Podcast 850: Intentional Mindset: Developing Mental Toughness and a Killer Instinct with Dave Anderson

Intentional, how many of us move through our days, months, and years with intention.  Life seems to just creep up on you and much of our time is spent on automatic pilot.  So, just what does intentional mean, the definition is done on purpose: deliberate.

The guest on this podcast is author, speaker, and entrepreneur Dave Anderson.  His new book “Intentional Mindset-Developing Mental Toughness and a Killer Instinct” has been written for the person that really wants to get serious about living their life with more intentionality.  As Dave states “Where There’s A Why There’s A Way“.

Your daily focus, decision-making filters, downtime activities, and prioritized workplace activities all stem from your Why. Your discipline, internal motivation, the habits you start or break, the people you leave, or the new friends you make are all influenced by the clarity and compelling force of your Why.

If you are looking for a book that will wake you up, and get you thinking about your purpose and your Why, then you will want to read “Intentional Mindset-Developing Mental Toughness and a Killer Instinct”.  The topics range from Attitude to Rigor and everything in between.

Dave focuses on what it takes to create an awareness of being intentional and living a life that focuses on you achieving your goals, dreams and feeling good about your accomplishments.

If you want to learn more about author Dave Anderson, please click here to be directed to his website.  You can also sign up for his no-cost Insider Club where you will receive access to free resources that will help you become a better leader, team player and inspire you to greater heights of human performance.

I hope you enjoy this inspiring and informative interview with author Dave Anderson.

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