I recently interviewed David Emerald the author of, “The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) – Updated and Revised. David’s book is a wonderful story about a character by the name of Ted that David meets after a series of unfortunate events in his life. This fictional character, Ted, provides David with some sage advice regarding the dreaded Drama Triangle.
The foundational frameworks of TED* include essential tools that support individuals, professionals and organizations in identifying limiting roles and how to replace them with more resourceful ways of being.
The Empowerment Dynamic (TED)™ is the antidote to the Drama Triangle, which was first described by Stephen Karpman, MD. The Dreaded Drama Triangle (DDT) is comprised of three roles – or ego states: Victim (the primary role that is at the heart of all three), the Persecutor (which the Victim blames for their suffering); and the Rescuer (who steps in to try and take away the Victim’s suffering). People shift in and out of playing all three roles in this Dreaded Drama Triangle (DDT).
TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic), offers a different triangle with a different set of relationships. At the heart of this new dynamic is the Creator life orientation.
The power of this book and it’s message is quite meaningful. It allows the reader to identify and understand when we have all played each of these roles in our life, and how we can empower ourselves to a new way of life orientation as a creator.
I highly recommend, “The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic)”. David Emerald has just posted a newly revised website that is a great resource both for individuals and organizations that are in need of making a shift in their organizational culture. Please click here to link to David’s website.