Dan Sullivan and Catherine Nomura are the authors of a wonderful book entitled, “The Laws of Lifetime Growth: Always Make Your Future Bigger Than Your Past (Bk Life)“. I have been a fan of Dan’s since being introduced to his work entitled the ,”Strategic Coach“, many years ago while in the financial services industry.
I got a hold of Dan’s assistant and was able to get Catherine Nomura to grant us an interview for this podcast. Catherine has been affiliated with Dan for many years and they recently published this book together. The Laws in the book are very simple but quite powerful. In my interview with Catherine we explore the, 10 Laws of Lifetime Growth. Through the stories that Catherine tells and the examples she gives, you will better understand these principles and how they can help you in your own personal growth and development.
I encourage you to sit back, relax and listen to my interview with Catherine Nomura about the, “Laws of Lifetime Growth”. If you would like to learn more about the please visit their web site by clicking here. If you are interested in Dan Sullivan’s coaching programs, please click here for more information.