Podcast 838: An End to Upside Down Living – with Mark Gober

We are all living in remarkable times, with lots of uncertainty and fear.  If you are normal you are having many thoughts about “what’s next” and while these thoughts are not unusual– they seem to be more prevalent in our society today.

I have a returning guest for this podcast and he has been on the show before author Mark Gober.  His first book and podcast were about his book entitled “The End of Upside Down Thinking” and in this podcast, we are going to be speaking about his new book entitled “The End of Upside Down Living”.  

Mark asks his readers to ask a simple but huge question “What is the overall intention of your life?” What is the orientation that fundamentally drives all of your life’s values, priorities, and decisions; and ultimately, what you do in the world? While these are heavy questions to ponder they will change what Mark refers to as your compass or orientation in life.  What is the compass in our life that needs to be more finely tuned?  The purpose of this book is to explore, with precision, where we should set our life’s compass.  

Mark believes that the overarching belief in separation–rather than interconnectivity–is leading to misguided priorities and decisions across the globe. Virtually all of the world’s countless problems can be linked back to the misdirected compass.

If you want to read a book that will help you re-align your compass in a way that aligns with reality then you will want to listen to my interview with author Mark Gober, and you will want to get a copy of “The End of Upside Down Living“.

To learn more about Mark’s and his books please click here to be directed to his website. You can also check out his podcast “Where Is My Mind” by clicking that link as well.  I hope you enjoy this engaging and informative interview with author Mark Gober.

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