Rabbi Brian Mayer’s approach to spirituality is definitely unique. He has founded a website entitled, “Religion-Outside the Box“, where a community of spiritual seekers are
I first met Jeff through a very good friend who is a dynamite public speaker by the name of Lorna Riley. Jeff was a participant
Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 49: Journey to Abundance with Kamin Bell It is with tremendous pleasure that I get to introduce
I have known Becca Smith for many years now. My first introduction to her was through your journal company called Oberon Designs. I had purchased
At the beginning of this year I met Marci Shimoff at a conference in Los Angeles. I had the pleasure of being able to listen
Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 46: Calling In "The One" with Katherine Woodword Thomas It was a pleasure doing this podcast with
I first met Gary Hawk many years ago in San Diego when he was involved in the development of a program called the, “Inner Circle.”
I first became acquainted with Joan’s work as a result of reading Dr. Herbert Benson’s book the, “Relaxation Response”. I ultimately found out from Joan
I personally had the pleasure of meeting Alan Briskin at a “Thought Leaders Gathering” in San Fransisco. A good friend of mine Craig Neal, has
I was introduced to John Assaraf by a good friend of my David Corbin. I first saw John speak at the National Speaker Association meeting
Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 41: The Inside on Bucky Fuller with Lloyd Sieden I first met Lloyd Sieden at a meditation
Dan Sullivan and Catherine Nomura are the authors of a wonderful book entitled, “The Laws of Lifetime Growth: Always Make Your Future Bigger Than Your
A few years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Cindy Silbert at a “Women in Business” Expo in Del Mar, CA. She impressed me
I do not know how many of you have been exposed to the concept of, “Idea Mapping“, but it is a wonderful way to collect
Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 36: The Big Book of Small Business with Tom Gegax I first met Tom Gegax at a
Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 35: Off The Chart Results with Lorna Riley I first met Lorna Riley at a National Speaker
Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 34: The Purple Couch with Michael And Cheryl Johnson I first met Michael Johnson at a seminar
I have to say that Brandt Morgan and his, “Vision Walk” process is incredibly powerful. I recently went to a spiritual retreat in Virgina and