Podcast 962: Less Stress Now: A Mindfulness Manual for the Modern World with Dr. Brian Alman

Joining me for this podcast is a passionate facilitator and nicknamed “The Doctor of First Resort” by the Physician of the Year at Kaiser Permanente – Dr. Brian Alman.

Dr. Brian was initially nicknamed “The Doctor of Last Resort” by the Physician of the Year at Kaiser Permanente — the world’s largest non-profit healthcare provider. Then he was later referred to as “The Doctor of First Resort” because of successes with patients who had been unsuccessful for decades.

His mission is to improve mental health and wellness across the globe with our effective, accessible, and engaging educational content. True to this mission, Dr. Brian has helped hundreds of thousands of people and contributed to making the world a better place. Thus, he is widely considered one of the world’s leading stress reduction experts.

Dr. Brian has also came up with several books relevant to his mission. One of those is Less Stress Now: A Mindfulness Manual for the Modern World. This book offers easy-to-use techniques to relieve its readers’ stress and related burdens, enabling you to have a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. It’s a compilation of the best practices that have worked for his patients over his thirty-year counseling career.

If you’re interested and want to know more about Dr. Brian and his amazing works, please click here to visit his website.

I hope you enjoy this engaging interview with Dr. Brian Alman. Thanks and happy listening!


Less Stress Now offers easy-to-use techniques to relieve your stress and related burdens, enabling you to have a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. It is a compilation of the best practices that have worked for Dr. Brian’s patients over his thirty-year counseling career.

Less Stress Now techniques have been formulated through his own experience as a patient and therapist, inspired by global teachers, and refined by his studies of meditation, mindfulness, self-hypnosis, guided imagery, visualization, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and many other methods of self-help and mind-body healing.


Nicknamed the “Doctor of First Resort”, Dr. Brian Alman is widely considered one of the world’s leading mind-body stress experts. He has helped thousands of people heal from trauma, reduce stress, and lose weight.

Dr. Alman has the rare ability to lead and consult with genuine care and wisdom. He inspires audiences worldwide through lectures, media appearances, training workshops, mobile technologies, online programs and books. And of course, he is renowned for his signature private sessions that are best experienced on the beach!!


You may also refer to the transcripts below for the full transciption (not edited) of the interview.

Greg Voisen
Hey, hey, welcome back to Inside Personal Growth. This is Greg Voisen and the host of Inside Personal Growth. And I have a good friend who lives here locally in San Diego, Dr. Brian Alman. He's been on Inside Personal Growth before. And he has three books that I know. Is that right, Brian? This is 14 books total 14. Okay, so three new ones. But when you go to the website, you'll see these three new ones.

Dr. Brian Alman

Greg Voisen
And if you would, please can you hold up the book that we're going to be talking about today? It's called Less Stress Now. There you go. He got it really nice and close. Brian is a very, very good friend and just a genuinely well versed person about stress. And I'm gonna let my listeners know a tad bit about you. So they get an idea of just how well versed you are. He's a PhD as stress care down to a science as he says his mission is to make the world a happier and healthier place driven by clinical outcomes accessible to anyone. He's a passionate facilitator, who collaborates with people and companies globally and locally. He utilizes past present and future as well as conscious, subconscious and unconscious are unique and effective approach has allowed him to help people help themselves more than ever before in the fields of weight loss, stress reduction, healing and health care. He was nicknamed “The Doctor of Last Resort” by the physicians of the year at Kaiser Permanente, the world's largest nonprofit health care provider. And he has later referred to as the “Doctor of First Resort” because of the successes that he's had with his past patients over the decades. Welcome to the show, Brian, it's great to have you back again. It's always great having you on because you've always got something great and new bubbling up that you can help people with. And less stress now is one of those books. Why were you compelled? Because you wrote one, you wrote a book also, for young adults, you know, kids, right? And you know, this world is such a kind of confused place these days. We're living in pretty stressful times. Not that that our predecessors in time going back, you know, 1500 years, 2000 years didn't have their own stresses. They died earlier, but we're living longer. And we're having to deal with stress. And I think much more of a greater magnitude. Why did you write the book? What do you hope people are going to get from this book. And for my listeners, I want them to know we're going to offer Brian's course, which is evidence based by Kaiser by ACE AC E. It's a course for 497. And we're going to give you half off, and there's going to be a link in our blog to that as well. So I wanted to let the listeners know that we'll say that a couple of times. So you're online.

Dr. Brian Alman
Thank you, Greg. Well, it's great to be here. You everybody needs to know that I love Greg voice in a long time and to always been positive, inspiring. Just a wonderful human being and I happen to know Greg's family, I love them as well. So this is a real love fest here. Yeah, there we go. Yeah, yeah. So I was compelled to write the book less stress now, because being part of the ACE Study, which stands for adverse childhood experiences at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego, which is the largest study ever completed the most comprehensive study on mental health, emotional health, bio psychosocial health, and is over 6000 medical journal articles in over 100 countries. So even though it started off with 10s of 1000s people in Kaiser now millions of people have answered what were 10 Ace questions, which are in the book less stress now, which all your listeners will get a copy of. There are now 12 questions we had an 11th and 12 question. But I was compelled because we discovered with 10s of 1000s of people up over two decades, and I was doing the treatment solutions with Dr. Phil Edie, the CO principal investigator, we worked with physicians, therapists, coaches, families, patients, kids, teens, grown up size kids. And the biggest discovery was that our biggest challenges in life really come from our upbringings, how we're raised to either cope and not cope, to drink or to smoke, to do drugs or to escape in some way to deal with things more effectively in the discovery besides really, that the biggest challenge is do come from our families, which I know all of you know, because you have families, we all have families, none of us have perfect families. And the challenge that we go through his kids birth to 18, stay with us for years and decades. In fact, in a study, we discovered people lose 19 years of life, like they die 19 years younger, if they don't deal with their adverse childhood experiences, and just do the coping skills that most people do.

Greg Voisen
Well, you were in that same study not to interrupt you, yes, this is important to my listeners, you know, Kaiser did one of the biggest studies at the same time ace, and it goes along with the stress around weight reduction, you had some very, very, very heavy people who were addicted to drugs. Now to talk about it. That's

Dr. Brian Alman
how it started. Greg, right. That's how it all started is we started to interview the people who were very successful in losing the weight in our program, a very comprehensive program for weight loss. And then the people who were the most successful, tended to be the same people to gain the weight back, and or more. And so we were perplexed how people could do so well, and then not be able to sustain their success. So we started asking, and having interviews and having groups, and what we discovered was that the life experience as kids is what contributed to them being overweight and obese. And we found that the propensity of for example, abuse in the family was much higher than we ever expected, close to 70%, for the women in the group, close to 35% for the men in the group. And then when we started to discover that all of the participants, not just in the weight group, which was the break breakthrough for us, but in all of the other departments at Kaiser, our early childhood experiences, influence our health, and our longevity. And so, the point I really want to make to Greg besides Okay, so there's where most of our problems come from. And we need to figure out ways to solve those problems, because most of us just kind of live them out and kind of keep coping to the best of our abilities.

Greg Voisen
Well, let's talk about that a little bit. Yes, external stressors, right? That that we can talk about, there's obviously internal stressors, you know, the whole flight, fight flight syndrome that people have talked about for years. But you know, this mammalian brain that we all have, that we've had been built in for years. It's, it's not as it hasn't evolved. Social biologists will tell you, this brain has not evolved over the hundreds of 1000s of years that it should have, right? And we kind of wait too long, a lot of times, we don't take action. And here's the point, you know, I am somebody who had anxiety attacks like crazy. And that is stress. It's stress manifested in a different way. And you're one person that knows just so well, how having this stress can affect our behavior. Okay, it affects it in so many ways. We get angry, we pop off at somebody, we basically, you know, drive our cars is road rage out. There are all kinds of things happening. In my case, I got so debilitated I wouldn't go on an elevator, we'd go out to lunch, I wouldn't go to people. I'm talking about my personal story, because the only way that I actually got help was I went to scripts and they put electrodes on my head and I saw what was going on in the brainwaves of my head. And I started meditation. And the thing that happened when I started meditation, Brian was a miracle. I tell my listeners this all the time. It's like, okay, Brian is going to talk to you about meditation and he's going to tell you how good it can be if you're a regular practice or have it so Tom Talk about anxiety, because we live in a world that just seems so filled with it. It's moms, you know, trying to run to the grocery store and take care of the kids and do whatever. And we know that right? And it's Dad's gone, run it off to work. And now we have this great resignation. Everyone's saying, because of COVID. I'm rethinking how I live my life. How would you tell people to rethink and change their current behaviors, such that those behaviors reduce the stress and anxiety in their life? Okay,

Dr. Brian Alman
the first question that I asked people in the book and the course, is at what age? Did you first start to feel anxious, because whether it's stress, or anxiety, or fears, or phobias, or depression, or whatever the problem is even pain, emotional pain, conflict, lack of self-esteem, at what age? When did you gain weight? Why is that age? What was happening at that age, when the anxiety first started, the fears, the weight gain, the depression, what was happening in your life at that age, when it first started? That's the most important question, and then follow it up with why then why not two years early? Why

Dr. Brian Alman
not two years later? What was happening? And how did you cope with it, then chances are,

Dr. Brian Alman
you're still coping with it, or not coping with it the exact same ways. So that's the number one question is at what age? Did it first start? And what was happening? And why then?

Greg Voisen
And trying to find that and see what event in your life? Yes, potentially affected. You? You know, and I know, we can go here. And I'd like to go here, actually. Because, you know, as a species, we have a tendency, you know, we've all have an ego, it's whether or not we can control the ego. The ego is there as a protector, as you know, and good cases. But frequently, what it does is it really kind of amps people up, I'm not enough, I got to do more, there's tons expected, that ego starts talking to you, it's really tough. And then you separate. So what I say you separate. In other words, I'm gonna go into the little spiritual realm here, you were talking about Deepak Chopra a few minutes ago, endorsing your programs. And you know, there is a spiritual side of this. And that is, and I know you're coming from the scientific side, but you're also an extremely spiritual guy. And the reality is, when we do separate, the ego separates us to not knowing who we really are. Right, not knowing from a soul standpoint, who we are as a person, because my show is about personal growth, wellness, mastery, and spirituality. I want to kind of get to that. Because when you recognize that, and as soon as you separate or the ego helps you separate, that's when you have tons of stress. Isn't that true? Well, a lot of times,

Dr. Brian Alman
you're very I agree with everything you're saying, here’s what I would say, because I live in this world, every day and helping so many people that have been stuck for so many years and decades not gotten better. They had been great teachers, for me that everybody does have an ego. You're 100% Correct, Greg, okay. The ego tends to want to protect us, but it tends to over protect us. It guards us, but it over guards us. So it actually has job security, because it is so relentless, and trying to make sure we look good and making sure that people think we're okay. And we think they think we're okay. It's really an overprotective part of us. Yes, it has the insecurity of wanting to be seen better than we really are. But it's a part of all of us how we say to people, it has a lifetime membership. So don't try Yeah,

Greg Voisen
exactly. That's a good one, lifetime members.

Dr. Brian Alman
And your point about meditation, you know, you know, I was invited to India to teach meditators to go deeper into meditation, who had been meditating for 50 6070 years, far longer than May. And I had the opportunity to go to ashram after ashram and learn from meditators. Basically, the takeaway is, and you're right, added, Greg, is we want to learn how to be meditative. How to be 100% present connecting in the moment while we have an ego. Oh, no, don't do that. You want to look good. That's not that important. But what about business? How are you going to make money from this? All of that, okay, thank you ego. You're very helpful. I know what you're thinking you think the same thing over and over again. And then we are all emotionally driven. So we have an emotional driver, but I want to be loved, or I don't feel good about this, or I don't know about this. So am I enough I feel helpful, helpless, confident, not confident. So our emotions are driving. They're not rational, they're irrational. They're all emotional. Our egos are very rational, very logical, and they never agree with the emotions. So most people, I would say over 90% of people spend their life fighting, debating internally, between what's going on emotionally, and what their ego judge critic logical perfectionist is saying, now here comes meditation, here comes being meditative. It transcends all of that, while all of that is taking place, because you're not getting rid of that, that's the rings of the tree to you are the meditation being meditative. Thank you overly logical, overly critical, never shut up. Pardon me, thank you emotions, my sensitive child inside that feels has so much empathy. And from this place that we want to be having become dominant, is meditative, being meditative in our lives. And we want our egos lifetime membership, and our emotions, also lifetime membership, to become no one dominant. So ever present, always welcome. Never want to try to stop them that'll take years or decades where when you listen and understand, give them their floor, they've done in minutes, and you can get back to your presence of mind you're loving, unconditionally accepting in the moment, true, authentic you. So it's sort of a 123. And this is really what we learned in the ACE study. This is what the people taught us. Because I see people all the time, Greg, get better, so much faster than they thought they would, not through tricks or techniques or anything, by getting to the underlying issues in ways that are healing and healthy and positive. And everybody has an inner doctor, everybody has the inner wisdom, everybody is smarter than they think. And so my work is simply helping people facilitate their own best answers their own inner doctor, their own inner wisdom that I know is always there, because I've been with people that have been stuck for 7080 years and get unstuck very quickly. But it's with respect to the deep emotional issues with respect to the ego trip issues and be able to be who they are as a whole person and integrated person, not a technique driven or I can just do this or I can just do that. Like there's an on off switch to wellness and happiness. Now it's more of a dimmer like make progress, make progress, incremental progress. Oh, wow. Now my inner wisdom is dominant to my emotions in ego and non-dominant. Well, that only took you 70 years to figure out 40 years to figure out, but there's no time like now and you live super well. That's

Greg Voisen
why last dress now and I think one of the things that you've been a huge advocate of and anybody is, what brings you back to center is your breath. Right. And during this little exercise, you did deep breathing a couple, three, four times, right. And we all know that before we react, if we actually breathe, the choice will be different. In other words, if we bring breath in and think about it, you know, a lot of times people say well take a deep breath before you actually take that action or make that action. And I know from being in a practice, which is pretty deep that, you know, every one of the chakra is going down the body with deep breathing can have a huge impact on you making that connection. And I'm gonna go to the nonscientific now to a higher source, to a source, which is calming, and that's where it wants you to be in it. And in it for anybody who does meditation, which is probably 80% of the people that listen to the show. They recognize in the morning and the evening, depending on how often they practice that when they're done. The rest of their day actually goes so much better. Meaning you approach every problem and every opportunity differently, much more methodically, much more focused, much more concentrated, so to speak with us about the breathing techniques, how we can access that, how we can get to that altered state of consciousness and let me let me add to this. Because when we do that, you talked about the conscious and the subconscious in the superconscious. The subconscious mind is something that literally is gotta be reprogrammed, right? That's where this is happening. So speak with us about that as well.

Dr. Brian Alman
Okay. All right. Well, here's one,

Greg Voisen
I throw a lot out. Yeah, that's fine. That's,

Dr. Brian Alman
I'm used to it. Okay. One thing I can say for sure to really support, what you're saying, Greg, with your own inner wisdom, is that I teach people this all the time. And I can promise that this is true. You can breathe your way through anything.

Greg Voisen

Dr. Brian Alman
I have been in the worst situations that I could ever imagine, I was able to breathe my way through anything. I've been with people who have learned to deal with the most horrific catastrophic situations, and they can breathe their way through anything. Now what that means is, you need an exact technique that fits you as an individual. Because breathwork having taught and been to dozens of workshops, just on breath work, there is no public path. There is no one size fits all. There's no formula. Some people love the yoga breathing. I certainly do. Some people love the meditation breathing. I certainly do. Some people love the prayer breathing, I certainly do. Some people like the workout exercise, breathing, the walking, breathing, the out in the trees, breathing, the pet your dog breathing, there's so many different techniques, you have to find the one that works best for you. And it's impossible, you won't find at least one because I actually have hundreds of techniques. So it's literally impossible. So that's the first thing is people need to recognize that you can breathe your way through anything, whether it's conscious and emotional, or relationship and money. Whether it's subconscious ego, what am I gonna do? Oh, no, I'm really in a mess now. Or what I call unconscious, which is your inner wisdom, your spontaneous creative unconditionally accepting the true authentic you. So you can breathe away to your unconscious, your inner wisdom, which you refer to as your sort of inner spirituality, your inner guide, all of that connected to an outer guy, you know, however you envision that. So how can you breathe your way through anything, let's get to like an exact technique, that probably will work really well, for the millions of people watching right now.

All right. So there's

Dr. Brian Alman
one step to begin with. And this is a tricky one, because it's so simple is pay attention to your breathing right here right now. And accept your breathing however it is. So if you have a cold really doesn't matter. If you're feeling stressed, really doesn't matter. If you have that nice belly breathing, it's fine to most important is your accepting your breathing as it is, here's the analogy or the metaphor. You're looking at the stars at night. You see the stars to the moon, you see the clouds, you don't try to move the constellations, you don't try to change where the moon is used except the sky as it. That's exactly what you want to do with your breathing. This is step one. This is a standalone step. I'm about to add the real empowering experience but this alone, where you have awareness, whether it's the star as you're breathing, and you are accepting, but I'm going to add a word here. I am conditionally accepting unconditionally accepting of you breathing, deeper cello bigger little nose mouth Okay, so that's step one. Standalone, you can do that all by itself. You don't need anything else. Because when you are unconditionally accepting of your breathing as it is, you're getting a glimpse of what it feels like to be unconditionally accepting of yourself. Yeah, yes. What? After all of my trips to India, and all of my trainings and all of my lessons and all my incredible meetings with women min gurus over there, I discovered my biggest quest, besides being the teacher there is I wanted to know if anybody was enlightened all the time, like meditative 24/7. And what I found was there a lot of people that were meditative and enlightened, almost all the time till the books didn't show up with the workshop, or the lightening of the cameras were working, or one of the assistants was out again, or they had a toothache. Okay. So almost always, but not always. But the big discovery was enlightenment. And thank you so much for the teachers gurus over there that share this with me is being unconditionally accepting of yourself. You are being unconditionally accepting of your breathing right now. You're on the journey.

Greg Voisen
Well, self-love and care, you know, compassion for oneself. You it's always been said, and I know that sounds a little bit trite, but you can't be good to anybody else. Unless you're good to yourself. And I Okay, simple. But that's not the way it usually goes. You're, as you mentioned, you know, five minutes ago, the ego has its own agenda, it sneaks in, you're not enough, something happens. You do that. But if you are cognizant, and accepting of the breathing, I'm going to repeat it unconditionally. Okay, it's three words. You're literally now falling into a space or accepting a space of I Am. Meaning I am I'm just okay the way I am. It's me. I don't have to be anybody else for anyone else or do anything else. Because, you know, when we take this to a grander scale here, even though it's less stress now, I mean, you and I could talk all day long about this, but you bring the quantum physics element into this, you want to bring the scientific element into it. There is only now, yesterday was a canceled check. Tomorrow's a promissory note. You know, hey, we we've got to live our lives for now. And you've heard this it's the old Eckhart Tolle thing, it's deep pockets. It's everybody. Right? And it can't be said enough. Because we forget, you know, I just did an interview with Marshall Goldsmith, who works with the highest achievers and kind of in the world as a coach, right? What do you think he said, the challenge was, he says, one end of the continuum is regret. And the other end of the continuum is purpose and meaning. And we kind of swing in between. And I said, that’s interesting, because I didn't know and I've known him for a long time. I said, you teach Buddhist practices here. And he goes, Yeah, I've been doing that since I was 17. I was indoctrinated into Buddhism back then. And I was like, really Marshall Goldsmith, kind of interesting. And he said, you know what I try and teach them. He said, I try and teach them impermanence, and non-attachment.

Greg Voisen
And I said, you're talking to the wealthiest, most successful people in the world. And he says, you want to know something? 90% of them don't have a clue what that is. Because it's always about achieving the next big thing or doing it. He said they could have 80 degrees and be inventing all these wonderful things. It's changing the world and whatever. And it's always about what's next. You know, I thought, you know, I mean, that's not enlightening. That just is yes. from your standpoint. What I mean, think about the kind of person who's living their life like that, and just the self-induced stress. If we have someone out there listening, you just heard what I said. And now is gonna get advice from the master of stress. Brian Alman would advise would you give him because I have a lot of high achievers listen to the show.

Dr. Brian Alman
Right? Well, I actually would value what your prior guests said and add, that my experience with people is that it's actually both that we actually want to be able to be detached. And that's a very good technique, and that's a meditative Buddhist technique, and to be connected and engaged because I found when I was with people that are Buddhists and meditating in India in here as well, that there is such a thing as too much detachment. I agree and you know, being too removed, so the answer is almost always been oath, Greg, is whether you're a high achiever or you have regrets or you have purpose, it's very important to be able to experience that presence, that spontaneity, that creativity, as well as the struggle, the difficulty, because what I find is that people need to get lost in the struggle. And you know, what we're a thought really doesn't matter anyway. Or I don't feel a thing. I'm so detached, I'm so meditative, and all of that, well, you know what, you're both right. Integrate and merge those two, and you'll find you're actually having a much better time with life and people and you're really being more real and authentic.

Greg Voisen
Well, Dalai Lama said the middle way, right? The middle way. It's not like, hey, we stay detached. And I understand that, but a lot of people never detach, then the other element is, if that's the middle way, then would be, you know, if, if you read stoicism, right, and you follow anything around that, and many of my listeners do, it's about the middle path. It's not extreme one way or the other anyway, right. And that's what you're, that's what you're advocating here. You're saying, look, it's it is both it is one, you know, it's the duality of things that we have, there's darkness, and there's light, you know, and then there's, and then there's, and then there's dimness.

Dr. Brian Alman
might be coming up with a new term here. I try ality, in that, you know, there's healing. And I have discovered that people are much more sensitive than I ever realized that everybody is really touched. Everybody can be criticized and hurt, everybody can be encouraged and inspired. We are incredibly sensitive beings. And it's really important for us to know that because we have empathy, we do care, even if we try to block it with all kinds of techniques, people are sensitive, people also have that energized and a critic never satisfied, never good enough, that subconscious ego, and that's a part of us also. And then we also have this inner wisdom and true authentic self. So there's actually three states of consciousness. And as I said earlier, it's not necessarily the middle ground, from my experience, it's allowing how sensitive we are, and how sort of self-proclaiming or egotistical or critical we are, to let them become non dominant, you're not getting rid of them, they're part of all of us, like rings of the tree, develop your potentials, to listen to your inner voice to be present, to be alive to really connect to, you know, be happy about what's right about your life. So you want that to become dominant, and your ego and your emotions become non dominant, there's not really a middle ground where they're all equal. Because if your emotions in your inner critic, you're in a judge become dominant, you're miserable. And they're gonna get into a struggle in a debate and fight all the time. That's where most people are. So we want to let them have this stream of consciousness, I do a lot of journaling, attend the course in the book with non-dominant hand because you want them to be non-dominant, scribble, doodle, let them all get a voice. And then when you get to your inner wisdom, your unconscious spontaneity, the true authentic you, you want to use your dominant hand, because you want that to become dominant. So there's real exercises, because real meditations are real processes that have been proven. We tend to 1000 people really work, how fast they help right away, how often they help every time you do it. So it's encouraging to know that everybody has that inner wisdom, these inner abilities, they just have to learn some of the skills and then figure out oh, I love that one. Oh, that one didn't work as well. Oh, that one's mine. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna customize that one. So you come up with and tailor from all the things you learn the things that work for you every single time no matter what's going on. And that's

Greg Voisen
that's a good, that's a good point. Brian and I and the other thing I know is that they need to get the book. So we're going to put a link to Amazon to get the book. You're gonna go to Dr. Brian Ullman. That's b-r-i-a-n-a-l-m-a-n.com. That's Dr. not spelled out Dr. And we'll put a link to that as well in the podcast here. We also will put a link to this call worse. This course is normally 497. And it's half price. And this would be Dr. Brian talking to you. And he also said, you can email him to get in touch with him. He also has an app that can be used and he uses it Kaiser. And I want to encourage you all to go to his website. And that now but that's a different that's true sage. T-r-u-e-s-a-g-e.

Dr. Brian Alman
True sage like you are your own true sage tea or t-r-u-e-s-a-g-e.com.

Greg Voisen
Right. And there's an app there, right? And can anybody buy that app off of that website? Okay, so we've got this app, we're gonna put a link to the app, we've got this course, which I'm the only one He's offered it to and half price. So please take advantage of that, that's it's going to change your life. Also, the book, the book is very inexpensive, you can get the Kindle version, or you get the regular book, just go to Amazon and do that. Now, Brian, let's wrap up the interview with this. You know, you personally have so many years of experience and so many stories and so many testimonials throughout the course of your career and doing this work for so many years. If there were today, three takeaways that my listening audience could leave this show with and say, Brian helped me with fill in the blank, what are the three things that you would advise or recommend that they start maybe practicing or think about practicing, that would have less stress now?

Dr. Brian Alman
Okay. Number one, the technique that we did together earlier, where you learned you can breathe your way through anything or relearn that and you are unconditionally accepting of you breathing, as it is not trying to fix change the solvent but accepting unconditionally as it is on your exhales. For Less stress Now, anytime, anyplace, and this will work every single time. One of the things I would love your viewers to learn, and you can do this now for a few breaths with me, say your own name to yourself, not allowed on your exhales. So let's just do five of these to your name to yourself on your exhales watch what happens.

Okay, so that's the

Dr. Brian Alman
first one, that we just bridged from the breath work that we did earlier together. I know everybody's much more relaxed now. And the good news is, that will always work. You know why? Because you work. And I just saved you about 30 years in your journey to get to that technique that took me a long time to find something that really is so simple, and always works, your name, you're saying it and unconditionally accepting way to nurturing. So that's very, very useful for you anytime, anyplace. And it's great for every age, and to my less stress for kids book. It's part of the ACE study, it's in 100 countries, it's everywhere. It's so simple, so direct. So enjoy that. The other thing I would love for your viewers to know, is your unconscious mind, which is what we're calling your inner wisdom, your spontaneity, the true authentic you, that part that we would love to have it become dominant, and your ego and your motions to become non dominant. Your unconscious mind is even smarter than you are. Right? Definitely. Thank goodness everybody's saying, right. So one of the points you made earlier, Greg, about how people aren't using that much of the capacity of their brain. I mean, the numbers have been thrown around like people use 12%. Some people have said 15% People say to me all the time, they know people that just use 1%, and they're actually worried about them. So just depends on how much your mind you think you're actually using. The important thing is that everybody is more capable than they realize. And nobody will ever achieve all of the capacity that they have inside the mind is amazing. I see it all the time what people accomplish; I never thought it would be possible. I was born missing part of my backache, chronic pain as a kid right into my 20s. I never thought I'd be free of the pain. I was in pain 95% of the time. Now I'm free of pain. More than 95% of time, I never thought that would happen in a million years. But fortunately, I met a wonderful teacher who was supposed to die of polio in his teens. I met him when he was 75. And he used the same techniques for pain control that he taught me. And the power of the mind. It actually worked in ways that I would never have believed if you told me or someone told me I couldn't believe it. So never underestimate the power of your mind. And your unconscious mind is even smarter than you are. You can breathe your way through anything. And now you have an exact technique that you can tailor and customize. And your viewers can know if they go to Dr. Ullman. Email me Dr. Amina Dr. Brian almond.com. I didn't go to the website, Dr. Brian almond.com. They can write me, I answer everybody, I will write back. And so people have access to ask the difficult questions and, you know, get real answers.

Greg Voisen
Well, I think like it's been very enlightening for the people. Number one, you've got three books, you got one for kids, you got stress. Now, you've actually told me remind me had 15 books. But if you go to Amazon, everybody, the newest series are these three books, you can also go to his website and see that but this main book for everybody listening most likely listening to my show is less stress now. Also, it's around this course, Brian, thank you for being on inside personal growth. I appreciate you as a person, as an author, as a physician, as somebody who's helping people transmute so many different conditions in their life and doing it through the power of you know, their unconscious and the power of breathwork. Meditation and all the techniques that you've provided like riding with your non dominant hand. I thought that was a pretty cool one as well. So thanks, Namaste to you. I appreciate your I look forward to having you back on inside personal growth. And we'll get this up for our listeners to take a gander at very quick. Thank you.

Dr. Brian Alman
Lots of love to you.

Greg Voisen

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