Podcast 1067: I Need a Life!, and Behavior Never Lies with Richard Flint

Welcome back to another episode of Inside Personal Growth! Joining me today is well-known keynote speaker, coach and author Richard Flint featuring his two books I Need a Life!, and Behavior Never Lies.

For over 30 years, Richard Flint has been speaking and changing lives. Richard’s passion is what has created a strong following of successful corporate and association clients that invite him back year after year. Richard’s programs are geared for anyone who is tired of wandering through life and feels like they are lacking the clear understanding of what it takes to rise above normal and achieve a life of accomplishment, freedom, success, and a personal wealth of knowledge that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

Richard Flint teaches the techniques and tools necessary to live with purpose, direction and a plan for each room of your life. He uses different medium in sharing his skills. He offers speaking, coaching, webinar and customer care programs, a Motivational Subscription called The Morning Minute, and many more.

Aside from this, Richard is an author of 19 books and has produced numerous DVD’s and CD’s. Two of these are I Need a Life!, and Behavior Never Lies. I Need A Life is a book designed to lead you through the emotional wastelands that keeps a person feeling lost and helpless. It is about real life, real people, and real principles that can be applied to create the breakthrough that will take a person from sameness to the freedom to soar to the ultimate. On the other hand, Behavior Never Lies is more than a statement; it is a truth that when understood and accepted, will reshape one’s understanding of the people who are part of their environment. The real definition of who a person is — is defined by their behavior. Words explain, while behavior defines the real message a person is speaking.

You may learn and explore more about Richard and all of his works by visiting his website here.

Thanks and happy listening!


You may also refer to the transcripts below for the full transciption (not edited) of the interview.

Greg Voisen
Welcome back to Inside Personal Growth, this is Greg Voisen, host of Inside Personal Growth. And all of you can see on the other side of the screen here is Richard Flint. And you can get to Richard at richardflint.com forward slash podcast. He has his own podcast as well. And he has a very, very successful seminar workshop company. Good day to you, Richard, how you doing?

Richard Flint
Well, Greg, I am alive and well healthy and fit and happy today.

Greg Voisen
Well, that's the way you always are, every time I've talked to you, and we're gonna be talking to him about two of his 19 books. I need a life and behavior never lies. These are a couple of them that he sent to me, and some of the frequent but I'm gonna let the listeners know a tad bit about you, Richard. He's a very colorful person, as you can see, by the background there. And he always wears those shirts. And there's a story behind that shirt that goes along with Las Vegas. But I'm gonna let all of you guys figure that one out. He's a powerhouse. He's the chairman and CEO of Flint Inc. highly sought after companies specialized in transformative training and development of individuals, companies associations over 35 years of experience in the field of human behavior and development. He's cemented himself as a renowned keynote speaker, and seminar leader who has addressed more than 200,000 people across the globe each year. He's a prolific author. As I said he has 19 books produced more than 100 plus audio and video learning programs including being a finalist for the top self-help book and 2005 is a media darling has made appearances over 100 radio and TV shows. Not including his own podcast, which we just talked about, showcasing his exceptional ability to captivate audience with his knowledge and insight. He also hosts his acclaimed podcast, let's talk human behavior, where he shares his extensive knowledge and helps listeners unlock their true potential. Well, it's a pleasure having on Richard, and what we're going to do is we're going to talk about these two books. And you know, if these two books are any indication, of what you teach people in your workshops and seminars, then tallyho to you wonderful work. So let's just start off with their overview of your journey. You've been the founder of this, you've been doing this over 30 years Spiga. And you've and you're basically I really help people with personal growth. How did you get into this, Richard, why did you get into it? And how come so many books?

Richard Flint
Well, you know, if you had told me, basically 3536 years ago that this would be what I was doing with my life, I would have laughed at you. Yeah, and I think a lot of us, you know, we have a plan for our life. But sometimes, there are turning points in our life that take us in a different direction than where we thought we were headed. When I went to college, I got an undergraduate degree in English and speech. And Greg, I thought I was going to teach. But at that time, before you could get your teaching assistants kept certificate, you had to do a thing called practice teaching. I had a I had a 12th grade English class that I was teaching. I had 21 students in the class. And basically 15 of them could not read or write. Wow. And so I went to the principal, I told him, We can't graduate these kids, because they're not prepared. And he said, Well, we have to we have to graduate. And I said, Well, we're lying to him. We're telling them we're, they're prepared, and they're not. He said, Well, that's just what we have to do. And so at that point, in my journey of what I was going to do with my life, I decided that is not what I wanted to do with my life. I did not want to lie to kids, and tell them they're prepared for something they're not prepared for. So I made the decision to go on to graduate school and I went to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, where I thought my role was going to be to pastor a church then. When I was finishing up my degrees there, I had a church come to me wanting to know if I would be interested in becoming the pastor of their church. And it was a small church out in the middle of the prairies in Oklahoma. And I told them, I said, Well, you know, what is the salary? What do you provide? Well, we don't have much of a salary. But there is a lot of woods around there with a lot of game minutes so you could go hunting If I told you, I don't have enough land that you could plant a garden, I told them, these hands don't play in dirt. So that was not going to be what it was. So when I finished it seminary, I was offered a position at Ohio University, and Athens, Ohio, where I was going to teach and also be the Baptist campus minister and work with the college students there. And I did that for a few years. And then I was offered a position at Wayne State University in Detroit. And it was in the philosophy department and also to work with the students. And so I went there. And, Greg, when I was there, about three years, the I was asked to donate 18% of my salary back to the university, because they were going through budget cuts. And I thought to myself, you know, I've worked all these years to get to where I am. And I'm worth even more than what they're paying me for what I. So I told the President of University, I said, it's okay, you can have your 18% In fact, I'm going to give you the whole salary, because I'm not coming back.

Greg Voisen
This is my last year. Yeah,

Richard Flint
You know, I have, I have 16 laws that guide my life. And I live by him every day in my life. And one of those laws is never stay anywhere where your presence isn't appreciated. People don't appreciate your presence. They don't respect you, they don't see value in it. So I had been away from the University for a little over a month, and my phone and my study rang. And it was the gentleman by the name of Dr. Jess moody. And Jess was pastor at First Baptist Church in West Palm Beach, Florida. And he told me, he said, Richard, he said, I don't know you have never heard the view. But he said, we're looking for someone who would come here and head up the counseling division of our church. And would you be interested in flying here to Florida and talking to me, Greg, it's January, I'm in Detroit, didn't take a plane ticket to South Florida. And so you got out of there real quick, as fast as I could young man. I was on that church for the brand new church counseling division for four years. And then the church went through its own internal explosion, churches will never be immune from their own set of challenges as long as they're made up of humans. And so I knew it was time for me to leave their gym and the church came to me and wanted to know if he sponsored and paid for it, what I run a counseling center there in the Palm Beaches, where people could come free. This gentleman had been blessed with more money than he knew what to do it. But he had a healthy definition of the word stewardship. So he put together this counseling center where people could come and they didn't have to pay anything. And while I was running, that, I wrote some magazine articles that got some international attention. And I started getting groups that would ask me, would you come share some of your work with us. And I did that on a very limited basis for a little over a year. And then one day I woke up, and I thought, you know, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. And this door has been open for a purpose. So I resigned. And I started this and that was 35 years ago.

Greg Voisen
Well, it's been a tremendous success. And like you say, in your bio, you've helped hundreds of 1000s of people. And you know, in this book, this one, I need a life, we're gonna focus on both of them. But, you know, you address the critical differences between existing and truly living, which is kind of what you just talked about. Now, your own personal story was a story about existing and people, you know, in knowing what your self-worth was, could you elaborate on what inspired you to explore this topic? I need a life because the reality is on the back of the book, you say, when versus while problem versus challenge, sameness versus improvement and doubt versus trust. I think if we just covered those, we probably make a whole show of it. But the reality is, speak about that because I think there's a lot of listeners out there, that you were really just talking about valuing yourself. You're not You're never enough, and that comes from the enoughness. And that enoughness frequently comes from when we were growing up, your parents said Well, you gotta be a straight A student. Well, you weren't a straight A student. So you weren't enough, or something else came along in your life and you got fired from a job. You went, geez, I must not be enough. And you allow those programs to get more and more programmed in you. And so now you don't feel worthy. What would you say to him, Richard? Well,

Richard Flint
you know, you Your personal value is so much. And we I'm just gonna do a thumbnail of this because we don't have time. But I was born in New Orleans. My mother was a prostitute in New Orleans, I was the result of a one night stand. I have no idea. My dad was on my birth certificate. There's no name of a father, I have no idea who he was. When I was basically, two weeks old, I was adopted into a home, I was only adopted into this home because my dad wanted to son. My mother never wanted me. And they had adopted three girls. And none of us are from the same family. But from the age of six to the age of 16. My mother proved to me everyday, she didn't want me, because Greg, she'd make one of three statements to me. You're the stupidest kid I've ever met. And we know parents don't lie. Parents are always truthful with kids. If mom said, You're stupid, you must be stupid. Or my mother would tell me, you're never gonna amount to anything in life. And then the one that would rip my heart out, is when my mother would look at me and tell me I'm sorry we ever adopted you. And my best day will be the day when you're no longer in my house. So when I was 16, we had moved to Oklahoma. When I was 15, my mom told me I had to get a job to pay room and board. And when I was 16, I was working at an IGA store in Ardmore, Oklahoma. And I called my dad to come get me just like he always did. And dad drove up from the grocery store. And when my dad stepped out of the car, I started to walk over to get there. And he leaned across the car, and he said, Richard, wait a minute. And Greg, when he stepped around behind the car, I saw my dad was carrying something. And he was carrying a suitcase. And that suitcase was put down beside me. My dad told me my mom had decided I could no longer live in home. Age of 16, I have been on my own. And my greatest challenge in life, is being able to undo what my mother taught me.

Greg Voisen
Well, this was your adopted family or this was obviously adopted, okay, the adoptive family. So at 16, you were kind of put out a home. Okay. And so from 16, you pretty vented for yourself? Yeah,

Richard Flint
I called gentleman who's two kids were my best friends. And Troy helped me find the room with the editor of the Daily newspaper in town. And I paid her $5 a week to live in her house. And I'd go to school, every day, I'd go to a football or tennis practice, I'd go to the IJ store, I'd work work from nine o'clock, and I'd come home, Greg and I'd sit at her table in her dining room doing my homework, until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Because I knew when I went into that little dark bedroom, I was gonna crawl in bed and cry myself to sleep. And loss of life is to never forget, the number one thing that human life wants to know is that they matter. And we've messed that up to date, Greg, because the world will show you that they matter so that they can use you. I spent a lot of time working with people on the difference between living outside in inside out. And I love the theme of your show. I love the inside personal growth. Because outwardly there is no growth. Because we you and I are living outside in we are following the format or the what the outside world wants to teach us about ourselves.

Greg Voisen
Well, I'm sure you you've said this before to your students. But if you're expecting somebody else to make you happy, you're really on a pretty wrong course because it's all about inside you what is it that you believe? And I think what might be good for our listeners because of your story. You know, there's many people out there that that have stories, everybody's got a story, right? Yours is very compelling to have been put out at 16 and then have to go to work and come home and do your homework. Pretty much cry yourself to sleep because, you know, look, you were born from a father you never knew and a mother who didn't care. But if you were sitting in your shoes right now what you are, and you're talking with 1000s of people, what's one actionable step that this particular book might give them? That they could start implementing today to change that behavior? Right. What is it you know, that belief, I'm going to call it a belief? For a lot of people, it's a truth. I know, I have had so many people on here. Is it true? Is it really true? You know, you start to make up stories and you begin to believe them and then you live the story. And that really isn't that's the reality. What's the difference, as you probably say, between your current reality and your potential, there is a gap there between the reality and the potential and if there's anyone that could help somebody, give them an actionable step to start on the road toward their potential. What would that be?

Richard Flint
Well, Greg, let me drop back into the story for a minute because that was the turning point. When I when I picked up that suitcase, and I walked into downtown Ardmore, Oklahoma, I went to the hotel art board. And I told them I needed a room. They looked at me funny because I looked mighty young. But they gave me a room and I went up to seventh floor, open the door, never turned the lights on, drop the suitcase, walked across the room, open the window, and crawled out on the ledge. And on that ledge, I had to make a decision do I live or do I die. And there was a turning point there, because I realized that if I jumped, my mother would win. And I wasn't about to give anybody that victory in my life. And that was a turning point for me to begin to understand, I am either going to give my life to other people to design. Or I'm going to build that solid foundation of belief, trust and faith in me that I will I will be able to reach inside me and find the me that I'm capable of becoming. You know, the behavior never lies. It's based on one basic truth for me, that the essence of truth is not what someone says is what they do. Well, you say

Greg Voisen
it's between it for the readers in the book, and I'm gonna hold this one up, because I held up the other one. You say, in this one moving that behavior never realize what the core message is, is for readers to take away regarding consistency between words and actions. Okay. And you address this in the circle of sameness and the importance of accountability. I think that that would be a good one for our listeners to hear. Because the reality is this circle of sameness and this importance of accountability are very important factors that you bring up in this book. Well, what would you tell them about the circle of sameness?

Richard Flint
Well, you all of us, we either live from yesterday, to today, or today to tomorrow. And if I live from yesterday to today, all I have is where I've been. And Greg yesterday is made up of two sets of filing cabinets. One set of filing cabinets, is all the wrongs that I believe my life is hanged, and all the failures, I've had everything that that pulls me down. And everything that makes me doubt myself and worry about myself and live in uncertainty. And there's another set of file cabinets that are all of my successes. And that file cabinet is based on my belief, my trust and my faith in myself. And what I find with most people, is because they don't understand basically the title of your show, inside personal growth, that outside yourself, you can't grow because you're an actor in someone else's play. Only way you and I are going to grow. Instead, we're going to grow from the inside out. But to do that, I've got to strengthen the three things that hold that foundation in place, I've got to believe in myself. And if your listeners could get to know me, I am probably the most self competent person they'll ever meet in their life. I throw parties and I'm the only one I invite. And guy, there's such great parties. Because now it took a while to believe in myself because I had to undo what my mother had taught me about me. Great. And then once I had the belief, I began to trust me. And as I trusted in myself, I begin to see my value, I begin to see my talents, I begin to see what as an individual that I can actually achieve in my life. But to do that, I had to eliminate a lot of people out of my life. And this is a challenge with growth. The more you want to do with your life, the fewer people you can have in your life, because people are not in your life to strengthen you. They're in your life to see what they can take from you. And then when they're done with you, they just sort of toss you aside. I believe I have that trust, I have that faith in myself.

Greg Voisen
I think every one of the people that we encounter in our life is there for us to learn a lesson depends on what we take away from it. And I would like for you to speak about our own personal responsibility. You know, we're 100% responsible for ourselves, right? Nobody else. And what is the importance of that and the importance of being accountable?

Richard Flint
Well, there are certain words right now in our society that are trying to be erased. And one of those is accountability. You know, this is my life. God gave me my life. I am here You're on this earth, to create the life that allows me to be free to be me. And it gets challenged all the time. But if I am not accountable for my behavior, then what do I do? I live in a world of blame, which there's a lot of today, I live in a world of excuses, which is the title of my next book. So what's your excuse? I live in a world where I justify everything that I do. And if you want to be a part of my life, you agree with me. So what I do, I bring the outside world into my life. And I find that circle of sameness, where every day I repeat where I've been, but I have another choice, I can live from today to tomorrow. And if I live from today to tomorrow, what am I doing, I'm focusing on the value of my life, when I grow, and growth is not automatic. When I grow, I have to strengthen the belief, the trust and the faith in myself, I was on a call right before we start with one of my mentoring students, and he's struggling right now in his life. Because he's at a crossroads in his life where he either has to accept, this is my life. Or I'm going to continue to give my life to other people, but he's realizing how lonely that life of other people have in control, and How little you're going to achieve. And that all you have is a yesterday that you keep repeating in your circle of sameness.

Greg Voisen
I agree with you. You know, we used to have a saying and I'm sure you've heard this yesterday is canceled check. Tomorrow's a promissory note. Right. But and the reality is, it's so true. If you're living from today to tomorrow, you have something to live for. If you're reliving your experiences from yesterday, you're just digging up all the stuff that could have gone wrong and the Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda us, right? And the reality is, is it's not about the COULDA, WOULDA shoulda is it's about your potential and moving from where you are now, or your current reality, to your potential. And you know, you, you talk about eight step process. Now we've talked about a few of them so far. One of them is believe in yourself, expand your horizons, holding yourself accountable, addressing your inconsistencies very carefully align yourself with the right people. I think that one's a big one. That very carefully aligning yourself with the right people. Number five is really big, increasing your awareness and operating your life at a manageable pace, and refusing to go backwards. So out of those eight, we've addressed many already, what we haven't addressed is inconsistencies. And carefully aligning yourself with the right people. Increasing your awareness is a big one. And operating your life at a manageable pace. What would you basically just overview tell our listeners about addressing inconsistencies and aligning ourselves with right people?

Richard Flint
Well, for you and I to have growth, we have to understand that in life, there are three things we have to have to build consistency. You got to have a positive purpose for your life. Because if I don't have a positive person purpose, Greg, all I'm going to do is live everyday doubting myself. And the interesting thing about doubt is you can't doubt without worrying. And when doubt and worry join forces, what do they do? They give you the feeling of uncertainty. So doubt is what creates inconsistencies. It's the most formidable enemy that most of us have. I mean, I know you've been there. I've been there, your listeners have been there. How many times do we live in a world where we doubt ourselves? And, you know, my mind says, let's do it my motion, say try. Because when you're living with inconsistencies, you're living from your emotions up. When you're living from consistencies. You're living from your mind down. And there is a battle that goes on inside of us. And that battle is between that owe you that wants that circle of sameness, and that new you that wants you to move forward. And those two natures inside of us fight all the time. And if we let world have inconsistencies, then I bring people into my life who support that.

Greg Voisen
I agree. And emotions don't need to take that the ride in the trunk. The emotions need to come out front. You know we I'm using the analogy of a car right now but frequently we we stopped those emotions behind us and we never really addressed them like you just said about your mom During your father and being put out, and you standing on the ledge of that hotel, thinking, Well, I'm not going to let my mother live well, the emotion of, of anger and frustration that you had for your mother you had to have had, because of the kind of childhood you're brought up in, what would you tell the listeners today who are trying to cope with some of those emotions that had been riding in the trunk of the car, and they haven't been in the front seat with them?

Richard Flint
This is going to this is going to make some people have to think we live in a world today where I think one of the most dangerous parts of people's lives today is depression. Yes, you know, I believe if we don't have belief, trust and faith, we're depressed. Now, there are two types of depression. From my viewpoint, there is depression, where it's an emotional thing, and you need medication to help you. But I believe that 97% of all depression is personal. It's not it's not doesn't need medication. Now, I agree. It just needs for a person to take that deep breath and tell themselves, I got to get honest with myself, I need to start living my life from today to tomorrow. You know, you put it one way, but I say that yesterday is a reference library. Okay, and this is what we take from it, it's got to file cabinets. And if I live in depression, I'm looking for everything that I can blame my life on, I get a lead in the corner and suck my thumb for the rest of my life and blame my mother for what I wasn't. Or, I could understand that in my life, God put three men when I was growing up as a teenager in my life, who helped me build that foundation of belief, trust and faith in myself. And I understood at that point, I'm either going to put people in my life who are going to hold me hostage, or I'm gonna put people in my life, we're gonna set me free. And I look today for the people who are going to set me free. And if I could say one thing to the to your listeners, it's stop lying to yourself. Stop playing the game with yourself, where you're looking for something to blame, you're looking for someone to allow you to be down on yourself. There are people that walk into your life that are there to help you. If you could walk through my house in South Florida, you'd find that in four rooms, there's a sticky note as the same sticky note in each room, that I don't start a day in my life without reading that sticky note. And all it says Greg is somebody is going to need me today. And what I live every day, is to be prepared for that someone that's going to need me to do and there are days I get up that the person that needs me is meat.

Greg Voisen
Yeah, that's true. That's so true. Well, you know, you talk about a lot of principles in these books, you also address the fact that, you know, you've you've one of the things you address is what you call achieving behavioral consistency. And I think that's a big one. What actions, steps, but who would you inform or inspire our listeners to actually achieve what you're referring to as behavioral consistency?

Richard Flint
Greg, I want you I want your listeners to really hear what I'm about to say. Life is based on five questions. And these five questions are where you're going to decide what you're going to do. Number one, what do I really want from my life? Not what do I want? But what do I really want from my life? This is my life. Me and when I, when I can answer that question, because that's the toughest question in life to answer. Yeah. Okay, that gives you purpose. And then the second question is, why do I really want this? Why do I want this for my life? And that opens up the world of commitment of what I'm I'm committed to, and there's a difference between being committed with words and being committed with action. Yeah. And then the third question, which is the pivotal question, what price Am I willing to pay to have this? You know, I would imagine in your life, there have been price tags for you. You've, you've been places and you've had to choose, and every choice you make has a price tag to it. And then the fourth question is, what behaviors will I have to improve? To get me there? And then the question that really brings all this question all this together is this will this decision feed my confusion are strengthened my clarity? Decision, read my confusion are strengthened my clarity. And people all the time the counselor who used to tell me Well, I don't know. Yes, you do. If you want to know what you are committed to look at your behavior, because behavior cannot lie. And your behavior is always where truth is aligned with living.

Greg Voisen
Yeah, the the part about clarity, you know, my personal purposes and you talked about purposes I exist in served inspire passion, biblically that for me, and I know you're a man of spiritual belief. You know, when I, when I formed that purpose statement, people say, Why do you keep doing this podcast show, you've been doing this for 17 years, and you've had, you know, almost 1100 guests now. It's because the people out there, keep providing positive feedback about what they're hearing from people like you. And my goal was the way I defined passion was taking people from confusion to clarity. Okay. And I think these shows help people to get greater clarity. And I think that's important that last one that you said, is it feeding clarity or confusion? Because we are that confusion? What? What lies in that confusion? Is that depression you talked about, you know that that challenge that we're having with lies and clarity is tons of energy, and support, and people that will help you for your cause, whatever it might be, whatever your purpose is in life, and to go for it. Now, I think people out there listening, get who you are, by now. 19 bucks, two books, we've talked about what are what are what is one or two stories for you, people that are come through your workshops or seminars, people that have transformed their lives, that you'd want to share with our listening audience, because you have a couple of programs, one coming up in January, want to make sure that we talk about that, that we send people to your website, so that they can go learn more about your seminars and your workshops. One of them's on a beautiful big boat that you're taking people out on I saw what's pretty interesting. So tell us a little bit about two, one or two stories of people that just really come to light for you that have taken your work and really taken it to heart and made a big change in their life.

Richard Flint
I was in Minneapolis, Greg and I was speaking to a group and bumped a we were into the program for about 20 minutes. And I noticed this lady walked in. And she came in and she sat down in the back of the room. And at first she did seem like she was paying attention. And then she really got involved in what I was talking about. Because I was talking about no limits. That you're only limited. When you doubt yourself. Mm hmm. You learn how to believe in yourself. That whatever your talents is, you have the freedom to soar. And I finished the program and everybody was walking out and I saw her coming down the aisle. And she walked up to me. And she opened her purse and she took out a gun. And she handed it to me. He said would you take this, she said I was on my way tonight to commit suicide, I was going to kill myself. Because life holds nothing for me. And she said, You made me realize that it's me. That's the one that's in my way. It's not like it's me. And what I have to do is I need to find who I am. And, you know, I worked with that lady for almost a year after that. And today, she is a living, breathing model of someone who took what she thought was a time in her life where life had no value today where she is a nurse, and she's making tremendous difference in the lives of people. And, you know,

Greg Voisen
what a what a great story. You know, it always is compelling when you hear the stories of the lives that have changed as a result of perfect timing, God's destiny, somebody to walk in that room at that time and hear what you were talking about. I don't ever believe that it's us. I believe it's being channeled through us. I do too. And I don't you know, when I write my books, and I do my things, it's like, wow, well, I frequently, you know, get back up and go. Wow, I wrote that. I really wrote that. Um, And I think that's true for you, too, I would say from what I've heard so far, is that you you believe that as well. Now, if if somebody was to want to come to one of your workshops, because I want to get this in, you have this power to be 24 hour workshop coming up. You've got a podcast show, you've got 19 books, you've got all kinds of things when people go to your website, and for my listeners, it's Richard flint.com is one of them. What are the other landing page for you as well, because you've got several, but I know Richard flan ri ch ARD fly and t.com. There, you can learn more about him. But he's also got another site as well, right.

Richard Flint
One of the ones that we've we're working on now, because I've, I used to do one major conference a year, right, where we would have three or 400 people at it, we did it for 30 straight years. And but in all my heart, it was time to change that design. So what we've done is we've started a group of small group retreats that are limited to 15 people. Our next one is January 11, through 14th, it's going to be in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. And my theme is sharpening your listening skills. Because you asked me, What do you think is the most important skill you need in your life? It's listening. Without listening, there is no communication. Correct. So we're going to talk about communication, we're going to talk about the difference between listening and hearing. And I'm going to give people the nine laws to make sure that you become a listener, and not someone who's just hearing the big boat, you were talking about this next summer, I'm doing a cruise on Alaskan cruise. And that's gonna be for a week sailing out of Seattle. And my theme is setting sail for toward tomorrow. Because I want people to understand the difference between living from yesterday to today and today to tomorrow. One of the one of the most fun things we do is every Friday at 10am, we have an open mic. And it's I have a question that I put out at the week before. And then we come together on Friday morning at 10am. And it's just an open mic, I do a little monologue we opened up and people talk about the question that's free

Greg Voisen
every Friday is that 10am Eastern time?

Richard Flint
Yeah, too many in Eastern Time. Pacific

Greg Voisen
seven Pacific, we'll put a link to that. We'll also put a link for you in the blog entry to the power to be 24 and your other workshop around communication. Because I think it's really important, the resources are out there, for my listeners, for them to access, not only you. But to access your books, obviously just go to Amazon and type in Richard Flint, you're going to get all these books. He's got a blog. So there's all kinds of regular posts there. There's a podcast that you can go to you can see it up in the left hand corner right now. Just Richard Flint comm forward slash podcast, let's talk human behavior. So there's plenty of ways for my listeners to get engaged with you. And I think, you know, it's been a very great dialogue we've had this morning about many different things. And I'm sure that you and I could speak for much, much longer. But I wanted to kind of wrap things up with if every somebody's listening out there. What do you hope is lasting impact? For those people that either engage with your books come their workshops or seminars? Hear you speak in some way? What is it that you would like to have happened and what are three takeaways from today's talk that those listeners could really actionable steps that they can incorporate into their life.

Richard Flint
Number one, the guiding the guiding force in my life, and this is what I'd hoped that people would, would move toward, that my purpose in life is to is to create a positive presence that has a presence when I'm not present, to have a positive presence that is present when I'm not present. And that I want to be my legacy. Then, as far as the thoughts, behavior never lies. Don't ever get away from that. That is a truth that if you can bring that into your life, and a revolutionize your life. Number two, that I am an original, not a carbon copy. God didn't put me here to be like anybody else. He gave me uniqueness. But if I live with doubt, worry and uncertainty and not believe trust and faith. I have to give it up. I have to give up my originality And then the last one. And this one is really important to me. Anything you don't confront in life, you validate anything in life you don't confront in life, you validate. And there are so many of your listeners and so many people who don't confront their self, they lied to their self. And they don't confront their behavior. And always remember, whoever you are, is not defined by what you say. It's defined by the behavior of your life, because behavior never lies.

Greg Voisen
That is really poignant. Because we used to say, when I took my courses, my Master's course in spiritual psychology, you don't have to believe everything you think, one. And two, we said, If a camera followed you today, video camera, did a whole day of a day in the life of Richard plant, or Greg voice. And when you roll that camera back, would you like what you saw? And I think it's important to realize that we want to all behave in a way that we would like what we saw, what was it that you did for other people? What did you do for yourself? How many people did you engage with? How did you help transform their lives or give them a step up? And I think that this dialogue with you this morning, has been one that's going to help people take a step up. And you can do that by just reaching out to Richard go to Richard flint.com. He's accessible. It's not like there's a curtain there. And so Wizard of Oz, and you can talk to him, you can talk to Richard, you can talk to his staff as well. He's got a very efficient staff. It is a big business. But Richard is never unreachable. That's the point. And I think if you've got a problem or an issue, and you want to reach out, do that, he's the kind of person that will get back to you. A lot of people won't. But I do realize that Richard will. Right, Richard? Yeah.

Richard Flint
Greg, let's see one more thing. If I've touched you today, and you're struggling with something in your life, you don't know what to do. Send me an email, Richard at Richard flint.com might take me a couple of days to get back to you. But I answer every email personally. And if I can help you in any way, because I live by those words, somebody's going to need me today. And it's possible that someone that is listening to us today will need this, Richard at Richard flint.com. And

Greg Voisen
here are the two books that we talked about this morning. The other thing is, if you're somebody who's out there in pain, or a need of assistance, or needs to talk to somebody, don't be that person that goes to the ledge of the hotel room, and makes the wrong decision, make the decision for you. If you're that lady in the seminar, with the gun in your pocketbook, make sure that you give it up because there's something so much more to live for, then then negative thoughts that you've started to believe about yourself in the world. Because there is so much positive out there. I know in the world in which we live in today, Richard, people get distracted so easily by social media, the news and things that are going on and get so frustrated by the economy or the wars or whatever and gets so distorted in a belief. I think, if you do an action outside of yourself to help somebody else, they've always said that that act of kindness, that that act of supporting someone else, which is the my nonprofit people know compassionate communications, we help the homeless, it's so important that you'll find out what will happen to you is your life will change for the benefit for the better. And the reason for that is that you're not thinking about yourself. You're thinking about somebody else.

Richard Flint
Right? I'm gonna need me today. That's right.

Greg Voisen
That's those four stickers in your various rooms. Somebody needs you today. And it's true every day somebody needs you. So don't give up your life for not being needed. You are needed. Richard, your personal story was really, really compelling. I did not know that about you. But I can see why you've become the man that you've come in the position that you've taken life to help other people and your story about getting there. And again, Richard pointed out the first part of this interview, your worthiness. Keep in mind that everybody out there listening, you are worth your have a high value, and your value is probably higher than you think. Right? Just like Richard walked away from two or three things before he got where he is today. But it takes a lot of confidence to believe that you are worthy. And I get that. Right. everybody deals with that you are enough. And I'm here to tell you that Richard gave us a lot of messages about you being enough. So, Richard, Blessings to you. Thanks for being on insight, personal growth and sharing your wisdom, the knowledge from all the workshops you've done, and the things you do go to Richard flint.com Reach out to Richard, thanks for

Richard Flint
my pleasure, Greg. I hope we can do this again sometime.

Greg Voisen
We will most definitely I need to break bread with you in Florida or wherever you are.

Richard Flint
I wouldn't enjoy that very much.

Greg Voisen
Thank you.

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