Podcast 1051: The M Game: The Metronomics Monograph with Shannon Susko

Welcome back to another episode of Inside Personal Growth. Today, I have the pleasure of hosting a distinguished guest – Shannon Susko.

Shannon is an accomplished entrepreneur, author, and business leader known for her expertise in strategic planning and execution. With a wealth of experience, Shannon has been a driving force behind the success of numerous businesses. Her passion for helping businesses thrive is evident in her strategic approach to leadership and her dedication to creating sustainable growth.

Her latest book, “The M Game: The Metronomics Monograph,” delves into the concept of Metronomics, a methodology she developed to help businesses achieve their strategic goals with precision and efficiency. “The M Game” introduces readers to the key principles of Metronomics, emphasizing the importance of rhythm, timing, and execution in business strategy.

Shannon draws from her extensive experience as a CEO and business leader to provide practical insights and actionable strategies for individuals and organizations looking to enhance their performance and achieve sustainable success.

If you want to know more about Shannon and her works, please visit her website by clicking here.

Thanks and happy listening!


You may also refer to the transcripts below for the full transciption (not edited) of the interview.

Greg Voisen
Hey! Well, welcome back to Inside Personal Growth I have a returning author joining me from British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia. And this is the book The M Game: The Metronomics Monograph. I'm going to put a link to this Shannon Susko to let everybody know to get this book and to your website. And for all those you want to know more about Metromix go to metronomic m-e-t-r-o-n-o-m-i-c-s.com. And there you'll see some information about Shannon. Shannon is the founder of it was Shannon. It's a pleasure to have you on. I think we could tell everybody, you're the author of how many other books?

Shannon Susko
Three other books.

Greg Voisen
Three other books, created the three, three hag and the leader training certificate. Doing this over 20 years building high performance companies. She built her own high performance company in the financial services industry. She also co founded and served as CEO and lead the sale of two companies less than six years apart. Surf echo is that right? As he says sub surf servio subservience

Shannon Susko
brutal at picking company names.

Greg Voisen
And para data. Peridot, I could get want to learn more about this. Go to her website. She's really incorperate she's really got. I can't tell people enough. And I don't doubt other companies. But if you're looking for a software system to help you be more efficient in your company, you can't do better than going to METRON omics. Yes. Serious. Thank you. And you know, there's lots of them out there with lots of coaches, lots of peaches, people that help them. But she's really put all the best of the best into this software, which is why I think it makes it one of the best. So Shannon, you said you wrote three of the books were been by sharing the genesis of the end game at the metronomic monograph, what inspired you to want to write another book you already had?

Shannon Susko
But I now I know. What's

Greg Voisen
I mean, I think 1100 interviews under my belt and I'm going like, and they don't stop coming. I get requests for about three or four days a week.

Shannon Susko
So yeah, so running a fourth book, writing a book is hard. We like writing a book is hard. Doesn't matter if it's long or short. It's still hard. Having you know, we wrote the metronome effect, sort of give the street version of what it's like to use this metagenomics. This is operating system to grow one, not one, but two companies. And we use that in four companies myself. And so we wrote it to share it prescriptive, get it done. Then from there, you know, funny enough, I didn't write about the three hag in that first book. I was very naive. I thought everyone had a three hag. Everybody did a three year highly achievable goal and married it up with your strategy and your execution. And I learned that no, that wasn't a fact. So we had a great arm, Vern Harnish. Three hag.

Greg Voisen
Yeah. I mean, I don't know where the inception of it was. But it's been talked about for years and years. And a lot of the big Accenture and all of them in their consulting gigs have the three hag. So you wrote about the three hag? Because you forgot about it in the first book.

Shannon Susko
Wow. Yeah, there was the we there was a few reasons why we didn't put it in the first book. But one of the biggest was like we just thought everyone had a three year highly achievable goal. And what we learned after the fact and after I became a coach is that, you know, that's the secret sauce to all of this. It's a secret sauce to metronomic. So it was the secret sauce of not only establishing and creating your strategy, but mapping it out over 12 quarters and fluidly mapping it out from where you are now to there. So you could connect your annual plan to your three year plan. Not your five year super wild ass guess. And we always had a 10 to 30 year like That's right out to Jim Collins. But there was a gap. If we went from one year to 10 plus years, nobody really get when you can't

Greg Voisen
do that, because the mind doesn't work that way. It does things incrementally. And so you have to have proximal goals, right? Yeah. So a three pack is a proximal goal to you know, maybe your bigger vision for 30 years or

Shannon Susko
no. And the secret of it is where you get the light like you know, draw a line in the sand where you want to be three years from now. But then you get to build up your strategy and how you're going to achieve it. So you get to say where you want to be. And then you get to actually figure out how to get there. Most don't do that most. Most people just keep going like, Oh, I got one year, I got one year, one year, oh, I'm still not to where I want to be in five years, oh, another one year, another one year. This allowed us to, you know, really align our one year plan while our quarterly plan or one year plan to our three year plan and be able to like reach out and touch it. It's we do

Greg Voisen
it, you do it so well and so systematically. So there's a lot of people listening right now that don't know the term metronomic. They might know it from the metronome that people have on their piano. My wife's a schoolteacher. Yes. But tell us about the concept of metronomic and how it has set the foundation for all of your books, your company, everything, the rhythm.

Shannon Susko
Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, funny. So metronome is sort of like that the theme throughout the third book is metronomic. And it's a I'm not gonna lie, it's a big fat book that gives it's a recipe book, it tells you exactly how you can improve your performance, what you should do from you're working with your team, all the way through and the rhythm of all of it is set by you, the leader by the CEO sets the rhythm, and the team goes along with the rhythm. So the Metrodome came from the idea that it's not just a cadence, it's a cadence that is set by the leader of the organization. And if you know I play I grew up playing the piano is where it came from. And my teacher would set you know, whatever, you know, would move the little FOB along, you know, to say, what, what rhythm did I have to play to? And so that's what a CEO does, we get to set the rhythm, we get to say what it is, and we want to hold it consistent. That's where metagenomics comes from. It's the metronome that represents the CEO, the economics, which is being able to balance your life and your work. And then the metric. The third piece in there is all about the widget. The one thing that you and your team control are the things that flow through your business. Well, those

Greg Voisen
are the three components. What makes up the system as well as the seven systems that you talk about this repeatable playbook? Because yes, you just mentioned the three components. Those were there. If you want to repeat them for the listeners, I think that might be good. But also, it'd be good to know these these seven systems that are part of the repeatable playbook.

Shannon Susko
Yeah. So metronomic itself made up of three things, as Greg just said, one is the repeatable playbook. That is seven systems. And we're going to talk about that. The second thing is having a scoreboard that's alive, that everyone's connected to the team must be connected to it no different than if you're playing on the field, you'd be connected to the scoreboard, well, when you're playing on the business field, you need to be connected to the scoreboard in an open playing field. And then the third thing is having and I want

Greg Voisen
and I not to interrupt you, but I am I want people to understand that you've built the software system that people can really run their business from and have their team meetings. And here's the thing, it's live. I know a lot of business owners small bid, mid size, whatever, you know, they use an Excel spreadsheet, right? Or they use something to put it together. But it's not synchronistic, right? It's like, okay, somebody in one department has a spreadsheet, somebody else has a spreadsheet, you're not sharing that. Yours is live data as it changes on the platform. In the cloud. Everything changes so people can see it across the board. Yeah. Now that's not a new concept by any means. But it is when it really comes to having a back end system to kind of run your business like you guys are created. Yeah. So what are the seven systems in the repeatable playbook?

Shannon Susko
Seven systems and the repeatable playbook cultural system, right? That sounds crazy, but we must have a system to keep our culture alive, right consistent behavior. Second system is a cohesive system. That is a system every day we're working and growing our cohesiveness because it shifts each and every day. We as leaders need to be focused on it. It's about growing a team connected to the score. Right the third system is the human system. That is having the awareness and the understanding of your what you own every day. What what is the function that you own? What is the clarity of what you're accountable for? Every team member needs to have clarity of what they're accountable for. The third system is the caste system. Love the caste system. You must Forecast Cash first And I will talk a little bit more about how important that is. And it's related to the things that you know flow through your organization. Cash flow, no cash forecast cast first.

Greg Voisen
Okay, Forecast Cash. So forecast sale, let's cash will

Shannon Susko
be in the bank, cash will be in the bank at the end of every month, that was a game changer for me absolute game changer to then make decisions upon to, you know, how are we gonna go left, right and get to where we need to go in regards to how are we going to say what we're going to do always comes back to cash. At the end of the day in business, we have the execution system ties very tightly to cash, we have the strategy system, the strategy system is a hard edge system, the execution system is a hard edge system, the Cash System is a hard system, because you can reach out and touch it, you can build the plan around it, there is numbers, there are measures, the soft edge systems, which are the actual strength of this whole business operating system is the cultural, cohesive and human. We call those a soft edge systems that are a little harder, a little harder to measure their input lines in the sand. But if we do not pay attention to our consistent behavior, how our team trust, and commitment and conflict and accountability is built, aligned with what clarity of what we are what we own every day. If those aren't clear, it's really hard. But the heart ed system will go really well we can ever grow. Are

Greg Voisen
you putting? Are you putting human capital? You're gonna stick that in the soft edge

Shannon Susko
system? Yes, yes, that goes in the, that's where

Greg Voisen
we spend most of our money. If you look at our salaries, that's the biggest percentage of the cost of doing

Shannon Susko
number one, and

Greg Voisen
so you gotta get a players in a seats.

Shannon Susko
That's right. That's, that's a human system. And that's where I love. I love that, because that's tied so closely to our execution and Cash System, which is about, you know, bringing on you know, a needed a player team, we want to have the lowest possible labor cost we can, the more a players we have, the lower our overall labor cost. The more a players we have, the lower overall labor costs will be

Greg Voisen
people are not going to correlate the more a players the higher salaries, that you're going to have a lower cost. So describe that for them. Because the first thing they're going to say is, this woman is crazy. She's flippin crazy. We're gonna

Shannon Susko
say that anyway. But Claire, won a player will on average, equal at least three people on your team? Yep. Well, that's the correlation to the total overall lower

Greg Voisen
because their performance is higher. Their performance is three, they're doing more and less time with less resources, because they're resourceful them themselves.

Shannon Susko
Very much so very much so. And a lot of people will say Greg, like what's an A player? Right I have a player's you know, and I, you probably do, and I hope you do, but an A player is someone that is out in front of you someone that you are cheering on someone that brings you energy, someone you would fight for, if they got a competing offer, someone that you would rehire, like on the spot. Anyone else, someone that you're pulling along, someone that you're like going, you got to do this next. Got to do that, you know, that is like

Greg Voisen
investing in these people, Shannon to help make them a player's look. Not everybody on your team is always an A player. But if I have to invest in human capital, yes, and I'm gonna invest in personal growth stuff, I'm going to invest in anything that I can like my show. You know, that's why I get so many people from LinkedIn, then listen to it, because it's like, it's about business. It's about personal growth. It's about wellness, it's about spirituality. All of those are components of a player. So you've been in this long enough, and we talked about the hard edge and the soft side systems, you've spoken about the seven systems. You've spoken about the three components in a very short period of time. Now share with us a real world case or anecdote for a business that successfully has applied the metronomic approach and what was the transformation that they witnessed?

Shannon Susko
Yeah, so you can

Greg Voisen
share more than one

Shannon Susko
but if you've got one, I'll give you one and it's

Greg Voisen
always are always the best people love stories. The stories

Shannon Susko
are great story. So and Milo's t is, you know their stories in the M game. So Marla See stories in the game. And I started working with them six years ago. They are now in around under 100 million didn't know their capacity and total capacity of production. And it's it's really it's a great story, the leadership team, their 70 year old company, 70 year old family company, mazing story to get to that point. CEO Tricia Wallwork heard me speak called me up, we chatted, we thought there was a fit between us we start out on our coaching, and business journey. Today, they have doubled every year. That's their top line doubled every year. But what if you asked Trisha, what was the biggest thing for creating not only the foundation for growth, but the momentum they've gone through, and now they're in that compounding phase? Yeah, it's really nice to top lines compounding, there's lots of organizations that get, you know, that fiscal outcome, but it is hair on fire everywhere else hair on fire in the company, they're hanging on, the thing that we had to do to keep up with that growth is was all about growing a players creating an environment that had consistent real time feedback. I was just with them. A week and a half ago, I love

Greg Voisen
artists, did they have systems in place that were working effectively? And you modified because usually behind all of this are truly highly effective systems? Right?

Shannon Susko
Yes. So they this and you know this, because we've talked about this before, metagenomics will meet a company where they are. So they had some systems in place. They had execution, they had cash, you can't exist without this, right. But what we needed to really focus in on was how do we ensure we get the soft edged systems lined up with where they were on their execution system and their cash system, so their business, and a lot of people go really like that's what you know, turn the dial? Well, what we've learned in doing this for 25 years is really unlocking, unlocking growth is all about lining up. An a player leadership team that is cohesive, that is cohesive meaning can help the healthy conflict, provide real time feedback to each other in the moment, in order to move that team through to create a really highly debated strategy, validated strategy, confidence in the validated strategy. When I met them, they were executing, they were driving around the block quite well, they were they were where they wanted to be at that time, they did want more, they wanted more growth, they thought they could do more growth, they didn't know how to unlock it. And spending time on the team, the culture, the cohesiveness, it sounds all soft, and most people go, Oh my gosh, I don't want to spend time there. But then the piece that's really important is the human system. It's the clarity of what each other's doing the clarity of roles, the clarity of how we are going to actually grow together. And so, you know, it's funny, when I saw a light

Greg Voisen
bulb moment for them, yes, it's almost like, you know, lightning strikes, and there's a light bulb moment you actually see it happen, there's actually a shift in the energy inside of a company when

Shannon Susko
you may. Absolutely.

Greg Voisen
And it's not just with one person, it's with everybody, usually. Because what happens is, it's almost like there's this, I just, I'll just say it, it's there's this tapestry of all these many little pieces, and everybody starts to see the integral piece of this piece of this bigger tapestry and where they fit, why it's so important in your and you're just so good at that, you know, now we're gonna have entrepreneurs out there that are listening to this show, that are like, I've done it my way I know how to do it my way, they're gonna be skeptical. They're gonna say, How can somebody come in with some kind of back end system and a book and tell me what to do? So when you introduce this new systems into businesses, what do you really say to them to persuade and or convince them that there is huge value and met genomics?

Shannon Susko
Yeah. So this is gonna sound cow counterintuitive to that question. So most, there are lots of leaders who are listening in that they're saying, Yep, we're good. We're good. We've been growing at three, four. or 5% every year? Yeah, it's what we wanted, we're good. I say that's amazing. Carry on. And then there's others I need along the way going, oh my gosh, I want to be there. And I can't figure out how to get there. I promised that we would be there. I'm letting my team down. I took investment. And we said we'd be there. And I have no idea how to get there. They are absolutely stuck. Those are the the ones. Those are the ones that hear this system and go, they I'm gonna say they are desperate enough to try this system.

Greg Voisen
Well, there's a pain point,

Shannon Susko
both of those pain points, both of

Greg Voisen
them we talked about, have a pain. The people that you said it 3% Are plodding along. They've got it. Good. You gotta undercover undercover, whatever pain it is that metronome X could help them with the people that say we were going to be all the way out here. And they've got a huge gap between where they are and where they want to be. They've got a much bigger pain. Yeah, right. Yeah. And so it's easier to work with. Right. You

Shannon Susko
know, it's interesting, Greg, because a couple of my clients that I've had for going on eight years, nine years, 10 years, ones, 11 years, you know, 11 years ago, you know, the CEO came to me said, you know, would you work with me, gave me the whole reason why I met them. And I decided to Yeah, that'd be fun. They were wanting to put this in place to exit in three years. Okay, that was 11 years ago, they didn't exit in three years, they could have, they didn't exit in three years. Because why they wanted to exit was it was hard for that three, four or 5% growth. It was everything on their shoulders. It was you know, they owned every function, they owned every decision. They were not having fun. And so now you go three years out, and we said okay, like, you know, we went through the whole thing and, and, and Robert said, Honestly, I don't really want to sell the business now. Because the systems in place and running there. Actually, you know, the cliche of metronomic says grow up your team, your business and your life, meaning finding the balance. metronomic, brings balance to your team and your business and your life. And it sounds like such a cliche, but it's the only way I was able to actually grow my own businesses. You know, my first one, my first one, I think, you know, this, I had three kids in less than three years and no twins. And it was a system that allowed us to still keep growing the company while I was having my life as well. And so many entrepreneurs and leaders have to choose one or the other. We don't want anyone to choose. Right? And I want you to have both. No, you have to have both life is you want to excel and like what you love to do. And you've got to love showing up, it's got to bring your energy,

Greg Voisen
all the reason to have a players in the seats. Because if you want to take time for your family, and you're having to babysit somebody other than babysitting, two year old, three year old and four year old, you're gonna have some issues, right? Yeah. And, you know, I remember Margaret Wheatley for many years ago, talking about the ecosystem, you know, the ecosystem of our environments outside, but how they relate so closely to the ecosystem of a business. And you know, when you get, you know, all these micro organisms working in unison together, what you can create and grow, which is completely different out of other I always loved her analogy, because it is it's, it's a micro organism and an ecosystem, which is growing, and it almost takes on a life of its own. Right. And that's what you want. You want it to be that, you know, I was listening to Tim Cook the other day. Apple is now worth $3 trillion. Yeah, when Steve Jobs died, it's grown 30 times since Steve Jobs has died, which means the ecosystem and the systems that they have in place are just phenomenal to have a business carry on at that astronomical rate. Yes, of where it is. So what do you believe business strategists are people that are approaching this in general, things have changed over time. We have all these business strategists that come on and talk about these different approaches and where they are. Where does metagenomics fit into this evolution cycle of business? I mean, I've heard it all through all the interviews that I've done, and I basically would love to know where you sit with that.

Shannon Susko
Yeah. So growing up my first company, huge, groupie of all the strategic thought leaders out there, right like learn Michael Porter, right get in there. It's on my mind right now because like I geeked out on Michael Porter back in the day. And then there's others, right? That take you right into thinking about the product, the strategy for your product, where we ended up and where I ended up just purely by following all these thought leaders was a really needed to set a strategy for our company, position our company in the market we play, then you can deep dive into strategy for your product and all those pieces. And so the strategy system is the key system that holds the team and business systems together. That's why the three hag is so important. And building up a strategy rather than top down in a strategy was the key thing. A collaborative strategy with a players on your leadership team who can have healthy conflicted discussions, gets you to be able to create a really confident strategy for your company, for your company. So we play, like everything we do is yeah, we go into the core customer, we go into the market and do all those analysis. We map it all out, we have strategic pictures. But the big deal is it's not in one narrow industry in one narrow product, we actually look side to side to industry wide enough so that you can see the whitespace to create the unique and valuable position you need in order to either you're in it and protected or not. And a strategy system is one that you know, I think of the company I was talking about earlier, 11 years, they've been doing this 11 years with this strategy system. And all the other systems that you know, go they're all connected, right? Yeah, step by step progressed by Chris, they're really good at it. They're having a lot of fun with it. And it's okay. If you're not like in the beginning, it'll meet you where you are. You will What are you on a journey?

Greg Voisen
What do you see on the horizon? You know, I've had Rita McGrath on here seeing around yeah. Yeah, she's, she's very successful in working with solve next. And, you know, in a in a company that's got processes is great, but they got to be innovative. So they have to have they have to treat innovation just like they to treat their processes, it has to be something be part of it. How, you know, in this kind of post pandemic world where we're evolving, we're actually seeing wars fought by drones, that's getting intelligence. You know, you see the AI world evolving. So quickly. Absolutely. Did the announcement, you have software in the back end? What are you kind of forecasting for business owners on somebody who has, you know, their head into the vision of what's going on? That could really help them something that you might tell them right now, that would be like revolutionary, this is what you might want to think about?

Shannon Susko
Well, I'm gonna say two things. One, if you don't have your long term, painted, picture done, and I'm talking 10 years out for your business, whether you're selling it in three years or not, you have to paint that picture. You don't have to know how to get there on that picture. Your three year picture, you paint it. That's where the fun begins, Greg, because you need to figure out the how you need to have the members of your team figure out the How now, if there are not competencies on your team, with the latest and greatest things going on out there. And I'm let's take AI for an example. You need to get yourself. You don't need to know all the geeky computer science details of AI. But you need to understand where is it going to play in your strategy? Is it going to be for differentiation? Is it going to be for cost leadership? Is it going to help focus some of your team members in a different place and let AI take some of those more mundane tasks out of your way.

Greg Voisen
We see AI being added to so many pieces of software. I'm not putting you in the corner, but people like HubSpot have aI already. Yes, it's great. Salesforce has AI our phone does. Yeah, yeah. And so my question would be for you now we're seeing it pop up and it's being integrated as part of the software. Do you have plans at metronomic to actually add an AI component into this that makes it more intelligent for the people buying your systems?

Shannon Susko
Yeah, so we haven't had three levels right one will be in got around, you know, making sure the member experience on our platform is another level of getting the response they need the information they need. But then there's another level to this that we've been working on, which is actually taking the intellectual property of the coaching system on the platform. And being able to go, oh, you know, looking at the whole picture of where that company is today in the system, and providing feedback to their coach, and to that company, the leaders of here's what you should be looking at next, here's where you should be actually thinking about it and having it teach itself. I mean, that's the most amazing thing is the opportunity to have the machine learning happen within this system that we already have. And so you know, full disclosure, I spent all last quarter on AI and strategy for METRON omics. Okay, just for the listeners, I mean, I'm a geek, right? I grew up, I have a computer science degree. I have a master's in computer science. It's why things end up in business on platforms. But I'm a huge believer in what this can do to improve how we actually continue to grow ourselves and our companies. And through the web. We have is suck

Greg Voisen
at it, whether it's chat GBT or it's inside HubSpot or it's inside Salesforce, or wherever it doesn't matter. It's making people much more efficient. So in other words in less time, so now the A players become AAA players. Because they literally can, they literally can take, you know, all of their sales scripts and all of their outbound emails and all of their everything and turn them into much better masterpieces than they could do themselves. Yeah. And that's why we want the artificial intelligence to kind of think for us in a logical sequential fashion. So I'm glad that you're thinking about putting it in and that you got it out and that you're a geek, and we're gonna see it and metronomic. Yeah, I'm sure it is.

Shannon Susko
And you know, it's funny you grab on HubSpot, like that's the, that's the success system, we put in our back end. So that's what we're actually rolling out. And we have, as you would, as you would imagine, a three year plan to our operation on our platform, and yeah, it's 12 quarters, and that we just updated it literally, like I just updated it at the end of last week. So well, I'm

Greg Voisen
gonna say to my listeners who are executive sitting in seats, you couldn't be with a better person to actually dive in with somebody that's going to grow with you. Right, so you're gonna see this software grow. And it certainly isn't stagnant. Now, for 99% of the listeners, they're gonna go, Hey, this is the greatest software around once you start experiencing it with a coach, or an advisor, who's using this system. Now, if there were three takeaways you want to leave our listeners with that would impact them positively or their business and or their organizational culture? What are the things that you would take from this? Actually, folks, this is actually kind of a small little but very impactful there it isn't. It's on a 45 minute plane ride most depth not so good. And that's the way she wanted it, I guarantee Yeah, because most people aren't reading 400 Page NASA these days. So tell us what you would say are three takeaways that the listeners should take from this book. And, and then I'll let all my listeners know we're going to have a link to metronomic to being able to get into the system to actually all the books that she's authored. So I want to make certain that they understand that. So what are those three things? So

Shannon Susko
number one, you've got to ask yourself, do would you rehire? would you fight for every person on your leadership team? That's the first question you need to answer that answer that question. If the answer is no, you have to figure out a plan. And what you need to do about that, that is number one thing that will hold you back that's on the critical path. Number two, do you and your team have a strategy and I say you and your team? So as a CEO, you may know the strategy in your head. Does everyone know the strategy? Is it mapped out? It doesn't have to be validated perfect. But is it known fast number two? Number three is and this is a simple one. Do you have confidence in your execution and cash plan whereby you can forecast how much cash will In the bank at the end of every month, a lot of people, Greg, go, are you crazy? We're gonna Forecast Cash at the end of the month, every month. And I say yes, not profit. And this is if any of you hear anything about this today is forecast your cash first, because profit is made up cash, you can put it in a wheel barrel and walk away with it. Right. And at the end of the day, our decision should be made on Cash and Cash Forecasting that are related to the things that flow through your business. So people, a player leadership team, if you have one, are they cohesive? How cohesive? Are they giving each other feedback? Are you having healthy conflict? Two? Do you have a strategy mapped, so everybody can see it and tell the story? If the answer is no, pick up three Agway it gives you the formula. The last one is all about forecasting cash first. So simple changed my life.

Greg Voisen
I would say those are words of wisdom, three great takeaways. On top of that, you know, we've all been dealing with an inflationary economy. And this was a throw up question meaning and you know, while cash flow and cash is extremely important, what other assets? Do you believe that a business owner should be looking at today? Because we are in a kind of strange money world, we are okay, we are in the fiat money system, are seeing crypto come out and it's gone down through the toilet. We are seeing our money at this point, at least here in the US North America. We're seeing high inflation and a devalued dollar. And those dollars aren't going as far as what would you say to somebody out there is listening today as a CEO of a company. And it's saying, Hey, I'm looking for alternatives. Places, we got plenty of cash. I mean, you could think about my example just a minute ago with Tim Cook and $3 trillion. Yeah, what does that $3 trillion doing? Isn't it where you're supposed to be putting the money where it does something positive? For The World?

Shannon Susko
Yes. So that's why forecasting cash is so important. Because it's not you don't win if you have a lot of cash, you win if you understand what the plan is for your cash. Okay. And so, you know, I wanted that that's just so perfect, because within an inflationary market, and if I give an example, I have a few companies I work with that are manufacturing, right. And with everything that's gone up, like all their their supply chain, the challenge is, you know, they pre booked things years ago that they're delivering on and so like the number one thing that that we did out of this is not only Forecast Cash, and where do you plan to use it? How do you use it? What are you going to do with it, the other pieces is looking at, like we looked into and within all the businesses, I work with what we call a level two key function flow map now and that's geeky, right. But that's our wording. What that means is we mapped out, like we follow the dollar through our organization, so that we could actually have a better handle on where we should be investing our cash, when and why. And like at first I know teams looked at me like that's crazy, Shannon was working with them. But the fact that we did it at the beginning of this has actually opened up opportunities where we can now invest, right, where the opportunities have come up, whether it's, you know, lengthening our value chain, shortening our value chain and investing in another company buying another company, it's been really exciting actually, to have done that early on. And like, you know, just on the edge of this, like I bought a year ago, to actually see what the opportunities are now without just going oh my gosh, we're still getting hammered by the economic conditions. We're working with it. So just that ability is amazing.

Greg Voisen
I don't know, I try to remember that old statement. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Shannon Susko
The plan is yes, yes. Yes.

Greg Voisen
The plan is planning to fail. Yeah, that was the statement somebody said. And you are a good example of that. And literally the fact that you've been able to put out three books. This one the end game, all my books for Sorry, I missed one.

Shannon Susko
I gotta I gotta I gotta correct you because they're like, you know, it's hard to write a book.

Greg Voisen
I do. And I only have three and you've got four last ones i Little one. This is good. They're all good. And then if you want to get all four of them, I'm sure you go to Amazon and buy all four. Yes, yeah, there's for coaches that are interested in this. Do contact channel And we'll have all the information there for you to be able to do that. Because there's lots of people out there listening today might be going, Wow, I'd really like to know about how do I become one of the implementers for for metronomic, as well, and get certified to do that. And for all of you who are listening who are business owners, and you do have that big gap that we talked about, definitely, let's reach out to Shannon Metromix. And she can put you in touch with coaches that are regional to actually help you. Listen, that gap, get back out.

Shannon Susko
And if you love any one of the books, leave a review that too. I love that feedback. It's not Yeah, there's always something you can do. And

Greg Voisen
what a feedback on Amazon. Well, Shannon, Namaste to you. Thank you for being on personal growth and spending time with our listeners. It's always a pleasure having you on you're always very lively. And people you can see why her systems work. Because number one of her background to the fact she's already done this permanent, she's gotten feedback from her clients. And three, she's got a strategy and approach to being able to do this. So go to metronomic.com Canadian based company, support our fellow Canadians down here, and thanks so much and

Shannon Susko
Yeah, you're welcome. Thank you

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