Podcast 242: Ridiculous Bliss with Matthew Ferry

Matthew FerryI first had the pleasure of being introduced to Matthew Ferry through a very good friend-Kristen Schuerlein who resides in Seattle, WA.  The moment I met Matthew I could feel the inspirational energy and exuberant personality. He certainly is a revealer, illuminator and awakener whose point of view creates instant transformation in peoples lives.

In my interview with Matthew about his new audio CD series entitled ” Ridiculous Bliss-Being Happy All the Time” We discuss the many aspects associated with primarily controlling what he refers to as “The Drunk Monkey” our your untamed mind.  I know that controlling the mind is simpler to speak about than it is to actually do, but Matthew in his new CD series provide you with the guidance and tools necessary to get a grip on your “Drunk Monkey”.

I know what Matthew says about being imbibed with spirit, and the importance it plays on our emotions, attitudes and ultimate actions.  Matthew says that when you have this bliss in your life you get more done, your more resourceful, powerful and creative and overall you feel better.  So what are some of the things that prevent us from having this bliss in our lives?

One thing we can do according to Matthew is become more grateful.  Studies completed by major universities state that people who are more grateful have more bliss and happiness in their lives.  Seems simple enough, but when was the last time that you counted your blessing?

Even in these challenging economic times people in the United States are so blessed to have the resources we do. So just shift your perspective just a little for all the good in your life regardless of the gloom and doom your “Drunken Monkey” might be conjuring up for you.

Writing down your intentions every day as Matthew speak about in “Ridiculous Bliss” allows you to focus on how you want your day to unfold.  Matthew also mentions that discipline creates freedom.   Discipline to write your goals sets the energy and subconscious in actions to help you manifest the circumstances, people and events to live your dreams.  This process of writing down goals and intentions, helps to paint word pictures and those word pictures are what manifest into reality.

Remember living in the dead past or the imagined future are not as important as living for the now.  You get what you focus on, so focus on what you desire and start living your life with more bliss, happiness and joy.
If you would like to know more about Matthew Ferry’s CD program “Ridiculous Bliss” please visit his website by clicking here.  He has free audio, video and downloads that are valuable guides in living your life on purpose. I hope you enjoy my interview with a powerhouse and inspiration on the topic of “Bliss”

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