Podcast 691: Handbook of Personal and Organizational Transformation with Judi Neal

I have known author Judi Neal for over 15 years.  My original connection with Judi was through an organization she founded called “Spirit@Work”.  She is certainly a thought leader and pioneer in the arena of organizational and personal transformation.  When I learned about her new book entitled ” Handbook for Personal and Organizational Transformation” I knew it would be an opportunity to take a deep dive into a subject that most leaders in business need to learn more about.

While this 600 page textbook entitled “Handbook for Personal and Organizational Transformation is not going to attract the average person to rush out and purchase this textbook, the compilation of research and this opus is well worth the investment if you are attempting to transform your organization’s culture.

In my recent interview with Judi we discuss the the fact that organizational transformation is impossible without personal transformation.  “Einstein said that we cannot solve problems from the same mindset that created the problems.  In order to see positive change occur in the world, we must shift our consciousness to a high level of thinking and being, but we must also have systems or approaches that scale up, so that there is a collective shift in consciousness in groups, work teams, villages, governments, and corporations”.

The aim of this book is to expand the reader’s thinking and to encourage readers to be courageous about their involvement in creating transformation, at whatever level they feel called to do so.  It will serve as an essential resource for researchers and students of organizational culture, leadership, and change management, as well as consultants, business and team leaders, and anyone interested in global trends and their impact on corporate culture.

If you want to learn more about Judi and her work please click here to be directed to her website at Edgewalkers.  Judi is also the author of a great book entitled “Creating Enlightened Organizations.”  This book is a much more condensed read, and would be a good place to start if you are looking to learn more about organizational transformation.

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One comment on “Podcast 691: Handbook of Personal and Organizational Transformation with Judi Neal

  1. Patricio García md May 29, 2020

    Magníficos libros los aquí comentados, contribuyen a que seamos más atentos y conscientes del momento en que vivimos, a qué nos conectemos con la complejidad del del presente y el devenir, no solo a nivel de nuestra casa o provincia, sino ubicandonos en el contexto de la globalización agonica, que la pandemia amenaza con amortajar. El camino de la transformación personal y organizacional está bien senalado en términos generales, corresponde a usted expandir su conciencia y desarrollar el cerebro ejecutivo para que pueda transformar la empresa persononal de su vida y las economicas que haya prendido o este por iniciar.

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