I had the wonderful opportunity to be introduced to George Leonard through my good friends Joel and Michelle Levey. A couple of years ago I happen to be in the San Francisco bay area for a Bioneers conference when I called George to see if he would grant my son Sean and myself an interview. He gracefully accepted, and what a honor it was to meet the father of the human potential movement . George at the age of 83, is vivacious, outgoing, authentic and incredibly wise. He is still practicing Akido and is dedicated to helping individuals transform their lives through a program called the “Integrative Transformative Practice.”
George Leonard along with Michael Murphy are the original founders of Esalen in Big Sur, CA, a beautiful retreat center of which over 300,000 people have visited to learn how to integrate mind, body and spirit. Esalen offers over 400 courses per year in a wide range of topics relating to greater human capacity.
In my interview with George we dialogue about his book, “Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment.” We explore the five master keys of: 1) Instruction 2) Practice 3) Surrender 4) Intentionality 5) The Edge. In our dialogue you will learn how to apply these keys to assist one on their path toward personal mastery. We also discuss the five tools of Mastery: 1) Be aware of the way homeostasis works 2) Be willing to negotiate with your resistance to change. 3) Develop a support system 4) Follow a regular practice 5) Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.
I throughly enjoyed my interview with George, the father of the human potential movement. It is packed full of wisdom and advice which is invaluable to anyone on a path of personal mastery. I encourage every listener to visit George’s web site to learn more about Integrative Transformative Practice, and his many books.