Podcast 831: Healing Beyond Pills and Potions – Core Principles for Helpers and Healers with Dr. Steve Bierman

We all are aware that our healthcare delivery system could use some significant improvement– to put it lightly.  The reality is that it is not only the delivery of services we receive but the way that healthcare workers and physicians practice medicine that needs to be reevaluated.

Our guest for this podcast is Dr. Steve Bierman the author of a new book entitled “Healing Beyond Pills and Potions-Core Principles for Helpers and Healers” It was his personal experiences that drove him to seek out alternatives to the Western medicine model.

” I knew something was wrong with Western medicine at the end of my Family Practice residency.  I hefted my patience Carol’s three-inch-thick chart, filled with notes on her serial ailments and treatments over the last three years, and wondered: “Is this it? Is this what I am going to be doing for the rest of my life-treating an endless stream of illnesses, and one after the next, after the next, all the way to the grave?

I am happy to say that Steve’s book is about the journey he took to find alternative ways of treating his patients.  He is someone who looked for non-surgical cures and uses hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming as simple but quite effective means to help patients deal with their many ailments.

His new book “Healing Beyond Pills and Potions” is a book for the healthcare givers as well as anyone wanting to learn how effective these techniques are in dealing with your own health issues, but most importantly how you treat patients psychologically which make a huge difference in the outcome and cure of their ailments and diseases.

If you want to learn more about Dr. Steve Bierman and his new book “Healing Beyond Pills and Potionsplease click here to access his website and to get a free excerpt for your review, as well if you order the book from Steve’s website he is offering a 20% discount.

Thanks for listening and enjoy this interview!

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