Podcast 198: Living Deeply with Marilyn Schlitz Ph.D.

living deeplyAs many of you have realized, we have been providing valuable interviews with the presenters for the Institute of Noetic Sciences events taking place this summer.Marilyn Schlitz is one of those authors who has a weekend workshop July 30th-Aug1st.

It was my privilege to interview Marilyn Schlitz who is the author of a book entitled, “Living Deeply-The Art and Science of Transformation in Everyday Life“. Marilyn is also the President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. She and a few of her colleagues are going to be facilitating a wonderful workshop entitled, ” Worldview Literacy Program” at the IONS Retreat Center in Petaluma, CA.

In my interview with Marilyn, we speak about her book as well as the benefits of attending the upcoming “World Literacy Program”  There are several intriguing questions that the workshop will be diving deeply into: How do we know what we know? How do worldviews shape our experiences? What skills do we need to open us to the other people’s worldviews? Why is this important to our global community?

These questions and more are going to be the subject of this upcoming workshop on July 30th-Aug1st, 2010 at the Institute of Noetic summer series held at the beautiful retreat center in Petaluma, CA.

During my interview with Marilyn I took the time to speak with her about the book she co-authored entitled, “Living Deeply“.  We speak about the extensive research work that she completed which culminated in this wonderful book about our personal quests for transformation.

Like most people today, our lives have become increasingly complex and fast paced.  The content and stories weaved into this book will certainly awaken you to radically shift your perspective of who you are.  It is this personal deep inquiry that leads to our transformation to more conscious living beings on this planet.  If we are to find more meaning and purpose those things that are out of alignment with who we are will gradually fall away.

Marilyn Schlitz HeadshotI encourage you to attend this workshop if you want to gain insight and understanding on how your worldviews shape your reality.  If you want to register for the workshop please click here.  And if you want to know more about Marilyn’s book “Living Deeply” please click any of the links to access her.

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