Podcast 991: Wealth Creation for Coaches: A Workbook to Create a Prosperous Coaching Practice One Small Step at a Time with Kamin Samuel

My guest today is business and wealth consciousness coach, Kamin Samuel. She is also one of the authors of new book Wealth Creation for Coaches: A Workbook to Create a Prosperous Coaching Practice One Small Step at a Time, along with Steve Chandler.

Kamin started her professional career as the U.S. Navy’s first female African-American helicopter pilot. She transitioned to having several small businesses and then to corporate as a web developer at a computer electronics company. She is now an International Business and Executive Life Coach, and an IMPAQ B STATE® Coach, helping professionals increase their wealth mindset, improve performance, develop Breakthrough leadership skills, and create strategies to expand their opportunities.

Kamin also is a passionate writer. She has several bestselling books and just last December 2022, she, along with Steve Chandler, released a good to read book entitled Wealth Creation for Coaches: A Workbook to Create a Prosperous Coaching Practice One Small Step at a Time. This book provides a clear and proven step-by-step process for transforming potential clients into paying clients. It’s a practical workbook filled with exercises and action-steps for coaches that lead to building a thriving coaching practice and wealth that exceeds expectations.

If you want to know more about Kamin, you may click here to visit her website. You may also visit Kamin’s Wealth Creation for Coaches website by clicking here.

For free stuff from Kamin, please click here.

I hope you enjoy my engaging interview with Kamin Samuel. Happy listening!


You may also refer to the transcripts below for the full transciption (not edited) of the interview.

Greg Voisen
Well, welcome back to Inside Personal Growth. This is Greg Voisen, the host of Inside Personal Growth. And I have Kamin Samuel joining us from San Clemente, California. And for my listeners, we both got master's degree in spiritual psychology at the same time at University of Santa Monica. Kamin, good morning to you.

Kamin Samuel
Good morning, Greg, it's wonderful to be here. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

Greg Voisen
Well, it's a pleasure having you on. And we were just saying, here we are. And we're, we were in a cohort group, and she only lives like, not that far from me. But we've got to go have lunch after this. So we're gonna do it. But it's a pleasure having you on and I know you've authored quite a few books. But the book we're going to be speaking about today, and I want to let my listeners know is wealth creation, for coaches, that she co-wrote with Steve Chandler. And for those of you who don't know, Steve, you can look him up. He has authored many books as well, and is really an expert on this topic. And we'll be mentioning that during the podcast, one of the other things I want to mention, is because Gay Hendricks has been on before is another book called The conscious lock workbook. Both of these books are workbooks, really. And, you know, and I gotta tell people, you know, you got to do the work to get there. That's the key. And if there's anybody who knows it, it's can mean and so, coming in, let me tell the listeners a bit about you before we get in to the actual podcast about you. But she's a rapid transformational business and wealth mindset coach, who is passionate about assisting our clients and identifying and clearing their inner blocks to achieve greater success in all areas of their lives. She holds a PhD in positive neural psychology and Master's in Science in Information System, a Master of Arts, in spiritual psychology, and a Master of Science in spiritual science. She's the author of multiple bestselling books, including the conscious luck workbook we just mentioned a second ago, co-written with New York Times bestselling author, Gay Hendricks, and Carol Klein, his wife, and his wife is his Oh, she's not as right. Okay, well, all this time, I didn't know. Katie is his wife. Her and her newest book, which we just talked about is this wealth creation for coaches, co-written with Steve Chandler. This is an extraordinary workbook. With tools, really, that's what we're gonna get into actionable tools to take steps to change your life and to change the lives of other people as well. Well, can mean, you know, there's always an inspiration behind building a book, you know, and it's not like, Oh, I just have to punch out another book. Fortunately, because of our background, hopefully, there was some intuition that came into the process saying, Hey, I've got to try and figure out how to write to people who want to be coaches. Tell us a bit about your background and history as an ex-Navy, helicopter pilot and coach, because I think that's important. Also, with both you and Steve, you both you both struggled early on in your career financially. You even right after, you know, being a Navy helicopter pilot, so I think that kind of sets the framework for, hey, look, you can't, you're not an overnight success. But, but at the same time, you have an opportunity to take little stair steps. And you actually mentioned that one of your chapters is about stair stepping. So tell us a little bit about you, and why you wrote this book, and what you think you can do for my listeners out there who want to be a coach.

Kamin Samuel
Oh, God, thank you, thank you again for having me. And, and I am very proud of this book. I'm proud of all of my books for this one in particular, because it really it really shows the arc. I'm really working with, you know, people on the arc of their career and, you know, starting off as a Navy helicopter pilot, you know, I struggled to become that, you know, I and then I and I did and I did well and was a flight instructor and, and I loved helping people learn. So most of my come from a long line of educators and so this idea of helping coaches or business owners or pilots or whatever learn has always been a part of, of kind of my DNA and so that's why I love workbooks, because as you said, it takes more work and, and I want people to be in the middle of it. And so when I went through the military, I always I didn't want to be a Navy helicopter, pilot I really just wanted to go into business. And through a course of action, I went in that direction. And then when I got out, I went into business for myself and I failed miserably. I ended up in bankruptcy and foreclosure of two homes and had to rebuild myself. I went into something that I love, which is technology and grew my corporate career there and all along, you know, people would come to me and ask me for help. And I wasn't, you know, I was just good at helping people. And I knew, at one point, and in one of our projects at school, we were watching our energy a lot in the second year and, and I knew that I was going to have a great day when someone came to me and said, Hey, can you can we go in the conference room? And we close the door? And they start crying? And I'm like, yes, with, there's somebody I can help today. So this idea of really, poaching has been with me a long time. And, and this book was actually born, Greg out of me working with Steve for I've been working with him for over nine years now.

Wow. Well, oh, falling is not failing.

Greg Voisen
As long as you get back up, and I've had my own setbacks, and then think you know, about some of them as well, you know, I had to declare bankruptcy. I had several failed companies. I put millions of dollars into things that I wish I had those millions of dollars from. But you know, that's the journey. It's like, when you get in a helicopter, and you go up in the air, and I heard this reference just the other day, you don't ever know if it's going to be a smooth flight or not. It can be bumps along the way, right? There can be lots of bumps or can be turbulence. And life is like that. Sometimes you fly across the country, you never hit any pockets of crazy air. Other times, you know, you're gonna hit some spots. It's crazy air. And if there's anybody knows that, that's you. So you state this workbook is not about getting rich quickly. And I would agree with that. Because, you know, I was saying to the last guy that I was just talking to, you know, I'm going to be 69 in July. And I'm like, looking at going, wow, where did the time go? How do you address the common misconception that coaches sit should not focus on making money, but be more focused on becoming the best coaches that they can. And I think when you're a new coach, whether you're coaching a business, or in group coaching, or individual coaching, you have this thing like, oh, boy, I'm gonna be a coach, and I'm gonna make millions of dollars right away, right? And that rarely ever happens.

Kamin Samuel
Rarely. And coaches really, you know, a lot of what I hear is, you know, I want to be a six figure coach. And I'm like, well, well, how much did you make last year? Yeah. $12,000. So let's talk about

Greg Voisen
catapult you into half a million dollars from $12,000.

Kamin Samuel
Yeah. And this also goes, Greg, for those people who are at 250,000, who want to make 500,000 Next year, or 750, or a million dollars the following year, right? It's really this opportunity for us to realize that coaching is really the only profession in Steve's lives. That requires personal and professional development all the time. And so we have to work on ourselves, we have to be the ability for us to develop our own good habits, how do we talk to people our skills, what's bothering us, our own mental blocks, the ability for us to clear those and move forward in our lives will then dictate, you know, how we help others, because we're really many times as coaches, we're just a, just a few steps ahead of somebody else. So true.

Kamin Samuel
And so,

Greg Voisen
you know, and you're learning from your clients, right? And, and all the time, all the time. And as you continue to take in this wisdom, the wealth of information, and you turn that information into positive advice, you can actually is, you know, you can take case studies in and protect them with by not using the name and actually start to relate those things to other people. Right.

Kamin Samuel
Can I think here? Yeah, because one of the things about me moving their careers forward is, especially when it comes to money. There are two aspects. One aspect is, again, are you coaching and helping people, we can't be in our head thinking about coaching, to get better at coaching, you actually have to be, you know, in the game of coaching and helping people to help them transform, and get coached at the same time that's in whether it's you're doing with peers, or you hire a coach, whatever. But that upgrading that wisdom is so important to the development. And then being able to set a first value, check it out, test it with somebody on what your fees are. So that get some money for your, for your, for your skills, and abilities. It has nothing to do with your worth, it has everything to do with your skills and what you believe. And

Greg Voisen
I kind of go by this axiom. You can't be a coach, if you're not coachable, you know, meaning? Does the coach have a coach? Right? In your case? I'm sure it was Steve. And that's how you got down this path going down this path? And on that front? Because you both struggled early on, and many people do. And you're not going to go from 12,000 to probably a quarter million, it's probably not going to happen. Not that it couldn't, but probably not. What advice do you have for coaches about embracing their own worth and worthiness? You have a great quote in the book from Nathaniel Braden, we must become what we wish to teach. And so comment on that, because I think if you're going to be a coach, and I don't, I'm gonna just gonna say this. You have to feel like you're enough. Yeah. Right. And so many people have problems with feeling enough.

Kamin Samuel
Well, that's actually, you know, I also am a certified actually a Clinical Hypnotherapist. And so this ability, that's what a lot of the work that I do in that room with my clients, I only do that hypnotherapy with my clients in kind of a program because I need to, to work with them on first, where did they come to believe that they're not enough? Right? What did they hear what that set at a very usually at a very young age, sometimes older, but that usually sources back to a young age, and that ability for us to heal and upgrade Am I enough so that, as I said a moment ago, where they're not paying you for what you're worth, they're paying you for your skills and abilities and the transformation that's on offer. And so coaches, that's what I meant about personal development, we have to keep upgrading who we are and what we're about. So that the worth question isn't on the table and my worth $100,000 Am I worth whatever, you're priceless? Or is the program that you're offering worth? $100 $3,000 $10,000 Whatever. So this ability for us to upgrade and the book well, it's designed for coaches I've also had business owners really love this book, because we're talking about we go through this process of chapter three is about clearing the limiting beliefs. What did you hear? Did you hear that you're too old, too fat too skinny, too young, to something not enough? And how do we check change those messages and then be able to design what it is that we'd like to create and move forward?

Greg Voisen
Yeah, and you know, you were talking about hypnosis and I'm going to introduce you to Dr. Steve bourbon here in Del Mar. He is my hypnosis guy that I go to my default guy. And you know, the subconscious talk about that for a second because, you know, hey, look, when you're really helping somebody, it's what's going on in the subconscious mind. And that frequently is the underworld that we don't give that much thought to. Okay, but when you get hypnotized if that's the way you want to refer this to or kind of put in a trance. It's interesting, the power of suggestion that that a hypnotist can have on you by just saying certain things as you're laying there. Right. And I think that I want to go to this part about the subconscious because that's where we've programmed all these limiting beliefs

Kamin Samuel
are in there. And part of the reason I became a hypnotist hypnotherapist was because I had worked with clients, they were getting a lot of progress. And then suddenly they stopped. And I thought I knew all of their stories. And then and I like to think of the way I do hypnotherapist very just relax, I'm not going to, you're not going to cluck like a chicken. Just going to relax. And the subconscious will tell us what's going on where did these ideas come from. And under hypnosis, I was surprised at how, how many stories of people I had known for years that came forward that I didn't know was running underneath. And here's the key, Greg that we don't understand. If a sum of a belief, like I'm not enough, which is the core belief, as you said to everyone that set 345 years old. 50 6070 That belief still thinks you're five years old, and is still why we act out we have temper tantrums, we get sad, we get whatever that is, that feels the same to what happened to us when we were five. And so I love working with the with the subconscious mind and rewiring first identifying root cause beliefs that are in there, and then rewiring it because you can set a new pathway

Greg Voisen
and speak about the neuro neuroplasticity because, you know, we may have some people that doubt what we're talking about a bit. I probably doubted if they're listening to this show. But the reality is there.

There is this

Greg Voisen
thing you need to do with your subconscious mind. And the more you do it, the more you reprogram it, the neuroplasticity plasticity, about these limiting beliefs can shift. Yes. And so what do you do with clients? When you're doing hypnotherapy? I know this talk wasn't about hypnotherapy. It was about your coaching book. But that's probably it's probably part of it. Yeah, yeah. So what could you explain to someone listening right now, that may be saying something's holding me back? But I don't know what's holding me back.

Kamin Samuel
Yeah, and the other way that looks in terms in addition to something's holding me back, and I don't know what it is, is I can't change it. Right. I'm just this way. This is the way I'm wired. And what scientists is found, this is why I wouldn't got a PhD and positive neuro psychology was to find all the woo words that I knew about how to change people, and change behaviors. To find the science behind it was they've studied up to an only up to the age 97 that our brains can rewire themselves, they can learn. And so that is that is something that is actually happening in our brains that it can learn and can fire off new patterns. And so what we in as far as in the book, and I'm talking about as well. And in my practice, we're talking about, what's the new belief? If I'm not enough, then what's, what's the positive to that? Well, I am enough. And that's foundational. You can write it on a mirror and lipstick or whiteboard marker, you can put it I have it three by five cards, I have it on my watch at 11am. Every day, it tells me I am enough, and I look at it and I take that in like nourishment to my body. And so the ability for us to rewire and set new neural pathways by they're not affirmations. They're not like I am wealthy, because the ego is going to knock you over your head and say no, you're not that's not possible. You look at your debt. Well, you can rewire it for just the feeling of wealth. What would it feel like to have an extra $100? What would it feel like to have a client say yes, what would it feel like to have a new contract sign? Those kinds of things, and the more we rehearse them, it takes anywhere from you. We all have heard 21 days I've heard 32 days 66 and 365 days. So it takes time. We didn't get that belief overnight. We rehearse it there's a lot in the book about what you what you rehearse, you become. And so what we want to do is choose what we rehearse and move into that.

Greg Voisen
Yeah, I remember interviewing Elizabeth gold. She's a friend of David Meltzer. And her book is called feeling forward. Right? Great title because when you think about it, it's like, I want to get this feeling. I want to immerse myself in what it would be like to be worth X dollars or have this great outcome. I know there's To term and I can't remember right now about thinking about our thinking, you know, we use, what was the term we used it USM? You don't have to believe everything you think. Right? And I think that's an important element here. Because absolutely, you know, what happens is we have a thought, and the thought, then we have it again. And then it turns into a belief. And then it becomes a permanent part of that subconscious, which then continues to kind of play itself out and we go, well, I can never have that I'm not worthy of that I can do whatever. So how do you identify that? And how do you get rid of those patterns, and beliefs?

Kamin Samuel
Most people at least know the first couple of beliefs that they have, actually, they just have to listen to them. So there's some exercises in the book. And that's why I love giving people, you know, exercises to actually write down what is it that they're hearing, there's a checklist of beliefs in the book that they can check off first, and then find out how it plays out. I'm not enough, might show up as I'm not worth that kind of money, nobody will pay me that kind of money. Well, we can flip that to a new belief that says, I'm open to somebody paying me that money, I'm open to sharing my gifts and abilities in a way that it would be a service to someone. And so the ability for us to start to shift and then write them down and then read them. I have people put them on three by five cards, set timers, whatever to reset. Because there are no really permanent beliefs. It's only that we hold on to them. I have a couple of other tools, I have this thing called the inactive box that I got from Esther Hicks and Abraham Hicks, which is basically, if you've got a belief that says something, just write it down, put it in the box, just deactivate it. I also tell my clients and you know, like I'm belief goes in like just see it go into the trash. You don't it doesn't have to pause, you don't have to give it any credibility. Don't get back to work.

Greg Voisen
Yeah, yeah, that's so important. So you work in conjunction with Steve, and there's this coaches prosperity school. And you're a teacher there, or a coach there. Tell the listeners a bit about Steve, the coaches, prosperity school, and your involvement as a coach through the school so that they know that hey, they can come to you, they can go over there. You're part of a big community of people that are part of Steve's team. But I would assume that's part of where you're getting your clients.

Kamin Samuel
Yes. And I love Steve's program because he ran several programs that were live over the years. And that was caught one way that I took five times was the advanced client systems, all about creating clients. And so he has put a lot of interviews with coaches myself included on the online prosperity school and, and so for all listeners, it doesn't matter whether you choose me or someone else, it's really about finding resonance, and finding someone who you can learn and grow from and expand. And there are lots of there's a ton of videos on there to help both understand from different coaching styles of prosperous coaches who have learned from Steve and worked with him. But then there are also some teaching elements that Steve has, that really will help somebody on a daily weekly monthly basis begin to grow their careers.

Greg Voisen
Well on wealth creation coaching.com That's well creation for coaches coaches.com. And we'll put a link to that in the blog. Well, creation for coaches.com. You have some free giveaways for the listening audience. So they can go there put in their name and their email address. And you've got some videos, you got some downloadable PDFs, you give away a lot is what you said to me. And I think for the listeners, you ought to take advantage for that. So wealth creation coaching.com

Kamin Samuel
Yes, wealth, wealth creation for coaches.com book site and you know, I didn't tell you this, but there's another site where they can get a ton of resources from me. And that's the wealth flight school.com Well, flight school.com Yeah, and that's the free that's all the free stuff, the wealth creation for coaches. is, is if you buy the book there are I taken many of the worksheets that are in the book and made PDFs out of them. There are a bunch of videos on the front page that you get access to just for me and Steve. And then there's some videos, one of my favorite chapters in the book actually turned out to be a bonus chapter, which is the anatomy of an enrollment call. And many people are always asking me, you know, tell me what, what do you do on an enrollment call. And so I wrote that out, there are videos on in the bonus areas from the book, but on wealth flight school.com, there is like a, there's several PDFs of my other books, anything that you want, and they can always reach out to me directly. If they want something else, I'm complete,

Greg Voisen
you can also get her at comedian Samuel S A M uel.com. And that's k m i n, so you can reach her there. So we'll put all these links for everybody. Sorry, I

Kamin Samuel
want to give as much cuz I really want my I'm really on a mission to help people, especially coaches and business owners create a sustainable and thriving business. They feel good. This is their calling they chosen whatever their career is, and to move into them.

Greg Voisen
Well, along that line, I want you to speak about this stair stepping approach. I mentioned it earlier, and setting stretch goals and the implications that this can have if we don't reach those goals. I know, I used to be somebody that set stretch goals, and I hardly ever made them. And I always thought to myself, Why am I doing that to myself, I feel like I'm beating myself up. If you would speak about the negativity biases, and that you referred to in the book by Jonathan is at Hyatt I called the happiness hypothesis. Because you know, that cognitive dissonance, I'm gonna call it between this is what I said. And the reality is, and it's a challenge. It's a challenge.

Kamin Samuel
It is and we are more than negativity bias is that we are more negative than positive. Exactly. We are naturally. So if anybody is listening, and they're like, you know, they think that they're the only ones who are negative, no, we're inherently negative, it's part of our survival mechanism, right? To keep us alive, we have to be on alert back in the day. And so, for me, I love to set stretch goals, but then I have to really bring it down to what's doable. And so a lot of the work I do is, what's the next step? What's the next step, because what happens in that negativity bias, if we create if we set a goal that's too high, in between this one, and this one, all the limiting beliefs, I can do this, nobody's gonna pay me I'm not good enough that all of that, and we literally just fall off a cliff. And so the ability for us to then look at, okay, this, we're here, we're here, little, very little negativity can get in. And so let's take an example of a client who says they say made 35,000 last year, and they want to make, you know, six figures. Well, the first thing is to bring it into, okay, well, 35, what's, what's a doable goal for next year? Initially, you can have the stretch goal, but it might be 50,000. And who would you need to be to get to 50,000? What would you be doing? What are the new actions and habits that you will be putting into place? And so this ability to stair step doesn't mean you might find that within six months, you hit 50,000. If we slow ourselves down, and take the step by step approach, versus this leap, where I have to like be, you know, Tony Robbins to believe that I can make $100,000 this year. Now let's, let's make sure Oh, that's just one or two more clients in this year. Okay, that's doable. Let's go work on that. And then And then, you know, this plot of, you know, lines that then get you to that, I will say, the getting these images, the artists who designed it was the stepping stones, the stepping stones, I love this, this, the artwork that was done for and there were there were iterations because some of the stones were too far apart and some of the stones were, you know, were too sharp. And so this ability, it was very conscious and literal for me, that people be able to take a step pause. See where they are. The other issue, if you go too big is the upper limit, you can trigger and this comes from Gay Hendricks work is you could trigger an upper limit if you reach that number, and I've had clients exceed their goals, and then ratchet themselves and self-sabotage, because they hadn't hadn't grown inside of themselves to own that they are at that next level. And so they pull themselves back. Well, one of the things

Greg Voisen
that you had it, you have had an advantage, and, and I don't think that a lot of people have that advantage. I mean, it's like, training to climb Mount Everest, right? You just don't get up one day and say, I'm gonna go up Everest. And the reason I say that, as I just finished a book called the precipice of life, which I interviewed 22 people, one guy climbed Everest 17 times. And it's just not, it's just not doesn't work that way. And as a pilot, you know, you are in a simulator, right? I think mountain climbers are in simulators, they have to go to certain areas where they can acclimate, you know, they learn how to do that. And they keep doing step by step by step by step, so that they can get to the 26,000 feet, right. But you speak with our listeners about what you refer to as the wealth exercise is a simulator and how replaying our vision of wealth can help us manifest it into reality. Because it's like, we need a simulator.

Kamin Samuel
Do you need a simulator? And I love the wealth simulator, because this idea of, you know, learning like there were so many steps. People say, Well, how did you become a pilot? Well, they had it nailed on, on the process to become a pilot. So it's not like you just walk out there one day and so for us as coaches and the well simulators, really something I picked up from the power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy. Annie has a passage in there on wealth consciousness and, and it just stood out. And it was really just repeating the word wealth, not I am wealthy, as I said before, but wealth, what would it feel like? And so this ability for coaches or business owners, also to get an idea, whatever that next step is that next doable, believable step for them is in their business is full. Just take a few minutes in the morning, and as you go to sleep, what would it feel like to have that next client? What would it feel like to see $100 $5,000? Whatever the number come in, what you're listening for, when you're saying it's like, what would that feel like? I'm always listening for? Well, who would I be at that? What would I be doing? It might, I might get an idea, reach out to this person action items will come in, when we're feeling from that place of what we're doing that say, okay, reach out to him reach out to her send an email, oh, you need to do this. Those things begin to clear a path. And then all of a sudden, there's like this magic that happens, where you reach out to somebody, they're like, I was just thinking of you. Let's have a call. And there's just a synchronicity and flow to what you're there creating.

Greg Voisen
Yeah, I think you call it the power of attraction, you start to bring that in as you. I mean, affirmations have always been a big thing in the world. Right. And creating affirmations and I and I believe in them, they're important, because it helps to reprogram the subconscious, no matter how you're doing it. And, and you state, that it took you a long time from thinking about being a coach to becoming a working prosperous coach. That's the same thing with a businessperson. I think you're talking about six figure income. But you know, and I don't want to get into this so crazy at this point. But you know, you can gross six figures, but that doesn't mean you're netting because of your expenses, and that's all about budgeting and looking at what you're spending money on and everything else and then people go well, and it grows this much money, but what did you really earn? Roger? That's right. So speak with us about listeners about what you refer to as solving the procrastination puzzle that you referred to and what's his doctor's name? Dr. P yc. A.

Kamin Samuel
Cycle I think,

Greg Voisen
psycho and I know that for a fact Pardon me, but procrastination is a big part of this. And you have to look at why are you procrastinating? And you and I know this because what is it that you don't believe you deserve in your life? Great.

Kamin Samuel
I'd like to look at it as you know, if someone I actually love when someone says they've been procrastinating, that, to me is the most fun. Because what I want to know is between the time you said you were going to do something, and the time you didn't do it, what was the story? What did you tell yourself? About your abilities? Who, you know, what do you know? Can you do this? Whatever, because that's gold for a coach. Right? And for us, as coaches like me, for me, I procrastinate. I know exactly. I know, you know, I tell people, I'm running a group and I had them write down, what does it look like when you are hiding from work? Like, if you're not successful, what will you have been doing? And for me, it's actually cleaning in the middle of the day. If I'm cleaning in the middle of the day, I know that I am, I am absolutely procrastinating. And I need to and I just need to bring my awareness to it. Maybe jot a finish maybe what I was doing, quickly, put a time limit on it, and then write down. What is it that I'm worried about? What is it I'm afraid of? Is it that I is it that the steps that I have are too big and I need to break and chunk them down into you know, as we talked, we've learned three foot tosses. Because many times, it's just the story, it means nothing that we procrastinate. It's just the story. Let's get in and get at

Greg Voisen
it. Yeah, well, you know, put down the Mr. Clean bottle and the rag and go back to work. I actually think sometimes it's there at all say this about bike riding, hiking, taking a walk on the beach, there's a level of solitude. So in your case, it might just be the cleaning, if you are trying to get away from I think the complexity. Yeah, there's so much complexity involved in owning a business today. And, and I don't want to make that a statement to scare people. I want to make it a statement to tell people that you can master that complexity. But we have to deal with it,

Kamin Samuel
and break it down to something that's doable for them. Yeah,

Greg Voisen
yeah, exactly. You know, because some people time block, some people don't. Some people set their calendars up some people don't. You, you really have to find where you resonate really well with this. And there are people that are making very good money at doing coaching and running businesses. I got clients, they don't time block, they just you know, they're add their ADHD, they're all over the place. Yet. They have people skills, they've got great people skills, so they find other people to do that. Right. So, you know, you kind of look at but you speak about a very important element you call client creation time. You mentioned it about five minutes ago. Can you tell the listeners what it is and how to go about creating clients? Because look, that's the acquisition phase of this business. And I love that chapter because you gave lots of tips and lots of things that people could do. If there was one chapter you roughed out, you wanted to rip out of the book, it was probably the client creation one. Right?

Kamin Samuel
Right. And that actually, we did make into a checklist and I have people like print it out and put it on their screen, so that they come in. Because with that, it's like it's more prescriptive, Greg, that I wanted to be. But I also it was a literal answer to a client in one of my groups. It was like, I don't know what to do now. And I'm like, oh, here, I don't want you to think about it. Just go to this list and choose something today that that would be of service to somebody. And when

Greg Voisen
you pardon me for interrupting. When I saw that chapter, I remember an interview with Pamela Slim. Do you know who she is now? Okay, Senator, he you shed and she was telling a story in the book about, oh, these people that are running their businesses and how they procrastinated. And she just like you gave a checklist to this woman whose business had gone down the other side and she was so depressed. And she said, what are what did you stop doing that you were doing? Because that's what happens you Oh, I'm gonna go clean, I'm getting Mr. Clean out, go do this, because I'm avoiding doing that other stuff. Because I think there's too much rejection. But whatever it is she, she did it. And she literally escalated the business three times greater than what it was from the checklist. So you give a checklist in that thing. And I'm telling listeners right now, go buy this book, and just go to that section about the creation,

you will have quadrupled your money, just from that one chapter.

Kamin Samuel
Because many people come in and they and they're like, I don't I don't know what to do. I've talked to everybody. Have you really talked to everybody? And so there's a list of like, you know, you can email you could do client astonishment, meaning, like, I've called Client in the middle of the day, and they're like, what's wrong, like? And I'm like, No, I just wondered that you came to mind, I just wanted to see how you're doing. You're working on this project. And they were like, Oh, my gosh, this is amazing. And so

Greg Voisen
class honors, man, I love it.

Kamin Samuel
You can send a book, you can email, you can create a video, but we want to make sure that we're using it, not just not just again, again, procrastinating by we're working on our website, I have people like, no, you work on your website, at TV time, at night, or after working hours. But be in motion, share your life, share what you're doing. If you're going to write something, write it and send it to one person then posted on your website or posted in social media. But the core is really to come back and get centered and ask themselves who could I serve, and just listen, and take action, and then do it again, over and over again. And there's a whole host of things that they can choose from?

Greg Voisen
Yeah, it's a wonderful world out there, we have so many tools, you know, somebody told me about chat GPT, which I know almost everybody, it's da, I need it. But I have not, I don't know what it's all my gosh, I got involved in it. And it's writing all my emails for me and doing it's, it's crazy. But the point is, is that your book is filled with really great advice for like bidding coaches, as well as well, seasons, coaches, as well as business entrepreneurs. This book really kind of fits that whole spectrum. If you were to give our listeners today, three bits of actionable advice that they could leave with today from this podcast, and literally Institute within the hour, right? I'm gonna go do what can mean set and you think it would make a change or a shift and help them transform one element of their life? What would that be?

Kamin Samuel
So I think that's such a great question. And it's like, okay, what would the first one would be first was look at your beliefs. Look at look at what you want to create, and what is the belief that has been holding you back from actually taking action, and then rewrite it right away, put it on, I have three by five cards all the time, three by five cards, that it's just the way I work, is to write it and put it in front of you that new belief, oh, I am enough. That's another thing. Write it on your mirror. I am enough. Put it everywhere. Because the more we can see that and own that the more we can be move forward in our life, then it's number two would be then what's that first step? Where are you? And what's that next doable? Maybe a teeny bit of stretch, but not this big? What's that next step? And what are what are some action items and go do those. And then the last one really is just the third one is move into action, move into action be of service to somebody today. There are so many we know that there are so many people who are suffering right now. And the coaches and business owners who are really coming from their gifts and they're calling to do their thing in the world. Go do that be of service share yourself, help somebody today whether you get paid or not use the testimonial but allow it to nourish you we get nourished when we're giving and serving. So the ability for that exchange and allow them to pay you if that's you know, I come from the prosperous coach world from the Steve Chandler and rich livin the ability for us to give and receive is so much a part of this coaching practice. Yeah,

Greg Voisen
I echo everything you said and I'll add one additional thing To create action in your life, you have to be have a high level of awareness of what it is that you're doing, or not doing. So whether it's mindfulness practices or meditation, or whatever you're going to be doing. from a spiritual standpoint, it's very important to get into that connection and listen to that higher spirit that higher power. And we've been on with communion Samuel, this is one of the books wealth creation for coaches, we'll have links to all other websites. The other one that she co-wrote with Gay Hendricks and Carol Klein is this one though, the conscious luck workbook. This one is equally as good by the way, folks. So you know, go out and get it, go out and get a copy actually get a copy of both of these right? I'll put them both up. There you go. And, but coming, thank you so much. Namaste to you. Thank you for being on inside personal growth and spending some time with the listeners, providing them with some wisdom and some coaching on how to become a good coach, and also how to become a good businessperson just generally overall, and running your business. So thank you.

Kamin Samuel
Thank you.

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