Podcast 1126: The 32 Unbreakable Laws of Money and Success: Transform Your Life and Unlock Your Unlimited Potential with Brian Tracy

Today, we have the pleasure of hosting Brian Tracy, a renowned speaker, author of 94 books, and the founder of Brian Tracy International. Featured also in this episode is his new book, The 32 Unbreakable Laws of Money and Success: Transform Your Life and Unlock Your Unlimited Potential.

The Power of Time Management
One of the most impactful moments in Tracy’s journey was realizing that time management is not just a peripheral skill but the central determinant of success. By planning his days meticulously and focusing on high-value tasks, Tracy discovered that effective time management is key to achieving extraordinary results. His book, “Eat That Frog,” encapsulates these principles and has resonated with millions globally.

The Importance of Self-Discipline
In today’s distraction-filled world, self-discipline is crucial. Tracy emphasizes the ability to say no to low-value tasks and maintain focus on what truly matters. This practice is the backbone of successful individuals who prioritize and complete their most important tasks without succumbing to distractions.

Embracing the Law of Causality
Tracy explains the Law of Causality, which asserts that everything happens for a reason. By understanding and leveraging the causes of desired outcomes, individuals can replicate and improve upon these factors to achieve success. He advises studying successful people and emulating their habits, such as early rising, hard work, and continuous learning.

Contributing to Success
The law of compensation states that we are rewarded in proportion to our contributions. To increase one’s value in professional life, Tracy recommends focusing on results. By understanding and exceeding the expectations of your superiors and clients, you can significantly enhance your contributions and, consequently, your compensation.

Taking Responsibility
Tracy underscores the importance of taking full responsibility for one’s life. Negative emotions often stem from blaming others, but true happiness and success come from saying, “I am responsible.” By letting go of past grievances and focusing on positive actions, individuals can fill their lives with empowerment and joy.

Achieving Financial Independence
Financial independence is a common goal, and Tracy advocates for disciplined saving and investing. He illustrates that even modest, consistent investments can grow significantly over time due to compound interest. By improving your skills and increasing your earnings, you can accelerate your journey toward financial independence.

In conclusion, Brian Tracy’s insights offer a blueprint for personal and professional success. By mastering time management, practicing self-discipline, understanding causality, increasing your contributions, taking responsibility, and pursuing financial independence, you can unlock your potential and achieve your goals.

You may learn more about Brian and his works by visiting his website.


You may also refer to the transcripts below for the full transciption (not edited) of the interview.

Greg Voisen
Well, welcome back to Inside Personal Growth. This is Greg Voisen, host of Inside Personal Growth. And joining us from Solana Beach, California, which is literally only about three miles from where I am in Encinitas is Brian Tracy. Brian Tracy is the consummate speaker. He is the founder of Brian Tracy International and the author of how many books did you say, 93?

Brian Tracy
Now, 94.

Greg Voisen
94. So for all of you who are listening out there, you probably don't need an introduction to Brian, but I'm gonna give it to you. Anyway, Brian, good day to you. Thanks for being on the podcast show. And we're going to be talking about a brand new book, The 32 Unbreakable Laws of Money and Success. This is a Berrett Koehler book. And I told him that I found this book on my shelf because he has 92 So I only am 97 away goals which will be covered inside this interview that we're having with Brian today. But Brian, let me let the listeners know a tad about you for those who may not know who you are. He's the chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy international company specializes in training and development of individual organizations. Brian's gold, there we go is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. And that is his purpose as well, I can tell you, Brian has consulted more than 1000 companies and addressed more than 5 million people and 5000 talks and seminars throughout the US Canada and 70 other countries worldwide. As a keynote speaker and seminar leader he addresses more than a quarter million people each year. He's studied research written and spoken for 30 years in the field of economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is a top selling author of over 94 books, which have been translated into dozens of languages. He's written and produced more than 30 audio and video learning programs, including worldwide best selling the psychology of achievement, which has been translated in more than 28 languages. He's traveled and worked over 107 countries and six continents and speaks in four languages. He's happily married, and has four children. And as I said, He resides in Solana Beach, California, one of the most beautiful spots in the world if I do say so myself. And so Brian, because we want to give the listeners as much as we can view and as little as possible of me. Why don't we? Why don't we start off with this change? Transformation is something that people can be very resilient to. And in the introduction, you emphasize the importance of changing the most important thing in one's life is their thinking. Can you share a pivotal moment when changing your thinking led to some consider considerable breakthrough for you, because we're talking about fundamentally changing people's thinking. That's how they get out of where they are, and move to someplace better?

Brian Tracy
Well, I've been studying successful my whole life. And one of the answers to that question is I always learned time management was a peripheral skill, like riding a bicycle or shooting with a bow and arrow was just something you did occasionally. And then I had this epiphany, this will eye opening discovery, that time management is central. It is the central skill of your life, that all of your life is the way you manage time. It's the most important single determinant of your success. So what I did is I began to study time, as a critical ingredient of success. And it changed my life forever. I began to plan my days, I began to use my time better, I began to read everything I could on it. I then I wrote a book called Eat That Frog 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more things done faster. The book sold 5 million copies in 55 languages, because it seems that everybody out there wants to learn how to manage their time and to get on with it to do the things that they need to do to be successful. That was my discovery, that without good time management, you have no chance. But with good time management, you could accomplish vastly more than the average person.

Greg Voisen
So what did you do Brian to get focus and not distraction. I mean, in the world in which we live today, you know, we're all we all have technology, we've social media, we've got every different way to kind of actually be with each other and connect with each other. But there's these distractions from us. getting done, what our main purpose and goal in life might be? What would you tell people about moving away from those distractions?

Brian Tracy
Well, the most important quality for success identified for more than 2000 years, is the quality of self discipline, is the amount of self discipline you have is largely going to determine the quality of your life in every area. And I always think of Nancy Reagan's campaign when she was the wife of the president, when there were a lot of problems with drugs in the schools. And she came up with this campaign called just say, no, just saying no, I'm I, I asked my kids about this. And they said, We just say no to drugs. And I laughed at that. And I said, Well, holy smokes, that's the key to self discipline. The key to self discipline is to just say no to low value tasks. If you plan a day, and you make an list of things that you have to do, and you ask the question, if I could only do one thing on this list, before I was called out of town for a month, what would be the most valuable thing that I could do for myself and my business? And that answer will jump out at you off the page, then what you do is you just say no to anything that is not that one thing that will contribute more to your life immediately than anything else. Successful people are people who have a reputation for just saying no to the irrelevant tasks and getting the job done. Someone wants that I love it, is it the best, the best ability and businesses depend ability is had the ability to say no to low value tasks and work single mindedly on your most important task until they're complete and not 95% Complete, which is what most people do if they get that far. And then they just take a break, and they'll finish it tomorrow. And you don't do it next week. It's called task completion. It's one of the things that I write about in the book. So

Greg Voisen
important, it means, you know, look you brought up if people just took that away from this podcast, they're taking away something important. And you know, this, this book is broken down into these 32 laws. And one of the laws is the law of causality. And you describe the law of causality as the foundation of reasoning and success. How can individuals that are out there listening today to this podcast with us, speaking with them, practically, practically apply this law to overcome any setbacks and achieve their goals?

Brian Tracy
Well, the law of causality was first adumbrated, if they say by Aristotle, in 350, BC at his academy outside of Athens, at a time when people believed in the gods on Mount Olympus, and miracles and, and all kinds of things. He said, No, he said, That's not possible. We live in a rule world governed by order. And therefore everything happens for a reason, our job to master our lives and our world is to find out the reasons for the things that we want to have and to accomplish, and then to duplicate those reasons and improve on them. So this is the law of causality we call the law, cause and effect we call the law of sowing and reaping is you get out what you put in and so on. It's the world is full of people, 80% of the population, God bless them, in our thinking that it's possible to put in one thing and get out something else is sort of like planting seeds in the garden. When you plant a seed, nature grows the seed. But you people that are planting weeds are nothing and expecting to get a wonderful crop. So the seeds you planted in your mind, the thoughts, the plants, the goals, the desires, the focus, and so on, I totally determine what happens to you in life. Now, I'm one of the things that I say if you want to be successful, and everybody who's listening to this wants to be financially successful, then what you do is you find financially successful people and you studied them, and you do what they did. And you'll find that successful people get up early, and they work harder, and they stay later. And they use their time well, and they don't make excuses. And they're continually learning. They're basically learning machines are constantly taking in new information. So they can do what they need to do better and faster. If you want to be successful, you just have the formula.

Greg Voisen
That is a good formula. Now, there is something about contribution and compensation. And I want to I want to say that, you know, we all make a contribution. The key is how much of a contribution do we make. So in this law of compensation, you suggest that we're compensated, however that might be intrinsically extrinsically. is in proportion to our contributions meaning what we give, what our value is that we bring to something? What strategies would you recommend for someone looking to increase their value and contributions in their professional life? Now, you said many of them just a second ago, study hard. Read, be curious, work harder, longer hours, those are all big contributions. Is there anything else you want to add to the list of being a better contribution?

Brian Tracy
Well, you have to understand that the number one word in your life is results, results results. People don't care about your talk and your good intentions. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. They care about your results. So let us imagine that you work for a company. Well, here's a simple strategy that just blows up like a slap in the face to me when I heard it, is write down the things that you think you're expected to do and take them to your boss, and staff, your boss, organize them by priority of these things that I do, which are the most important to you? In what order? And how will you measure that they are done? Well, for you. Please tell me so that I know exactly what to do to make you happy. You and I are in the in the happiness business. I remember Tony Shea who started Zappos and he said, we are in the happiness business. We just happen to sell shoes. Yeah, exactly. We're in the happiness business in that we are successful to the degree to which we make other people happy starting with our bosses. That's how you get promoted you in how do we make your boss happy, you by you getting results that help your boss to do his or her job better, then, when you are starting our own business. And the number one goal in our business is to make our customers and potential customers happy. And I have this idea of writing a book and I may read a quote the earth factor, er, the earth factor as you want. If you want to be successful in a competitive world, you have to make your customers happy, or you have to do you offer your service as fast or you have to do better or cheap, or it's always the earth factor. It's always a comparison between you and your competitor, you're always looking for ways to make people happy, or, and that's really the key.

Greg Voisen
I would agree with you on the earlier part. And the reason is, is because we're going to talk about control here in this next situation. And what I've always said, Brian, and I think you will resonate it, if you're looking for something outside of yourself to make you happy, you're looking in the wrong place. Happiness is an inside job once you fix the inside the outside fixes. So the reality is if you say Well, it's my spouse, or it's a new car, or it's more money, that's really not the thing that makes you happy. What makes you happy is the achievement of obtaining that thing, the journey to actually getting there. So let's talk about control. You mentioned that feelings of control. And I just had an author on from Canada that wrote a book called hardiness. And it's all about control and commitment. And he's a psychologist and the reality is, is it in the world we're living in today, it's crucial for happiness and success. We feel meaning I there's a lot of people out there that I think feel today that they can't predict the future that they're uncertain. And that feeling of not being in control is a bit scary. I would Splinter that to say what are some practical steps individuals can use to take control over their personal and professional lives from Brian Tracy to your lips and mine?

Brian Tracy
Well, the the number one goal again, going back to Aristotle, of all human beings is to be happy. And everything that we do is an attempt to be happy or than we were before nobody ever consciously does something to make them less happy. We always think that if we do this, it'll make us happy. Or and the number one obstacle to happiness is negative emotions. And negative emotions always come and I spent 4000 hours studying this over a period of years. It's that some some of the research on this is absolutely fab as the foundation of all of modern psychology. It's basically this is that negative emotions come from blaming. Negative emotions come from accusing or blaming someone or something else for things that you are unhappy with in your own life. The key is to summarize and get right cut right to the chase. The key to becoming happy is to say the magic words I am responsible, I am responsible. My friend Mark, Victor Hansen says that whenever you have a negative thought he said you should do cancel, cancel, and COVID go with an X, cross it out, and cancel, cancel, cancel, cancel. And the way that you cancel out negative thoughts is by simply saying, I am responsible, I am responsible. Now, the major reason for negative emotions is blame. And blame comes from accusing someone else being responsible for something in your life that you're not happy with. One of the great, one of the great rules of life Greg is never become upset about something you can't change, never become upset about something you can't change. And you cannot change a past event. And 80% of the population and and all the people who visited psychologists and therapists and coaches and counselors and everything else, are people who go there to talk about past events that they still haven't come to terms with, what you need to do is let it go, just let it go. Just say the words, I let it go. And you can have emotion, because there's nothing you can do about it. And once you let it go, that name Nate nature abhors a vacuum, even in emotions. So if you let go of your negative emotions, your mind fills with positive emotions, and you feel happy, and you feel powerful. And you just held up my book on goals. One of the things I another turning point in my life is I thought goals were a peripheral thing. But I found was that your ability to set and achieve goals are the center of your life. Without that you're basically taking orders from other people. So when you set goals, and you work on your goals, step by step, it makes you happy. It gives you a sense of power. It gives you a sense of empowerment, you feel energized. And of course we talked about the psychologist William Glasser, who talked about developing a positive addiction. Every time you make progress toward a goal that's important to you, you feel happy, it releases endorphins, and dopamine is it, it gives you strength that make and motivate you to do even more things. So you'll find that people who are working happily on things that are important to them and getting better and better at doing it or happy all this.

Greg Voisen
Well and the thing that you you emphasized here and not to be a broken record, but once you learn to take 100% responsibility for yourself and quit blaming others you mentioned that early and know that you are the one that is in you then realize you are in control. Right, that's these two go together, happiness in this. Now one of the things a lot of people look for and continue to look for. And for some people, it eludes them all their life. And for others, they have an ability for manifestation and attraction. And that is financial independence. So financial independence is a key goal for many people. Now there be some people that would write their goals, and maybe they're not so concerned about financial independence, or they're already financially independent. What initial steps do you suggest for someone starting the journey toward financial independence? And how would you advise them or help them, see how they can become more financially independent?

Brian Tracy
Well, when I was in my 30s, I still remember I was walking down the street and I'd always dreamed and fantasized about being a millionaire, but wanting to be a millionaire. I wasn't from the time I was a teenager. And here I was 3520 years of experience, and still living from paycheck to paycheck. And I realized, I talked about and thought about being a millionaire, but I had never made a decision to become a millionaire. And there's something about making a decision. It's like pushing down on a dynamite detonator, it goes, boom, in your subconscious and superconscious mind, and things start to happen in my book that you just held up. I have this phrase because things just happen. Things that you cannot predict that happen after you've made the decision. So first thing you do is you say I want to be become a self made millionaire. Well, the simplest of all ways is to save your money and invest it carefully and let it grow and accumulate until you money working is earning more than you are working. That's a that's the standard way of doing it. We now have 38 million Self Made Millionaires in America. Most of them get there by the age of about 50 to 54, according to the Wall Street Journal, and it's a result of somebody working hard, saving their money, invest in it carefully. Warren Buffett was once asked what's his secret to financial success? He said it's simply said I will invest In the American stock market, and depend on compound interest, and that's one of the laws we talk about compound interest. As Albert Einstein said, compound interest is the eighth power of the universe. It's the eighth wonder of the world, because it just causes money to grow and grow and grow. So anybody and I was giving a seminar and one of the young guys came up to me, he was obviously have problems. And he said to me, Mr. Mr. Tracy, Mr. Tracy, he said, he said, I, I'm a Bellman for a hotel, he said, Can I can I become a millionaire, too. And I didn't know what to say. And then he went on speaking, he said, I live in a group home, he said, and they invest $100 a month, from my income in a fund. If I do that, all the time I work well, I become a millionaire. But I just happen to have been working on compound interest tables. And I knew if you invested $100 a month, from the age of 21, to the age of 65, you and this compounded at the normal rate of the stock market, good years and bad years, it'd be worth more than a million dollars, this guy, this young guy, with nothing going for him is going to become a millionaire, because he's got good people advising him, and he's going to end up his life rich, when the great majority of people that retire with an average net worth of $41,000, this guy is going to be worth a million dollars. And why? Because he's dependent upon Steve's working, hard saving, and the miracle of compound interest. So everybody can do it, anybody can do it. Now, if you want to do it even better than what you do, as you become better at your work, so that you're paid more, and then you save more and more, you start off, maybe with 1%, then 2%, then 10%, then 20%. I know people who started off, when they were sat down with their mountain, their new wife, and they said, let's save 20% of our income. And by gum, they did. And in a few years, they started to become more and more financially independent. And by the time they're in their 40s, they're worth more than a million dollars.

Greg Voisen
It's it's it is you know, I love the the other day I happen to be listened to a podcast with Jordan Peterson, you might know who he is famous psychologist. And he was talking about the sacrifices we make with our contract to the future. So our contract with the future is whether it's with our employer, like this young man putting $100 in a 401 K plan or whatever it is, to say that's my contract with the future is to be able to be a millionaire or to have enough money to be financially independent, the sacrifices that I make or the sacrifices I make for that contract with the future, which is to work hard as a Bellman or to work hard and whatever it is that you're doing, because you are giving of your time for that contract in the future. Any comment about that? What do you think of that?

Brian Tracy
I think that's wonderful. One of the laws of success is called the law of futurity. And what it means is that successful people think about the future, most of the time, in my book, and in your review of it, we talk about you become what you think about most of the time, successful people think about the future. They think about what they're doing today, and what effect that will have on the future. But also they think about what other effect it will have, what will be the consequences, what will be the additional consequences, will they be good consequences or bad consequences, but they think about the future most of the time, it is the characteristic of leaders in every part of life is their future oriented. And so as as Jordan Peterson says, it's very, very important because when you're clear about the future, it makes it much easier to make the best decisions in the present. If you have no idea about your future, then you try this and that and you'll try this and you try that and and half the things won't work out. But we have a long, what I've done in my career is I fell in love with strategic planning. And it's a wonderful story. But basically, I did it for a billion dollar corporation. The first strategic plan I did was for a billion dollar multinational corporation, and they loved the program. How did I learn to do it as I bought all the books on strategic planning, and put together a synthesis of all the best ideas and then conducted a three day strategic planning program. And after that, I've done it for 1000 companies over the years, foundations and so on. What I found is that the premises are the same is that if you have a strategic plan at every one My client says, This has been the best three days in the history of this company. Well,

Greg Voisen
and I want to I want to make a point, you know, you have a workbook, I don't know if people can still get it your website, but I know I have it. That whole strategic thing. No, you said a billion dollar company, I don't care if you're $100,000. Company, you need a strategic plan. Part of the work that I do is I help people create strategic plans, just like you did for the big company. But I don't like discriminate against the size, I say, hey, no matter what you do, you need forecasts, you need predictions you need, you need to look at all the elements of your business to put it together. And you do a wonderful job of that. And this leads me to one of the laws and it's called the law of belief. Okay, now, we all run around with a lot of beliefs in our head, Brian, as you know, that doesn't mean that they're all founded, meaning they're proof of their true. Okay, beliefs, beliefs can change, I don't believe knowings change, you either have a knowing, or you have a belief. I know that if I talk to you long enough, you could probably change my belief about something because I trust you. I trust you as an individual, I trust your knowledge, how can individuals overcome, quote, self limiting beliefs that hinder their progress, because those are the ones that they're the beliefs that you need to replace with alternative beliefs. If you're carrying those self limiting beliefs?

Brian Tracy
Well, I'm a fanatic on goals, but especially on written goals. And you and I've had this debate and debated with others, they say, Well, I have my goals in my mind her I have my goals on my computers on what they have found. And this is the great word it's called a psycho neuro motor activity, which is writing your goals down, right? Present tense, and every person on every expert in this field says, Write the goals down by hand in the present tense. And do that over and over. And what happens is, when you write something down, it's accepted by the superconscious mind as an as a command. And at the beginning, it will say now, that's not possible, you can't do that you look at your past, you're coming from a poor background, and so on. But you just keep writing it down. Every day you write down your goals in the present tense, I teach people this 10 goal method is take out a spiral notebook, and write down 10 goals every morning without looking back at the previous day. And do this every day for a month. And every person who they were taught it to tracted has doubled and tripled their income within 30 days. They're just literally astonished at what happens in their whole life, they start to attract into the life people and circumstances and ideas and books. I've heard people say, you know, in the bookstore, then this book from yours, Tracy at the bottom shelf, you know, fell out on my foot. And I read the book, and I became one of the top salespeople in the country within 12 months. And if I hadn't been for that book, and that's what happens is you don't have to worry about what's going to happen. All you have to do is be clear. So that's a word that we teach. Well,

Greg Voisen
and I agree with you on this as well. And now while you're talking about attraction, right? I want to, you know, because there's a few misnomers, I believe that probably still exist about, hey, if I stick this, here, I'm going to attract it. Well, you can't attract anything without action. And as far as I'm concerned, you meaning you have to apply. You can write all these goals you want down on a piece of paper. But the reality is you need to work toward them. You need to take action toward them. Can you share a personal story, and I think you've got many where this law played a significant role in your own personal success. We're now talking about the law of attraction. Well,

Brian Tracy
I remember the first big breakthrough in my life, is I decided to get into real estate development. And I didn't know anything about real estate, you know, but I didn't even know if it had an E after the p or not. And so I went I began to read books. That's the one thing I've always had is a love of reading, and being able to read books on how you find property to develop and whether it's on the right side of the street to go home side, or the go to work side and, and communities that are growing. And I finally found a piece of property but I didn't have any money. And I met with the owners and they had a five acre critter Park, motorhome Park, and the city was growing up around them. And it was a perfect place for a shopping center because I know because I'd read the books. Well what happened was they turned me meet with their Lawyer, I still remember him. And he said, Look, he said, I'll draw up an agreement where you can buy this piece of property. I'll give you 30 days to close on it. And I said, I'll give you a check for $150 and $5 million piece of property.

Greg Voisen
He said, $150, he

Brian Tracy
said, I'll hold the check. I said, Please don't deposit it. Yes. And I remember him. He said, get them out of this, the property is too much for them. So I put together a complete proposal based on all my stuff. And I went around to real estate development companies, I finally found one that said, if everything you say is true, we'll come in with 75 100% of the money. And we'll take 75% of the shopping center, and you'll be responsible for completing it. And so I did, and I put them myself under their control. And I developed the shopping center, I built it, I got the architects and the engineers, and the construction companies, they paid all the bills. We built it, I leased out all the properties to the app. And it was 100%, full on the opening date. And the owner of the company is worth almost a billion dollars came to the opening. And he said afterwards, he said, Would you like to come and work for me. And he hired me as his personal assistant. And I worked for him for almost two years before he sold his business. And it was the greatest experience in my life, I develop 10s of millions of dollars worth of real estate with him. And under his tutelage, I imported $25 million worth of vehicles from Japan and sold them I built office buildings in some subdivision, it was the most incredible thing. And it all happened by just moving forward. Just keep moving forward, and stuff happens. That's the most wonderful well,

Greg Voisen
you you used your creativity and your knowledge. And if you didn't, here's the thing, if you didn't have the knowledge, you basically read a book or looked it up or found an answer, or found someone who knew the answer, but you kept searching. So you are constantly curious. And that leads me to this question. The law of superconscious activity. Now, we talked about our subconscious, we talk about our conscious, we talk about our unconscious, and then we're talking about super consciousness. And I remember you telling me when we I was at your house with this book, and you pointed out this law and how important it is, what techniques do you recommend for tapping into super consciousness to help one manifest their goals and their desires and their dreams?

Brian Tracy
Well, when I've discovered the superconscious, many years ago, 40 years ago, taking a special course in a distant town, near the river with a teacher, and he talked about the superconscious. And I never heard about it before. So I did a full court press on studying the superconscious. And what I found is everyone has this incredible mental power. An analogy that I use is imagine that you bought a house, and you moved into the house. And you didn't realize but Downstairs there was a basement, you found the door entry to the basement. And inside was this supercomputer that was connected to all of it. You turned the lights on, and there was an all you had to do is put in any question, problem, goal desire, activity, and this supercomputer would put everything together with track into your life, everything you needed to make it possible. Well, that's what each person has an every successful person, all original works of art, music, design, literature, all original works are super conscious works there. They came from something outside of themselves. People who are great writers and poets, they find themselves sort of under a trance, they just write it sort of what do they call it free writing or free flowing. But everyone has this superconscious ability and if I could only talk about one thing for the rest of my life, it would be about how you tap into it. And the critical thing is goals. When you have a very clear specific written goal. And what I tell people here's something very simple. Change your life forever guaranteed. Decide, imagine you have a magic wand and you could achieve any one goal in the whole world. Within I'll be insane like you can't fly with your flapping your arms and things like that. You can't be a billionaire in 25 minutes. I mean, don't be ridiculous. The goal has to be something that you believe that you believe is possible for you. So don't set goals that are impossible. Set a goal that you believe is possible, becoming a millionaire, good grief, we've got 40 million millionaires in America today, somebody becomes a millionaire every three minutes. So that obviously is achievable goal, then you say, make a list. And what I call the 20 Answer list is, what could I do to achieve this goal and write down 20? Answers? Now, not 10, and not 12? And not 15? It's got to be 20. Because very often, and I've done this with large classes, very often, it's the 20th answer that explodes your life, it's an answer you've never thought of before. And it changes your life completely. It changes you change your career, you change your relationship, you change your business, you change something. If you do this exercise, one thing, magic one, you can achieve any one goal, and write down 20 ways to achieve the goal. And then pick one of those ways and start working on it. And the one that did you start working on it'll jump out at you, it'll just jump out at you and start working on that. And your life will change forever. If you just did that. There's many everything else you do.

Greg Voisen
I love your analogy about the computer and turning on the lights in the basement, it gives you basically does that because today we live in this world of augmented reality, artificial intelligence and to a certain degree that is happening. And we can today more than ever achieve more in less time than we ever did before. Because of the things that are going on. I want to let my listeners know that the 32 unbreakable laws of money and success is a book you want to pick up. This is a Berrett Koehler book, we're gonna put a link on it to Amazon. So you'll actually have a link to that. I would also recommend to other books of Brian's one, get goals and get Eat That Frog. If there were three books, you wanted to change your life, if you didn't have any other three books do get this one. This is brand new, this is just coming out. And he actually is writing a revised edition of the goals book, which is going to be coming out pretty soon. I think he said September. Is that right? Yes. Yep. So you know, the reality is go to his website, the website for Brian is Brian tracy.com. There you can get you can see Brian Tracy International Contact, Meet the Team testimonials, all kinds of free resources. He's got courses, he's got all kinds of things. And if you sign up for his goals sheet, I know this because he and I were talking about it, you literally will get this 14 traits for setting these goals, Right Action Plan, and it comes to you for free. And I'm going to encourage you to go to those free resources and sign up for that. Because it is really good. And then take that and utilize it. And then he's got a course that goes along with it. And you'll be reminded in the course by the way, I if I remember correct was like $133 value for like $30 or something like that. It's about a third of the cost. If you're really in the position right now, and you want to change your life. And I know we're into may already five months most people say well, I set my goals in January. Well, they change as you go along. And they need to be relooked at and reevaluated all the time. And so I'd recommend Brian's course his book, Brian, it's been a pleasure having you on inside personal growth, any last words of wisdom you would like to leave to our listeners?

Brian Tracy
Well, it's something I've taught my children. And it's probably the most important piece of advice is that you can do it. Anything that you decide upon you can achieve. If it's within reason, you have more possibilities, you have more talent than you could use in 100 lifetimes. There are no limits on what you can accomplish except the limits you place on your own mind. And the way that you break those chains of limits, is you write down what you want clarity on a piece of paper, and then make a list of the things that you could think of to do right now. And then take action just like you said, nothing happens until something moves, nothing happens to take action. But if you will take action, it will trigger more action and more action. it'll activate the law of attraction. it'll activate the law superconscious abilities. And what can happen to you is literally phenomenal. And I know because I've spoken to countless people all over the world. And they say when you start to tap into your own mental powers, the things you can accomplish are beyond your imagination.

Greg Voisen
Well, you certainly not only live what you speak about because you're a testament to it and For all those people, if you just look at the body of work that Brian Tracy has created over the years that he's been on this planet, a huge contribution to helping people find a way to achieve their goals with less effort. And also at the same time, with more success. And, Brian, my hat goes off to you to everything that you've done, the contributions you've made in the world and what you're doing to all the courses you've created, the books you've written, and the millions of people that you've talked to from stages, live to actually inspire them to do this, again, do go out and get this book. This is Brian's got the sometimes these limited time offers. And one of them is on that goal thing when you go to his website. You don't have a long time to do it for the reduced price. So take advantage of that. Brian, thanks for being on inside personal growth. It's always a pleasure speaking with you, and having you back on the show. It was way too long. The last time I had him on the show was podcast number. I think it was 87 If I'm not mistaken. And I'm now at podcast 11 117. So we waited way too long in between it's going to be more frequent that we have Brian back as a guest. So, thanks Brian.

Brian Tracy
Thank you, Greg. You are doing great work in the world, my friend.

Greg Voisen
Thank you.

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