Podcast 781: Taking the Work Out of Networking with Karen Wickre

How many of you dislike networking and meeting new people?  If your answer was yes, then you are going to want to tune into this podcast.  I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Karen Wickre the author of a new book entitled ” Taking the Work Out of Networking-your Guide to Making and Keeping Great Relationships“.

Karen Wickre, a former communications executive at both Google and Twitter is a self-described introvert, but in her new book “Taking the Work Out of Networking” she guides the reader through what to many can seem like a laborious process and shows us how to make networking easy and simple.

Karen has eleven (11) organizing principles of no-pressure networking: 1) Be Open–believe that the odds favor an encounter or exchange, however brief, that will be interesting. 2) “Just Because” is reason enough-take the opportunity to meet. 3) Be Helpful-On the theory that what goes around comes around. 4) Play a long-game-Of course, making meaningful connections is itself a long game–a cumulative process. 5) Don’t limit your context. You have a very limited view of who or what will be useful to you.  6) Make good referrals. Just as you would want someone to refer you to a job perfectly suited to you, you want the referrals you give to be valuable. 7) Keep your word. Don’t toy with people who have asked for your help, stay in integrity. 8) Make introductions correctly. 9) Don’t under-communicate. Make sure to thank you referrer regardless of the outcome of the lead or referral. 10) Make real-world 1:1 connections. Don’t just post on Facebook or Twitter, really make the connection for someone. 11) Make a list. Keep track of who you promised what and if you have followed through.

If you are a veteran at networking or you are brand new to the process you will want to read Karen’s book “Taking the Work Out of Networking” it will truly help you shift your perspective about how and why you should network. If you want to learn more about Karen and the book please click here to be directed to her website.

Enjoy this great interview where Karen Wickre as she heightens your awareness of why networking need not be drudgery.

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