming clear and they can see the interconnection of all living things.

Carter cites the work of  biologists Lynn Marguils who discovered the first nucleated cell called eukaryote as an example of how nature is working in cooperation vs. competition.  This is a wonderful example of how our society and culture needs to evolve and is evolving into a world  model of cooperation vs. competition.  This is a significant shift in our worldview and evolution for with the new model of cooperation we will speed up the evolution of our species, and we will most certainly see breakthrough in areas of science, technology, politics, spirituality, religion, psychology and the sciences that will make our lives significantly better.

Carter cites a story about Zoltan Torey who was on the verge of death after a terrible accident in a battery factory when acid was dumped over his whole body, leaving him blind.   Torey wrote an autobiography entitled Out of Darkness and a 1999 book entitled “The Crucible of Consciousness“.   What Torey conveyed in his book was a model how the brain creates the experiences of consciousness and how the miracle of self-reflection has evolved the human animal; what  Carter conveys through Torey’s story is how a new kind of ethical context has quietly descended on human awareness over the last years and decades, almost unrecognized, like an unseen snow falling softly during the night, only to reveal a changed world in the light of the morning sun.

Truly this is what is happen, we are evolving as a species and all the support systems around us are evolving as well.  Our evolution is bringing science and faith closer together, and as it does we will start to see clearly the interconnection of all living things.  I highly recommend that you read Carter Phipps new book entitled “Evolutionaries” is will provide content for deep contemplation and reflection about who and what we are becoming.


For more information about Carter Phipps please click here to be directed to his website, or click here to watch a great YouTube video about the book.



Carole Brody FleetWe all face the ultimate situation of grieving at one point or another in our lives, it is just part of life.  My interview with author and founder of a non-profit for women who are dealing with widowhood and grief Carole Brody Fleet really sheds new light on a topic that frequently is swept under the rug or not discussed.

Her new book  entitled “Happily Even After” which is a compilation of questions and answers asked by the women in her community  and all of the issues they are faced puts widowhood into perspective.  Obviously the sudden death or protracted illness of a spouse or significant other has lots of emotional challenges associated with it.  One of the important aspects that Carole bring out in the book is that widowhood does not need to define you as a person.  You will in your own time move on from the grieving process to one day build a new life for yourself.  It does not however mean that you must place all of the memories into the far reaches of your mind.  Cherish time and embrace the wonderful life you once had with that special person, but don’t let it define who you are.

Carole’s book is full of engaging and interesting stories and questions from women from all over the world who have written in to Carole asking for advice.  This guidebook as she calls it is designed to provide gentle guidance, support and help for the reader trying to come to grips with their loss.  Anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one or the potential loss will want to read this book and understand how to better cope and live “Happily Even After.”.

If you want to learn more about Carole’s foundation that supports widows you can click here to be directed to her website.  You can also watch a very compelling YouTube video presentation entitled “Turning Hurt Into Hope” by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Carole Brody Fleet.



Roy StemmanIf you have every wondered about reincarnation, then wonder no longer.  I recently interviewed Roy Stemman the author of a new book entitled ” The Big Book of Reincarnation“.  I have spoken with many authors about reincarnation, but none as knowledgeable as Roy Stemman.  His research is comprehensive, and he has gone to great lengths to remove the mystery about reincarnation by citing many stories with extreme credibility about reincarnation.

It would be presumptuous and bold of me to state that Roy’s book will remove all doubt one might have about reincarnation, but it will certainly open your eyes and mind to what might be possible.  Personally I believe in reincarnation, I have to many personal experiences  that have lead me to believe that this is not my first time here. I believe I have had several past lives, yet I have very little memory of them.  I do however, know certain people that have become part of my life journey this time around have been part of previous life reincarnations.

As Roy writes “Belief in reincarnation is far more deeply entrenched in Western civilization that some orthodox religions might care to acknowledge. Dismissed by many as a New Age fad that will fade with time, its popularity nevertheless suggests that in matters relating to religion and spirituality, growing numbers of people are prepared to mix and match the beliefs and teachings that most appeal to them, regardless of the dictates of the religions to which they profess allegiance or in who’s churches they worship”.  He states that over 22% of Christians believe in reincarnation.   Reincarnation has permeated most cultures for thousands of years, and the interest in reincarnation is certainly not waining.

No matter what your religious or personal belief, author Roy Stemman presents  compelling stories and documentation that will as least get you thinking about past lives.  I  asked him about James Leininger the little boy that claimed he was a fighter pilot in World War II who had amazing memories of his past life.  He commented that frequently young children have vivid memories of past lives, and that this is the time in life where we remember the most. This is an amazing story and well worth watching the documentary of  if you have not seen the reprot.  To access this story, just click here and you will be directed to the YouTube video from ABC Primetime with Charles Gibson.


If you are interested in learning more about reincarnation them you certainly will want to read Roy’s book “The Big Book of Reincarnation“.  You can click here to be directed to Roy’s website to learn more about his research into the paranormal.  Enjoy this great interview with author Roy Stemman.



Dan ZadraI am doing a series of interviews with author Dan Zadra on what I am referring to as his number series books.  In this podcast we are going to be speaking about his book entitled “(1) How Many People Does It Take to Make a Difference?“.

In my humble opinion the best part about Dan’s books are the amazing simplicity, yet positive impact they have on the reader.  Yet again, in his book (1) How Many People Doe It Take to Make a Difference, Dan inspires the reader to believe in themselves and reinforces that we are not here by mistake–we all have a grand purpose in the greater scheme of life.  This statement has such significant importance if you are going to make a difference.  You are not here by mistake and you are here for a reason.  The key is in finding your purpose and living it out.  I know easier said than done, but we all have to start looking for our purpose and be brave enough to live it.

Think about this little statistic that Dan so carefully placed in the book.  Odds of bowling a 300 game 1 in 11,500.  Odds of being hit by lightening 1 in 575,000. Odds of getting a royal flush on your first five cards 1 in 649,740. Odds of becoming the U.S. President 1 in 10,000,000. Odds of winning $340 million jackpot in MegaMillions lottery 1 in 175,000,000.  Odds of being born in this particular time, place and circumstances: about 1 in 400,000,000,000.  Amazing isn’t it.  Best we make something of this wonderful life we are given.

One of the greatest ways of making a difference is to be of service.  Yes, being of service now matter what we do is truly how we make a difference.  In an address in 2007 to the graduating students Bill Gates so eloquently stated ” I hope you will judge yourself not on your professional accomplishments alone, but also on how well you have addressed the world’s deepest inequities…on how well you treated people a world away who have nothing in common with you but their humanity.”  So nicely said–what to make a difference in your own life, then help make a difference in someone else’s.

If you want more information about Dan and his series of books please click here to be directed to the Live-Inspired website or click here to watch a great Youtube video.