Jeanne Meister I had the wonderful pleasure of interviewing Jeanne Meister the co-author of a new book entitled, “The 2020 Workplace“.  The purpose for me reaching out to Jeanne and conducting this interview is that Jeanne and her colleagues spent an extensive amount of time researched  the workplace of the future and their findings are quite revealing for both the employee and the employer.

If you are anything like me, you are probably wondering how our workplace is going to change and what are the predictions for the future.   The First major change is that you will be hired and promoted based upon your reputation capital.  As a matter of fact, reputation capital is going to be the top currency in the 2020 workplace.  Reputation capital is the sum total of your personal brand, your expertise and the breadth, depth and quality of your social network.

The Second prediction is that your mobile device will become your office, your classroom and your concierge.  Mobile phones and tablets will be the primary connections tool to the Internet for most people in the world in 2020.

Third, the global talent shortage will be acute.  The global competition for highly qualified workers will take shape int 2020.  Beside there being five generations in the workplace, there will be a shortage of certain skills, not just workers. Fourth, recruiting will start on social networking sites. Recruiting for the vast majority of professionals jobs will start in one of the highly trafficked social networking sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and Second Life. Fifth, Web commuters will force corporate offices to reinvent themselves.  Knowledge workers are increasingly choosing to work at “third places” which means informal public places such as cafes, coffee shops, hotels, book stores, etc.

There are 20 predictions that Jeanne and her colleges have developed as a result of their research, and believe me “The 2020 Workplace-How Innovative Companies, Attract, Develop, Develop and Keep Tomorrow’s Employees Today” is a must read for anyone wanting to learn more about how our workplaces are going to evolve.

This book is also recommended reading for upper management of organizations wanting to compete with the global workforce.  One thing for certain, we are going to see lots of changes, and your ability to embrace the changes will determine both your personal and organizational success.

If you would like more information please visit “The 2020 Workplace” website by clicking here.  Enjoy this very engaging interview with Jeanne Meister a true thought leader and futurist in the field of trends in the workplace.

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