Podcast 754: Agility with General Chuck Jacoby

In a world of accelerating disruption and staggering uncertainty, agile organizations that can assess and respond to change in real time gain an aggressive edge over competitors in the market. Agility has become a tenant of business success in the disruptive age — but most leaders still don’t know what it truly means and are in need of specific guidance on what it takes to build organizations that are consistently agile.

In my interview with General Chuck Jacoby about this new co-authored book with Leo Tilman “Agility: How to Navigate the Unknown and Seize Opportunity in a World of Disruption” we get to speak about what it is truly like to be an agile organization. Chuck and his co-author define agility as “the organizational capacity to effectively detect, assess and respond to environmental changes in ways that are purposeful, decisive and grounded in the will to win.”  

It require a lot of focus on the leader’s abilities and skills to create an agile organization, and to have the skills to understand what direction to guide and direct the organization under circumstance that are usually not optimal and are very stressful. For the process of detection to be effective, senior leaders must continually assess and expand to the whole of the organization what information is needed to shape strategy, manage risk and direct execution.

I encourage you to join General Chuck Jacoby and myself as we explore what it means for an organization to become agile. If you want to learn more about the book please click here. You can also watch this YouTube video that Leo and Chuck created explaining the concepts in the book.

I hope you enjoy this engaging interview with General Chuck Jacoby about “Agility“.


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