
Podcast 712 The Wealth Creator’s Playbook with John Christianson

We all are attempting to create wealth, savings and plan for our futures.  The biggest challenges we all have is the issue of having enough, or knowing when enough is enough.

In my recent interview with author John Christianson about his new book “Wealth Creator’s Playbook-A Guide to Maximizing Your Return on Life and Money” we explore those issues and the responsibility of managing our money now and into the future.   What I appreciate about John’s philosophy is that wealth is a gift that involves practical, psychological, and spiritual stewardship.  Wealth creators desperately need advice they can trust to maximize, not just manage the gift of wealth.  John encourages self-work, motivating readers to redefine the traditional definitions of success, happiness and fulfilment.  He suggests that success is measured not just by the amount of money you have, but by the kind of person you become–through relationships, the empathy and the generosity you snow to others.

If you want to learn more about the “Wealth Creator’s Playbookplease go to John’s website at by clicking here. You can also listen to John’s podcasts by clicking here. 

I hope you enjoy this great interview with John Christianson.


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One comment on “Podcast 712 The Wealth Creator’s Playbook with John Christianson

  1. Jessica Dec 10, 2019

    Love this book!

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