Podcast 489: Selling with Noble Purpose with Lisa Earle McLeod

If all salespeople would follow the philosophy of Lisa Earle McLeod the author of “Selling with Noble Purpose” our world would be a better place.  Let’s face it we are all consumers of goods and services, and much of the time we are interacting with salespeople to purchase  goods and services.   We all have our horror stories of incredibly bad or dishonest salespeople, and it is never pleasant.

Lisa’s approach is so refreshing and needed in our world of commerce today.  As Lisa states ” Our deepest desire is to make a difference in the world–and our darkest fear is that we won’t.”   A Noble Sales Purpose is the secret of igniting a higher level of thinking and acting so that we are focused on the big picture.  What is our purpose, and are we fulfilling it by providing our products and services to our clients?  When you come from purpose is is proven that you outperform the market by 15:1, organizations that center their business on improving people’s lives have a growth rate triple of their competitors.

Having a focus on something greater than money itself will lead to greater performance, and more satisfied customers.

If you are interested in turning your organization into a purpose driven sales team then I would recommend reading Lisa new book, and listening to the podcast.

You can visit Lisa’s website by clicking here or you can visit her Facebook page.  Enjoy this wonderful interview with Lisa Earle McLeod.

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