Podcast 864: The Journey Beyond Fear-Leverage the Three Pillars of Positivity to Build Your Success with John Hagel III

Elisabeth Kubler Ross is quoted as saying, ” There are only two emotions: love and fear. All positive emotions come from love, all negative emotions come from fear”.

In my interview on this edition of Inside Personal Growth with author John Hagel III about his new book entitled “The Journey Beyond Fear” we discuss what is required to conquer our fears while achieving our potential and make a positive difference in the lives of everyone around you. This book offers a path forward and focuses on the three pillars of positivity to build your success.

The three pillars are narratives, passion, and platforms. Narratives: are defined as the way you frame your future and call to action for yourself and others that can become the catalyst to launch you on the first steps of your journey.   

Passion: The fuel that provides momentum-the excitement about generating the increasing impact that you will need to overcome the inevitable roadblocks and obstacles in your path. Platforms: The accelerants that help you progress more quickly and achieve greater impact by connecting and learning with other people on similar journeys.

Digital business disruption, the emergence of novel diseases, and wide-scale social unrest are changing the world before our eyes.  Across the world, uncertainty breeds fear–the dominant emotion that holds us back from achieving our potential, as individuals, businesses, and as a global community.

In this engaging interview with author John Hagel III about “The Journey Beyond Fear“, we discuss why the passion of the explorer is so powerful and the study that John conducted to discover ways to overcome performance pressure.  What John found was interesting, despite the tremendous diversity of the people studied all of the people who were pushing the performance envelope had one big thing in common: each had cultivated a very specific form of passion, a questing orientation that I call “the passion of the explorer.”

If you want to find out how to conquer your fears and instill the passion of an explorer then you will want to listen to this great interview with John Hagel III.  You can learn more about John and his new book by going to his website by clicking here.

Enjoy the podcast and happy listening!

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One comment on “Podcast 864: The Journey Beyond Fear-Leverage the Three Pillars of Positivity to Build Your Success with John Hagel III

  1. Greg Voisen Aug 14, 2021

    This is a wonderful interview about overcoming fear!

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