Podcast 786: The Mandala of Being – Discovering the Power of Awareness with Dr. Richard Moss

This is not the first time I have had Dr. Richard Moss MD as a guest on our show.  In this podcast, we are actually revisiting practices for creating greater awareness and consciousness presented in a book called “The Mandala of Being-Discovering the Power of Awareness”  If you want to hear part one our interview which was taped in December of 2007 please click here to listen to our first podcast on the subject.

Early in Richard’s career as a consciousness teacher he learned that is was relatively easy to bring people to a state of what he refers to as “radical aliveness” where the mind is silent, the body is filled with presence, and a new enthusiasm for living is born.  As is stated in “The Mandala of Being” “As our minds move further from the Now, we begin to function from a lower emotional register. Lower energy represents a shrinking of consciousness, so we feel smaller and isolated. We become dogmatic, inflexible, and self-protective. We then become victims of fear, anger, distrust, neediness, and other destructive emotions.

As we all are here now all coping with the pandemic, the work that Richard teaches through his courses and the books are so important in helping us cope, and deal with our fears and anxieties.

As Richard writes ” Because survival is at the root of the false self, fear is its true god. And because in the Now we cannot be in control of our situations, only in relationship with it, the survival personality is poorly suited to the Now. It tries to create the life it believes it should be living and, in so doing does not fully experience the life it is living.  Our survival personalities have identities to maintain that are rooted in early childhood escape from the threat. This threat comes from the disjunction between how we experience ourselves as children and what we learn to be, in response to our parent’s mirroring and expectations”. 

If you are looking to break free from the bonds of fear, anxiety, hopelessness, and doubt then you are going to want to listen to and carefully apply the practices that Dr. Richard Moss speaks about in this podcast.

I would highly recommend that you visit Richard’s website by clicking here and evaluate the courses that he and his wife Katherine are offering, they are both exceptional guides and teachers in helping you find yourself, heighten your awareness and consciousness and break free from the bonds holding you back from living the life you were meant to live.

You can also obtain a copy of his book by clicking here, and while at Amazon please check out the other books he has written.  I hope you enjoy this inspiring interview with Dr. Richard Moss.

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